Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Kaden smirks and moves closer to Mel, pulls her closer and smiles "Whatever you want my love... Just say goodnight to your guest..." He fixes her dress and stands, holding her in his arms. "Thank you for helping my wife tonight Philip..." He waits for her to say good bye before taking her to the car and driving off, head in home.
"Thank you Philip and goodnight." She loved being in his arms. On the drive home, it was all she could do to stay awake. As they pulled up to the house, she smiled. "Home at last."
He slowly parks the car and smiles at her, turning the car off, "Yes my love, home..." He gets up and moves to her door, genty lifting her from the car and holding her close, he locks it up. "Are you too tired my love... Or would you like to play a little more..." He kisses her softly as they enter the house and head to their room.
Melanie doesn't answer his question right away. Instead she tells him, "Thank you for an amazing night Kaden." She runs her fingers through his hair. "I just want to spend time with you."
He smiles at her and kisses her softly, then sits on their bed, he holds her in his lap and rubs her back softy. "You know what I was thinking of..." He runs his fingers over her cheek softly "Remember the time on the way to te mall... In the car... How would you like to try that again..."
She grins remembering the time quite well. "Oh M'Lord, I would love to try that again. I want to feel my heart pounding like that as you take total control of me. Please," she tells him leaning in, kissing his lips softly. "Make me cum M'Lord. Make me feel good again."
He smiles at her "Do I ever make you feel any other way..." He lays her on the bed and moves to get a long dildo, he passes it to her and helps her pull her dress up. "Alright... Remember how it worked..." He sits next to her and holds her free hand, "Nice and slow... Breathe, in and out..." He smiles at her.
Slowly Melanie begins to pump the dildo into her wet sex. "Nice..and slow. In..and out. Like this M'Lord," she asks knowing she was doing it right. Her mind cleared of everything but her breathing and the feeling of the dildo.
He smiles and gently squeeze her hand, rubbing it softly "That's it baby... Nice and slow... In and out... Relax..." He watches her, making sure to keep everything calm and gentle. "Clear your mind... Breathe in and out... Pump nice and slow... Close your eyes..."
Already Melanie could feel the urge to cum. Her hand ever so slowly used the toy to fuck her pussy with each deep breath she took. Her eyes closed, and she pushed the toy in deeper, feeling everything even more. Her lips parted as she groaned. "In..and..out. In..and...out."
"Very good... Relax... Nice and slow..." He smiles, watching her body relax and wind up all at the same time, he keeps rubbing her hand slowly. He starts to slowly work his clothes off with his free hand as she continues to fall deeper.
It wasn't long until Kaden's voice was a hypnotic sound. Melanie listened to him, doing everything exactly as he told her to. She knew her orgasm was going to be a strong one. It was building. The dildo slid in and out of her with ease as she grew wetter. Her clit ached, tearing her away from her focus of her breathing. "I..wanna..go..faster..M'Lord. Please. Let me..cum."
"Shhh... Slow and steady baby girl... Just breathe... Soon..." He smirks, just like last time, "Just listen to my voice... Focus on your breathing... Nice and slow, in and out..." She was getting closer to to how she was last time, her mind just needed to relax more. "Just listen to me Mel... Breathe..."
Melanie's eyes began to cloud. That same familiar feeling was creeping across her body. First her sex, her hips, up her chest, filling her lungs, and resting in her eyes now. Her mind began to relax even more now, and she wasn't even speaking to Kaden anymore. Soft moans were the only sound her mouth made as the dildo pushed in and out of her wet sex.
Kaden grins watching her, he whole body relaxed and her eyes opened slightly, but she wasn't seeing anything, she was ready. He slowly lets her hand go, letting her focus on her own actions as he gets ready, because of where they were last time, she road him, but not this time. As she keeps up her slow and steady pace he gets her ready, spreading her legs slowly and moving over her, after a few moments he replaces the dildo with himself, keepin the same slow pace, for now. He moves her hands to rest by her head and smiles at her "Nice and slow Mel... That's all you feel... Nice and slow..." He cups her cheek gently and rubs it before holding her hips "Nice and slow... Relaxed... Nice and slow..." He repeats it a few times, each time he would move his hips faster, he stares at her "Nice and slow... Nice and slow..." The more he said it the faster he went, staring at her.
Nice and slow. The words repeated in her mind even though her mouth was unable to convey them. The switch had been so perfect, and yet, she could feel the difference. There was a power to Kaden the toy simply didn’t have. How hard he was, even his girth, his length, it was all different from the dildo, and Melanie could feel those differences. She grinned slightly, looking much like a woman who had had too much to drink. Her face the perfect picture of relaxation and pleasure. The faster Kaden began to move though, her expression changed. Confusion racked across her face as her mind was telling her one thing, but his body was feeding her another. Was it fast and deep, or nice and slow? Finally she mumbled, “nice..and..slow.” She wanted to cum so badly, and his efforts were pushing her there quickly only to have the thoughts racing through her mind hold her on the edge.
He grins "That's right... Nice and slow... Relaxed... Nice and slow..." He could feel her starting to grip him, only to have it stop as she speaks her mantra of 'nice and slow', he was pushing her to the edge and mind pulls her back, the expressions on her face were beautiful. "Nice and slow... Relaxed..." He kept it up, saying it to her softly, he didn't know when she would cum, that was the fun, he'd have to push her mind and body to the very edge, and he couldn't wait. He grins down at her and reaches for her clit, he rubs it slowly, like her mind believes and continues to fuck her quickly, repeating "Nice and slow... Relaxed..." Every few seconds as she sped up.
Melanie’s mind kept fighting for control over her body, and it was winning. She could feel her clit throbbing, aching as she wanted a release. Though her sex was being pounded, her body feeling every inch of his cock, her mind would not let her give in to the sweet release she so desperately wanted. “Cum,” she finally whimpered. It was her only way of begging him. “Nice..and..slow.” She could feel herself approaching the peak of her orgasm. It wouldn’t be long now until her sex was flooded. The battle her mind had been winning up until this point was about to lost to her body. “Gonna..cum..M’Lord.”
He grins at her, panting, he was close as well but was holding back until after she came, wanting to push her to te very edge, and over. "Good girl... Nice and slow... In and out..." He stares at her clouded foggy eyes and starts to pound into her, holding her hips so her body doesn't move as much, not wanting to jar her from her thoughts too soon. He slowly continues to rub her clit, pushing her that much closer, he groans softly.
It hit her like lightening, and Melanie lifted her hips from the bed meeting his. She was dripping wet as he orgasm rushed over her. "Cumming," was all she managed to shout. Her hands gripped the sheets pulling them up from the bed as she settled back down. Her face was red, and her eyes were still foggy. Melanie's legs gripped him tightly. Her chest was heaving as she breathed heavy. "Don't..stop!" Her loudly spoken words bounced off the walls of the bedroom as she screamed out in pleasure and lust.
He groans loudly as she finally hit her peak, she squeezes him tightly and bucks up, gripping him with her legs. "Nnn... Yes..." He holds her hips and continues to thrust quickly, soon thrusting deep and cumming hard, filling her, then gently collapsing on her, he holds himself up enough to allow her to breath before rolling them to their sides, him still deeply inside her.
It was slow, the fog lifting from her mind, and as it did, she saw him there next to her. A warm smile on her lips, she reaches up to caress his cheek. “Incredible. Every time I’m with you, I don’t think it can ever get any better, but then it does.” She blinks, her eyes heavy. “Sleep now. I’m so..tired.”
He smiles and just holds her close, not pulling from her, he leans closer and kisses her softly "Then sleep my love... It's been a long day..." He kisses her softly until she falls asleep, then holds her closer until he falls asleep as well.
Melanie awoke the next morning early, before Kaden. She slipped from the bed, dressed, and wrote a note for Kaden.

Gone to take care of something. Don’t worry.

She didn’t say she loved him. She left is simple and plain. Jumping into the car, she took out her cell phone and dialed the last number she had called. Driving down the street, she nearly stopped when he answered. “Hello? Melanie? Is this you again? Oh please baby talk to me.”
“Melanie! Where are you? I’ll come get you. Please come home to me.”
“We should talk first. I’m….confused about you.”
“Confused? Why? Is it that other guy I saw you with?”
“Other guy you saw me with me? M’Lord?”
“I don’t know what his name is.”

“How about we meet at the mall Mason?”
“No! Anywhere but the mall. Not after last time. He knocked me out and took you from me.”
“Yeah. Don’t you remember?” He told her exactly what day it was and what had happened.
“That’s impossible. He said I had an attack that day. That’s why I don’t….remember.”
“There’s a park. Cherryville Park. You always liked it. You wanted to buy this house close to it so we could take walks there, take our kids there someday. Meet me there?”
“Alright Mason. I’ll be there in half an hour or so.” Melanie hangs up and floors it driving as fast as she can there. ‘I have to have answers.’
Kaden wakes later and rolls over to pull her closer, only to find the bed empty and cold. "Mel? ..." He sits up and looks around the room, the bathroom was empty and her clothes were off the floor. "Melanie?" He gets up and pulls on his boxers, then heads to the kitchen to see if she was there "Baby?" It was empty too, he heads back to the room and finds the note on the side table "Taking care... Of what?" He looks around the room to get dressed and finds her purse, he grabs it and dumps it on the bed, finding the flyer "Shit..."
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