Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

He watches from a distance for a short time before changing back and pulling out his phone, he calls Kaden "Hey... I'm ok... Or will be... I followed Mason... He doesn't know... He met up with Mel's friend Mari... She took him to a bar..."

Kaden picks up and asks if he was ok "You followed him... Ok... A bar..." He looks to Mel "Is Mari insane... She took him to a bar..." He nods "Alright... I'll tell Nicholas... Jareth... Be careful, the both of you..." He holds Mel's hand "You have a family to come back to..."

Jareth listens and smiles "Thanks... I will be... And I'll make sure he comes home... I don't want to see him hurt anymore... I'll call back later with more news..." He hangs up and heads closer, walking past Maria car.
Marissa looks up in time to see the man walking towards the bar. “Damn. That is one hot man. Damnit. If I had more time, I’d talk to you.” She shakes her head before driving out of the parking lot.

Mason is almost finished with his second beer when he flags the bartender over. “Only people that drink like that are the ones trying to forget something. She tear your heart up?” He nods. “Yeah. So did he. Two more.” He shakes his head before handing him two more beers.

“A bar! Drinking! That’s what started this! He better come home safely. He has a child to think about now. Stupid man! He better be glad Jareth is the one close to him and not me. I’d rip his head off!”
Jareth glances at Mari as he passes and smiles slightly, then heads inside, he keeps to the back and orders a drink, non-alcoholic, and watches over Mason. He takes his drink and sips it slowly, Mason was on his forth beer already. "Idiot..." He says softly and sighs.
He picks up the beer and stops as his mind wanders. Images of Jareth begin to play like a movie. He smiles remembering their first night together. The sensations of his touch become almost too real. He shakes his head and finishes the beer. “You know pal, the way you’re putting those things back, you might need something a little stronger.” Mason raises an eyebrow. The man sits a glass on the bar and pours him a shot of vodka. “I was a bad mix liquors.”
“It’s a bad idea to get as drunk as you’re looking to do too. You ready to stop?” He picks up the glass. “Hell no.”
Jareth sighs and shakes his head, he had been listening in to Mason, he was debating if he should step in or not. He didn't know if he could allow Mason to get too drunk, he was still injured pretty badly, he could hear him taking deep and shaky breaths.

Kaden stands and sets Mel down "I'm gonna go tell Nicholas what Jareth said... Then we'll go get you something to eat..." He kisses her softly and heads to Nicholas' office.
“Pal you look like you’re hurtin’. You alright?” Mason nods. “I’m fine. Just….hit me again.” The bartender looks at him in disbelief. As he pours him another drink he tells him, “he must have been something else.” He picks up the glass, eyeing the liquid. “He is.” Raising the glass, he begins to drink it.

Nicholas is coming out of his office when he sees Kaden. “Have you heard anything?”
Jareth looks over and listens closer, maybe he could learn something.

Kaden nods "Yeah... Jareth followed him to a bar... Mel's friend Mari picked him up and took him there... Jareth is keeping a close eye on him... From a distance.." He crosses his arms lightly "He did sound a bit more like himself though..."
“How’s that,” the bartender asked. “I met him….when I was at….my lowest. I was gonna do….something stupid….to two people. What he did know….was what I was gonna do….after.” The bartender tilts his head listening to him. “I was gonna….end it all. I didn’t see….anything worth….staying around for. So I was gonna put….a bullet….in my head.” He leans closer to Mason. “What stopped you?” Mason grins. “Those beautiful eyes. I didn’t see….any reason….to stick around. In those eyes….I saw everything….I wanted. Then I find out….I’m gonna be….a daddy.” The bartender smiles. “Congratulations!”
“Not so fast. She’s having….another man’s baby….too. That’s right. She left me….for him.”
“Yeah. Big ouch. So the woman I love….left me, and….the man I love….thinks sharing….something important….in his life….with me….was a mistake. We should….go slow. So I said….we needed….space.” He drinks a bit more from the glass. “No wonder you’re looking to drunk. Should I just leave the bottle?” Mason grins. “Yeah. Just….leave it.” The bartender pulls the bottle out from under the counter as Mason grabs his wallet. “Here you go,” he says handing him what he owed him. “You know I’m not letting you drive out of here. As drunk as you are now, there’s no way.”
“Driving drunk. Now there’s something stupid….I won’t do again.”

“Why do you think he sounded like himself? I’m guessing that’s a good thing though.”
"It wasn't a mistake... It... Was just too soon..." He says softly to himself, then chances a glance at the bar.

Kaden bites his lip and shrugged "Not sure... Guess he felt useful again... Like I said, when I saw him leave... He looked lost, with nothing to do but wait... Now he has something to do..."
"This just seems....a little less messy....than a bullet," he teases. "You're not drinking for that reason. You're drinking to forget them both." Mason nods. "Yeah, but the more....I drink....he's" He rubs his chest, groaning. The bartender had left Mason alone several times, but he kept coming back to him. "Pal you sure you're alright? You look a little pale."

"And now what does he have to do?"
Jareth finally decides to move closer, he takes a seat next to him and orders a scotch on the rocks "No... You are not fine..." He takes his drink and sips it, not looking at him.

Kaden just smiles "Care for the one he loves? Is there anything better to do..."
He doesn't move towards looking at him. "You know....of any other....bars around here," he asks the bartender. The bartender shakes his head. "I'm shocked you knew I was open."
"Marissa." The bartender smiles. "Mari is an amazing person. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but she's got a hot body. That's all that important! Right?"
"No. You want somebody....that loves you....before you spread....your legs for them. How could so blind? Was I just....a toy for him? For you? Another fuck you could claim?" The bartender moved away from them. "No. Wait. Marissa told me....why this was her....special place. Are you....selling?" He freezes. "Yeah. What you in the market for?"
"Marissa always tell you....'make it snow.'....if I was" He nods. "You want the white powder?" Mason nods. "I plan way....or another."

Nicholas looks down at the floor as he takes a deep breath. "No. I guess not."
Jareth growls a little and glances at him "You wouldn't dare..." He looks at the bartender "Make the deal... I dare you..." He glares at him, and makes his glass crack slightly, with a low growl coming from him.
"What are you," the bartender asks, reaching for the baseball bat he had behind the counter. "Now look. I don't want any trouble. Your friend is a paying customer. You, on the other hand, I haven't seen a dime from. Now why don't you just go on leave. We got business to discuss." The entire time Mason keeps sipping from his glass. "I dare," he finally says. Reaching for his wallet, he finally looks over at Jareth. "Here you go," he says throwing some money on the counter. "You're selling. I'm buying."
He growls a bit darker and the glass shatters in his hand "Fine... You want money..." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his own wallet "I'll just buy it back!" He tosses down twice as much, turning his glare to Mason "This really how you want it to be..."
"I don't know how I want it to be! What is it anyway? You and me? Us? Come on Jareth! You're not my husband, my keeper, my watcher! You're not fiancée. You're not even my boyfriend! So what are you doing here? Why do you care so fucking much? You....sure you want so much, or is that....a....mistake too?" He looks over to the bartender. "Don't take....his money. Please." He doesn't reply. He simply looks from Mason to Jareth. "Just get out of here. Go back to were doing....before you met me. You had....a life. Go back to it. There's nothing special....keeping you here."
Jareth stand and looks at him "No... I'm not any of those things... But I want to be... Tried to be... But you kept pushing me away!" He hits te countertop "You're scared... I get that... But jumping headfirst into anything is a bad idea... I wanted to take things slow, get to know you you know me... But you want to jump right into the highest level of commitment I have..! When we can't even have a simple talk!" He steps back as if to leave, then come back and gets closer "My life before you was crap... I seduced partners to help warm a normally cold bed... You want to know what's special enough to keep me here... Keep me coming back... Someone who saw me and not just what I could do for them..." He was panting and steps back, he grabs his money back and looks at him again "So you go ahead and drown yourself in booze or fry your brain... But just know it won't be just me you're letting down... Or did you forget what Melanie told you today..." He hadn't even noticed when he started crying.
He stands, his eyes glued to Jareth. "It's not about....jumping into....the highest level....of commitment you have. It's about sharing....everything I have....with you. I never once....thought of having all....of you. I thought....about giving all of you. Even though I had....done that with her....and gotten hurt....there was something about you....that made me do it again. Something I forgot....about the pain....she caused me. I felt whole....stronger....than ever before. When I heard you was a do that....I felt weak again. I never....want to feel....that way again. I made you Jareth....with you. I stood people....about us. I went out....on a limb....and I felt like it broke! I fell." He reaches over and wipes Jareth's tears. "These were never....suppose to fall. All I keep hurting you. I make you....move too fast....hurt....and cry. Enough. I love damn much....but I'm no good for you. So take your money....and go....but do me one favor. heart here. At least....what's left of it." Mason was struggling, taking quick, sharp breaths. His face was shaking. "It takes....everything I keep....from kissing....your lips....right now. I feel them....taste them....have you....that me. Damnit it....I love you."
He let him have his say and almost shuddered when he touched him, he looks at him as he asks him to leave. "I'm sorry... But I can't do that..." He doesn't give him the chance to protest and holds his face, he kisses him, fiercely, deeply, hungrily. He pulls back only slightly "I refuse to go back to the dark... When I found a ray of light..." He kisses him again, softly "You're right... It wasn't a mistake... It was just too soon... We... We aren't ready for that yet..." He rubs his cheeks and kisses him again "I love you too... Which is why I can't just walk away... So if you still plan on doing that..." He glances at the barkeep then back "You'll do it with me right here... But I'm really hoping that you'll just take my hand and walk away..." He stands and holds out his hand out slightly.
It was all sweet, delicious, erotic blurr to Mason. Jareth’s lips pressing against his was the most divine thing he had felt since the first time he made love to him. Jareth stood there, with his hand out, offering it to him. Mason looked down at it before looking back into his eyes. “I want you,” he says before pulling him close, kissing him with as much passion as Jareth had just shown him. His lips claiming his once more, Mason only stopped to take a breath. “I want you Jareth. As much of you….as you’re willing to give.”
He returns the kisses and even growls softly "D-Done..." He rubs his cheek and smiles at him, kissing him once more before turning to the bartender, he pays for their drinks then leads Mason from the building. "You... Have Melanie worried sick... But right now... I could care less about them..." He slowly leads Mason across the street and into the woods, watching his breathing closely, he leads them to a small clearing. He sits down and gently helps Mason into his lap "Right now... I want to hold and love my baby..." He kisses him slowly with so much passion, only pulling away when they needed air "I want you... So bad... And I can smell you want me too..." He growls softly "But there are rules this time..." He kisses him again, nipping his lip softly "No blood... No hiding anything... The second you're in pain... You tell me... Promise?" He was rubbing his cheek and running his fingers through his hair, watching him.
By the time they got to the clearing, he was heaving. It was more walking without stopping that he had done yet. When Jareth helps him down into his lap, he feels all of the tension and the void he had been trying to fill with alcohol melted away. “I feel no pain. I promise. It’s all gone now.” His hand rested on the side of his face. “Those beautiful eyes. I got lost in them the first night we met. Now I never want to lose them. It’s you Jareth. It’s how you make me feel. I crave it all. I….I can’t wait any longer,” he tells him before lunging up to his lips again. “Take….me,” he pants in between kisses.
"Mmm..." He returns his kisses and smiles "As long as you're careful... Lover... But first.." He slowly removes his shirt and softly runs his hands over his ribs "These... Should be wrapped..." He holds a hand up and mutters something softly, a large roll of bandage appears in his hand. "This my hurt a bit... But I'll make up for it..." He kisses him again then starts to wrap his chest, firmly but not too tightly, when done he removes his own shirt and pulls him closer again "I was so afraid I'd never hold you like this again..." He smiles and continues to remove their clothes.
It shocks him when he makes the tape appear, but he only smiles. His hands touch his body, wrapping him. The contact of his fingers, his skin to his, is intense. His eyes watch Jareth’s. He was so focused on his task. Those eyes. No matter how many times he looked at them, there was always some new attraction to them. It wasn’t because Mason knew what he could do. To him, it didn’t matter that Jareth was a demon. All that matter was that Jareth was Jareth. His warm body, protective nature, how he made him feel, those were the things that mattered. He gasped as Jareth removed his shirt, and he felt his body against his. “Touch me Jareth. Let me touch you. Let me kiss your body.” He takes his hand and places it over his heart. “Do you feel it? It’s racing. You do that to me. Just love me in this moment. Let’s forget all the pain we’ve cause each other. I want you, every inch of you, to touch it, to taste it, inside me, all of you Jareth!” He laces his fingers in his hair and devours his mouth. Mason holds nothing back from him now.
He kisses him back, running his hands over him as he removes the last of their clothes, he lays them back so Mason is on top. He twists their tongues together and nips his lip softly, then starts to kiss along his jaw and down to his neck, he softly kisses where he bit before "One day..." He says very softly, then continues to kiss down until he comes to his nipple, the other covered by the bandages, he licks as nibbles it softly until it's hard. "Did you know.... That I would follow you..." He kisses back up to his chin, his hands roaming over him slowly, soon rolling them over, so Jareth is kneeling over him, his hair blocking them off from the world. "Deep down... Could you feel me near you... Watching you..." He takes his hand and kisses his palm, then each finger, his eyes dark with passion and love.
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