"You're right," he says slowly pulling his hand back from Jareth's chest. "It would make me no better than him. I've been robbed, my future stolen from me, and there's nothing I can do but move on while he gets her. Then there's you," he grins. "The man who made me see, and feel, so much more. On one hand I've got you, and on the other hand," he shows him his hand he wears his wedding ring on. "I've got this." He looks at his wedding ring and smiles. "We were so close to having it all. I was ready to have a baby with her. She wanted one for so long. I guess he will get all that now. He gets her future. I'm just her past." He slips off the ring and takes Jareth's hand, placing the ring in it. "Give this to her for me. Tell her....I want a divorce." He turns and exits the shower. His steps are quick. Mason knows he's running away. As he grabs his clothes and heads to the door of the bedroom, he pauses and turns yelling to him. "You're right about something else. I do still want you, but I can't have you. I know it. You're always going to be his friend, loyal to him. I can't get in the way of what he and Mel has. I won't get in the way of anything you and he has either, but....I do want you..Sir. So..much. You have no idea how much this fucking sucks!" He punches the door. Hard. So fucking close, and to have lost it all! Twice! In the same night!" Mason was still letting his emotions cloud his thoughts.