Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

“Yes,” she whispers to him as they’re entering the house. Mason hears them coming and stands up. He looks at Jareth first but quickly looks away. With Melanie he was able to be strong and commanding, but with Jareth he was ready to hand him control. He wanted Jareth to dominate him. “Okay. So we’re all here. What next? Anybody wanna go first? Who has something they want to say?”
Kaden walks up to Mason and looks at him "You and I both know sorry doesn't mean shit... And I know you want to punch me... Probably more... But I said you'd get that chance..." He opens his arms "If there's any chance at us... Working anything out..." He closes his eyes, Jareth watches and reaches out to hold Mel's hand when she tried to stop him "Wait..." He whispers.
Mason grinned looking at the man. As Kaden opened his arms, he drew a fist back in the air. Melanie looked to Jareth, pleading with him, but she kept her lips closed. In one swift movement Mason’s fist came flying towards Kaden’s face, stopping just before making contact. He leaned in and pressed his lips to his for a brief, soft kiss. Melanie was shocked. “How did you know?” As he breaks the kiss, he smiles waiting for Kaden to open his eyes.
Kaden felt the air hit his face and was expecting the blow, but what he actually got floored him, his eyes snap open and he stares at him. Jareth smiles softly and looks at Mel "He... Told me... And judging by the look on your face... He told you too..." Jareth glances at Mason and nods "I think they need to... Talk..." He takes Mel's hand and leads her from the room, leaving the two alone.

Kaden looks at Mason "So... Jareth was telling the truth... But what about Mel... Ever since I took her all you've tried to do is get her back..." He steps back and watches him "What is it you really want..."
In the next room, Melanie shakes her head. “I can’t believe it. Before Kaden took me, I never would have imagined Mason would be with another man, and yet here he’s already sex with you, and now he’s kissing Kaden. I would have preferred he hit him.” She cradled her head in her hands. “I was so worried about what everyone else would think. Looks like I’m the one who’s having the most trouble with this new him. Speaking of that,” she continued, dropping her hands to her side, “he fucked me. Yeah. You’re new boyfriend had sex with someone else, and now he’s in there kissing another man. What kind of relationship are you two going to have?” She crossed her arms surprised she was actually jealous.

“What do I want? I want the impossible.” Mason takes a step back from him. “I don’t want you to go back in time and make it so that you never took her. Believe that or not. You taking her has opened up so much for her and myself as well. You did both of us a favor. She met you, and I met Jareth. Tonight I got my chance to prove that I could arouse her and fuck her hard making her cum. So what do I want? What is this impossible thing I want?” He chuckles. “I want us all to be happy. I would love to see us all pick out a house, move in, and be one happy, fucking group of people. You marry her, I marry Jareth, but that’s only for society. You see to them we would all be two couples living in the same house. Behind closed doors, we could be whatever we wanted. The impossible, but since I can’t have that,” he closes the gap between them quickly, “I’ll settle for fucking you tonight. You’re man enough for Melanie. Are you man enough for me?”
Jareth takes a seat and looks at her "I know exactly what her did and is about to do... He told me what he wanted... And I wanted him to be happy... So I told him to go for it..." He crosses his arms and smirks at her "Are you going to stand there and try to tell me you didn't enjoy it... Because I can tell you right now I can smell what your feeling... And it's not regret..."

Kaden watches him "That doesn't seem as far fetched as you think... Us all living together..." He takes a step back from him and glares slightly "And what makes you think that will happen... Just because I was with Jareth... Doesn't mean a thing..."
“You can smell what I’m feeling? That’s an invasion of my privacy. Do you go around doing that to whomever you please? I’m not Kaden, and I’m certainly not Mason. Did I enjoy it? My husband placing me on the hood of our car….I mean his care…. and fucking me until we both exploded? You bet I did. It certainly wasn’t the man I married doing those things though. So that makes me wonder. What did you do to him?”

“Nope. It doesn’t. You were with Jareth. I’m not Jareth. Your cock is good enough for my wife, and make no mistake, she is still my wife.” Looking around the room, he shakes his head. “She was certainly my wife when I picked her up, she wrapped her legs around my waist, and I pinned her against the hood of the car. It was still warm against her back as I took her. I pounded her, hard, forcing her to cum all over my cock, but I didn’t stop until I filled her. Then you know what she asked me to do? She asked me to take her home. Our home. Yeah. Make no mistake she is still my wife, and I could take her from here right now if I wanted to. I could go in the next room, talk to her, touch her, make her wet between her legs again, and carry her out the front door. The only thing stopping me from doing is that is knowing how good your ass is gonna feel wrapped around my cock, but if you’re not game, then I guess I’ll just be going.”
Jareth gives her a slight glare "It's not something I can exactly control... I was born with a dogs nose... And as for what he did with you... I don't care, it's what he needed and made him happy... And what I did to him... Nothing, I just trusted him and loved him... Something I hear you're having a hard time with..."

"You think telling me what you and Mel did will phase me..." He thinks on what he says "So... Because I won't roll over and let you fuck me... You'd take Mel and leave... And what about Jareth..." He crosses his arms and watches her.
“How dare you,” she yells rushing over and pushing him, her hands landing on his chest. “I never had a problem trusting and loving Mason. He was too….uptight. He needed to relax and loosen up. Now that he has, he’s….different. Did you do that to him?”

“Jareth? What about Jareth,” he grins. “I’ll tell you what about Jareth. You see he wants me to be happy. He loves me. He knew what I was going to do with Melanie tonight. He knew I wanted to fuck you. Do you honestly think he will have a single problem if I tell him I’m taking back my wife, and I want the three of us to be together? You lose Kaden. You took her from me, but I’m going to take her back and your friend too!” He storms towards the door and grabs the doorknob. Before he can open it, he stops and turns around facing him. “I don’t want to do that. I love Jareth. He’s shown me what love can be like. All I wanted tonight was to work all of this out. I’ll file the divorce papers in the morning, and you won’t hear from me anymore. I can’t say the same for Jareth though. So you and Melanie….have a good night.” Turning away he reaches for the doorknob and turns it.
Jareth just shrugs "I only showed him the side he kept hidden from everyone... Including himself... And told him it's ok to be himself..." He reaches up and pulls her into his lap and holds her there "But as for what happens with us all tonight... That will depend on your new man..." He leans closer and sniff her neck "You know... They smell good mixed on you..." He chuckles softly.

Kaden walks up to his as he's about to open the door and turns him around "I'll tell you the same thing I told Jareth years ago... You wanna fuck me... You better earn it!" He pushes him against te door and kisses him roughly.
She slowly turns her head towards him. “You think….you’re gonna have me? I think not. I have standards, and you don’t make the cut Jareth. You gave Kaden back to me, and for that I will always be grateful, but why would I,” she stops taking a deep breath starring into his eyes. “What do you do to him to get him so aroused?”

“Earn it?” Mason isn’t smiling anymore. “I just met Jareth last night. It was the first time I’ve ever been with a man in my life, and I know nothing about you, but you’re standing here telling me I have to earn it? I wouldn’t know where to begin. I fucked Melanie because I know how to take care of a woman. Men? I’m still learning. So you know what? Forget it. I’ve got a man out there that will take care of me. Enjoy your woman.” He pushes Kaden back hard. “I didn’t hit you. So don’t make me do it now.”
Jareth chuckles again "I never said I wanted you Melanie... I don't normally go after those that don't want me..." He smiles at her "Well... He says he likes my eyes... I catch him looking at me, but if I stare at him... He melts... Kind of how you did tonight..." He glances back at the closed door "Doesn't sound like it's going in my baby's direction..." He frowns slightly.

"You seemed to be fine at the restaurant... Quite confident... Why don't we make a deal..." He steps closer again "You learn a bit more from Jareth... Then you try this again... I may not swing that way normally... But under the right... Conditions..." He steps back "Becasue just like Jareth... I want to see my loved one happy... And you made it clear tonight... She still has a thing for you... So what do you say... We could even try house hunting..." He smirks and holds out his hand.
She watches him as he looks at the door. “Mason is in there with Kaden. Of course it’s not going to go in his favor. Kaden isn’t you. He doesn’t love him, and Mason is new to all of this. I’m sorry….that things aren’t going the way he wants them to, but at least he has you and your beautiful eyes. He’s right,” she smiles at him. “You do have beautiful eyes.”

Mason looks at his hand and nods. He doesn’t take it. Instead he turns and grabs the doorknob opening the door wide. In a hurried pace, he walks past Jareth and Melanie. “Can we please go,” he asks as he passes.
"I don't know..." Then he looks down at her and smiles "Thank..." He looks back up as te door opens and Mason rushes out, he sets Mel aside and stands "Of course... Bye Mel... Kaden..." He glances at them before moving after Mason and taking his hand, once outside he stops him "Hey... What happened... I wasn't able to hear everything... Are you ok..." He reaches up and cups his cheek, making him look at him "Talk to me... Remember..." He looked worried.

Kaden steps out of the room and watches their quick exit, he moves to Mel and rubs his neck "He... Wasn't ready for what he wanted... I think I scared him..." He rubs his chest where Mason pushed him and sighs.
“I just wanna go. I don’t wanna talk about it. Can we just get in the car and drive? I don’t wanna go home. I’ll pay for a hotel room. I just wanna get away from here as fast as I can. Please Sir.” He’s fighting back his emotions. He pulls away from heading for the car. "I'm not running away from you. I'm running away from....this place. Opening the door, he climbs in and starts to car.

Melanie stands glaring at Kaden. “You didn’t scare him. I know Mason. That’s wasn’t fear on his face when he passed me. That was hurt. How could you Kaden? He wanted you. What did you expect him to be like? Jareth? He’s new to this. He doesn’t know how to seduce a man, and even when he learns, he won’t be like Jareth. So if you’re thinking he’s going to teach Mason how to be like him, you’re wrong. Jareth is Jareth, and Mason is Mason.” She shook her head at him before heading towards the bedroom.
Jareth sighs and follows him, he opens the driver's door "Fine, but I'm driving... You need to relax... And I know just where to go..." He helps him from the car and pulls him into a hug, then kisses him softly "I'm sorry it didn't work out love... There's always next time..." He kisses him again and gets in the car, "Come on and get in, it's not that far away..." He smiles at him and drives off after he gets in "And I want you to stop those thoughts right now... You will have another chance... I promise you..." He smiles at him and heads for the highway.

Kaden looks at Mel "I didn't know he was gonna pull that... He could certainly talk big... Taunted me with him taking you back... That all he'd have to do is look at you or touch you and you'd just leave... Then he springs that he wants to fuck me... Was I not supposed to be upset... I'm a natural dominant... It's not something I can turn off... I said he had to earn it... That's when he lost his balls... I'm sorry ok... I tried!" He turns and storms out the back door, going to sit in te garden.
“I don’t want another chance.” That was all Mason said as he starred out the window. He watched the cars passing the highway and was glad they were putting distance between the house and them.

She climbs on the bed and curls up into a ball. It shocked her that Kaden had reacted the way he had. The more she thought about it, the more upset she got. She started to think about going back to her old home. Maybe Mason took Jareth back there, and the three of them could try to have a good night. She already knew he was upset as well. Maybe they could all make each other feel better. She climbed from the bed and grabbed her keys by the front door.
"I know that's not true love... You just... Weren't ready... What did he say to you... Please... Talk to me..." He reaches over and holds his hand as he continues to drive with the other. He glances at the road signs and grins as he sees their exit, he turns off and starts to drive into the wooded mountains.

Kaden had paces back and fourth quite a bit in the back before moving to the front yard, he was looking up at the sky as a few starts twinkle. He looks back as he heard someone exit the house.
“He said….I had to earn it.” He shakes his head as he remembers the rest of their conversation. “It doesn’t matter what he said. I don’t want another chance. I just want to go. I don’t care where.”

Melanie unlocks the car and climbs inside. After she buckles her seatbelt, she starts the car. Pulling out of the driveway, she reaches for her cell phone trying to call Mason. “Pick up you stubborn man.” He can feel his phone vibrate in his pocket but ignores it.
Jareth looks at Mason "Earn it... But..." He looks back to the road "That's what he said to me... I know what happened... Oh baby I'm sorry..." He speeds the car up slightly, they were almost there and his love needed a talking to, once the inn came into view he smiles and soon parks the car, he turns to Mason. "This is my fault... You weren't ready for him alone... I should have seen that... It was nothin you did... The fact that he said that to you... He was accepting you..." Jareth sighs and takes his hand "You felt dominant around Mel... Your submissive around me... But Kaden... He's a natural dominant, he doesn't just roll over... I... I should have told you more, prepared you..." He looks at him "Your pain right now is my doing... Can you forgive me..." He holds his hand and watches him.

He watches as Mel exits the house and gets in the car, guessing she couldn't see him in the dark, he moves to stand in front of her head lights, his arms crossed and a sad look on his face. 'So... Mason won after all...' He looks down slightly and just stands there, he had no right to stop her, she wasn't his, he was losing her again.
As he listens to him, Mason doesn’t get angry with Jareth. “Yeah. I can forgive you. How could you have known it would go that way? Besides, trust me, it didn’t feel like he was accepting anything,” he says pulling his hand from Jareth’s and leaving the car. He closes the door and takes in the sight of the Inn. “What is this place?” Slowly he walks closer, reaching out and touching the flowers planted next to the building.

She gets to their old home. Walking around inside, she turns on all the lights and calls to them both. “Jareth! Mason! Hello?” After going through the entire house, she finds them not there. “Where could they go?” She runs her fingers through her hair frustrated. “Take care of him Jareth. Damn it! Where could they go?” She heads back into their bedroom, and as she gazes at the bed, an ironic realization hits her. ‘I was missing. Now he’s missing. I know how he felt all that time I was gone now. I know….how bad it hurt him when he found me having sex with Kaden. All the time he worried, only to find me like that.’ She closes her eyes. ‘I’m sorry Mason. You deserved so much better than me, and now you’ve got it. Jareth. Love my friend Jareth.’ She turns, almost leaving the house, when she sees all of her things still there. “He kept everything the same. He was waiting….for me to be found….so I could come back home.” Getting in her car, she quickly drives towards home.
Jareth quickly gets out and follows him "Trust me love... That was his way of saying yes... But that is a talk for another time..." He walks up behind him and hugs him, kissing his neck "It's a little slice of Japan... It's a hot spring hotel..." He hugs him close "And it's my treat..." He slowly leads him inside and to the front desk "Hello... Private spring room for two please..." He was smiling and holding Mason's hand, passing the girl his credit card when asked "Thank you..." He pulls Mason along as they are lead to their room, once alone he turns and kisses him.

Kaden had gone back into the house and looked around "I fucked up... Big time..." He move to the liquor cupboard and pulls out a bottle of vodka. "And no one to blame but me!" He chuckles slightly and moves to the bedroom, already drinking from the bottle.
As the kiss ends, he looks around the room. He’s never seen anything like it. Mason moves past Jareth. His hands brush a delicate flower resting in a vase. It smells so sweet to him, and the petals are so soft. “I know you want to talk about this, but….not tonight. I don’t want to talk. I want….to get drunk.”

Melanie opens the door and places her keys back where they were. She can see the liquor cupboard opened. She quickly looks through the house finding him in the bedroom. “So this is what you do next? Get drunk? Well,” she slowly steps into the room. “You like to dominate. Right? So do it Kaden. Dominate me. What do you want to do to me right now? You’re a man. You’re the dominate. So dominate already, or have you lost YOUR balls?” She tilts her head looking at him waiting.
"Mmm... You're wrong... I want very little talking to happen tonight... And if you truly want to get drunk my love... I'm going to introduce you to Japanese Sake... While soaking in our own private hot spring..." He steps back and starts to undress, leaving his clothes in a neat pile by the door "Come on lover..." Once nude, he pushes open the back doors of their room to reveal a small rock pool just big enough for about 4 people, completely enclosed by tall bamboo fences. He steps over to the pool and slowly enters, sighing in relief at the warm water. "I'm gonna start without you baby boy..." He pulls the small bamboo try that was floating in the water closer and pours himself a cup.

Kaden slowly sits up as she starts to yell and takes another drink, then sets the bottle on the table "And why the hell shouldn't I get drunk... I had nothing else to do..." He glares at her as she continues to speak "What... What do I want to do to you right now... You'll be sorry you asked..." He stands quick and runs to her, grabbing her and tossing her into the bed "You asked for it..." He glares at her and starts to rip her clothes off, actually tearing a few, then working his own pants open and off, he doesn't give her time to react, he just spreads her legs and thrusts into her "That little fucker thinks her can take you away... I'll show you what I can do... He didn't even have the ball to fuck me..." He laughs and pins her hands above her head, thrusting into her hard and deep.
He peers into the room when Jareth opens the doors. There was such of feeling of relaxation there. It beckoned to him. He pulls on his clothes, tugging them free of his body. Unlike Jareth, he tosses them to the corner of the room. He steps lightly into the room and wades into the water slowly. The warmth is soothing. “Japanese Sake?” He nods. “Pour me a cup.” He rests close to him, but not close enough to touch. As Jareth pours, he glances over to him. There is no color in his face. ‘Just….hold me.’ The words are just a whisper in his mind as the warmth of the bath surrounds him. “Jareth.” His voice is low.

He approaches her before she can even blink. “Kaden,” she yelps as he tosses her to the bed. Her hands try to shield her body as he paws at her clothes like a wild animal. When she feels his actions stop, she lowers her hands, seeing him pull at his own pants. There was no time for words. She had no time to move. He spears into her. Melanie arches her back, her mouth and eyes wide open. “No,” she screams, feeling him pin her hands down. “So this is YOU dominating huh? Is this all you got? Huh? Show me you’ve got the balls you say Mason doesn’t have! He is new to all this! What’s your excuse? Huh? No heart? No balls? Come on you big, bad dominant! Do it!” Her eyes are hard as she pushes him. “Come on Kaden. I’m not Mason. Don’t be afraid to be with me. Is that it? You were afraid to be with….with….MY HUSBAND?”
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