Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

“Yes..M’Lord..always,” Melanie can barely breathe. Feeling weightless, she begins to focus on his member sliding in and out of her. “Cum..with me..M’Lord.” Starring into his eyes she adds, “Let’”

Mason nods watching his naked body leave into the bathroom. ‘Melanie is going to look at me strangely now. She’ll know what I did last night. How can I look at her with her knowing?’ He climbs from the bed and removes the sheets. Inhaling deeply, he takes in the scent of their love making. He can’t wipe the smile from his face. Having heard the water running, He slowly pushes the door open and peeks inside at Jareth.
Kaden holds her close and moans, staring at her, he smirks and thrusts deeper "Nnn... Let's..." He grips her hair and kisses her roughly as he continues to fuck her, soon thrusting deep and stilling a moment as he cums. "Mmm..." He moans into the kiss and thrusts a bit more to finish off.

Jareth was sitting by the tub as it filled, he was slowly adding scented oils and some bubble bath, nothing too strong, just light scents. He glances over his shoulder, "Hey... Sheets ready for the wash?" He smiles softly before turning back to the tub to check the water level.
She groans into his kiss as he takes her. Kaden was so strong, so passionate. She cums hard with hims, and yet there was something that seemed different as he filled her. She grinned. “Maybe..we”

“Yeah,” he tells him. “Sheets are off the bed and ready for the wash.” Mason steps inside the bathroom watching Jareth. “Tell me about your past. Please. I wanna know. What’s your relationship with….him like? I don’t know his name. Mel only called him ‘M’Lord.’ She never told me his name. She woudn’t.”
Kaden smiles and kisses her again "Only time will tell my sweet... But maybe..." He holds her, still trying to calm down, slowly letting her stand after a few minutes.

Jareth glances at him, then turns the tub off and stands "Well... Several years ago... I met him at a bar..." He gets into the tub, not wanting the water to cool, "He was looking for a woman to pick up... He was cute when he was younger, he was talking to this clearly waisted 21 year old lightweight... So I stepped in, I couldn't let him take her, it'd be no fun for the both of them..." He looks at Mason waiting for him to enter the bath "Gonna join me?..."
Melanie’s feet softly touch down on the ground, and she leans against him. “As much as we have been having sex, and I haven’t gotten pregnant yet? Why is that? Have you been giving me….birth control too?”

Mason nods, and crosses the bathroom to the bath. Stepping in, he slowly sinks down in the warm water. Leaning his back against him continues. “So you stopped him from taking home a woman and went home with him? How long did that last?”
He hugs her close and kisses her softly "At first I was... I didn't want kids... But you've been off them for at least a month now... They just might still be lingering..." He helps to fix their clothes, then slowly leads them from the trees.

Jareth smiles and starts to run the soap over him slowly "Only a few days... We had a few drinks that night at the bar and went home... He was quite dominating... But so was I... We had fun... But we weren't each other's types..." He continues to slowly wash him.
“Well then,” she begins as they leave the trees. “We may just have to try several times then to have our baby. It may be many days, and nights of course, of having sex. I’m up for it.”

"So," he begins sounding shy, "what is your type?"
Kaden chuckles and kisses her cheek "Whatever it takes I guess... To make M'Lady happy..." He walks them over to the duck pond again and sits on the bench near the water, pulling her into his lap. He wanted to relax and hold her for a few minutes before they went home.

Jareth smiles and pulls him a bit closer, licking and nipping along te back of his neck softly "I like to be the one in charge... So I like the more submissive..." He moves his hand up his chest to brush over his nipple "The shy..." He enjoys his reactions, Jareth licks his ear and nibbles the lobe "Virgins are always fun too..." He slowly trails a hand down to run his fingers along his cock slowly under the water "I like those that enjoy being touched... That don't fight..." He softly starts to stroke him, his thumb softly rubbing his head. "Does that sound like anyone you know... Baby..." He whispers, then set the soap on the tub side, wanting to enjoy Mason's reactions.
She watches the calm, serene pond with the ducks. The mother duck she had fed before was there with her little ones still. Melanie couldn’t help but smile.

Mason shudders at his touch. “R-Really? Okay.” As Jareth continues, he leans into every touch he gives him. “I be touched. I won’t..fight you.” When Jareth begins to work his cock, Mason slowly, softly closes his eyes. “Yes Sir,” he whispers. “It does.” He grips the side of the bath, licking his lips. “I..don’t..I..need.” His words were jumbled, and his breathing ragged.
"You need..." He whispers, kissing his neck again and rubbing a bit faster, he smiles softly, loving the way he just gives in, letting the pleasure guide him. "Tell me what you need..." He whispers, then rubs his tip a bit harder and leans back, letting him relax as he enjoys his touch. "Say it baby..." With him not fighting it, he could already feel him getting close, he continues to whisper softly to him, encouraging him.
Every muscle in his body begins to tense. He knows he's going to cum soon. Jareth's touch is more exquisite than anything he's ever felt before. Every time his hands touch him, it feels as if it's for the first time. "I I need you. I need your touch. I need..your body. I need you..with me. I want you..with me. Please..Sir. Say you'll. stay..with me."
He turns Mason's head and kisses him "As long as you'll have me..." He smiles and let's him relax again, his hand slows a bit to allow him more time to enjoy it "You just enjoy this baby boy..." He laces his free hand with Mason's, holding it gently as the man grew closer to his climax.
"As long as I'll have you?" He grins. "I want you..I want you.." He leans towards him kissing him, his tongue dancing with Jareth's. He only breaks the kiss to gasp and moan as he cums hard. He doesn't look away from his eyes. All the passion, the heat, from his orgasm showing to Jareth.
Jareth growls softly as he watches him, his eyes showing a nice passion "With you around... I'll never stay clean for long..." He smirks and turns him around so they are facing each other, he makes him straddle him "But I don't think I'll mind too much..." He growls again and pulls him into a deep kiss, twisting their tongues together.
Mason holds him tight, returning the kiss. "You," kiss, "are amazing." He barely has time to catch his breath in between kisses. He was glad Kaden and Mel were gone. This gave them this time together, alone. "So what do we tell them," he asked with a laugh.
Jareth smiles "The truth... I think there has been too many lies lately..." He kisses him softly "And I know for a fact... Melanie just wants you happy... As I do" he cups his cheek and looks at him "As for Kaden... I can't say... But I know he feels bad for how this all came about..." He reaches between them and grips the both of them softly "But without him... I wouldn't have you right now..." He breathes a bit deeper as he starts to strike the both of them "Are you happy Mason... Do I make you happy..." He rests their foreheads together and smiles at him, stroking them slowly.

Kaden kisses her cheek and smiles "Ready to head back my love?"
He knows what Jareth is saying is the truth. There has been far too many lies around all of them. It’s time for the truth. “The truth huh,” he says, feeling his grip on his member. “The truth is….I do want you. I want you..with me. I know I’ve let you know that already, but I can’t stop saying it. I am happy. You make me happy.”

“Yeah. I’m ready. We can check in on those two and make sure things are okay.”
He smiles "I'm glad..." His free hand has him closer while the other strokes them, he teases their heads and moans softly, soon Jareth is kissing him as they climb closer, the water splashing slightly as he starts to buck slowly. "Mmm..." His moans are muffled as he deepens the kiss.

Kaden smiles "I'm sure they're having plenty of fun... " They stand and head back to the house "I noticed Jareth cooking pancakes... Were those yours by chance?"
“Of course they were mine,” she grins lacing her fingers with his. “No other pancakes smell as good as mine do.”

Mason breaks the kiss, moving his body with Jareth’s. “I’ve my life. I’m gonna..cum..again..with you.” Though he was already breathless, he kisses Jareth as he explodes in the warm water. He wasn’t sure if Jareth was cumming with him. Mason was too lost in his own orgasm.
"Nnnn...." Jareth groans into the kiss as he soon follows Mason, he holds him close and moves to licking along his neck softly, and leaving little love bites. "You said... This is the most you've ever cum... Were you and Mel not very active?" He pulls back to look at him, curiosity in his eyes.

Kaden smiles "You'll have to make me some when we get back... I've worked up an appetite..." They leave the wooded path and are walking down their street.
She can see the house looming in the distance. "Sure. I'd love to. I want you well fed for any other activities that may come along later."

"Well," he clears his throat. "She and I were active, but I don't know. I guess, in some way, I felt restricted, held back, because I never fully let go with her. I was so busy always being in control, living up to the image that I knew everybody else had for me. I was so worried about what everybody else thought. I tried to force a normal, vanilla marriage on both of us so that we looked like the average, married couple." He shakes his head. "Everything was so structured, so scheduled. Days of the week we had sex, right down to positions, it was all planned out ahead of time. It was....average. You," he grins. "are anything but average."
Jareth grins back "That sounds so boring... And nothing like the baby boy I've been playing with..." He holds him close and kisses him softly "I hope you're enjoying the randomness of our explorations... Because I think I like catching you off guard... Watching that look of pleasure just appearing on your face..." He kisses him again "I'd like to keep you for a long while yet..." As he holds him, he starts to actually wash them off, kissing now and then. "Maybe we'll even toss in a third now and then... If that would please you..." He smirks.

Kaden walks them up to the house, then lifts her bridal style and carries her inside, closing the door "Hello?" He listens a few moments "They must be in the tub... I hear water splashing..." He carries her into the kitchen and sits her on the counter "When should we talk to him... But I don't think we should mention us trying for a baby yet... That maybe to much for him..." He kisses her softly.
“Mason is fragile,” she tells him. “I also don’t want Jareth hurting him. I mean if he’s just going to have fun with him for a few days and then kick him out, I’d rather Jareth be up front about it now. I may not want to be married to Mason, but I don’t want to see him hurt anymore either.”

“A third? I don’t think they could keep up with you,” he teases. “I wouldn’t meeting some of your friends though. Anyone that you spend your time with sounds interesting to me.” Mason jumps when he hears Kaden. “They’re back. Shouldn’t we get out and get dressed?”
"Jareth isn't the type to hurt anyone... He was hurt too much himself... He hasn't really been with anyone in a long time..." He chuckles slightly "He is always hinting we should try again... But he also knows it won't happen..." He moves to kiss her cheek "I'm sure Mason is in good hands..." He smiles.

Jareth just holds him close "What's the rush... We still have to shower off... It's not like they don't know what we're doing..." He kisses him then pulls the plug, then helps him stand and starts the shower "Stop fretting over what others think and focus on yourself..." He pulls him under the hot water and helps him rinse off, once they were done, he turns the water off and steps out "Are you ready to face them... We can stay up here if you're not..." He hands him a towel and starts to dry off, moving to brush out his long hair and braid it.
“It’s not the guy’s hands I worry about,” she teases. “If he’s anything like you, then he’s had more than his hands on Mason, and Mason is beyond vanilla.”

The water rinses him off, and when Jareth turns it off, he watches him leave the shower. “I can’t help but worry about what other people are going to say. Are you going to be alright with being seen in public with me? What about what people will say? The stares? What about what my own wife is going to think? Your friend, and I do mean YOUR friend. What about him?” The look of distain on his face as he mentioned Kaden was clear. Mason’s true feelings of hating the man were shinning through.
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