Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

"Nnn..." Jareth groans and allows him to control the kiss as he holds his hips and starts to move them faster, harder, Mason had his lips, but Jareth had his body. Once he got them to a steady pace, he reaches between them and strokes him slowly, quite different from the fast pace he enters him. "Nnn... Wait for me..." He whispers into their kiss, he was getting close and wanted to cum with him, he stares at him, his eyes glowing again, but not to intrance him, they showed his demon passion, his voice got a bit gruffer. "Cum with me baby boy... Nnn..." He holds him closer and rests their foreheads together, panting and groaning as they get closer.
"Yes Sir," he breaths. "I wann..cum with you." Mason grew anxious as he knew they were both so close. He was about to fee a man cum inside him. The very thought made his cock ache. He desired it, longed for it, wanted it more than he ever thought possible. His lips parted, as his breathing grew more ragged. "I'm gonna..cum Sir. I can't....." His face tightened as he looked into his glowing eyes. " of you." His mouth opened wide as he felt the first wave of his climax hit him, and his cum erupted from his body. Mason only groaned, the relief, the pleasure taking his body.
"Fuck..." Jareth groans and bites his lip, tilting his head back and thrusting deep once more, soon filling him as his body shakes with masons, after a few moments he pulls him close and kisses him gently, slowly as then slowly calm down. Once he opens his eyes again they are back to normal, he cups his cheek and smiles "Well... That was fun..." He's panting and chuckles softly, watching him "I haven't had an ass that tight in a long while..." Then he grins "And don't think I missed what you called me baby boy..." He slowly snakes his hand up his back and into his hair, he grips it lightly, enough to tilt his head back "Say it again..." He licks and nips at his throat.
A hard, stabbing from Jareth's cock, and Mason feels him flood him with warmth. His own eyes seem to glaze over as tremors rack every muscle. When he finally begins to focus on Jareth's eyes again, he sees they're not glowing. Mason grins, not sure if had really seen what he thought he did, but he was sure of what he felt. "Yes. That" He can't help but blush at the comment about his tight ass. "You're the only man..I've ever had." He moans softly as he pulls his hair. His tongue was so warm on his throat. "Sir. Yes. " His hands grip Jareth's arms as he says it over and over again. "Sir. Yes."
"Mmm... That's my boy..." He licks his chin and smiles, letting his hair go slowly "Is that how you want to see me... Your Sir... If so... I'll be quite good to you... As long as you behave..." He kisses him softly again and smirks, pulling them apart slightly "Well... What a mess... I guess we'll need to get cleaned up... What do you say..." Rubbing his back softly.
Mason swallows looking at him. "Yes..Sir. I'll behave." He grins looking at Jareth's body. "Yeah. We are a bit messy. A shower or a bath Sir?"
Jareth nips his nose "You best behave..." He smirks "I think a shower... If you can stand... If not... A nice hot bath... I don't mind helping you clean up... Since I got you do dirty..." He nips his lips the kisses him again.
"A shower," her grins. "I can stand. I want to see....your body. I want to look at the man....that I just had. I want to clean you. Will you allow me that," he asked, his eyes reflecting his true desire to care for him. Mason moves to the edge of the bed and slowly rises. He reaches for Jareth's hand. "Please. Let me take care of you now."
Jareth takes it and stands "Mmm... Gonna clean up your mess are you... Such a good boy..." He smiles and kisses him softly before allowing him to lead them to the attached bathroom. Jareth watches him as they walk "So... Do you still want to take Mel... And go back home..." He looks at him, holding his hand as yet stand before the shower.
Mason starts the water and hears Jareth's question. He turns, facing him. "Yes." A grin comes across his face. "But not with Mel. Not my home either. Sir I want to be with you, in your home, pleasing you, taking care of you. That is, if you'll allow me." He takes Jareth's hand, and leads into the warm water. He pours the soap to a sponge, and begins to wash his body. "I'll wash every inch of your skin Sir." His lips press to his neck softly before he continues.
Jareth smiles and watches him "I'd like that... As long as you made it official... I won't live with a married man again..." He runs his finger slowly through his hair and down his side "Well..." He smiles softly.
"You want divorce Melanie?" He felt pain thinking about divorcing her. Mason still loved her. "I'll Melanie, but she doesn't love me anymore, and I don't love her enough. We should..get..divorced." His gaze falls to the floor for a moment. "I'll talk to her about it in the morning. Not tonight. Tonight is all"
He lifts his chin and makes him look at him "You don't have to push yourself... I know it's hard to let go of loved ones..." He kisses him and smiles "You take your time... And have fun tonight..." He leans back against the wall and rests his arms up above his head.
Mason was relieved by his show of kindness. His feelings that he still had for Mel were not making him want to leave. Good. He was giving him time to deal with all of this, to process it all. Jareth raised his arms, and Mason was taken by how handsome, how chiseled the man was. He admired his form, stopping, starring at him. For the longest time, he didn’t move. Finally he shook his head and looked at his face. “I’m sorry. I was just..I mean your body..I mean..well..I couldn’t help myself.” His mind drifted for a moment back to the bedroom. “Your eyes,” he asked him. “They glowed. Why? What are you?”
He keeps his arms up but wiggles his fingers, showing off his claws and opens his mouth slightly, showing his fangs. "I'm a demon... Half cat half dog if you want species... I can make them glow... Or it happens when I get worked up..." He smirks "I'm guessing you were a bit distracted to notice it sat you with no effort..." He shortens his claws again and remains against the wall "I'm also quite skilled in mental manipulation..."
Mason just stares at him for a moment. The fact he was a demon wasn't what he questioned him about. "Did you manipulate my mind? Is that why we..why I..why what happened....happened....between us?" Not giving Jareth a moment to answer he adds, "Please. Say no."
Jareth quickly brings his hands down, cupping his cheek "No... I swear... The only thing I made you do was put the gun down... I wasn't really sure what would happen after I kissed you... I was just trying to distract you from Kaden and Mel... The only people I've used that on, was Mel's friend Mari... And Kaden..." He rubs his cheeks and leans down, kissing his forhead, "The truth is... Kaden had given up... Thought Mel was going back to you... So... He asked me to remove Mel... From his memory... But I left a trigger... If Mel kissed him... Ever... He'd remember..." He sighs "I didn't know it would be Mel we saw tonight..."
"She was..coming me," he asks, his eyes growing wet. "Mel had made up her mind to come home, and then she saw him? With you?" He thinks about getting out of the shower right then despite not having a clue where he would go. Mason knew he couldn't go back to the house. No. That house had belonged to them, while they were a happy, married couple. They were anything but that now. He looks up to Jareth. "I believe you. I really do, but him? She chose him over me? That bastard who kidnapped her and did whatever it was he did to her. She chose him over me! Maybe if I kidnap her, and get you to wipe him from her mind, she'll be happy at home again."
Jareth can feel him wanting to pull away and gently pulls him closer "Even if I was willing to do that... Would you be happy... She knows Kaden kidnapped her... He told her... Wanting her to decide for herself... He thought she picked you... When he met her at the club... He didn't know who she was, just a friend of an employee as far as he knew..." He pulls him back and cups his cheek again "Then... I met you... I honestly thought me kissing you would start a fight..." He kisses him softly "Let me ask you this... Do you regret what we did and talked about..."
"No. I don't regret what we did, but she's....Melanie is my wife. All this guy had to do was kidnap her and fuck her? She was happy with me. I did everything right!" Mason began to grow angry. "I bought her the house, the clothes, the car she wanted. I had the job she wanted me to have. I gave her the wedding she always dreamed about. I was the husband she wanted! Then this guy kidnaps her and does whatever it was he did to her, and now she's happy with him? I know she wasn't happy when he first brought her here. I remember seeing her in the mall that day. She was leaving with me then too! He stopped us! That bastard took so much from me! From her!" He steps in close to Jareth. "Make her forget him. Make me forget you. Give us the change to be happy together again that we already had before your friend came along. You owe us that much. He owes us that much." Mason wasn't thinking straight. He turned, intending to leave the shower. He was angry about Melanie, but his body already screamed for the touch of the man in the shower with him. Along with his rage, he felt torn.
Jareth gently pulls him back, his back to his chest "I'm sorry... I don't control what Kaden does... Yes... Kidnapping her was wrong... And he should be punished... And I believe he was... When he thought Mel chose you..." He slowly wraps his arms around his chest "You also have every right to be angry and upset... But forcing Mel to forget... That makes you no better then him... And I won't alter her memory against her will like that..." He hugs him close then turns him to face him again "Now you say you don't regret what we did... But you still want to forget it... Forget me... And I'm supposed to be ok with that..." He leans closer and cups his cheek "When I can smell how much you still want me..." He stands again "I'll let you go if that's what you want... But I won't make you forget something you enjoyed..." He takes his hand and brings it to his chest "You can cry... Yell... Hit me if it will make you feel better... But I can't do what you ask... I'm sorry..." He continues to look down at him, holding his hand gently so he can pull away if he wants to, he knew telling him of his powers would cause some pain, but he wanted to be honest, and it hurt him to see how hurt Mason was, he'd need to talk to Kaden and Mel later.
"You're right," he says slowly pulling his hand back from Jareth's chest. "It would make me no better than him. I've been robbed, my future stolen from me, and there's nothing I can do but move on while he gets her. Then there's you," he grins. "The man who made me see, and feel, so much more. On one hand I've got you, and on the other hand," he shows him his hand he wears his wedding ring on. "I've got this." He looks at his wedding ring and smiles. "We were so close to having it all. I was ready to have a baby with her. She wanted one for so long. I guess he will get all that now. He gets her future. I'm just her past." He slips off the ring and takes Jareth's hand, placing the ring in it. "Give this to her for me. Tell her....I want a divorce." He turns and exits the shower. His steps are quick. Mason knows he's running away. As he grabs his clothes and heads to the door of the bedroom, he pauses and turns yelling to him. "You're right about something else. I do still want you, but I can't have you. I know it. You're always going to be his friend, loyal to him. I can't get in the way of what he and Mel has. I won't get in the way of anything you and he has either, but....I do want you..Sir. So..much. You have no idea how much this fucking sucks!" He punches the door. Hard. So fucking close, and to have lost it all! Twice! In the same night!" Mason was still letting his emotions cloud his thoughts.
He holds the ring and watches silently as Mason breaks, then watches him leave, he quickly turns the shower off and moves to follow him, the stopping at his words, he smiles slightly and enters the bedroom again, he sees Mason at the door. "You're wrong..." Jareth comes up behind him and turns him around, pinning him against the door "If you want me... You can have me... My friendship with Kaden has nothing to do with this... If he's not happy with it, I don't care... And I know Mel just wants to see you happy... She's sorry she hurt you... I know this..." He pins his arms over his head "But if you still want to walk away... You'll look me in the eyes and tell me to my face that you are leaving... Well... What's your answer..." He stares down at him, he could see how hurt he was, he wished he cry or hit him, something to release his emotions.
Mason looks up into the eyes that had captivated him all night. “Just....tonight....could with me? I don’t wanna be alone. I don’” His body begins to shake. “I just wanna..forget the not hurt..but I don’t..want make me..forget. It’s stupid. It makes no sense. I was so close being happy..forever. I’m still so close, and..I don’t mean..with this house. I mean..with you, but what happens..again? I can’t deal..with this..kind of pain..again. I couldn’t deal..with you..wanting someone else.” He leans up kissing him. “So for tonight..just be with me. By the morning light..I’ll go. That way..when you want someone else..I don’t have to see I’m watching with someone else.”
Jareth kisses him back and pushes him more against the door "Tonight doesn't have to end... If you stay... You'll find me to be quite loyal... Half dog and all..." He leans close and kisses him again, roughly, nipping his lip and pulling it slightly. "Let me prove it to you..." He kisses him again, then pulls his arms down and hands him the ring back, "Ok baby boy?" He helps Mason put the ring on his finger "Please..." He lets his hands go and places them beside his head "Tonight... And for however long you want it to be... Will be about you... And me..."
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