Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

“Yeah,” Mason’s voice softly replies. He returns Jareth’s kiss getting even more lost in the man before him.

“No. I don’t,” she grins. She adjusts her clothing, taking note of the two men. “Of course not.” She could see that Mason was indeed getting weak. It was something she never thought she would see in her life. Mason was standing there kissing this man every bit as much as Jareth was kissing him. Melanie never thought for a second that Mason would kiss another man. “What do you mean he’s in for a treat? How would you know,” she asks, her grin growing even more.
Jareth breaks the kiss again and smiles at him "Let's take this inside... And I'll show you a few things..." He takes his hand and leads him inside, entering the code and leading him to the guest room. "Alright... First thing... You only have to say stop... I want you enjoying this... Alright..." He smiles at him and kisses him again, nipping his lip and pulling it lightly "You just relax and enjoy..." Jareth kisses him again and starts to work his pants free, letting them fall to the floor and helping him step out of them, he palms him through his boxers "If you want more... Pull them down..." He grips him lightly through his boxers and strokes him very slowly, waiting.

Kaden watches them head inside the house and looks to Mel, smirking "I've had the odd night with him over the years... When I didn't have anyone... But I in no way like men... Jareth is just... Different" he chuckles softly.
“You and Jareth? I never would have guessed," she grinned watching the door until she was sure they were not coming back outside. Different? Different how? Mari! I left her with him! He wouldn’t hurt her would he? Is she alright?”

Mason can’t believe what’s happening. It seems like a dream, but he is more aroused than he has ever been in his life. He loved Mel, but their marriage had gotten to the point where even she didn’t make him feel this way. He doesn’t speak. Instead his response is to simply grip his boxers and take them down. There was only one more on his mind, almost on his lips. More.
Kaden smiles at her "I'm sure Mari is fine... That one of his rules... He doesn't like to harm anyone unless there is no other choice..." He leans over and kisses her softly "Shall we go inside..."

Jareth smiles at him and finally grips his naked member, stroking it slowly and griping firmly "Good... Tell me how that feels..." He looks at him, his thumb now rubbing his tip, his other hand was around his waist, waiting to hold him up, he could feel him shaking.
“Yeah,” she tells him leaning over and kissing his neck. “I’m ready to go inside. Are you go inside M’Lord,” she asks. “We can enjoy a hot bath and sink into bed.

“It feels….unreal. How do you….make me feel..that..good?” His legs were trembling, and Mason knew he was going to fall. He grips Jareth’s wrist. “Don’t stop. I don’t want this feeling to end.”
"Just a little talent of mine I guess..." Jareth smiles and helps to hold him up "Don't worry baby... We're only just getting started..." He starts to stroke him a bit faster and lightly pinch his tip "And don't be afraid to speak your mind... Talk with me if you want to..." He smiles and leans closer, starting another round of kissing, holding Mason up easily.

"Mmm... A hot bath sounds wonderful..." He returns her kiss and closes up the window before getting out "Would M'Lady like a bubble bath?" He waits for her to get out before locking it up and leading her inside.
“Oh a hot bubble bath sounds even better M’Lord. Having you in there with me just makes it even better. Your legs wrapped around me as I lean against your body.” She has just pulled him inside the door when she leans in for another kiss. Mason’s moan rings out, and she smiles. “Sounds like he is going to have a good night. Just. Like. Us.”

“O-Okay.” Mason is panting. He’s growing weaker by the second, and he leans more into Jareth. “You called” He grins. “I liked it. I’m gonna..cum if you..keep..that..up.”
Kaden smiles and pulls her closer, kissing her again "It's gonna be one happy house in the morning..." He slowly pulls her to the bathroom and locks them in, he starts to remove her clothes and sits her up on the counter. He smiles at her and goes to start techie bath water, the removes his own clothes before adding the bubbles.

Jareth smiles at him and kisses him lightly "Mmm... That's the point baby... But this is only round one... I said we were just getting started..." He kisses him deeply again, twisting Thor tongues before he pulls back, feeling him getting closer "Yeah... That's it baby... Just let go and cum for me... Don't hold back..." Jareth stars at him and smiles, his hand moving faster now and rubbing his tip quickly "I won't let you fall... Cum for me baby boy..."
She slips from the counter watching him add the bubbles and wraps her arms around him. "Bubbles can make everything slippery in there. I hope I can hold on to you. Then again. I don't plan on ever letting you go. Ask me again M'Lord. Aske me what you asked me in the ally tonight."

Mason knows he can't hold off much longer, and he knows Jareth wants him to cum. He leans into him more as he feels his body release. His memeber unleashes, and he cums for the man holding him. "I' I can't..I can't..stop. I keep..cumming." His face is red as his muscles tighten. If it were not for the man holding him, he would be on the floor.
Kaden smiles and gets down on one knee, holding her hand "Melanie... Will you marry me... Will you be my wife for the rest of our days..." His other hand softly rests on her hip, rubbing it gently, he looks up at her with a slight smirk.

Jareth smiles and kisses him again "Mmm... Such a large amount... Just let it all out..." Jareth continues to strike and squeeze him until he's only moaning and panting, then let's him go and leads him slowly to the bed. "You still up for more baby boy?" He helps him lay down and removes his shirt, "I'm guessing you've never been with another man... But if you just relax... I'll take care of you... And all you have to say is stop... Alright baby..." He leans over him and kisses him before standing up and slowly undressing, showing himself off slowly. He returns to the bed a few minutes later and pulls the lube from under the pillow, "We'll go slow..." He gently rubs a bit of lube on his fingers, it was already warm from being under the pillow, and slowly spreads Mason's legs, he watches him as he softly rubs his fingers over his hole.
She's on the verge of tears as she looks at him. "Yes Kaden. I will be your lady, your wife, for as long there is breath in my lungs. I love you M'Lord." She sinks down to his level and kisses him deeply.

Mason came to rest on the bed, allowing the softness to engulf him. The man undresses him, and he welcomes the cool air touching his chest. His eyes watch Jareth as he undresses, taking in the sight of him. He was marvelous, handsome, and toned. "Sexy," Mason tells him. He looks at his face as he feels him take something from under the pillow and gasps as he spreads his legs. "I've never..done this..before, and I don't want you to stop." His eyes close for a moment as he groans feeling the man's touch with the lube. "You're gonna fuck me. Aren't you?" He already knew the answer, but still he wanted to hear the words.
Kaden hugs her close and kisses her back, soon pulling back to turn off the tub "Time to relax my love..." He carefully helps her into the bath and holds her close as they sit down, just wanting to hold her.

Jareth chuckles softly and kisses him lightly "Unless told... I have no plans to stop... Virgins are so adorable..." He slowly adds a bit more lube before starting to press against him, keeping it slow as he relaxes and opens for him. "Just breathe... Slow deep breaths... And just stay relaxed... Ok baby?" His other hand was slowly running patterns over his bare stomach, almost tickling him. Once he does as told, Jareth starts to slowly pump his finger "Yes... I do plan to fuck you... But not before your body is ready..." He smiles "And don't think you have to watch me... If you want to close your eyes... Do so..." After a few minutes he leans down and kisses over his chest, teasing his tongue around a nipple as he's able to add another finger.
Mason nods, taking slow deep breaths. He never imagined he would be here. He always thought Melanie was the love of his life. Now he was shocked that thoughts of her had disappeared until this very moment. This moment, when another man's tongue was teasing his nipples, and he was working a second finger inside him, was when he thought of Melanie. She was happy with this other man, and he was happy with this one. He started to think maybe he had been wrong all along. Maybe it wasn't Melanie he was suppose to be with. He groans feeling the second finger stretch him, opening him up for Jareth. "It different. Please. I wanna feel..more I wanna feel..everything you can give to me. I wanna see your face. I wanna watch the look on your face as you....take me."
"Patience baby... Just relax... Some things can't be rushed..." He guides Mason's hand to his own cock and lets him feel it "Its a bit bigger then two fingers... I take you now... It'll only be painful... So relax... We have all the time we need..." He leans down and kisses over his chest again, he teases around his nipple again before nipping it lightly, he slowly pumps and scissors his fingers, teasing and stretching him. "You like that..." He lightly nips his nipple again then suckles it.
Mason could only nod and take deep breaths. The man guided his hand to his cock, and Mason groaned feeling his length. He had never touched another man's member before, and it aroused him even more. His own cock grew stiff as the blood rushed in. Jareth's lips, his tongue, his teeth teased his nipple, and Mason lifted his head. "That feels good." He narrowed his eyes as his hips bucked slightly. "Yes. I like that. Please. Keep making me feel good. I'll do anything."
Haters pulls back and smiles "No worry of me stopping baby boy... Unless told to... Now relax, I'm adding a third..." He leans down and kisses him, gently adding another finger to help stretch him, he moved with his slight bucks, allowing him to set the pace. "Mmm... Let's see how you like this one..." Jareth smirks slightly and watches him as he curls his fingers slightly to rub against her prostrate gently.
Mason groans into his lips as Jareth continues to push him. His face burned warm, and sweat had formed on his body. As his fingers curled, Mason's eyes open wider, his hips lifted higher, and he could not contain the loud sounds spilling from his mouth. His member, standing erect, pulsed, throbbed, aching for relief again.
Jareth chuckles softly and smiles "Wanna cum again baby... Good..." Jareth continues to pump his fingers, curling them to again rub his prostrate "That's it... Just breathe... Let it happen..." His free hand moves to cup his cheek, rubbing it softly and looking at him, he pumps his fingers faster.
Mason couldn't believe he felt this good, and his member wasn't even being touched. The man's fingers continued to take him, stretching him. His cock twitched as he groaned, gripping the bed sheets. "I wanna cum....I wanna....feel you. I want," he sighed, "so much."
Jareth leans down and kisses him again "I'll give you everything baby... Now cum for me again..." He pumps his fingers faster and adds a fourth finger, rubbing against his prostate as much as he can. "Mmm... You squeeze so tight... I can't wait to have you wrapped around me..." He could see and feel him at his limit, and just as it hits him, he leans down and kisses him roughly, even gripping his hair with his free hand to hold him in place, only stopping as his body slows to shivers after his orgasm.
Mason whimpers, feeling his orgasm coming. His breathing ragged, he explodes. As Jareth kisses him, he screams into his mouth, his hips rising from the bed. There was a hunger, a lust, in the way he kissed him back. No one had ever pulled his hair before, and Mason liked it. He liked doing things with this man, for this man. "More," he panted pulling away from the kiss. "I want..more." He leans up taking another kiss from Jareth, not wanting to wait for the man to kiss him first.
"Mmm..." Jareth kisses back, enjoying his eagerness, he allows the kiss to end an slowly removes his fingers "Mmm... I think you're ready now..." Jareth shifts to sit between his spread legs and takes the lube, slowly coating himself and Mason again "Remember... You just have to say stop..." He smiles and moves closer, he lifts his hips slightly and while looking at him, starts to press in "Deep breaths... Don't tense..." He watches him closely as he pushes in slowly, stoping every so often to let him adjust. "Nnn... God you're tight..." He bites his lip and smirks at him "Enjoying your fist experience with a man baby..." He runs his fingers up his chest slowly, rubbing over and pinching a nipple lightly, soon he was in him fully, Jareth leans over him slightly. "Mmm... Just tell me when you're ready..."
The man's fingers slip from him, and Mason's breathing catches as he watches him move. He only nods as Jareth tells him he only has to say stop, but he knows there is no way those words will come from his lips. He feels the tip of his member press against him, and for a moment, he holds his breath before remembering Jareth's words. 'Deep breaths,' he tells himself. With parted lips, he draws several deep breaths, feeling his cock press through his tight muscles. When Jareth bites his bottom lip, he wants to jerk him down to him and capture his mouth, roughly, with abandon. "Yes," he tells him. "I love having you..inside me." His entire body trembles as Jareth touches his nipple, and he feels him completly inside him. He can feel every inch of him, even his heartbeat. "Fast. You're fast." Mason feels his body adjust, stretching around him. He takes another deep breath, swallows, and nods. "Now."
Jareth looks at him and smirks "Alright... I'll start slow.." He holds his hips up as he starts to pull out again, adding more lube as he pushes back in, he starts a slow pace until he feels him relax more "Nnn... Move with me..." He was panting slightly as he wraps his legs around him and starts to bring him up to straddle his lap. "That's better..." He cups his cheek and starts him rocking, riding him as he kisses him again, nipping his lip before fighting against his tongue, he moans into the kiss.
Mason groans as he pulls from him. His sounds only grow louder as he feels him begin to fill him once more. As if slowly dancing together, he begins to move with Jareth. He feels the strong man lift him and agrees with him. He can feel him so much deeper. His mouth hung open, a gasp clearly heard, before Jareth kisses him. "I never thought....I could feel this way....with a man." He grabs Jareth's face and kisses him roughly, grinding his body into him.
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