Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Mason was lost in the kiss. Jareth’s touch was everything he wanted right now. He broke the kiss smiling into the face of this wonderful man. “Wow. You’ve lived such an exciting life. Now you’re content to settle for the average guy next door,” he laughs. “I can’t promise that I can be as thrilling as your life has been this far, or that I won’t try to kill Kaden, but I can promise that I’ll always be here for you. Wait. Did you say punish me for running away?” He turns hearing his neighbor in their backyard. “Hi Ms. Peterson. This is Jareth. He’s my new lover.” The old woman shook her head and headed towards her door. “What happened to Melanie?”
“Oh she’s fine. She’s sleeping with someone else.” She opened her door and paused. “Are you both happier now?”
“Yeah. We’re both really happy.”
“Then good for you.” She disappeared inside her home. “Yeah. Good for me. About that punishment thing, what are you talking about?”
Jareth grins, watching the display and smiles when he says he's happy "You're perfect just the way you are..." He smirks and leans closer, nipping his nose "You ran away... After telling me you wouldn't..." He kisses him slightly "You scared your alpha... And should be punished..." He discreetly rubs between Mason's thighs "And I know just the punishment... My love..." He kisses him roughly and pulls his hand away as he feels him start to stiffen, he growls softly and dominates the kiss, only pulling back when he whimpers softly "This won't be a show for your neighbours... Show me your room..." He voice was deep and demanding, but still loving, playful, "I hope your bed is soft..." He grins as they stand, Jareth's eyes flashing red a moment, knowing how much Mason enjoys it.
“I didn’t mean to scare you Jareth. I was scared myself. I still am, but I’m not running.” As he touched him, Mason couldn’t even begin to imagine what kind of punishment he had in mind for him. His marriage to Mel had been vanilla. There was never any punishments of any kind. Still, he liked his touch, and he felt his cock begin to come to life again. He groaned as he withdrew his hand, but then there was a feeling of excitement as he asked to see his room. “Yes Sir. I’ll show you.” He stood up and led the man in the house. It wasn’t far from the backdoor where the bedroom he and Mel shared was. All of her things were still in the room. He hadn’t changed a single thing. “I kept it this way for her, for when she would be found and come home. Kind of silly now,” he says picking up his suitcase he had been packing when Jareth found him. He placed in on the floor and turned to face him. “Alright. You’re in control. Like always. So what would you have me do lover?”
Jareth follows him and glances around the room "It wasn't silly..." He comments, then steps close "Strip... Slowly... And look at the ground until I say..." Jareth growls softly again and moves away, taking the suitcase far from the bed, across the room, he then moves the pillows on the bed to the centre at the top. "Good boy... Now lay on the bed, on your stomach... Hands above your head... Good... Now pick a number between 1 and 5..." He stands and waits, watching him.
Mason slowly removes his clothes, as commanded. Though he looks at the floor, he can't wipe the smile off his face. He can feel Jareth in the room. This is all new to him. There's an excitement to it. 'Maybe if I had been more open, tried things like this, she wouldn't have been so willing to go to him. No matter. It all worked out.' He quickly brushed thoughts of Mel out of his mind. He didn't want to think about her. Only Jareth. When he was naked, he further complied with Jareth's orders by climbing on the bed face down. "A number," he question nearly laughing. "Okay. Um. 2. No 3. No. 5. What is this number all about? If I knew that, I'd know how high to go," he teased. "Okay. 5. I'm going with 5."
Jareth smirks "It's the number of times I'm going to spank you..." He removes his own clothes and gets into the bed, kneeling beside him "Normally I'd double the number... But it's your first time..." He reaches out and runs his fingers over his legs and ass "I don't spank to harm... I do it to teach, to remind you..." He leans up and kisses his cheek "Just relax and do as told... Ok love..." After a nod he moves back to sitting next to him, he rubs his ass softly then smacks once, just hard enough to lightly sting, but rubs after it to soothe it. "I want you to count them..." He rubs gently until he hears the number, then smacks again, repeating the process until he reaches 5, he leans down and softly kisses the red skin, he opens a small jar he had in his pocket and rubs the cool soothing cream onto his skin "I didn't hurt you... Did I baby?" The cream would slowly take the sting away.
“What?” The word was flat whispered from Mason’s lips. He tensed feeling Jareth’s touch. It was soft, but Mason knew what was to come. Mason nods. It was the only answer he could give him. Waiting, he anticipates what this will feel like. Gasping as his hand connects for the first time, he grips the bed. The sting was instant, and it didn’t fade. His skin tingles as Jareth rubs the spot he had just struck. Again Mason nods. “One.” His voice is shaky. Again the incredible sting was felt. He closed his eyes. “T-Two.” He swallows hard. The pain would soon come again. With the next smack, his skin begins to burn. “Three,” he yells out feeling tears prick the corners of his eyes. ‘Two more. I can’t take two more,’ he thinks. Again the agony radiates through as his skin warms hotter still. “Four!” His eyes are still clenched shut tight, and now a single tear escapes down his cheek. He knows there is only one more, and when it connects, he breathes a sigh of relief. “Five!” His hand let go of the sheets, and he rests his face in the bed. His head rises and he writhes as Jareth kisses his aching skin. With his mouth still hung, he remains frozen as the cream touches him. “N-No. You didn’t hurt me. A spanking is suppose to be something….you remember. I’ll always..remember..this. I won’ away..again Sir. I promise. I’ve learned my lesson.”
Jareth could smell his tears and was concerned that he was lying about not being hurt, he waits until the cream is fully rubbed into his skin and dry, the he moves to lay next to him, knowing he can't roll over just yet. "Baby..." He cups his cheek and wipes his tear away and frowns slightly "Don't lie to make me feel better... If I hurt you... Tell me... Please..." He leans closer and kisses him, softly, deeply and pulls back "That cream should help numb it... but if I was too hard... Tell me, I don't want to hurt you, ever..." He takes his hand and holds it, kissing it as he watches him.
“No. You didn’t hurt me. Well, you did,” he smiles, “but that’s not entirely what this is all about. Nobody has spanked me. I was shocked, hurt, but only a little, and turned on. I’m rock hard right now,” he blushes. “This is the kind of thing Mel wanted, and I told her she was crazy. If I had only known, or given in, who knows where all of us would be right now. It wasn’t her I was meant to try this with. It wasn’t me she was meant to try this with. Melanie and Mason had their time, and they were good together. M’Lady and baby? They don’t belong together. They are exactly where they need to be. Right here, on this bed, next to you. That’s exactly where I need, and want, to be. As for this hurting, I'm actually wondering what rules I can break to get spanked again."
Jareth looks at him, then smirks "Oh really..." The rest of what he'd said was stored for their after talk, he didn't want to take away from their moment, he kisses him, then gently rolls him over into his back and kneels over his legs, getting a good look at him. "Well... You weren't lying..." He grins "And this just helps me with the rest of your punishment... Oh, you thought the spanking was it... Oh no..." He chuckles softly and reaches for his pants, he pulls a tube of lube from his pocket "Always be ready my love..." He smiles down at him "Now... All I want to hear from you... Is Yes Sir or No Sir... Unless I say otherwise... Understood?" As he spoke he was lubing up his hand, rubbing them together to warm the gel, he then reaches out and starts to slowly stroke his shaft with one hand, the other gently holding his sac. He grips him gently and strokes his hand up and down him very slowly, rubbing his thumb over his exposed head with each downward stroke, Jareth relaxes against his legs and continues his sweet torture, watching him.
The cream had numbed his skin, and he was glad for that as Jareth turned him over. A look of surprise comes over Mason’s face. ‘That wasn’t it?’ He watches him get the lube from his pants and grins. ‘How could sex with you be a punishment?’ “Yes Sir.” He lifts from the bed as the warmth of his hands and gel touches his shaft. Wanting to say so much, he has to catch himself. Mason begins to squirm on the bed wanting to cum, and at the same time, he didn’t. He wanted to enjoy this, for it to last longer, but the relief of his orgasm would be great. His hands grab the sheets once more, and his head turns from side to side.
Jareth chuckles and keeps up his actions "Ah... But its not having sex that is the punishment my love... It's the NOT having it that is..." He grins at his shocked face, "No... You didn't say it out loud..." He holds his thumb over his head and strokes him a bit faster for a few moments, then returns to his slow speed, his thumb never leaving his tip. 'You forget my powers my love...' He spoke softly in his mind "When relaxed and alone with someone close... I can read strong thoughts..." He uses his other hand to massage his sac and teases a finger over his entrance, his thumb held firmly over his head as he continues his slow strokes, his baby boy wasn't cumming until he wanted him to. "You're in my hands now love..." He grins.
His gasps were not only pleasure now, but frustration as well. ‘You my thoughts? No fair,’ he grins. What if I think something..dirty about you? You’ll deepest thoughts. That can be..dangerous. Hot.’ He lifts his head from the bed, arching his back, as he feels his teasing finger. ‘I wanna cum..I..I..need to. I have to. Fuck!’ He sinks back to the bed, not feeling any relief, only to lift from it again. “Let me cum. Please. I’m in your hands. Yes. Let me cum.’ Mason didn’t care that he could read his thoughts. He meant all of it. “Yes Sir!”
Jareth smirks at him "Think it all you want my love... It won't make me end this punishment any faster..." He releases his sac to help stroke his shaft as his other hand holds his head, preventing him from having his release. "You had me so worried... When you just left... Then angry when I thought you'd believe what Mel said..." He strokes him faster, using his own weight to keep his hips from moving, he knew he'd be at his breaking point soon "Then finally finding you..." He smiles "I was so happy to see you, and hear what you had to say... Even if you thought I was only a dog..." He could see he was close to pain he felt so good, he smiles when he starts to gasp "Promise me... You'll talk things out with me... You'll trust me..." He stops his actions, but not letting him go just yet.
The feeling was almost unbearable. His orgasm was building, stronger and stronger, and yet he couldn’t find his release. His body was restricted. With Jareth on him, he couldn’t even move his hips. Sweat formed on his forehead. Every muscle tensed, and without cumming, they remained so. His body was tight, contorting in pleasure and pain. “Yes Sir,” he hisses through clenched teeth. “I promise..I’ll talk..things” Mason pressed his entire form into the bed. His open mouth groaned out loudly. He could feel his legs trembling beneath Jareth. “I promise..Sir.”
He smiles "Good boy... And I promise the same..." He starts to stroke him quickly again, then removes his hand from his tip, instead moving it to massage his sac again, even rubbing a finger over his opening again "Now cum for me Baby Boy..." He watches him, leaning back slightly so he wouldn't get hit in the face, already knowing this was going to be big for him. "Just breathe baby... let it happen..." Just as he hits his peak, Jareth gently pushes a finger into him, pumping it slowly with each spasm of his body.
Those sweet words from Jareth pushed him even further. Mason could feel his climax coming, building throughout his entire body. His breaths were fast and ragged. “Yes….Sir.” Knowing that it was okay to cum, that Jareth wanted him to, only made his body hotter. He groaned out loudly as the first of his orgasm exploded from the tip. His mouth hung open, and as he felt Jareth enter him, Mason lifted his head from the bed. He didn’t look at his own body. Instead he looked at Jareth. ‘Thank you Sir!’ Not able to speak as tremors of pleasure took him, his thoughts were the only way he could convey what he wanted to to Jareth.
Jareth smiles 'My pleasure is yours...' He continues until he collapses back against the bed, totally spent, ignoring the mess he'd made and smirking slightly at the amount he'd pushed from him, he lays next to him. "There... Punishment complete... And not two hours later... And you need another bath..." Jareth chuckles and moves to get off the bed "You stay there... I'll be right back..." Not that he though Mason could stand after that, he goes into the bathroom and lets the sink run for a few minutes, getting nice and warm, he then wets a few facecloths and gets a towel. "Alright..." He turns the tap off and returns, then starts to slowly clean him off, even leaning down a few times to use his own tongue, smirking at him when he does so.
Mason watches him. “You know I could use to this. I’m the one who should be taking care of you like this. I’m not complaining. By no means am I complaining.” He reaches down running his fingers through Jareth’s hair as he feels his tongue touch him. “You are too good to me.” The warm water feels good as it cleans him. The memories of Mel and the love they shared in that room fade more and more. “I meant what I said. I won’t run again. All of this scares me, but I don’t want to run away.” He leans up as Jareth finishes to face him. “You saved me last night, not just from killing them. You saved me because I thought I had no place to go. I thought these types of feelings didn’t exist anymore, and you showed me they do. You showed me how strong they could be and all the wonderful things that come with them. I’ll never leave you Jareth. You are my lover. You are my Sir,” he smiles.
Jareth listens and smiles as he continues to clean and dry him, then sets everything on the floor and moves back to lay with him, rolling him on his side so they were facing each other. "After a punishment... It's my job to make sure you know I still love you... I'm not too good, we're just right..." He kisses him softly and pulls him closer to hold, softly rubbing his back. "Then tomorrow... We go talk with Mel and Kaden... And whatever their reaction... I'm staying with you..." He holds up his hand, the ring still on his finger "My loyalties lie with you now... For as long as you'll have me..."
"No," he shakes his head. "Not tomorrow. Let's invite them to dinner. I know the places Mel likes, and you know what Kaden is like. Let's pick a place that neither of them has been to before. We'll make it our place. I mean our as in the four of us. We can sit down there We'll see how things go from there." He looked into eyes hoping he would agree, and grabbed his hand with the ring on it. "This isn't permanent. I will buy you one that is just for you. Does that tell you long I want you around?"
Jareth chuckles softly at his enthusiasm and nods "As long as you're ok with it... So am I..." He kisses him "And don't think your finger is going to stay bare... I already have yours in mind..." He shifts closer and twists their legs together, allowing their cocks to rest against each other. "Much better... Now I know you're tired... And I just want to hold you... So let's rest before we give them a call... Alright..." He cups his cheek and kisses him, pulling the covers over them as he relaxes.
"You're saying everything I want to hear. I almost want to pinch myself to make sure you're not a dream." He pauses, reveling in the feel of his cock against his. "Yeah. A rest does sound inviting right now. Especially if you're here with me. I know you've got to be tired too. You searched for me." Leaning in he kisses his lips softly. "I don't want to close my eyes, because I don't see you, but I'm so," he yawns, "tired." With a grin, he gives in, letting his eyes rest, and falls asleep.
Jareth smiles "I'll be right here when you wake up..." He pulls him closer and rubs his back until he too falls asleep.
On the way to the restaurant, Mason didn’t really talk much. He was nervous about being so close to Mel and Kaden again. So much had changed so fast. He couldn’t just stop loving her, but at the same time, he couldn’t, and wouldn’t, deny his feelings for Jareth. They pulled up the valet took the keys. When they were asked what name the reservations were made under, Mason smiled. “Cheaters.” He looked over at Jareth. “Hope you’ve got a sense of humor.”
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