Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Jareth sighs and hangs his head "This 'gift' is always getting me in trouble..." Jareth stands to finish the pancakes, he was just removing a batch from the pan when someone entered the room. "She's not here... She got upset when she learned why I was really coming here..." He turns to face Kaden "And I told her Mason asked to stay with me... She's hurt and confused, just like Mason is..." He crosses his arms and glares slightly at him "You've really made a mess this time... She went for a walk, says you'll know where to find her..." Jareth turns back to finish the pancakes. Kaden blinks at what Jareth said and sighs "Yeah... It's just... Something was different about this one... I'm... Gonna go talk with her..." Kaden puts on his shoes and leaves the house.
She takes the familiar walk to the park remembering the last time she went there with Kaden. How they had feed the ducks and he had taken some pictures of her. How they even had sex there. She shakes her head as she sits on a bench. "Was that always part of your plan? For us to fuck everywhere we went?" She asked the question as if he were there with her and could answer. "Should I have let Jareth's influence remain on you and just stayed with Mason? That way neither of you would be hurt. You would be happy and hanging out with your friend. Mason would be happy. Jareth would even be happy. Did I make a mistake? Was I only being selfish?"
Kaden moves up behind her as she finishes talking "No... If anyone was selfish... It was me..." He slowly moves around the bench to look at her, then at the ground "I'm sorry... You have every right to be mad..." He kneels a few feet in front of her and looks a her again, he smiles slightly "You're different... From any girl I've ever met... And... You changed me... Which is why I'm willing to... Let you go again... I want you to ask me anything, about how I got you and held you... And if you want to leave after... I'll understand..."

Back at the house Jareth puts together a plate of pancakes and takes it back to the spare room, he moves to the bed and sits. "Mason... Baby I've got breakfast..." He smiles softly and runs his fingers through his hair slowly, then down his back and side.
She jumps, his voice startling her. As he speaks and moves, she watches him. “How did you..keep me? I would have wanted to go home to Mason. So how did you get me to stay? What did you do?”

Mason stirs, feeling his touch, smelling the food. “Mmmmm baby. That smells good.” His eyes are still closed as he is still not fully awake. “Love you.”
"I... I drugged you... And touched you... Brought you pleasure until you begged for more... I kept you in that room until you wanted to stay with me..." He looks down and makes a fist in his lap "I'd... I'd done it before... But no one responded like you did... I... I became obsessed... Then... I fell in love..." He keeps looking off into the park,, not wanting to see the hurt on her face or the tears he might have caused, but he was finally ready to pay for his actions.

Jareth froze when he heard Mason say he loved him, he was still a bit more hen half asleep, he was sure he didn't mean it or to say it to him. He shakes his head and acts like he didn't hear it "Yeah... Pancakes topped with syrup and homemade whip cream..." He watches him, waiting.
She starred at him. Melanie felt angry and hurt, but she had to know. “So my….attacks? That was a lie. There were no attacks. I was remembering. Wasn’t I? And you had to keep me under your control. So you lied, told me it was my mind, when in fact all I was doing was remembering. You made me think I was going crazy. I thought this man I was seeing in my mind was a dream world I created while I was in a coma that I never was in from a fire I never caused. What do you have to say for yourself Kaden?” She called him Kaden on purpose.

Mason moves even more, opening his eyes, rubbing them. “Oh. Hi. Wow. I thought I was dreaming smelling food,” he grins sitting up. “Thanks. Did you do this?”
Kaden sighs and shrugs "All I can say is I'm sorry... I... Just couldn't lose you... And I realize now that it may still cost me you... But I'm ready to face that now... As I said... I'll understand if you want to leave..." He watches her.

Jareth smiles "Well... Mel mixed it up then I cooked them... She... Went for a walk..." He fills the fork and holds it out "I hope they taste as good as they smell..." He smiles.
"You're ready to face that now? Like you were last night? When you called Jareth to make you forget me? That's not facing anything Kaden. That's running away from it." She shakes her head and closes her eyes. "I don't want to leave you. I'm just....confused and hurt right now. It's a lot to take in. It's a lot to come to terms with. I'm in love with the man who did all of this to me. Did you hear me Kaden? I'm in love with the man who did all of this to me. I am in love with you. I don't want to run away, but I can't help but wonder how different things would be right now had you not done any of this. Tell me. When did you first see me and decide you wanted to do what you did?"

"Oh," Mason sighs. "Mel only goes for walks when she's got a lot on her mind. Is everything alright with her and....him," he asks before taking a bite.
He watches her "I know it's a lot to take in and I'm sorry baby... I love you too..." He looks down a moment before looking at her again "About a year ago... I was out of town... And decided to stop at a local bookstore... There was a couple fighting outside... The man was yelling at her, she looked so hurt he wouldn't go into another store with her... Then she just gave in to him and got in their car..."

Jareth smiles at him "I don't know, they are out talking... But right now I don't really care..." He takes a forkful himself "Mmm... They are good..." He leans closer and feeds Mason again, getting whip cream on his nose. "Oops..." He smirks and leans in, licking it off his nose and then kissing him. "I brought extra whip cream..." He whispers before sitting back up and taking another bite.
She is quiet as he speaks remembering that day. She had wanted to go inside an look around. She remembered begging him to go inside, and she looked down at the ground as she remembered how angry he got. “Yeah,” she whispers. “I remember that day. All I wanted was to go look around inside. I’d never been inside one before, and I was curious. He was so..angry with me for it. It was like he thought I wasn’t happy with him for it. Mason always wanted things a certain way, all the time. A sex shop, toys, dirty movies, none of that was in his plan.” She shakes her head. “I never even saw you. Did you start watching me after that? Did you follow us?”

Mason watches him eat. He knew that if they were talking Mel had been thinking, and he knew that might not be a good thing. He wanted to go find her and talk to her. If anybody would understand how hurt and confused she was right now, he knew it would be him. After Jareth licked the whip cream from his nose and finished his bite of pancakes, he tells him, “I should go look for Mel and talk to her, but right now, I don’t give a damn.” He grabs him and kisses him passionately.
He nods slowly "I did... And saw many more reasons to take you... You always asked for so little.. And he still said no... I wanted to see you living the life you wanted... Taking those risks... Would Mason ever have let you do the thugs we did... Where we did them... I'm sorry I hurt you... But I'm not sorry I took you... You were a caged bird... Who needed to be free..."

Jareth barely had time to set the plate on the side table before being pulled into his kiss "Mmm..." He moans softly into the kiss and holds him closer, soon moving to lay over him, pushing his own pj pants off. He breaks the kiss with a nip to his lip "Just full of surprises... Aren't you..." He smiles and grips his hair, tilting his head back to access his neck, licking and nipping it gently.
“No.” There was no hesitation in her answer. “Of course he wouldn’t have done half the things we’ve done. The car, the mall, the park, the waiter,” she grinned, but it quickly left her face as she remembered a particular time that she hoped he had not seen. On this evening, when Mason came home, she met him at the door wearing a sexy maid costume. He had pushed her back inside the door and slapped her out of anger yelling, “what would the neighbors think? Have you lost your damn mind?” “Did you see a lot when you followed us,” she asked quietly.

“With you? Of course, but surprises aren’t what I want to be filled with.” Mason’s hands were already grabbing Jareth’s shoulders. “I can’t get enough of you. I don’t know what it is, or why, but I can’t get enough of you. I just want more and more of you. I know I’m being greedy, but fuck, you’re just too damn irresistible.” He groans feeling the man’s tongue. His hands reach around his back, fingernails digging in.
His face gets a hard look "I may have kidnapped you and held you against your will... But not once... Did I hit you like he did... You still had a slight bruise on your cheek when I brought you here... That's why I pushed so hard for you to just forget him... He didn't deserve you..." He looks down and sighs, his face softening "But after all I've done... I can't really say I do either..." He looks back at her "But I know one thing... Something I want with you that I've never wanted before... Not with anyone..."

Jareth moans softly against his throat, "Mmm... Then let's not waist time..." He reaches under the pillow and pulls out the lube "Alright baby boy... On your stomach... Ass up in the air... We're gonna try a new angle..." He leans down and kisses him hard, pulling away with his lip between his teeth and letting go "Ok..." He smirks, a fang peeking out, he shifts off him to wait.
Melanie had to admit she was curious. She leans forward, closer to him. "Tell me. What is you want with me that you've never wanted before. Please."

Mason nods. Not wasting any time, he moves into the position Jareth had told him. He felt exposed, open to him, and he didn't mind. His face was pressed into the pillow, and his hands grasped the sheets. "Alright Sir. Show me."
He smiles slightly and watches her "... A family... You make me want to have a family..." He chuckles "Can you picture me as a father..." He laughs like it's funny, like he'd be no good.

Jareth smirks and lightly smacks his ass, then rubs it "Good boy..." He leans down and kisses where he smacked and nips lightly "Now you just relax..." He sits back up and moves behind him, he lubes himself up then starts on Mason, gently working one then two fingers into him and scissoring them to help stretch him. "You're still tight... Just stay relaxed and it shouldn't hurt... Ok baby?" He adds some more lube, working him for a few more minutes before getting up on his knees and starting to push in. "Nnn... Relax... That's it..." He pants softly as he pushes in more, soon inside fully. "Mmm..."
“A baby,” she asks fighting back her tears. She reaches for his hands, holding them tightly. “Kaden I….I want that too. Don’t laugh. I think you would make….a wonderful father. You would love your son or daughter with all your heart. I know it. I..I see you as a father. I do.”

Mason yelps as he smacks his ass, only to moan when his mouth connects with his soft skin. Jareth felt every bit as good as he did the night before. His fingers preparing him for the pleasure he could barely wait for. Each time he thrust his digits into him, he groaned. Spreading his legs a little more, Mason wanted to touch his own cock. When he felt Jareth shift a little more, he held his breath. A long, deep exhale filled the room as Jareth took him. “Yes,” he hissed. “Fuck..Sir. You good.”
He holds her hands, "I meant what I said before... Wanting you to be a mother... Watching your belly grow..." He looks down "But... I'm used to being so demanding... Controlling... It's who I am... Can you really accept that... Accept me again..." He reaches up and cups her cheek, wiping a tear that started to fall "I love you... I just didn't know how much until it was almost too late... I'm so sorry..."

"So do you baby..." He licks and kisses up his back, nipping lightly at the back of his neck, he waits for him to relax a bit more before moving, pulling out and pushing in, starting slow. "You keep those hands there..." He runs a hand up his back and grips his hair "I'm making you cum... You just hold on..." He growls softly and turns his head, kissing him roughly as he picks up the pace.
"Kaden," she tells him sliding from the bench to kneel with him. "I love you, and I would love to have our baby growing inside me. I can't wait to see you as a father," she smiles. "I know you will be wonderful at it. As for everything that has happened, we can work through it. I'm willing to, and I know you are. You won't lose me M'Lord," she kisses his hands. "You won't lose me. I'm not going anywhere without you."

Mason's body takes all of him, begging for him to keep going. "You're gonna me me..cum?" There's a grin on his face up until Jareth kisses him. He had felt passion with Mel, but nothing like this. His back arches as he breaks the kiss. Sounds continue to flood from his mouth as his gaze meets Jareth's. "Those eyes." He pushes back, working with him, meeting him. "Don't..hold..back..Sir. Please."
He watches her, the gently cups her cheeks, "I love you..." He leans closer and kisses her deeply, soon pulling her into a tight hug against him.

Jareth growls again and grins "You can't handle that yet baby boy..." He leans down and licks his ear, whispering "But we'll get there..." He nips his neck and sits back up, he holds his hips and starts to move with him, he was going faster then their first time already, but not harder, he didn't want to hurt him. "But since you liked it before..." He lightly smacks his ass, rubbing it softly after each one, "You're such a white boy... Your ass turns a nice red..." He groans and thrusts a bit harder "Do you like it..." He continues to smack lightly.
She breaks the kiss and smiles. “I have to talk to Mason. He and I have to get a divorce first. Wouldn’t it be insane if he ended up with Jareth?”

He yelps again as he smacks his ass. “Yes Sir! I like that!” He begins to count off each smack, his voice growing louder each time. His ass began to heat up, and his hands had gathered up the sheets once more. His cock was rock hard, and he knew it wouldn’t be long as Jareth continued to thrust into him. “Wanna cum with you Sir.”
Kaden nods "I think... I need to talk to him as well... I know this now, he may hit me... I'm almost expecting it..." He cups her cheek again "And I'm ok with it... If that's what he needs to do... Just don't let him break anything..." He smiles slightly at her.

Jareth growls again and looks at him "Six more... Count them down..." He was panting and smacks his ass a bit harder, being sure to rub after each one, after the final smack, he thrusts deep and fills him, loud groan to follow. He grips his hips tightly until he's finished, he moans softly as he hears Mason follow.
“He won’t break anything, but even if he did, I’ll take care of you. I’ll be your naughty nurse.” She leans in kissing him once more, quickly, before standing and pulling him up. “Our relationship started less than normal, but it stared M’Lord, and I can’t stop it now. I don’t want to. It’s barreling out of control, and we’re both along for the ride. So hold on tight to me. This is going to be one fucking amazing ride.”

He counts each smack, each one seems to be harder than the one before. With the last one, he feels Jareth’s warm seed fill him, and it was the final straw. His cock explodes, and he feels his own release. “Thank you Sir. Fuck. That was even better than last night.”
He smirks and kisses her, then quickly pulls her into some nearby trees "I want you... Here... Now..." He pins her to a tree and kisses her roughly, he quickly works her pants down and opens his own, he pulls from the kiss and cups her cheek. "If you don't... Tell me to stop right now..." He had lifted her and was slowly rocking against her, ready to enter.

Jareth was panting slightly, laying lightly across his back, he had felt him tense and shake as his orgasm hit, not to mention how har he gripped him. "Mmm... So much better..." He reaches under him and slowly runs his fingertips along Mason's belly and down to his cock, he grips it softly "And I never even touched it..." He smiles and then slowly sits up, pulling from him "Mmm... We really need that bath now baby... And to clean the bed..." Jareth pulls him up slowly, to sit on his lap, he tips his chin up and kisses him slowly, softly, gently rubbing his back.
Melanie looks into eyes, feeling his body, his hunger, his lust. Her own grows, burning like a fire. She grips his shoulder, her lips parted taking a deep breath. “M’Lord, fuck me.” She leans forward taking his mouth, her tongue commanding, invading. Melanie spreads her legs a bit wider as she pulls her body closer to his before she tightens them, wrapping them around his waist.

“Yeah. I guess we do need that shower now and to clean the bed.” He moves, nearly pushing Jareth from him, as he sits. “I’ve always charge in my relationships. With’s different. You’re in charge..and I want it that way.”
"Nnn... Gladly..." He holds her hip and thrusts into her fully, he stares at her as he starts a hard pace, "You're M'Lady... Now and forever... I promise..." He grunts as he thrusts faster, his one hand movin behind her head to protect it, also gripping her hair lightly "I also promise to fuck you where, when and however you want..." He kisses her again.

Jareth watches him, shifting so he didn't fall "I can feel that in you..." He leans closer and kisses him again "You're a dominant with females... But your body cries for a male dominant with me... Like you calling me Sir... Wouldn't sound right if that's not what you wanted..." He kisses him again "And if you want to be with me, that's alright with me..." He soon stands "You strip the bed... I'll start the bath... And yes I said bath..." He slowly makes his way to the bathroom and enters, soon water is heard running.
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