Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

She leans into him as he catches her, struggling to catch her breath. Her face reddens and warmth spreads through her. She could feel her cum running from her body. “Don’t….stop! Oh….please!” She grips his body, pulling his face close to her own. “ M’Lord.”
He smirks and kisses her softly "Enjoying it my love... You'll have to clean up before we leave..." He helps her stay standing and looks her in the eyes, kissing her softly now and then.
"Yes....M'Lord," she breathes as the last of her orgasms softly runs through her. "That was incredible my love. Unlike anything I've ever....." She smiles at him. "Thank you M'Lord. Can we leave it on? My cum? I want to be reminded of this moment and just how much of a dirty girl I really am."
Kaden turns the toy down to medium "That's up to you my love... But I won't leave it at max... You need to walk..." He smirks and leans closer, kissing her "But maybe clean up most of it... My naughty little wife..." He chuckles softly and glances down at the small puddle she made.
She grins. "Alright. Maybe cleaning up a little isn't such a bad idea." She disappears into the bathroom, cleans up, and meets him by the door. "Let's go to dinner M'Lord."
Kaden chuckles and watches her go "Alright..." He kisses her and takes her hand, putting the toy in his pocket and heading out to the car, they get in and head to the restaurant. Once there they are seated in the middle of the floor, several tables around them, she'd defiantly get the 'watched' feeling here "Alright... What shall we have to eat..." He picks up his menu.
"I don't know. What are you in the mood for?" She looks over her menu at him. 'He could be the bad guy. He could have stolen me from Mason, but he seems so....wonderful. Tonight, I give him a chance. Soon. I give Mason a chance.'
"Hmm... I'm thinking some surf and turf... They have a nice lobster and steak platter..." He glances at her "What about you..." He looks at her a moment "You look so far away... Something on your mind, or your hidden pleasure..." He said the last part just over a whisper.
"I think I would like so baked chicken," she responds intentionally not answering his question. She closes the menu and openly studies his face. 'He's so handsome. He arouses me so, and he may have kidnapped me. I could be sitting her with a man who may have taken me against my will, kept me from this Mason, and all I can think of how is handsome he is and how aroused I am.'
"Sounds good to me... Waiter..." He waits for the man to walk over, his hand in his pocket, "I'll be having the Surf & Turf platter... And my wife will have the backed chicken..." He presses the button for her toy, turning it back on to medium, "We'd also like a bottle of red wine, from a good year... Please and think you sir..." He just glances at Mel as the waiter repeats the order back to him "Yes... Perfect..."
Melanie jumps in her seat slightly as the toy comes to life. Her cheeks burn bright red as she looks around at all the people. She moans softly as Kaden tells him, 'perfect'. When the waiter walks away, her glossy, haze covered eyes meet his. "M'Lord. I feel it. So good. So wonderful."
He smiles at her and sips his water "I thought you'd enjoy it with the waiter here..." He reaches over and holds her hand, rubbing it softly with his thumb "Can you feel them my love..." He whispers "The eyes... All looking at you... Judging you..." He was going to work her up, the deny her.
Her eyes sweep the room. "Yes....M'Lord. I see them. I feel it. I wish it were you, taking me on this very table." She grips the tablecloth as the toy turns inside of her. She can feel her sex growing wet. "mmmm," she says licking her lips.
He grins at her "But of course it's me my love... Because I can still do this..." He hits the button and turns the toy off, just as the waiter returns with their drink, he looks up at him "Thank you..." He smiles and holds their glasses as the man opens the bottle and pours some into each glass.. "M'Lady..." He hands her her glass.
"Thank you," she forces a smile. "That's cruel M'Lord. You're keeping me right on the edge this way. Tell me," she begins taking a sip. "Do you plan on doing this all night? The suspense is keeping me right on the edge of my seat. Along with other things of course."
He chuckles and sips his wine "You'll just have to wait and see my sweet... That's the fun..." He has another sip "Mmm... It's good wine, do you like it?" He turns the toy on to low and glances around the room.
She looks over the top of her glass as she takes a sip when the toy comes to life once more. "Fun? Is that what you call this," she asks with a smirk on her face. "I could get a little angry from this you know. You're taking an awfully big chance that I won't. You're risking that I will love the feeling, the excitement more than I'll get mad at you for teasing me all night. Big risk M'Lord. Are you sure you want to gamble it?"
He chuckles and looks at her "Well... I could also just keep it off until we get home... Or... Keep it on and have the fun end too quickly... You also know waiting makes it that much better... So... Haven't I chosen well..." He takes a larger sip, then sets his glass down.
"Indeed you have M'Lord, but then again, don't you always." She looks at her glass for a moment before looking back up to him. "Turn it on. Low. I want a slow build up. Please M'Lord."
He smiles at her and takes another sip from his class "Alright... I can do that... I love watching you, and I'm sure you'll enjoy thinking about everyone else watching you too..." He reaches into his pocket and sets the toy to low, he smiles again at her as the waiter returns with their orders, "Is that better my love..."
Her eyes lift up to the waiter. "Yes," she answers Kaden while locking her gaze to the waiter. Her eyes glossy, wet with her desire. As he looks at her, she is sure he can tell how aroused she is.
Laden hides his smirk as the young waiter starts to look embarrassed, flushing a slight red. "Think you, this looks amazing... And such quick service... Could we also order a large garden salad for us to share..." He glances at his wife and smiles "You're making the poor boy blush dear..." Enjoying the scene.
“I’m..sorry,” she stammers out, forcing her eyes away from the boy. “This looks good eat,” she says looking up at Kaden. “Succulent enough to put in my mouth and devour. Don’t you agree?” The waiter swallows hard sensing the tension.
"Mmm... I quite agree... Almost finger licking..." He glances at the poor boy and smirks "So, about that salad son...?" He reaches out and taps his shoulder, making him almost jump as he realized he was staring. "Oh! ... Y-Yes sir... R-Right away!" He runs off back into the kitchen. Kaden chuckles as the boy leaves and looks to Mel "Well... You sure had him wound tight..." He smirks at her.
"Yeah," she grins. "He could be a lot of fun," she teases licking her lips before she slides a shoe from her foot and runs her foot up the inside of his leg. Her eyes are fixed to his.
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