Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Melanie pulls up to the park and gets out. Walking around she spots a man sitting on a park bench. She heads over to him, and he stands. “Melanie. It’s so good to see you again.” She tilts her head looking at him before he begins to look past her and around the park. “What are you doing,” she asks. “I’m looking for him. Is he with you?”
“No. I came alone because I wanted to hear what you had to say. Mason, I don’t….remember you. I found the flyer, and I called the number because that’s me in the picture, but I don’t remember you. I married to M’Lord. I have…..”
“Don’t call him that,” he cuts her off. “You are married to me. Come. Sit here with me. I’ve got our wedding pictures Melanie.” Her eyes widen as she rushes over to the bench. She spent the next several hours looking through pictures of the two of them dating all the way back to highschool. She saw her wedding pictures, honeymoon pictures, prom pictures, even pictures of them hanging out together. “This is impossible, but why would he…..”
“He wanted you for himself Melanie. This M’Lord you speak of, he’s the bad guy. He stole you away from me. He drugged us both baby.” She looks at him, trusting him more than Kaden now. "Be mine tonight baby. Come home. I miss my wife. I miss my Melanie.” She was about to cry as he leaned in kissing her lips softly. As he pulled back, she whispered, “Yes. Take me home Mason. Make love to me.”
“Anything for you baby.”
Kaden picks up the phone as he sits on the bed, "Hey man... Yeah, remember the one I told you about... Yeah... She ran back, she found a flyer..." He sets the flyer on the bed and runs his hand through his hair and sighs "I can't let her go... I've waited too long..." He glares at the floor "Can you be here in two days..." He smirks "Good... Thanks Jareth..." He hangs up and goes to take a shower, he had a long drive to her old home.
Melanie lay naked in bed, her limbs tangled with his. He smiles at her. “I missed you baby.” Her own smile widens. She wouldn’t tell him, but she was still confused. Mason had given her proof that Kaden was the bad guy. She literally had the proof in her hands, and now her mind still drifts back to him. ‘In time I’ll forget him. I have to. He’s the bad guy. He’ll be going away once I report him. I have to go back though. I have to confront him about all of this.’ She sits up in the bed, pulling the sheet around her body. “Mason, I have to go back to talk to him. He has to know that I know.”
“No baby,” he says sitting up next to her. “The last time that happened, he knocked both of us out, and I lost you again. I won’t let that happen.”
“I understand. I’ll give you his address. That way if I don’t come back, you can come after me.” She leans over to the nightstand and grabs the pencil there with the newspaper her had laid there. “This is his address. M’Lord….he should be home most of the time. If I don’t come back, you come for me.”
“No,” he says taking the paper from her and tossing it to the floor. “I will not let you leave Melanie. Do you understand me? You are not going back to him.”
“Yes I am Mason. I have to. I have to look him in the eyes and tell him.” She begins to get up from the bed only to feel him pull her back. She tries to scream, but he covers her mouth. “I’m sorry Melanie. I can’t….I won’t let you go back.”

Mason moves quickly gagging her and tying her to the bed. “You’ll forget him in time. Melanie you’ll see this is all because I love you, and I want you to be safe. You’re not safe with him.” She glares at him. He turns and disappears into another room.
Time passed throughout the rest of the day. She had no idea what he was doing in the other room, and her mind wondered. She would not be home tonight for certain, and she knew Kaden would be worried.
Kaden glances down at the map in his hand and turns down the street, it had taken him a while to get back to Melanie's house and longer to wait until night fall. "Alright... It was around here..." He parks the car at the end of the street and gets up to walk to the house 'here we go...' He noticed the car in the drive as he was about to head round back to his old hiding spot.
"Melanie, I love you. You'll see I'm doing this because of that. You can not go back to him. I don't care if you want to confront him. It's dangerous. I'm keeping you safe. Now," he says to her sitting down in front of her in a chair at the foot of the bed. "What is M'Lord's name? I have to have it so I can turn him in for this." She glares at him refusing to answer. "Fine. I can wait. You're not going anywhere."
Kaden gets into place and sees Mel tied to the bed "What the..." He quickly gets closer to hear what is going on, he glares at Mason, 'He's not supposed to do that...' He moves to the window behind Mason and looks inside, maybe Mason would leave the room.
"You will tell me what his name is. I don't care how long I have to wait."
"His name," she says looking him in the eyes, "is M'Lord, and he's my husband!" Mason moves quickly right to her face. "I thought you got this Melanie! He kidnapped you! He's the bad guy!"
"But you're the one with me tied to the bed Mason!"
"Because I want to keep you safe. You're ready to run back to him!"
"To confront him! He kidnapped me, lied to me, convinced me of this wonderful life I fell in love with! I....."
"You fell in love with? Melanie, baby, do him?"
"I....I," she stuttered.
"No. I'm making arrangements right now. We're catching the next flight out of here. You won't see him anymore, and he will not take you from me again. I love you Melanie, and I know you love me. The way you made love to me today over and over again told me how much you still love me." He kisses her forehead.
"Mason, I'm so confused. I do love you, but....."
"No more buts. I'm going to book us a flight right now. We'll be sleeping on a plane tonight. I don't care where we go. Alright."
She nods to him. "Alright baby. We'll leave M'Lord behind." She began to cry as he left the room. She really was confused.
Kaden moves to the patio door in their room and tests it, finding it open. "Mel?..." He glances into the room, making sure Mason was gone, then quickly moves to te bed, he gently removes the gag. "Melanie... Baby don't cry..." He wipes her tears softly "I... I didn't think I'd find this when I followed you here..." Reaching for her ropes.
"Hurry," she whispers to him after he removes the gag. "I didn't tell him. He wanted your name, but I didn't tell him." She looks up quickly as the sound of the floor creaking. "Get away from her you freak! You knocked me out once. I won't let it happen again! You are NOT taking MY WIFE! I'm sorry you're sad, pathetic, and alone, but she is already married. She's mine!"
Mason clutched a gun in his hand. It wasn't pointed at Kaden, but his eyes were fixed on him. "Tell him Melanie. Tell him to go." She looked at Kaden not wanting him to be hurt and decided to do the hardest thing she had ever done. "Get out." Her expression hardens despite her tears. "Leave me alone. I don't....want to go with you ever. I am home. Mason is my husband. I love him."
He glares at Mason and takes a step closer to him, he glances at Mel as she speaks and did look a little hurt, the looks back at Mason. "So... You love him... You love a man that ties you up just to keep you close..." He raises his hand to point at Mason "I may have taken her... But not once did I ever hurt her... I just woke her up, brought out the true Melanie that you kept pushing away..." He keeps his eyes on Mason and te gun. "Why don't you tell him Mel... What gets you excited... Tell him how you feel in crowds... All those eyes on you... Staring... Watching..." He knew how Mel would react, he wanted to see Mason's reaction.
"Stop it," she shouts to him. Melanie was trying to hide how excited she was getting just from him talking about it. "You say you didn't hurt me, but you did! You kept me from my husband! You hurt him, and I love him! So you hurt me! Now get out! Now! Fucking leave! I don't want you here! I love Mason!" Mason grins, looking over at her, taking his eyes off Kaden. "That's it baby. You tell him the truth. I love you too. All this crap about waking you up, it's just to make you feel better about him taking you."
Kaden takes his chance as he looks away and charges him, punching Mason hard in the face and grabing for the gun.
"M'Lord," she screams out as he begins to attack Mason. She watches both of them fight, and as Mason goes down, her eyes widen. She looks to him almost in shock. 'He's doing it again! He did overpower him at the mall! Now he's....going to do it again.' She closes her parted lips and asks him, "Are you going to take me again?"
After Kaden knocks Mason out and gets the gun away he quickly turns to free her, but her words stop him. "I... I was..." He slowly frees her hands "But..." He cups her cheek "I meant what I said baby girl... I love you... The last few months..." He smiles at her softly "I... I want you to be happy... I don't want to lose you... I even asked my friend Jareth to the house... But..." He glances at Mason "If you still love him..." He looked a little sad "Maybe I should be the one to forget..."
"Just go," she tells him letting her own tears fall. "Just get out of here. I won't tell him your name, but just....go." She moves from the bed and heads for the door. "I won't be here either. I can't trust him, and....I can't trust you. I don't even know either of you. Leave. Before he wakes up." She turns and heads through the door with no intent of stopping until she's inside her car and driving away.
Kaden just watches her as she storms off, he didn't think her 'walking away' would hurt, but it did, 'It's not supposed to hurt... I just start over... Find a new girl...' He glares at her back as she rounds the corner and turns, leaving the way he came, he jogs to his car and gets in, heading home. Shortly after he gets on the highway he phone starts to ring *Hey Kaden... I got in early, my flight was moved up... Should I meet you at your place?* Kaden glances at the clock, "Yeah... I should be there in about an hour... You know the code... And... There's a change in plans..."
When Melanie returns she sees Kaden gone and Mason still on the floor. 'I can't deal with this. They're both bad people.' She leaves in her car, heading to a hotel. Checking in, she decides she just needs some time. All of this has been too much. She quickly falls asleep from the shock of the day. Her mind drifts, slowly filling with thoughts of him.
Little over an hour later Kaden arrives home to find Jareth waiting in the drive way "Hey..." He parks his car, Jareth walks over to him and gives him a hug *Hey, long time no see... Now are you sure about this... It just doesn't...* Kaden holds up his hand "I'm sure... What do you need..." He pushes past him and heads inside, Jareth following close behind, *... Just someplace for you to lay down...*
It was his touch, his mouth, his body, his eyes, even the way he smelled that was so clear in her dream. She melted in his arms, listening to him tell her how much he loved her. She smiles, caresses his face, and tells him, "I love you too." Melanie awakes, her lips speaking the words from her dream. "I....." She covers her face and begins to cry.

When Mason came to, he began to search for her. Every place he looked, he came up empty. In frustration, he sinks down on the bed and notices the paper. "She gave me his address. I've got the fucker's address!" Snatching it up he declares, "I'm gonna get her back! I'm coming Melanie! I'll save you from this freak!"
Panting slightly Jareth stands and stretches, he looks over at Kaden *No... Don't try to get up just yet... You'll be tired... You rest and I'll make dinner..." Jareth leaves the room and heads downstairs, Kaden would be tired for a few hours yet. *I wonder if that fail safe will ever be needed...* he glances up the stairs before heading into the kitchen to start dinner.
It's late now. Deciding she doesn't care how late it is, Melanie leaves the hotel to walk around. The park is empty, of course, and she sits on a park bench letting the cool night air hit her face. It actually felt good. 'What am I gonna do? I love one of them. I truly love him. It's the way it's suppose to be, but look at what he did. How could he do that to me? If he loves me as much as he says he does, then why? I know his reasons, but does that make it right?'
It was dark when Kaden finally came down the stairs, smelling the air and smiling slightly "Damn... I have to have you over more often..." He chuckles, he knew he had wanted to forget something, that was the only reason Jareth would be there with him. "So, I was thinking of going hunting tonight... It's quiet around here... Need someone to keep my bed warm..." He smirks at him as he sat at the table "You wanna come along..." Jareth brings over the steak and potatoes and sets his plate down. *Nah... And I think you should wait a few days... You know the process can be draining... Wouldn't want you passing out in the car...* he chuckles and takes a seat, *Besides, I'm here for a few days and we haven't caught up in a while...* he starts to eat.
Melanie reaches in her pocket and takes out her cell phone. She presses the speed dial button for her best friend. "Mel? Is that you? Oh my gosh! Where have you been?"
"It's a long story Marissa. Meet me at the club? The Zone?"
"Yeah. Sure. You okay? Just tell me you're okay."
"No." She hangs up and begins to walk towards The Zone.
Kaden sighs and starts to eat "Fine... But I say we go out tomorrow night..." He stands and grabs a few beers from the fridge, handing one to Jareth and taking his seat again. He was eating "So... How much time did I lose..." Kaden looks at Jareth, he finishes his bite and opens his beer *Well... Over all... A couple months..* "Months! What the hell... What did..." *Don't even my friend, you know I won't tell you...* "Yeah yeah..." Kaden went back to eating.
The music was loud, and as her friend touched her shoulder, Melanie jumped. “Where the hell have you been? Months you’ve been missing, you call me up out of the blue, and you….look like you’re heartbroken. Mel? What’s wrong? What happened?” Melanie lifts her drink with a shaky hand. “I was..kidnapped.”
“Kidnapped! Mel does Mason know?”
“Yeah. He knows everything. The man who took me, he….well we….I,”
“Melanie? Did something happened between you and this guy who kidnapped you?”
“Yeah,” she nodded. “ love with him.” She covered her mouth as she began to cry. “How is that possible? Mel. You’ve gotta..wait. You said Mason..already knows?”
“He does. I spent all day with him, but when I wanted to leave to go confront M’Lord, he....”
“M’Lord? You call him….M’Lord?”
“Yeah. I do. I did. When I wanted to go confront him, Mason tied me to the bed. M’Lord came, knocked Mason out, and I told him to leave. I’m so confused. I don’t..know..what to do. I don’t know what I want or where to go.”
“You’re coming home with me. You’re staying with me. I’ll call my boss when I get home and tell him I need a few days off to stay with you. He’s an understanding man,” she grins. “He’s nice. Come on,” she says paying for Mel’s drink. “Let’s get you home.”
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