Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Jareth chuckles slightly and looks at Mason "You know... I could... Show her... What happened..." He grins as he looks at Mason. He then looks at Mel and picks up the back of chocolate, looking through it.

Kaden listens and nods slightly, then winces slightly "I never meant for her to get hurt like that... I don't even remember doing it... But she told me she wanted it... I just don't know what to say..."
“Lock the door,” Mason tells him mirroring his grin. “You two,” Melanie whispers. “You’re serious Mason?” He nods. Biting her bottom lip, she tells Jareth, “Lock the door.”

“It sounds like she wanted something from you, you gave it to her, and even though things got a little out of hand, she liked it. She must have. She’s still with you. You’re trying to so much right. What happened with her, her husband, and now last night too? You’ve got to ease up on yourself some. She has no problem with you. If she did, she would not be with you. Couples fight. It’s gonna happen, but at the end of the day, it’s your bed she’s in. That tells you all you need to know. As for her husband,” he laughs. “The guy has moved on. They are very much in love. So take it easy Kaden.”
Jareth grins, "As much as I'd like to actually show you... The nurses and doctors need to come in, along with Kaden at some point..." He stands and moves closer to her "Just relax... And don't fight me..." He slips an arm around her waist and brings his other up to her face, touching her temple "Now relax..." He looks at her and his eyes glow softly, then their night in the inn starts to play like a movie in her mind, he tightens his hold around her waist to keep her standing.

Kaden smiles at him slightly "Well... He has and hasn't... There is still something else he wants before he'll forgive me... I just wasn't ready to give it to him..." He sighs and drinks his coffee "So Doc... What's your deal..." Wanting a change of subject.
Her face flushes as he pulls her closer. It was a reaction that took her by surprise. The night begins to play in her mind, and she gasps watching the events unfold. Melanie can still Jareth looking at her, but the intensely erotic scene is more dominating in her mind. “Oh….wow,? she whispers.

“Ouch. Wanting to change the subject. I’m getting too close to something. I understand,” he laughs. “My deal? This is it,” he gestures around him to the hospital. “No time for anything so else. She’s my baby, my spouse, my all honestly. Taking another sip from his coffee he adds, “I even sleep here. I’ve got a house, but most of the time I sleep here.”
He pulls away slowly as he goes to sleep "See... Somebody's discovered a few talents... He's quite good at..." He whispers in her ear, he then helps her back to her chair before going back to his. "It's one of my bases for saying this was meant to happen..." He looks back to Mason with a slight look "Not this..." Gesturing to the room around them... "This..." He leans in and kisses him, his hand holding Mason's.

Kaden looks at him and tilts his head "Don't you get lonely... There has to be someone..." He glances around "I mean... You meet so many people... You can't say there isn't someone special..." He looks back.
Mason’s face warms with the kiss. “Keep that up, and I’ll have to break my word to the doctor. I can’t believe I have to stay here all night. I wish he would just let me go home. Trust me. I won’t be sleeping.” He raises his eyebrows suggestively at Jareth.

“True I do meet a lot of people, but I’m always working when I do. When I’m not working, I’m still working,” he laughs. “Paperwork and making sure my staff here has everything the need and want. It really is an all consuming job. I’ve made it that way. When you’re lonely, you fill in your time so you’re not lonely anymore. I’m not lonely anymore.”
Jareth chuckles again "Then I guess I'll have to stop for the both of us..." He smiles "Those broken ribs are serious love... One wrong move... And it won't be me taking your breath away..." He cups his cheek "But once you're healed..." He just smiles, leaving it off.

"Still sounds lonely Doc... What about Jareth and Mason, you seem to have taken a liking to them... Come on... Chocolates... And don't think I didn't notice how you touched Jareth when getting your badge back..." He takes a sip and sits back in his chair.
“You better believe once I’m healed it will be chocolate time.” He can’t keep the grin off his face. “I really am sorry about tonight. It was a stupid thing to do. I won’t ever put you through anything like this again. I promise.”

Nicholas looks down at his cup as his cheeks blush. “Well of course I had to touch him to get my badge back. I like them both well enough. They seem like nice guys who are happy in love. We should all be so lucky. They have each other. You have Melanie. Imagine the fun the four of you could have,” he grins before finishing off his coffee. “I’m sorry. I was out of line there. I don’t mean to imply anything could, or is, happening between all of you.”
Jareth chuckles and kisses his cheek "Relax... You won't get better if you don't relax... Now... I have to go and call the inn... So they don't think we ran out on the check... I'll be right back..." He kisses him and steps out into the hall, pulling out his cell.

Kaden smiles slightly, noticing his blush "It's alright Doc... You never know with some people right..." He had his own blush and was drinking his coffee slowly.
Melanie watches him until the door closes. “I’m glad you’re happy with him. Really.” Mason grins at her. “I’m sorry all of this happened Mason. We were not suppose to end up this way.” He shifts closer to her. “No, but things are better. You’re happier now. So am I.” She smiles warmly at him before caressing his face. “You wouldn’t leave with me if I asked you to, and I don’t want to leave Jareth, but I do still love you.” She sighs. “I love you too.” Slowly she leans in and presses her lips to his.

“No. You never know.” Nicholas grinned seeing the reaction from Kaden. “If you and Melanie need a place to stay, there are a few places around here. If you want, you could stay at my place. I’ll be here all night again. I could give you the keys and directions. A hot bath, warm bed, and food if you want it.”
Jareth sighs and hangs up, the inn understood after being told what happened, then being given his credit card number. He was about to go back inside when he hears them talking, he smiles and waits before entering and blinks, noticing them kissing. He smiles and move to take his seat, not minding in the least.

Kaden smiles and nods slightly "That sounds nice... Thank you, I'll talk with Mel and she what she says... Thank you again for all your help..."
When Melanie breaks the kiss and notices Jareth, she gasps. “Jareth! We were just….I mean I just…..that is he and I…..” Mason grins, barely giggling. “It’s okay Melanie. Do you think he’s going to get angry or jealous? He knows I love him,” he says turning to look at him. “He knows where my heart is.”

“No problem. I don’t hardly use the place anyway. I put the best of everything there, and I,” he looks into his coffee cup, “still don’t go back.” There’s a moment where the doctor has a sad look on his face. He smiles, quickly shedding it though. “So I’d be glad to let someone get some use out of it. Maybe I should just sell it, but then again I do lend it out from time to time. It comes in handy to be able to help. Melanie might enjoy the Jacuzzi." His eyes clearly sweep over Kaden's body before his smile widens.
Jareth smiles "Yes I do, which is why I know you enjoyed that... And I'm glad you enjoyed it..." He holds his hand and leans up to kiss his cheek "I called the inn... I have to go back in the morning to get the last of our stuff and pay the bill..." He smiles again and looks around "Kaden not back yet?"

Kaden was good at reading people, he had to be to do what he did for so long, then spending time with Jareth, he also knew the looks. He smiles kindly "I'm sure she will... She loves the hot water..." He had also seen the look of sadness on his face, as much as this man said her was happy being alone, it was eating him up inside, Kaden felt sorry for him. "Maybe when this is all over, we'll all come up for a visit... Stay at your place and get to know each other, I'm sure Mel and Mason would like that..." He smiles, maybe they could pay him back somehow.
“There is nothing wrong with me loving both of you. Melanie, I’ve known you since we were both in school. You showed me a lot, taught me a lot, and you were the first person I gave my heart to. Jareth you have opened my eyes, among other parts of me as well,” he smirks, “and shown me how wonderful it can be to give in to pleasures you once thought of as taboo. I love you both, and you both have my heart.” He holds their hands, one in each of his, and kisses them. “Maybe sometime we could all spend an evening together.”

“That would be fine. I’ll gladly hand over the keys to you, and I’ll even disable the security cameras so I can’t spy you guys here in my office.” There was a smile along with his wink, and of course the unmistakable blush still lingered on his face. Nicholas knew he would love to see them all showing their love to one another, but he would not invade their privacy if they trusted him enough to stay there.
Jareth smiles and squeezes his hand "I love you too..." He looks to Mel "Does that make you feel better now Melanie... I know that was weighing on you..." He chuckles slightly as what Mason said "I'm sure someday we can all get together..." He stands again "Mel you look beat... Why not lay down and have a nap... I'm sure Mason won't mind... I'll go see what's keeping Kaden..." He leans down and kiss Mason "Be back soon..." He smiles and leaves again, once in the hall he carefully sifts through the scents of the hospital to follow Kaden.. "And Nichols..?" He follows them to the cafeteria and looks around. "There..." He walks over to them slowly "Hello again doctor... So this is where our other party was... Has he behaved himself..?" Kaden smacks him "Knock it off..." But he smiles up at him "Mason doing better?" Jareth smiles back and takes a seat "Yeah... He's fine... A good ball, but fine..."
“Yes it does. I can see how much you two really do love each other Jareth. You make him happy, and that’s all I want for him.” She too laughs at what Mason says. “Yeah. I think we could all get together someday. I think it would be fun. “ Melanie yawns at the mention of looking beat. “Yeah Melanie. Crawl up here next to me. It’s not like we havne’t shared a bed before,” Mason tells her. He shifts his body over, not letting her see the pain it caused him. “Come on,” he tells her pulling the cover back. Only Jareth’s words and kiss could break his attention from her. “Alright. I’ll be here. I’m not going anywhere. They took my pants, and this gown lets my ass hang out in the back.” Melanie grins, nodding to Jareth as he leaves. She crawls up beside Mason, gently laying her arm across him. “Hi,” she whispers to him. “Hi,” he replies looking into her eyes. She can’t help it. Her lips press to his once more before her hea comes to rest on his shoulder. They both begin to fall asleep.

Nicholas turns hearing Jareth’s voice, and the color in his cheeks darkens. “Yeah. I imagined he would be a goof ball, but he’s a good guy. He just did a stupid thing tonight. He got lucky. I don’t think he’ll do it again. I’ve just been talking here with Kaden. I offered him my place for the night to him and Melanie. I imagine you’ll want to stay here. You can sleep in the same bed as Mason, but he can’t sleep. With his head injury, we need to keep him awake for a while still. If he falls asleep, we might have trouble waking up. I could get a bed brought in for you if you like.” The doctor was trying so hard to be proffessional as he was forced to keep his gaze moving between the two men. He was also working to keep his thoughts clean. So far, he was able to. It was a struggle though.
"Keep him... Shit... Mel laid down with him because she was tired..." He turns and runs back to the room. Kaden looks to Nichols "Maybe we should go to Doc..." Kaden stands and tosses his cup before moving to follow Jareth, if Mel was left the think she hurt Mason by falling asleep, she'd never forgive herself. He'd worry about the doc checking the two of them out later, when Mason was ok. Jareth made it back to the room and moves to him "Mason... Mason baby wake up..." He starts to shake him slightly, not wanting to hurt him.
Nicholas doesn't reply. He jumps to his feet and races after Jareth. As they enter the room, he watches Mason for signs of reactions. Melanie lifts her head, half asleep. "Wh-What are you doing? Let him sleep. He's tired," she says before laying her head back down. "Melanie!" She opens her eyes as she lifts her head. "He can't fall asleep." She looks at Mason who hasn't moved. "Mason! Baby wake up!" She slaps his cheeks. "He's a hard sleeper. Mason!" She leans up kissing his lips roughly as she snakes her hand down to crotch. " now," he mumbles against her lips. "Mason! Wake up!"
"Keep doing that..I'll be..up," he grins. "Open your eyes. Let me see them." He peers open slowly. "Bright lights." She sighs. "You can't fall asleep. Not yet."
"I was doing a good job of it." He looks over to see them all standing there. "Okay," he asks eyeing them. "I believe you. I can't fall asleep."
Jareth sighs and rests his forehead on his "I'm sorry... I forgot I was supposed to keep you awake..." He glances at Mel "You were tired... I shouldn't have left..." He gives her a soft smile then kisses Mason softly "Sorry baby..." He sighs and sits in his seat again, watching him, taking a deep breath.

Kaden stood back and watched it all happen, he could see how scared Mel got when Mason wouldn't wake up at first. Then she tries to entice him to wake up and it worked, he found he wasn't even upset, then he glances at the doctor as they finally get him awake.
"You're a lucky man. You've got three people here who care a lot about you." Melanie looks at Kaden. 'Three people? Well. At least he has two,' she thinks. "I can give you something to keep awake. Afraid it's just coffee though," he laughs holding Mason's chart down low. The calm doctor is doing his best to hide his growing excitement. "I'll just go get some brought to the room. I'll grab my key as well for you Kaden," he says slipping from the room with the chart low. "Keys," Melanie asks.
Jareth looks at the doctor, he could smell what he was clearly trying to hide, "I'll be right back... Keep him awake..." He smiles at them and moves to follow the good doctor.

Kaden looks at Mel "Yeah keys... He's letting us stay at his house until Mason is better... Then after he's better we can come back to use it, maybe get to know the doctor..." He checks to make sure he's gone "He tries to hide it... But he's lonely... He works himself to the ground... While we were talking in the cafe... He was checking me out, he's also been checking out Jareth and Mason... I'm not sure about you Mel..."
"Should I be offended then," she laughs. "No," Mason teases. "It just means the doctor has good taste." She gives him a look. "If you were not hurt, I'd smack you." He winks at her. "I know. I'm sure he's noticed you Melanie. It's hard not to." She slides from the bed. "I need to go find a restroom. You two play nice." Mason looks at her worried. 'Don't leave me alone with him.' All he does is nod at her.

"Luna," Nicholas whispers to a nearby nurse. "Get some coffee to this room here. I've got a patient not wanting to play by the rules. Can't allow that now can we?" She grins. "Yes Nicholas." He turns away from her to see Jareth. "Is everything alright? Do you need anything?" Nicholas is glad the nurse's desk is in front of him as he hasn't been able to push the thoughts from his mind and find relief.
Kaden watches Mel go and moves to sit next to Mason, looking at him "I'm sorry... About what happened before... When we were alone... After all I had done... I really didn't want to hurt you again... It's just... Hard... For someone like me... To act like that..." He sighs and looks off to the side, twisting his hands slightly.

Jareth smiles at him "Yeah, everything's fine... I was wondering if I could have a word with you alone..." He glances around, none of the nurses noticed they were talking, good.
Mason begins to laugh. Hard at first, but as the pain shoots through his chest, he clutches his sore body and only giggles. “I’m sorry. I know that..had to hard..for you. It’s ok. I know how..things work. Not into everybody. into me. into me. You don’t have to be. It’s ok.”

“Yeah. We can go to my office.” He turns away from the nurse’s desk and Jareth and heads down the hall. The entire time he’s trying to fill his mind with the most simple, common things to make his condition not a problem anymore. Unlocking the door, he enters and quickly takes a seat behind the desk. Gesturing towards the mini fridge and pantry cabinet in the corner he tells him, “help yourself to anything you like. What would you like to talk about?”
Kaden leans forward as he starts to wince "Be careful..." He sits back "That's just it... Mel doesn't know this... But I do remember a bit of what happened before she pushed me too far..." He looks at him "She yelled at me... Was pissed really... She thought I hurt you again on purpose... Then... She made me remember my time with Jareth... There were good and bad times... But I enjoyed it..." He sighs "I thought about it... And I'd like to spend some time with you... The two of us... After you're healed..." He looks to the side with a soft blush, then looks back "As long as it not completely one sided..."

Jareth follows the doctor and takes his seat shortly after Nicholas does, he props his elbows on his desk and rests his head in his hands. He declined a drink and looks at him "Tell me Nicholas... What do you know of demons..." He smiles softly
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