Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Melanie eyes the dress. "It's beautiful. I would gladly wear it for you, but M'Lord?" She turns in his arms to face him. "I'd like to see you in something as well."
He glances at her "Oh really... And do you have something in mind as well..." He starts to lead her into the store. "Or will it be a surprise..." He calls over a sales lady to get Mel's size.
Grinning as the sales lady heads over towards them, she turns in his arms to face him. "Me M'Lord. I would like to see you in me. Anytime. Anywhere. She leans up and kisses him softly, lightly.
"Mmm... Patients my love... It will happen soon enough..." He kisses her and steps back "You try on your dress, and I'll find something to wear..." He leaves her with the sales girl and goes to men's section, he picks out a few suits to try on.
The sales girl was more than helpful. She compliemented Melanie over and over again. "Thanks. I think I'll take it. Kaden seemed to like it very much." The sales girl giggled and offered to help he take the dress off. Melanie agreed, and as she was helping the sales girl commented on a bruise Melanie had on her neck. 'Oh no. She must be seeing a hickie,' Mel thought. "No Ma'am. It a bruise you see when someone gives you a shot. 'A shot? In my neck?' "Thank you," she tells the girl rubbing her neck. After she was gone with the dress, Mel tried to look in the mirror at her neck. 'Why the hell would anybody give me a shot in the neck? Wait. A bee. Kaden said it a bee sting. He lied to me, but why?' Melanie got dressed and headed towards the counter still confused, but she wanted to think about dinner. "Excuse me. Can you tell me if all the local restaurants stay open late on Saturday?"
"Yes ma'am, but most of them close early today."
"Today? Today is Saturday," Melanie smiles.
"No ma'am," the girl shakes her head slowly. "Today is Sunday."
'What the hell happened to Saturday?' Melanie began to back up in shock. 'I've lost a whole day? Something is....wrong.' She turns in a haze and walks out of the store and right into the mall. She doesn't stop until she reaches the middle of the mall.
Kaden picks out a suit and move to the cash "Is my wife still trying on her dress? Or did she find something else to get as well..." He smiles and sets his suit down on the counter.
The girl behind the register looks up at him, her expression clearly showing she didn't want to tell him what had happened with Melanie. "Well....Sir....She liked the dress, and when she came out after getting dressed, she asked about the restaurants staying open late on Saturdays. I told her today was Sunday. She seemed stunned, and she....backed out....of the store into the mall. I don't know where she is. I'm sorry. I didn't know what was going on. I didn't know what to do."

Melanie looks all around the mall. Everything seems so loud, so busy, so crowded. She can't breathe. Panic begins to set in for her, and she begins to hyperventilate. 'I missed a whole day? What happened? Why did he lie about the bee sting? What's going on?' She runs her fingers through her hair and clenches tightly. "What's happening," she yells getting the attention of everyone around her. "What's happening? What day is it? WHAT DAY IS IT?" A scared teenage boy tells her, "It's Sunday Ma'am. Do you need help," he asks reaching for her shoulder. "Don't touch me! Sunday? It's Sunday? What happened to Saturday? K-Kaden? Kaden!" As people tried to close in on her, she panicked further and began to back away from them all. "Don't touch me! Stay away from me!"
"She what... Ok, you didn't know... She has blackouts... I have to find her... Can I leave my things here... My keys as well, so I'll e back!" He left his stuff and the keys before rushing from te store. 'Where would she go...' He thought, looking around, then he heard it. "K-Kaden!" He looks to the left "Melanie!" He takes off at a run, noticing the large crowd "Excuse me! Get out of the way!" Everyone was trying to keep him back, he almost growls "MOVE!" He shoves his way through and gets to her, curled up into a little ball. "Mel... Baby girl..." He touches her back softly, then looks to everyone "Get back!"
She feels his touch. "Get away from me Kaden," she snaps at him. "Don't touch me! You lied to me! It's Sunday Kaden! What's going on," her eyes begin to give way to tears. "I'm so confused. I lost a day. A whole day Kaden! Not just a few hours! A WHOLE DAY! What if I lost the baby? What if I put the baby somewhere, and I forgot I had a baby? The baby could....." she burst into tears.
"Mel..." He quickly pulls her into his arms and holds her "I'm sorry baby girl... I'm so sorry..." He hugs her, then makes her look at him, gently rubbing the tears from her cheeks, his own eyes slightly damp. "You... You another attack yesterday... I didn't want to tell you... You wanted to have a baby so bad... I wanted to make you happy..." He takes a breath "And I only made it worse... I'm sorry M'Lady..." He continues to rub her cheek softly, a tear falls down his own.
"I can't ever have a baby. Not while I'm like this. Another attack? You should have told me! I already think I'm going crazy, and to lose a whole day only made me feel worse. What else do you keep from me," she asked in anger. "Why the neck Kaden? Huh? Why did you give me my medicine in the neck? What happened yesterday? The truth. I deserve that much."
"Yes you do... I'm sorry..." He glances at the crowd still around then "Let's get our things... And talk in the car... The truth... I promise..." He helps her stand, then slowly leads her back to the clothing store, he gets their things and pays for their clothes. He then takes her back to the car, he puts the stuff in the trunk and looks at her. "You were fighting me... Screaming, trying to hit me... I couldn't get get it in your arm safely... I held you tight with one arm around your arms, and got you in the neck... But you still jerked... Then you just fell asleep... You slept all day..." He walks up to her and gently rubs her arms "remember how relieved I was to see you this morning... I'm sorry baby, I really am... And please... Please don't give up on being a mother... Having our baby... I want to see you round with my child... I want to hear you being called mommy... Being a father..." He looks at her, eyes damp again "We'll... We'll go see the doctor... Together... See if there is another way to cope with your attacks... Please baby... Forgive me..."
Melanie follows him around, and she's glad to be a the car, away from all the stares. As he talked about her attack yesterday, her heart broke. 'I had been doing so good. I'm never going to be alright.' She flinches away from him as he touches her. 'He was glad to see me this morning. It wasn't because he was so in love with me. It was because of yesterday.' She can hear how much he wants a baby as he talks about it. "I can't Kaden. I can't be a mother. What if I take the baby to the park and have another attack? Are you going to be with me all the time forever? You can't. Are you going to get me a nurse to follow me around all the time? I can't be a mother if I'm like that. Another way to handle my attacks? I want them to stop Kaden! I want them to fucking stop!"
"We will find a way my love... I'm sure there's... A way.." He looks at her "Hypnosis... Hypno therapy... We can remove that dream world forever... I know it works baby girl, please... Trust me... I... I have a friend... I didn't want to try this option before, I thought it would scare you... But... If the medicne isn't working..." He pulls her close to him, hug her tight "Please... Let's try this... And talk with the doctor..." He looks at her, culling her cheek "I will see you carry our child... I promise you..."
Her eyes widen. "Remove the dream world....forever? Hypno therapy? You works? How? How do you know Kaden, and who is this friend? What are you talking about? It does scare me!" She pulls away from him. "I need time to think. I need space. I," she turns and walks away from him and the car, "will see you at home. I'll find my own way there."
"Baby wait... Let me take you home... Then I'll go out for a bit... So you're somewhere familiar at least... Please..." He reaches out and takes her hand "I've known Jareth for years... He offered to help once, but I didn't want him to... I wanted to help you myself... But I've seen the people he's helped..." He pulls her back gently "Just let me take you home... Nothing funny, just straight home..." He held her wrist gently, not wanting to hurt her.
"No," she yells jerking free of his hold. "Who the hell is Jareth? You've known him for years, but I don't know him. Do you have some sort of a secret life I don't know about Kaden? Who the fuck are you? I don't even remember you in high school. I don't remember ever seeing you there. I remember my friends, but can't even remember the name of the school! NO! I will walk. I need the time, the fresh air. Just go home Kaden! I will find my own way! I'll take a taxi if I have to."

He stares at her, he never thought she'd question other aspects of their life, he watches her go, unsure what to do next. "Melanie please... Don't go like this..." He moves to follow her slowly.
"Like what Kaden," she snaps turning glaring at him. "Like an upset woman? Too bad. That's what I am. I have to have some time by myself, and no, not at home. There I'm surrounded by things that you and me, and I'm not saying that's bad, but I need to be away from all of it for a little while. So go home. I will see you there later."
He stops and crosses his arms "Fine... I'll let you be, but I'm not going home... I'm not leaving you in a strange town... I'll stay in the mall... When you're ready... I'll be here..." He takes a step back "I'm not letting you make your way home from here... I love you Mel, I want to know you're safe..." He softens his face and watches her.
"Fine," she yells to him as she turns and walks away. "But I'm not staying at the mall! I'm going to walk around in town! So stay here by the car if you want to! Be a stubborn man!" She leaves the parking lot and heads down the street.
He sighs as she leaves "No... Just being protective..." He locks the car up and heads back into the mall, he needed something to eat, maybe a drink. He looks through his phone and finds Jareth's number, "Should I call him... I know he'd help... But..." He flips to the pictures on on his phone, Mel happy and smiling, her with him, happy, he wanted that back.
Melanie walks down the busy street, away from the mall, her arms folded. She passed a woman pushing a baby and watches her. 'I want that. I want that with Kaden.' She's not watching where she's going, and she almost runs into a pole. Looking at the pole, she notices all the papers stapled to it. Lost dog. Lost bicycle. Homes for rent. Yard sales. It was the word MISSING in bold letters that caught her attention. Glancing at it the picture beneath the information made her blood freeze. 'That'!' She rips the paper down and studies it. 'Me! This is me! I'm....missing?' She reads the information. 'Mason? Who the hell is Mason? Why do he say I'm his....WIFE? What the hell? I'm Kaden's wife!' She begins to tremble as she stands there holding the paper. 'What is going on here? Kaden will know. He will....tell me. Will he? What if he's been hiding this from me too? What if he....took me? No. That's impossible. I KNOW Kaden. We've been married for....How long have we been married? Well I'm sure there's proof of our marriage. Even if my dress and everything that could prove it burned in the fire. Get a grip Melanie. I'll....go back to Kaden, and I can do some research on my own. He said he would leave the house. I can do some digging online while he's gone. That could work. I have to.' She looked at her picture one more time and the number on the paper. 'What if Mason is the bad guy? What if he took me from Kaden? I have to find out which one of them I can trust.' She folds up the paper, puts in her purse, and heads back towards the mall.
Kaden had gone to the food court and bought a pizza and pop, then went back to the car, he had a few slices, laid the seat back and desided to take a nap. He had talked himself out of calling Jareth for now, he'd see how this went, but he was sure he'd be needing him at some point.
She enters the parking lot, and doesn't see him the car. As she walks up to the car, she can see him with the seat back. 'He's resting. Now is the time.' Quickly her feet carry her back inside the mall. It was noisy and crowded, but she took out her phone and called the number on the flyer. A man's voice answered. "I'm calling in regards to the flyer about the missing woman." He cleared his throat. "Yeah. What information do you have?"
"Well....the woman? Who is she?"
"Melanie. She's my wife. She's been missing. I found her once, at a mall, yesterday in fact, but this guy hit me from behind and took her back."
"What....did he look like?"
He laughs. "Come on. Nobody believes me anyway. Why should you?"
"Because....I'm asking." He goes on to describe Kaden, and she nearly drops her phone.
"Is the one that took her from you?"
"I guess. Look, it's really hard to hear you. Do you have any information for me?"
"Does Melanie have any birthmarks?"
"She has one that looks like a heart. It's on the outside of her left arm. I always use to tell her she wore her heart on her sleeve." Melanie checks as he laughs. "What's your name?"
"Mason. I'm her husband, and....I miss her. I want her home." Melanie is quiet. "Mason?"
"Yeah." She hangs up the phone wiping her tears. 'None of this makes sense. Who was he? What's this all about? Did....Kaden steal me from Mason? Why can't I remember him? She rubs her neck. 'Yesterday?' She remembers hearing Kaden's voice telling her, 'you had an attack yesterday.' 'Mason said he saw her in a mall yesterday. No. It can't be. He wouldn't lie to me about that. He couldn't have taken me. Could he?' She quickly folds up the paper and puts it back in her purse. Melanie gets back to the car and watches Kaden sleep. She's got to play this cool for a little while longer.
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