Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Being in his head he could feel his unease and when he started to close himself off, Jareth holds back a whimper and looks down at him, why couldn't he understand. "Yeah... We can sleep now..." Jareth slowly fades from his mind, he stares down at Mason's sleeping form and pulls him as close as he can, he closed his eyes and let the tears fall. Mason wasn't ready, and he couldn't make him understand, he was actually afraid of losing him.

Kaden watched the scene as they landed and slowly steps from the copter as Nicholas goes to speak with the other doc. He starts to scan the crowd of women for Mel as they talk, but he didn't see her, he was about to go running into the building when he felt eyes on him, the copter was still to loud to have heard her, be he felt her. He quickly turns around "Melanie!" He runs to her and pulls her into a tight hug, careful not to hurt her, then he lets her go and gets on his knees, hugging her around the waist "Please... Don't destroy our baby... If... If you don't want it, I'll raise it myself... But please... Don't end what we made before it can begin... Think about this... You've wanted a baby for so long... And now you want to throw it away because of a disagreement we had... I love you... And I want our baby... Please Melanie!" Halfway through he had started to let his tears fall, he was so scared.
Once Jareth was out of his mind, Mason finally let his own sadness flow. He felt like Jareth was keeping him at arms length until he was sure this work out. That was a sentiment he understood. He was afraid of Jareth becoming like Melanie. He was feared he would find someone else and leave him just as she did. Never did he imagine that this would be case. He had been so sure of his love for Jareth, and now he felt like this man didn’t feel the same way. The instinct to run was great, but in this current condition, he couldn’t. Mason was fighting the medication. Sadly enough he wanted to get up and go get a drink. A drink. The very thing had put him here now. He opens his eyes to see Jareth’s face and the tears. It breaks his heart even more. ‘I gotta get out of this room. I need some air. I can’t breathe in here.’ He begins to pull away from Jareth, but the drugs are making him weak. “Damnit,” he finally whispers.

“Kaden,” she says sinking down to caress his face and wipe away his tears. “I was coming here….to cancel my appointment. I can’t do it. I can’t say goodbye to our baby. I want her….or him. I want you. I love you, but you….” She shakes her head. “You….hurt me. I felt….alone….standing there….on that limb….by myself….as you sided with him. I won’t end our baby’s life, but us….Kaden? How can we make a life together….when we hurt each other?”
Jareth was crying silently for several minutes before he felt Mason shift and try to pull away, then curse his weakness. Jareth holds him that much tighter "No... Please... Don't leave me..." He sounded so small and hurt, his body shaking ever so slightly from his crying, he didn't know what to say to make him understand.

Kaden takes a deep breath and looks at her, she wasn't getting rid of their baby, he knew she was still upset but her keeping the baby was all he heard at the moment, he cups her cheeks and kisses her, deeply, pulling back when they needed air. "I love you... But what was I supposed to do... You... You wanted to kill our friends... Have Mason locked up as insane... Because he loves someone else... Think about it... Would you have been happy watching Mason die..." He wipes her tears gently "You weren't thinking clearly... Becasue you were scared... And emotional..." He places his hands on her belly and leans closer, pushing up her top and kissing it softly.
Mason stills, looking at Jareth. “I’m not….going to leave you. I just need….some air….and a drink. I wouldn’t….leave you. I love you Jareth.” He wraps his arm around him, “Please baby. Relax. I’m here.” He leans towards his face kissing his nose before kissing away his tears.

She blushes as he kisses her belly. The eyes of the woman have all turned to them. “Melanie, it’s my fault Jareth left last night. I made him after Mason’s lung collapsed.”
“Damnit Nicholas,” Alex said one more swatting his arm. “You need to stay out of people’s love lives. Melanie, I’m glad you’re here and that you’ve changed your mind. I couldn’t perform the procedure. Your doctor faxed over your chart for me, and there’s an abnormality in your test results. I’m surprised the doctor didn’t see it.” Melanie’s face pales once more, and she reaches for Kaden’s hand. “I can’t abort more than one fetus. You’re having twins. The blood work clearly shows that, but if you want to come inside I can confirm it.”
"I felt it... Your walls going back up, shutting me out... I love you... I do.. So much... But it doesn't feel like that's enough... You want to force me into something we BOTH aren't ready for... I just want to love you... Get to know you, you get to know me..." He was still crying slightly but his voice only quivered slightly. "I want to marry you... But it would be more like a dating period..." He laughs slightly "We've known each other barely a week... And you want to jump into eternity...." He kisses him.

Kaden looks back at the doctor as she starts to speak, he holds Mel's hand, then his eyes widen "T-Twins... Two... Two babies..." He looks back to Mel and kisses her, he stands them up and spins her around, happier then ever, he stops after a few spins and cups her cheeks, kissing her again "Can you believe this... Mel..."
“A dating period!” His voice was loud, and despite the drugs, he moves his arm, pulling Jareth’s arm from his body. “I gotta get out of here. Now. Nurse! Nurse!” He presses the button frantically. “I just need some air. I gotta get out of here. I’m sorry Jareth. It’s not you. It’s just….this is all too familiar. It FEELS to familiar!”

“No. I can’t believe this. Twins don’t run in my family. I don’t understand.” Alex approaches closer. “I did say there was some abnormalities there. I’d like to run some tests on you and the babies. Of course I need your permission. Melanie I’m qualified to do these tests, and I’ll take good care of you and your babies. You have my word.”
“Alex is a good doctor Melanie. You can trust her. Alex can I see her chart? Melanie is that alright?”
“Yes. To both of you. Kaden,” she says looking at him. “You can wait in the waiting room. I have to do this alone.”
Jareth quickly sits up, most of his injuries healed "No... No you stay here... You're still hurt... If... You need space, I'll give you that..." He kisses his forhead as the nurse comes in, he holds up his hands "It's ok... He's fine... Just make sure he calms down..." He gets up, glad he still had his own clothes, and moves to the door "I won't be far... Just call ok..." He taps his head and leaves the room, waiting outside the door for several minutes.

He listens then stares at Melanie "How... Can you ask me that... Those are my children too... If there's something wrong... I want to know... To be there for you... Them..."
“Try to calm down Sir. Your heart rate is too high. Calm down.” Mason shakes his head, panting. “I can’t calm down. Don’t you get it? I’ve made an idiot out of myself. I have to get out of here.”
“How?” He stops looking at the young face of the nurse. “How? I professed my love to that man, and it’s too soon. He wants to take things slow. He sounds like a girl. No offense.”
“None taken. You sound like a scared girl. Things are tough, you didn’t get the answer you wanted, and now you want to run away. Yep. Sounds like a scared girl to me.” Mason narrows his eyes at her. “Your heart rate is still a little high. Get mad at me if you want.”
“Who the fuck do you think you are?”
“I’m the nurse with the drugs. Feel like calming down now? You told him you loved him, want to spend the rest of your life with him, and he’s not giving you the answer you want. Grow up. I think more of him for reacting the way he did. He wants to take time to get to know you, to savor you. It’s like taking time to enjoy a rich dessert. You let the taste linger in your mouth because it’s that good. Don’t be a sloppy eater and wolf it all down so fast. Enjoy what you’ve got. There. Your heart rate is coming down. Still want some air? I’ll tie you to the bed, but I can open a window.” He glares at her. She smiles before heading out of the room. In the hall, she stops and offer Jareth a smile. “He’s stubborn. Give it time.” Before she starts to walk away, her eyes glow a bright white for a moment.

“I can tell you what the doctor says. I’m not going to shut you out of their lives, but this….is too hard….right now.”
“Melanie Jareth didn’t leave Mason. Don’t be angry with Kaden for standing up for him. Somebody had to after what I did.”
“How about this Melanie. Kaden here comes inside with you and stays with you while I draw the blood and run the tests. Then you can decide if you want him to stay with you while we talk. How does that sound?” She thinks for a moment before nodding. “Alright. You can come with me. Alex takes them all inside and draws her blood. While she’s doing it, Melanie’s eyes are glued to Kaden.
Jareth listens to the nurse try and calm him down, listens to Mason's words and looks down at his hand, the ring on his finger. Then what the nurse said hit him, she understood, he didn't want to end anything, he just wanted to take his time. He looks at her as she exits the room and was about to thank her when he saw her eyes, he froze a moment as she walked away. 'What...' He tilted his head before moving down the hall to sit, he didn't want to be too far if Mason tried to run.

Kaden wasn't too happy that she didn't want him around, but understood and nodded, he followed them inside. While she had her blood taken he just stares at the ground, he wasn't sure what to say, even after the Doc tried to tell her, she was still upset. Then he'd glance around the room, not really able to look at Mel yet, he'd see the posters of babies and happy families and he'd get a sad smile. Would he ever have that...
“Here.” Her voice was soft and gentle as she offered him the cup of water. “You’re still healing yourself. Granted you’re going to heal faster, you still need to take your time. Demon or not.” The nurse smiled, her deep blue eyes taking on a normal appearance. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone. As for Mason, like I said, give him time. Do you need anything Jareth?”

Alex and Nicholas leave the room, and Melanie is alone with Kaden. “How did we get here? How did it all go so wrong so fast? I understand that Nicholas is the one that got him to leave, but you….you still stood beside him. I understand why you did it. Because they both would have died, but if Jareth had never gotten close to Mason in the first place, none of this would have happened. It’s Jareth’s fault he was in the hospital in the first place. He took him to the mountains, let him get drunk, and then didn’t hide the keys. He didn’t hide the fucking keys! If he had hidden the keys….and this whole mating thing? Why would he even allow it to start? He barely knows Mason. It’s bad enough he’s wearing his ring. They don’t know each other enough for all of this, and instead of trying to talk about that, you stood up for him. The man who is part of the reason he was there in the first place, and don’t you dare tell me my logic is hazy because I’m pregnant. That’s the really fucked up part Kaden. I know that! I know you were just trying to save our friends, but the fact is….the fact is….I’m scared Kaden. A baby? Two babies? Oh my gosh Kaden. Am i….Am I ready for….this? I’m so scared of losing….everything….like I did with Mason,” she finally admits before she holds her face in her hands.
Jareth takes the water and takes a sip, staring at her "How... Did..." He takes a slight sniff "I don't... Smell any demon... What are you..." He kept his voice low and watches her.

Kaden watches her and allows her to say what she needs to, knowing if he said anything she'd clam up again. When she finally said what was bothering her he quickly moves to hold her, hugging her close, then moving her to sit in his lap, letting her cry. "First off... It wasn't Jareth's fault... He had the keys in his pants, folded up... Mason told me himself that he went looking for them... Second... A demons instints are a lot stronger then ours... Mason told me what happened... He pushed Jareth into having sex... Then Mason but him and asked him to bite him back... Jareth was excited and his demon was easily stronger then a rational mind... I know that from talks with Jareth... His demon took over and started it without consent... When they finished he was still on edge and noticed Mason had hurt himself and got mad, thinking he had done it... Then Nicholas came in... He didn't want to hurt anyone... So he left to calm down... He didn't intend to get hurt in the forest..." He then cups her cheek and makes her look at him "And as for our babies... You'll be fine... You'll be a wonderful mother... And you'll have me there to help with everything... Even Mason can't wait to be an uncle... I'm sure Jareth would love it too... You're not alone in this Melanie..." He smiles at her "M'lady..." He whispers softly, for her.
She smiles at him. “My name is Aliya, and you will not smell any demon on me. I am not a demon. I am a fallen angel. I fell some time ago and made a life for myself here. I fell because of true love. Sadly, my love was killed when struck by a car. My life has turned out wonderfully though. I took this job so that I could continue to help others. Nicholas has been my charge for some time now. I watch over him. I am his guardian angel of sorts, and now I am watching over Mason and you. You have no reason to fear me. You are a demon, but all I see is Jareth.” She puts her hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him. “All things will work out. Rest assured.”

She snuggles into him, feeling comfort for the first time since she left. “M’Lord,” she whispers back. “I love you Kaden.” She turns her lips to his and kisses him deeply. The door opens quietly. “Now before you two get too involved that, let’s talk. Besides, that’s what got you here in the first place,” Nicholas teases. Alex swats him once more. “Alright Melanie. I ran the tests I wanted, and it appears what I was noticing was the case. There is something odd about your babies. Their genetic markers show some variances. There is no way….they both have the same….father.” Nicholas moves closer to Melanie. “Melanie, who else did you sleep with besides Kaden?”
“Mason.” He smiles at her. “One of your babies belongs to Kaden. The other belongs to him.” She turns her gaze back to Kaden. “Both of you. I’m giving both of you a baby.”
Jareth continues to sip his water "You'd think in my long life... I'd have met someone like you before.." He smiles slightly "All those years watching him and you can't see how lonely he is..." He looks at her then back down "I hope they do... Starting te bond was an accident... It's way to soon to even think about that... But..." He blushes "He got me worked up..." He sighs "Now even though I tried to explain... He thinks I just don't want him forever... That I'd just use him and toss him aside!" He took a deep breath "Sorry..."

Kaden looks at Mel and smiles "That's amazing... He'll be thrilled..." He kisses her "We have to go tell them... He thinks he'll only ever be an 'uncle'..." He holds her closer and kisses her again "I'm gonna be a daddy..." He smiles at her "Mommy..."
“It is alright Jareth.” He continues to rub his shoulder. “I understand. It was a heat of the moment thing, but you must understand Mason is not like you and I. He does not understand the depths involved in mating. How could he? He is human. You are asking him to understand something that is completely not human. On his level, this is the same as being told, ‘I only wish to date you. I am not ready to marry you.’ We both know that is not the case, but humans do not think that way. They can not understand that which they do not experience. What has Mason experienced in his life? Happies. Marriage. Betrayal. With you he found happiness. By wearing his ring, by speaking about marriage, you have given him hope for marriage. Now he feels betrayal all over again. It was an accident, but it has repercussions. You both need to work through them. Do not let him run from them for fear of dealing with his feelings. It was painful to deal with his feelings about Melanie and Kaden. Do not let him run from this. As for Nicholas, of course I see how lonely he is. That is why I am glad you, Mason, Kaden, and Melanie have come here. All of you are exactly what he needs.”

“Mommy? “ There is a look of sheer panic on her face. “Daddy,” she says caressing his cheek. All her fears seem to melt as she touches him. “Alright. We do need to go tell them.”
“That’s where I come in at. May I offer you both a ride back up the mountain?”
“It’s about time you do something, Nicholas, besides causing a commotion in the parking lot of my offices.” He turns to a grinning Alex. “Watch it woman.” She laughs at him. “Melanie, you’re cleared to go. Everything has been taken care of by Nicholas here. You’re okay to fly. The babies will be fine. Congratulations to both of you.” Nicholas has already started out to the parking lot. There’s still a crowd of women there that watch him as he climbs inside. They’re smiling and waving at him. “Oh please come on Kaden and Mel. I have to get out of here.” He laughs as he waves at the women.
Jareth nods at what she's saying, she understood, he just hoped Mason would, he leans back and tries to relax. Then she talks about Nicholas and smirks "I have noticed how he watches us... How being alone with me affected him... A scent he seems to have around us..." He smiles "That boy doesn't know what he wants..."

"Thanks Doc..." He kisses Mel once more before helping her up "Let's go tell the other daddy to be..." He takes her hand and leads her back out to the chopper, he helps her in and gets in himself, not once losing his grin.
“He does watch all of you. You stir feelings within him that he does not understand, but he enjoys them. Nicholas has never been touched, never had his lips pressed to another. That is a powerful thing. Nicholas has spent his life helping others. Not once has he expected anything in return. Perhaps now someone has come along who can help him.” She leans in close to him nudging him. “Someone who can help him in ways he desires. Last night he watched your friends at his home. He did not send them there for that reason. He took care of his own needs as he watched them. His primal instincts took over. He ruined his computer chair and hurt his hand slightly in the process. That has always been his way. Keep his own desires hidden, locked away, while he takes care of others. Maybe it is finally his turn to be taken care of.”

Nicholas passes her a headset. After she puts it on he tells them both, “Let’s keep the conversation PG rated. Alright? Mommy and daddy?” He smiles at them both before taking off.
He smiles "I'd be happy to help him... I owe him a lot..." He looks at her "Thanks for your help... I'll just stay out here for a while... Let him calm down... And make sure he doesn't try to go anywhere..." He smiles softly.

"Promise..." He looks out at the crowd of women "So... A few of them were looking at you uh Doc..." He smirks and glances at him.
She sighs. “Well that may prove to be difficult. He is moving in there. I can sense it.” She stands and head towards his room opening the door. Mason is nowhere to be seen. “Mason?” The side door opens and he comes out of the bathroom. “I had….to go. I’m tired of using….a bed pan!” She smiles at him. “Alright. Back in bed with you now.”
“No. I’m tired..of being in..that thing.” He sits in a chair slowly looking out the window. “Alright. Just no more moving around, and call for me when you’re ready to get back in bed.” She turns to leave. “He left again. Didn’t he? I should have known. He’s just like Melanie. Fuck Kaden and all his friends.”

Nicholas laughs. “Yeah. So they were.” Melanie leans forward slightly. “Do you have a girlfriend Nicholas?” He shakes his head. “Never seemed to be any time. I’m okay though. Let’s just say I watch some good porn,” he gives Kaden a glance. “Really good porn.”
Jareth was listening to their conversation then frowns when he heard what Mason said, he growls slightly and stands, he moves to the doorway and crosses his arms. "You think so little of me... But you want me to tie you to me for the rest of my life... I told you I wasn't going far... And you couldn't even believe that..." He glares slightly before walking away, only returning to his seat.

Kaden just blushes and looks out the window, a slight smirk on his lips "Yeah... I bet you do... Maybe we should swap videos sometime..." He glances at Nicholas.
Mason stands, his legs shaky. “Please sit down.” He shakes his head. “No. I’m going after him.” She tries to stop him. “You are not strong enough to be walking like this. Please. Sit down.”
“You can either help me or get out of the way. The choice is yours’.” She puts her arm around him, struggling to help through the door. “Jareth! Get back here! We need to talk! Right now!” Aliya searches for him.

“Oh I don’t know. I’m pretty sure you’ve already seen the best video I have in my collection.” Melanie looks back and forth between the two of them. “It must be a guy thing,” she says. Nicholas laughs. It doesn’t take him long to fly them all back to the hospital. He lands with no trouble. As they come out of the elevator, he hears Mason calling for Jareth. “What the…. Get him back to his room! Right now! Aliya! Have you lost your mind?” He rushed down the hall towards them shaking his head.
Jareth had moved a bit further down the hall and stood when she helped Mason from the room, he growls slightly "Get back in that room! You're still healing and this is NOT the place for this discussion..." He crosses his arms and was about to go help the nurse return him when he heard Nicholas and turns to face him.

Kaden takes Mel's hand and they follow Nicholas into the hospital "What is going on..."
“Nicholas. Help me.” He rushes to Mason’s other side, putting his arm around him. “No! I want you Jareth! Right now! Get in this damn room right NOW!” Melanie squeezed Kaden’s hand. “I’ve never seen him so angry. Please. Go help them get him back into bed. I’ll….stay and talk to Jareth. Go. Please.”
Kaden moves to help the doctor and Mason "Come on... You need to calm down if you wanna hear our news..."

Jareth looks at Melanie and moves to sit back down "You want to talk to me... Why..."
“News?,” he asks as he drags his feet back into the room. “Sit down and get comfortable. Your heart rate is high again Mason.” Aliya puts her hand on his forehead while Nicholas looks checks his pulse. She smiles down at him and winks before her eyes glow. Mason stares at her, and the only thing he can think of is Jareth’s beautiful eyes. “Jareth,” he says calmly. “Just a minute longer, and he can come in.” She offers him a smile. “Alright?” Mason nods. “You love him. Don’t you?”
“With all I have. I’m sorry it’s not a whole lot.”
“Mason. It is enough. More than enough, but you have to trust him. You have to listen to him. Alright.”
“It feels like I’m not good enough for him. That’s how what he’s saying makes me feel. I’m good enough to date, to fuck, but that’s it.”
“That is not it Mason. Enjoy the dessert. Remember? You have your whole life to love him, to belong to him, to be his mate. Why do you feel the need to do it all so fast?”
“Because he might leave. Like Melanie.”
“Trust him. You might be surprised. If you do not put your heart on the line again by trusting him, you will not ever know how wonderful this could be.” He nods once more to her.

“Yeah. I do want to talk to you. Why did you leave him last night Jareth?”
Kaden sits back and just watches, this nurse wasn't normal, he smiles though because she seemed to be trying to help.

Jareth crosses his arms "So I wouldn't hurt anyone... I was a little riled up... So I went for a run..." He looks to the side "I was going to come back... But I fell down a cliff and fell in a river where I hit my head..."
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