Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Shortly after dinner Kaden sits in the den watching tv with Jareth, he was falling asleep, Jareth looks at him. *I don't know how you managed to stay awake this long... Go to bed man... Your mind needs to rest...* Kaden looks up at him and smirks "I'm stubborn... But ok... See you in the morning... Feel free to crash in the guest room..." He stands slowly and heads down the hall to bed, Jareth staying up later to watch tv.
Marissa gets her to her home and gives her a sleeping pill. She knew Mel needed the rest. As soon as she's fast asleep, she heads towards the living room. "It's late. I can call my boss in the morning. He might be resting now, and I don't want to disturb him. He'll understand." She checks the doors, turns out the light, and heads to her own bed.
Early the next morning Kaden woke to the smell of bacon, eggs and pancakes, he stretches and sits up "I really need to invite him over more often..." He smirks "At least he stopped hitting on me..." He chuckles and gets up, head in to the bathroom where he showers, shaves and dresses. About thirty minutes after he woke up he opens his door and heads to the kitchen.
Melanie comes down the hall in the oversized shirt that Marissa let her borrow to sleep in. Her hair is a mess, and she yawns. "Morning sleepy head. I've got breakfast made, but you could already smell that. I didn't know what you would eat. So I made a bunch of different things." Melanie smiled. "You were always one to please." Marissa grins and nods. "Look. I gotta make a phone call. I'm taking a few days off to spend with you."
"You don't have to do that."
"I know I don't have to. I want to. Mel you're my best friend. You've been missing. I've finally got you back, and you're hurting. You're going through something. I'm gonna be here for you. So like it," she teased. Marissa disappears into the next room and dials her boss. She's got his home number, as he had given it to all of his closest employees. As he answers, she tells him. "Good morning boss. I'm sorry to bother you at home, but I need to take a few personal days. A friend of mine, she's been missing for a little while now, and last night, she just appeared out of nowhere. She explained what happened to her, which isn't good, and to make matters worse, she's heartbroken over some guy now. I know you'll understand, but I wanted to call and let you know what was going on."
Kaden was about to enter the kitchen when the phone started to ring "I got it..." He turns into the study and picks up the phone "Hello... No, it's no bother..." He listens to the story and frowns "That's too bad... At least she's home now... Take a few days, call if you need longer... I've been out of it myself for a few days... Friend of mine and me are even hitting the clubs tonight... Maybe it what your friend needs..." He chuckles softly, he didn't know Jareth was listening in, demon hearing and all.
"Thank you Sir. You know, I think that's exactly what Mel needs. It might be good for her. Maybe we'll even see each other there," she laughs. "I knew you would understand. Thank you."

Melanie slowly begins eating remembering getting up and making pancakes for Kaden. Other memories come back to her. The park. The mall. The restaurant. Their bedroom. She sighs, on the verge of tears, and pushes her plate away.
"No problem Meri... I hope you and Mel have fun... And you never know... See you later, bye..." With that he hung up and heads into the kitchen "That... Smells amazing... Thanks honey..." He kisses Jareth cheek and takes a seat, grabbing his plate. *Ha ha, very funny...* Jareth chuckles and takes his own seat "You can't tell me you don't have some feelings for me... I've been in your head remember...* Jareth smirks, Kaden looks at him "It was once man... Sure I liked it... But I still prefer woman... Easier to control..." Kaden smirks and starts to eat, *Yeah yeah... So, who was on the phone...* he glances up as he eats "Just one of my employees... She needed some time off..."
Marissa walks back into the room telling her, "alright Mel. I'm all....yours." She slows seeing her sitting there on the verge of tears, her plate pushed away. "Mel? What's wrong?" Melanie doesn't look at her. "Mel? I gotta know. Did you sleep with this other man?" She slowly nods. "Mel! What about Mason?"
"He made me feel things Mason never did. He awakened something inside me, Marissa, and I never knew making love, or even fucking for that matter, could feel like that."
"Do you really love him? After everything else, do you love him? Could you honestly walk away from your husband for this man who kidnapped you? I mean why did he even do that?"
"I don't know why he did it. Maybe he just wanted me. Maybe he had seen me somewhere, and he wanted me. Marissa he went through so much trouble to get me, and all he ever did was make me happy."
"Yeah. Make you happy and keep you away from everybody you knew. We thought you might be dead, but instead you're fucking your kidnapper."
"I'm sorry."
"No. It's okay. I'm just glad you're okay and here. Listen. How about tonight we go out and just have some fun. Heck even my boss in going out tonight," she laughs. "If he can go and do that, then I know you can too. I'll lend you some of my clothes."
Melanie slowly nods again pulling her plate back towards her.
Later that night Kaden pulls up to the club and finds a parking spot, he turns to Jareth as he turns it off "Alright... You're not going to make me drag you inside... Are you..." He chuckles "There's bound to be a few cute guys inside that swing your way..." Jareth smirks and looks to Kaden *Who says they have to swing my way... And you know I like girls just as much...* The men get out of the car and head inside, they head to the back and get a table near the dance floor.
"Mel, come on. You're not gonna sit here all night sipping from that one drink are you? You like to dance, and look at the dance floor. It's brilliant! Come on. Don't make me drag you to the dance floor. I will you know," she laughs. "Yeah. I know you will." They're sitting at a table along the wall, and yet they're close enough to see the dance floor. "Hey look," Marissa says. "There's my boss!" She waves to him as Melanie looks down at her drink. "This is her," she mouths to him.
Kaden notices Mari and smiles, waving back "Looks like she took my advice... Kinda kool we ended up at the same club... He friend is kinda cute..." Jareth looks up, having just taken a drink, and nearly choked 'No way..!' Kaden looks back at him and pats his back "Hey... You alright? Too strong?" Jareth coughs and shakes his head *No... Just went down wrong... I'm good...* he bangs his own chest a bit and calms down *See... All good... So that's your employee? And her friend?...* he looks over at the table, seeing te very woman he just wiped from Kaden's mind.
Marissa elbows Melanie. "Look. That's my boss. Aren't I a lucky one," she giggles. "He's cute. Okay. He's fucking hot, but he doesn't date. In fact, for the past month or so, I haven't really seen him at the office. Maybe he had a woman at his place," she teases. Melanie looks over at her smiling friend and grins before looking up. Her face freezes as she sits up straight. "Mel? What's wrong? You look like you seen a ghost. Your face is white. Are you okay," Marissa asks putting her hand on her back. "Mel?" Melanie is unable to speak. Her eyes avert over to Jareth. 'Who the fuck are you, and what are you doing with him?' She grabs her purse. "I gotta....I gotta go," she tells her starting to stand up. "NO! Sit down. What's wrong? Geez Mel." Her eyes stay focused on Jareth. "Who is he?"
"I don't know. Never seen him before. You like him? Hey! Who are you," she mouths to Jareth. "Wanna meet my friend," she continues to mouth pointing to Mel.
Jareth looks at Mari and nods *Come on... I'd like to meet them...* he stands and grabs Kaden, *I'm gonna take the friend... If you don't mind...* he chuckles and pulls Kaden over "Sure... She doesn't look my type anyway..." Jareth glances at him before they get close. "Hey Mari... Glad you took my advice... Though your friend doesn't look to well..." Jareth looks the girls over, extending his hand to Mel *Hello... I'm Jareth... And what's yours...*
"I'm....I'm....," her voice trails as she looks over to Kaden. "Melanie. Who are you?" Marissa grins at Kaden. "Mel is a good friend of mine. She's been....away for a while. Now that she's back, I'm trying to help any way I can. Tonight she needs to loosen up," she elbows her. Mel leans away from her before looking back to Jareth. "Why don't you two go dance," Marissa tells her pushing her from her chair until she's standing. "I....uh....I don't know. Uh..Jareth..what do you say?"
"He says sure," Marissa interrupts. "Go. I wanna talk to my boss. I haven't seen you in a while. Where have you been? What's been going on with you?"
Jareth chuckles and takes Mel's hand "She's right... Let's go..." He smiles and pulls her to the floor before she can protest and starts to dance. "So... I'm assuming you've heard my name before... And you've meet my friend... Am I right..."

Kaden takes a seat and watches Jareth pull the young girl away "I'm fine... Just been on vacation... You can do that when you own the company..." He smirks "So... How has the office been.."
She looks back at the table at the two of them. "No. I don't think so. I mean I'm not sure. Look," she turns to him. "Who are you? Kaden....I know. I think you know that I know him. How or why you know I don't know, but just tell me who you are and what you're doing here? What's wrong with him? He acts like....he doesn't even know me. He does know me. Well. He..took me..and we shared so much. I didn't just dream all of that. It was real. Wasn't it?"

"The office has been the same. Still runs smooth even when you're not around. You've got the best staff anywhere. That's why," she smirks. "I'm not too bad myself. It's really good to see you Sir," she tells him reaching across to his hand. "I've missed seeing you at work."
Jareth looks at her and slowly dances them over to an empty table behind the dance floor, hidden from Kaden. "Think hard... I know he mentioned a friend that could help you... With your memories..." He sits them down and holds her hand "And yes I know you... And what happened between you two was real... The only problem... He doesn't remember... Anything that happened, or you..."

Kaden smirks and runs his fingers along her hand and arm slowly "Missed seeing me... Or missed our little private meetings..." He grins and leans in closer "Care to dance... Mari..." He stands and pulls her up and close to him, his hands moving down her sides to rest on her hips.
"What?" Her expression is one of horror and shock. "He doesn't....remember me? But how is You did this to him. You're the friend he talked about. He was going to have you do it to me, but you to do it to him. You bastard," she yells slapping him "You fix him right now! Damnit! I love him! Don't you get that? I. Love. Kaden."

She sighs, letting him pull her up. "Oh yes Sir. I missed everything about you. I was actually afraid that you....found someone else. Please. Tell me that's not the case."
He closes his eyes, expecting her slap and taking it "I'm sorry Mel... And I know how you feel... I had to see all his memories of you to lock them away..." He stands and pulls her close "But I can't change him back... He made me promise I couldn't undo this... But..." He looks at her, holding her shoulders "I implanted a fail safe... A lock if you will... And you are the key... I just can't tell you how..."

Kaden smirks at her and tips her chin up "Mmm... Nothing to worry about... There's no one else..." He leans down and kisses her softly, licking her lips and rubbing her sides.
"A fail safe? I'm the key? No. You change him back right now! Do you hear me? I love him.” She turns seeing him with Marissa just as their lips meet. “No,” she whispers. She knew Marissa had been involved with someone, but she never said who. “It doesn’t matter. I’m too….late,” she gestures. Looking Jareth in the eyes she tells him, “if you can do if for him, then you can do it for me. Make me forget him. I’ll do anything. I’ll give you anything. Please.”

“Oh Sir,” she groans. “I have missed you. Do you know how tempted I am to ask Mel if she’ll stay here with your friend for a while? Give us some time to catch up. I have missed you.”
Jareth grips her shoulders and makes her look at him "It's not too late... He's been playing around with Mari for years... She doesn't mean to him what you did..." He reaches up and wipes her tears "I told you I saw his memories... He has never wanted to forget a girl... You changed him Mel... Maybe for the better... I will get Mari away from him... You... Make him remember..." He looks at her, then kisses her forehead softly. "I made someone forget their love once... I swore never again... He's in there Mel... Please... Tell me you'll try..."

"Mmm... Maybe she could even join in... She was kind of cute... Like a lost puppy..." He chuckles slightly "And there's always the board room... I plan on coming back to work the end of the week..." He kisses her again softly "You should also meet my friend, he's also quite good in bed... I would know..." He winks and starts to lead her to the dance floor.
“I….can’t. I….it,” she stops as Marissa nears with him. “Okay Mel. I guess my little secret is out of the bag. This is the guy I’ve been hinting about. You can understand why we have to keep it a secret. If work got out that I was fucking the boss, well, I’m sure you can imagine how that would go.” Mel looks from her to Jareth. “Yeah. I understand.”
“So, you’re Kaden’s friend. Dance with me? Mel? Why don’t you dance with Kaden here. He’s really good on his feet. He’s even better off of them,” she winked to her. Marissa leans in to her ear whispering so only she can hear. “He said you could join us if you want. He thinks you’re cute. Like a lost puppy. Come on. Get to know him.” Leaning back, she takes Jareth by the hand and leads him away from them. Melaine looks at Kaden not really sure what to say. ‘He’s still in there. I can make him remember.’ Clearing her throat, looking down, she asks him, “ you..wanna dance?”

Marissa looks back at them. “She’s shy. Mel hasn’t been very open most of her life. I hope Kaden can get her to relax a little. She’s had a hard time. Lost a man she loved. She’ll get over him though. Hell if he’s moved on, she might as well too. Right? So tell me. How do you know Kaden?”
Kaden walks over with Mari and smiles, he listens as Mari speaks then watches her drag Jareth away, he looks back to Mel as she talks and smiles. "I'd love to... So, is Mel short for anything?" He takes her hand and leads her to the dance floor, a faster song had started.

Jareth looks at Kaden and Mel for a few minutes before looking back at Mari, "Through work... Then stayed in touch because of shared hobbies... So... Are you and him that close..." He pulls her close and starts to dance and grind.
She fights back her tears. “It’s Melanie. Have you heard that name before,” she asks him raising her eyebrows.

“We’re close enough,” she grins. “He’s good in bed, and I’m always on the look out for somebody who can be fun in bed. He said you were good in bed. Care to prove that to me sometime?”
Kaden looks at her and tilts his head slightly "Melanie... I think I'd remember that name... But I like it..." He looks at her closer "Are you ok?" He pulls them off to the side and reaches up, wiping at a tear that never fell. "Mari said you'd been hurt lately..."

Jareth looks at Mari and let's his eyes glow softly "I'm quite good in bed... And wouldn't you just love to find out how good..." Once she looks at him she'll be in his trance "Now... If you ever wanna get the chance to try me in bed... You'll leave Kaden alone... You'll slowly push him away... Is that clear Mari..." He reaches up to cup her cheek, giving her a touch.
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