Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Jareth glances at him as he finishes with his hair, then walks back to him, he cups his cheek and smiles softly "I've been this way for a very long time... I've been with both men and women... I'm quite comfortable with myself... You're still new to this and I completely understand your fears..." He leans closer and kisses him "But I think the question of being seen in public together... Is more for you..." He smiles kindly "Are you ok being seen with me... Are you ready for people to know... Mel and him already know... I was even with him at one time... You don't have to fear them... Now... I have one question... And think on your answer..." He takes a step back "Do you regret what we did..."

Kaden chuckles and hugs her again "You forget I was with him once... Jareth is quite talented... Nothing about being with him is vanilla... And if Mason wasn't happy, Jareth wouldn't force him to stay..."
“No,” he tells him stepping closer to him. Mason didn’t need to waste time thinking about his answer. He felt it deep inside. “I don’t worry about being seen with you. Well,” he looked away. “That’s not….entirely true. I fear what people will think of someone like you….with me. I’m not good enough for you. You, and look at me,” he asks stepping back holding his arms out. “I’m just a plain, ordinary guy. What could I possibly give you that no other guy hasn’t given you?”

“I’ll bet he’s talented,” she smirks. “It’s the fact that he’s not vanilla that I worry about. Mason is. What if they don’t mesh?”
Jareth chuckles softly and pulls him closer again "Is that what has you worried... How you'll look compaired to me... Baby..." He leans in and kisses him "I don't care what others will think... I like you just like this... I've never been with someone like you... Someone who didn't know how they really felt... What they really wanted..." He cups his cheek and rubs it slowly "The other men knew who they were... Knew what they wanted from me... You don't... You're still new to all this, that's what I like about you... That... And you're quite sexy... Don't sell yourself short baby boy..." He grips his hair lightly and tilts his head "Or I may just have to spank you..." He winks and lets him go, moving to leave the bathroom.

Kaden smiles "Why not wait and see... Stop thinking about the negatives... Did Jareth say anything to you about him leaving? Or that he didn't like Mason..." He asked, not knowing Jareth showed Mel the ring he now wore.
Mason follows him getting dressed. He couldn’t help but smile thinking about what Jareth had said. ‘He thinks I’m sexy.’ The smile widened as he pulled his shirt over his head. He moved out of the room and waited at the top of the stairs.

“Well. Actually,” she began, “Jareth showed me Mason’s wedding ring. He’s wearing it. I don’t think he’s going to leave him, but..well come on M’Lord. I mean two men together, married? You know that’s going to attract a lot of attention. Mason is fragile. He won’t be able to take that. Plus a guy like Jareth isn’t going to stay faithful. Some other man will come alone with more..experience..and he’ll turn Jareth’s head. Then you’ve got Mason heartbroken and his life ruined because everybody he knows has seen him with a man. I don’t want that for him. You said it yourself. Jareth was with you. He still wants you. Mason is suppose to settle for a man who still wants another man?”

Mason hears their conversation and looks back towards the room Jareth was in. Slowly, quietly, he comes down the stairs and slips through the living room towards the front door. Opening it, he exits the house not making a sound. He opens his car and climbs in. Mason knows if he starts the car they’ll hear it. So it lets the car roll back, down the driveway until he’s in the street. Then he starts the car and begins to drive away.
Soon after the car drives off, Jareth leaves the room and heads down the stairs then stops, taking a sniff. "Mason?" His scent went to the door, he heads into the kitchen quickly "Where is he? What happened!?" Jareth almost looked frantic, the hand with the ring in a tight fist.

Kaden looks up as Jareth runs into the room, he was just about to scold Mel for what she said, he looks back at Mel "You... Don't think he heard you..." Kaden was looking upset and sorry.

Jareth pushed him aside and glares at Mel "Heard what... What did you say... I can smell him leaving the house... And I bet his car is gone... What did you say Melanie!" He growled slightly, gripping her wrist, after all he had done to convince him, calm him down, what had she said.

Kaden watches, he'd never seen Jareth this upset, he moves to look out the window "Yeah... The car is gone..."
“I,” she began, wanting to back away from him. “Look, Jareth, I know you had a good time with him last night, and this morning you’re wearing his ring, but come on. We both know this isn’t going to work. Mason isn’t like you. He’s….vanilla. He won’t fit in in your world. He’ll stand out next to you, and as soon as you find someone you like better than him, someone who will fit in in your world, you’ll leave him. You’ll find a man that is accustomed to the stares and whispers of two men walking down the street together, and you’ll leave uptight Mason. He’ll be heartbroken. All I said was how the two of you being together would attract a lot of attention, and Mason is fragile. Mason won’t be able to handle the attention of being with you. Like I just said, you’ll find someone else. You won’t be faithful to him. Then you’ve got a heartbroken Mason, and his life will be ruined because everybody he knows will have seen him with you. Plus you still want Kaden! Don’t tell me it’s all innocent flirting and teasing either. Don’t either one of you try to tell me that. Jareth it’s for the best if he left. Let him go.”

Mason walks into the office and smiles at the lady behind the desk. “He’s expecting you Sir,” she tells him. He nods and opens the door. “Mason. Good to see you. What can I help you with,” the man behind the desk asks as he shakes his hand. “Well. I’m here to file for divorce.”
“What? You and Melanie have always been so happy. What happened?”
“She found someone else.” He winces as he sits. “You okay Mason?”
“Yeah. I..fell down last night.”
“Oh. Alright then. Well we can…..”
“No. The truth is….the truth is I met a guy and he fucked my ass last night.” Mason sits there waiting for the old man behind the desk to speak. He just blinks at Mason. “Yeah. That’s what I thought,” he says as he begins to stand up. "I can find somebody else to file the papers for me." After he's gone the old man takes out his cell phone and calls Melanie. "Come on Melanie. Pick up. We need to talk."
Jareth steps back and glares at her, growling slightly "How dare you... What right do you have to judge me... To assume what I'm like and what I'll do! I just spent all night and this morning convincing him I wasn't going to leave him... That I actually like him... You know what he was worried about... If he was good enough for ME... Yes ws new to this... But I'm not... I know all to well about the prejudice same sex couples still go through..." He turns and glares at Kaden "You're lucky I don't hit women..." He looks back at Mel "Now if you'll excuse me... I'm going to find my man..." Jareth stomps outside, a loud growl and howl is heard before he's gone.

Kaden swallows and nods, the moves to the window as he goes outside, he watches him change, sniff the ground, then take off. He turns back to Mel "I told you... We were friends... That everything was friendly... I told you he was hurt in the past and wasn't going to hurt Mason... Did you think I was lying to you..."

Jareth was in his large wolf form, he was running down streets, sniffing around and getting all kinds of stares, ignoring them all. 'Where are you...' He stands and looks around, sniffing again before taking off.
“Don’t you dare ask me if I thought you were lying. First I know how intense relationships with you can be. Secondly, really? Do you want to get into a discussion about your being capable of lying,” she asked crossing her arms. “Look at what we’ve been through. I can’t help it if I,” she stopped as she heard a phone ringing in one of the drawers. “My phone. You hide my phone? Of course you did,” she says opening the drawer and answering. “Yeah. Gordon? Hi. I’m sorry. I’m just….you did? You saw Mason,” she says looking at Kaden. “He did,” her expression softens. “He wants to file for divorce. No. It’s not really a shock. He did? He told you about that? Yeah. I knew.” She was quiet as the man on the other end talked. “Yeah. I’ll tell him. Thanks.” Hanging up, she looks at Kaden. “Gordon is a friend. He’s a lawyer. Mason stopped in his office to ask for help filing for divorce. He was very open, very candid about what happened last night with Jareth. Gordon was shocked. Mason got the wrong idea and left. Gordon wants me to tell Mason he’s really happy for him if he’s happy, and I thought all our friends would look at him strangely. I was….wrong. I made a mistake. I’m sorry.”

Mason has gone back to their old house where he’s packing his clothes. “She can have the house. Sell it, keep, I don’t care what she does with it. I can’t stay here.”
Kaden sighs and pulls her close "It's ok... I'm sorry I yelled... I've just never seen Jareth so upset... He must really like Mason..." He rubs her back "Don't worry... I'm positive he'll find him..." He kisses her cheek.

Meanwhile Jareth had picked up his scent again, he could tell he was hurt and upset, the scent was heading into a residential area 'He's going home...' Jareth picks up speed and even leaps over a couple smaller houses, soon stopping by his car. 'I found him... Now to get him outside...' He glances around, notice a few of the neighbours coming out to look at the large dog. He tilts his head back and howls, barking once, then repeating.
“I’m not worried about him finding him. I’m worried about what happens after he does.” She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him tight. “I’m not angry either. I feel so bad for what I said.”

Mason looks towards the door when he hears the dog. “A dog? Dogs are suppose to be on a leash.” He looks through the blinds and takes a good look at the large dog. “Who does he belong to?” Grabbing the doorknob, he opens the front door and steps out. “Who do you belong,” he asks reaching out to pet the dog as he slowly walks closer. “It’s ok. I’m not gonna hurt you.” He kneels down on the ground, looking at the dog smiling. “You’re safe. Don’t worry about all these people. Nobody is gonna hurt you. I just need to find out who you belong to. Do you have a collar,” he asked moving closer ready to look around his neck.
"He'll find him... And I'm sure you'll get to apologize... You were just worried for him..." He rubs her back and hugs her.

Jareth was so glad when he saw he was ok he didn't even listen to what he was saying, he barked and wagged his tail, then jumped on him, pushing him over. He pins him to the ground as he licked his face, tail wagging and excited whines were heard.
“I hope so M’Lord. I hope so. I want that chance to apologize.”

“Okay! Okay! I guess you’re friendly! You gotta….let me up. We’ll find your home. Somebody as sweet and loving as you has gotta be missed by somebody,” he laughed. Mason continued to pet the dog as he licked him.
Jareth licks him a bit more then gets off, he moves towards the backyard gate and barks happily, wagging his tail. 'Come on... Follow me...' He smirks and then jumps over the fence, heading into the backyard. He sits in the middle of the yard and waits.
“Hey! Get out of my back yard,” he yells at him as he stand. Well. I guess you can stay there. At least until we find your owner.” Mason walks through the gate, making sure it’s closed. “I don’t know why I’m making sure it’s closed. You can just jump the whole fence.” He smiles at the dog sitting there. “Okay boy. You can stay until we find who you belong to. I think I can find something in the house to feed you. You hungry?” He shakes his head before heading towards the back door.
Jareth watches him turn to the house before smirking "I'm looking at my owner... Or... You're looking at yours..." He continues to sit there and stare at him, his tail still wagging slowly. Jareth couldn't wait to see his reaction, he wanted to show Mason all of his forms, he didn't want any secrets, he also planned on giving him a slight punishment for running with out talking to him first.
Mason slowly turns to face him. “What did you say? No. I’m must be going crazy,” he laughs. “Dogs don’t talk. I’m just….thinking too much about him. Yeah. That’s it. I’m just thinking….too much about him. I’ll get you some,” he stopped looking at the dog. “I’ll get you some food. Stay here.” Even though he said he was going to get food, Mason stood there starring at the dog hearing Jareth’s voice in his head. He wanted so much to believe he had heard him, that somehow he had come for him, but all he saw was the dog. “I must be crazy. I want him so badly I’m hearing his voice,” he grinned. “Sorry boy. Food. I said I’d find you something to eat, and I’m a man of my word.”
Jareth growls slightly and stands up, facing him "So am I... But you still chose to listen to someone else about how I'd act... Someone who doesn't even know me..." He pads closer and stands before him, staring him in the eyes. "I said I wasn't going anywhere... So why did you..." He was hoping this wouldn't scare him off, he wanted him to realize it really was him before he changed back. 'Please baby...' He thinks, whining softly.
Mason rubs his eyes. “I must be dreaming. I’m losing my mind. I want him so bad I’m imagining a dog is talking to me, and he sounds like,” his hands fall from his eyes, “Sir? It is you. I’m not….losing my mind. You found me, but how? Why? I heard….You know what she said already. I chose to listen to someone else. I’m sorry. Okay? I put my faith, my love, in someone before, and now she’s fucking your friend, and I’m filing for divorce. You are….too good for me. There’s no way I’ll ever be good enough for you. I don’t even deserve to be seen with you.” He starts to laugh. “Hell I told a friend of mine, old guy, that I has my ass fucked by a man last night. He just looked at me, but I wasn’t afraid to tell him. I’m not afraid for people to know I was with you. I don’t even care how they look at us. I just don’t want you to lower yourself by being seen with me. You could do so much better than me.”
Jareth slowly changes back and stands before him "How do you think a dog finds someone... And I've had enough of your scent around me to find you in a crowded room..." He reaches up and cups Mason's cheek, rubbing it softly and sighs "Baby... I til you this morning... I want to be with you..." He leans closer and rests on his forehead "I'm not lowering myself... You give yourself too little credit... Yes, you're wife might have left you, but that wasn't my doing or idea..." He leans close and kisses him, deeply, pulling back "I know you're scared, even if you won't admit it, but I'm just asking you to trust me... Please... I want to know where this will go... It may be no where, but I want the chance to find out... Please..." His smiles at him sadly and rubs his cheek again.
Mason just looks at him. His kiss still fresh on his lips, and his words hung heavy in his ears. There were a thousand different ways he could have told him how he felt, and he struggled to grab on to the words. “Just….love me….because I already love you. I have since you first touched my cheek, and it’s feeling I don’t want to go a single day without. A day without your touch, your voice, you kiss,” he leans in pressing his lips to his softly, “is a day I don’t want to come. I’m sorry. You just wanted to see where this would go, and here I am telling you I love you. I can’t help how I feel though.”
"Never... Ever... Be sorry about how you feel..." He kisses him again "You can't help how or when you fall in love..." Jareth smiles "I didn't want to scare you away... Sayin it so soon... But if it's what you need to hear... I love you too..." He kisses him again, passionately, deeply. Jareth now grins and looks at him, "Now... About you running away..."
"I'm sorry," he quickly offers. "I shouldn't have. I got too caught up in what somebody else said. I should have trusted you. It won't happen again. Now. What about this form," he asks gesturing to his entire body. "I knew you said you were half dog, but....wait. Did you even tell me your name? I..don't remember."
Jareth kisses him again "I'm sure I told you, but if you forgot... It's Jareth..." He pulls him into a tight hug "I thought I'd lose you... I was so mad at Mel..." He pulls back "I scared her when I yelled... I know I did..." He looks back at Mason, "This is... My human form... I have the wolf, which was not at full size I might add... And a snow leopard..." He kisses him once more "Ask me anything... About myself... I'll answer it..." He leads them over to the base of a tree growing in the yard and sits, pulling Mason to sit in his lap, gently holding him close and nuzzling his neck.
“Ask you anything? That’s not fair. I want to know everything about you. Every detail, every story. Where were you born? Have you always wanted to be with men more than women?” He closed his eyes, smiling, as Jareth nuzzled his neck. It was warm and comforting. “You did lose me. I lost sight of what was really important. Trusting you. I’m a little shaky with trusting people right now. So please. Just give me time and don’t give up on me. I..don’t wanna lose you Sir. It’s strange to me how fast all this happened. Last night you were there to stop me from shooting Mel and Kaden, and then we were in bed together. It doesn’t make any sense,” he chuckles, “and I don’t care. Everything doesn’t always have to make sense. Just enjoy what you have, when you have it. You never know when it could be taken from you. That’s a lesson your friend taught me. I still want to punch him. I’m sorry if that makes you look at me differently, but I really want to punch him in the face.”
He licks along his neck and nips softly "I'll punish you for running away later..." He smirks, being playful "I was born in Japan.... Many many years ago... When I was younger... I wasn't the best person... I didn't have my parents to teach me... I learned about my powers by chance... Then abused them..." He holds him close and nuzzles into his neck again "I would control women... Any women, if I thought they were pretty enough... I'd keep them for days, use them... And leave them... That went on for years... Until my Master found me... I had many girls with me at the time, all under my control... He freed them, then took me... My powers didn't work on him, but his worked on me... He knew how to control his... He taught me the right path until the day he died..." He smiles slightly "It was shortly after that... That I met my first male mates... I loved them... But it wasn't to last... I've been hopping between genders since..." He chuckles and looks at him "And then I find you... And I just can't get enough..." He growls softly and nuzzles again, licking along his neck and throat slowly, kissing it softly. "As for Kaden... As long as you don't try to kill him again... He deserves it... He's done this a few times... But never a married woman... It's asking for too much trouble he'd tell me... I'm not sure what made him target Mel... But in a way I'm glad... Because now I have you..." He tips his chin up slightly and starts a deep kiss, twisting their tongues slowly and taking their time.
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