Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

"You know me too well my love... But... You would enjoy this one... Wouldn't you..." He takes it for now and follows her, watching her "Would you like to watch any of these M'Lady..." He stops a moment, looking at a section on hypnosis, hypnotized girls being taken while under. "Hmm..." He picks one up and looks it over.
She turns to him, seeing what he is looking at. "What to hypnotize me M'Lord? I don't think I could fall for something like that. I've heard if your mind is strong, these types of things don't work. Even if they do, I imagine it wouldn't last forever. A person's true mind would have to evetually break through. I'm going to look at the sexy outfits," she raises her eyebrows at him before departing.
He blinks at her, then looks to the DVD again "Maybe..." He watches her walk over to the sexy clothes and smiles "But maybe not..." He mumbles to himself and moves to follow her, putting the movie down.
'A sexy maid. I don't think so. A schoolgirl?' She picked up the hanger with the skimpy outfit. ' No. I hated school. I think. Did I? did I attend? Why is it so hard for me to remember things that should be easy? What my last name is? What school did I go to? Did I like school? When is my birthday? Stupid drugs,' she thought slamming the hanger back to the rack and walked past it fast towards the toys again.
He was watching her, then she paused and she gets angry "Baby? What's wrong... That one looked cute..." He walks up behind her and hugs her with one arm, the other holding the basket. "Are they not sexy enough for you my sweet..." He kisses her cheek.
With him behind her, she doesn't have to hide her expression. "I don't know....about it. I'm afraid of picking out something that you won't like. Perhaps you should pick out exactly what you would like to see me in M'Lord." She forced her voice to sound alright as she spoke to him.
"That wouldn't be as fun my love... Maybe next time..." He looks at the display before her "See anything you like?" He lets her go and moves along the wall, looking at the many toys. "Anything you want me to use on you baby girl? Anything at all?"
"No," she says forcing a smile since he can now see. "The only thing I want you to use on my body is your own. These things pale in comparison to you. They don't love me back."
He looks at her "Ok... What's wrong... You were almost drooling when we came in here..." He sets the basket down and turns her to face him, he cups her cheek and rubs it softly "Talk with me... I can't help if you don't..." He kisses her forehead "Is this about having a baby... I told you, if you want one... We'll have one... I just want you happy..." He smiles softly and kisses her gently.
She didn't want him to know what was truly bothering her. "I know, and I know I'm making the right decision. We should wait. It will make us better parents for being prepared. It's the responsible thing to do. Plus it will give us more time with each other alone," she forces a smile. "And that's always a good thing. So," she begins quickly changing the subject. "Did you find anything you like? You say the schoolgirl outfit looked nice. I think I'll do try it on. See if it fits. You stay right here," she tells him before kissing his nose.
He could tell something else was bothering her, she was forcing those smiles, they don't reach her eyes. 'Talk to me baby girl..' He slowly follows her to the changing area and waits, he looks through the basket, wondering what he'd make her wear to the restaurant. "Hmm... Maybe this one..." He picks up a pair of panties that had a Gspot dildo with vibrating tip and a bullet vibrator for against her clit. 'I'm sure baby girl will enjoy this...' He smirks and puts it back, then sits to wait.
Inside the changing room, she strips down and pauses looking at herself in the mirror. 'This body. He loves it so much.' Her hands begin to slowly, softly explore her own breasts. Touching her nipples, she tweaks them lightly parting her lips. 'He can do such amazing things to me.' Her eyes look away to the schoolgirl outfit. 'Why can't I remember? It has to be the drugs. I can't have a baby while I'm like this. I might forget I have a baby. What would I do if I forgot to feed the baby? No. I can't risk it. Those stupid drugs," she narrowed her eyes angry as she looked back at herself. 'You had to go and start a fire and hurt yourself. Didn't you? Now look at what you've cost yourself. Stupid girl!' In anger she grabs the hanger with the outfit on it and smashes the mirror.
Kaden was thinking order the rest of their daily plans when he heard the crash "Melanie!" He jump up and pulls the door open. "Mel... Are you ok... What happened..." He pulls her back from the broken glass and looks at her "What happened... Are you hurt?" He was looking her over for cuts or scrapes.
She jumps as he opens the door. She wasn't sure if it was a worker or not, and she was standing there naked. "Kaden! I'm fine. You scared me. I....I wasn't paying attention, and I hit the mirror with the hanger. I'm so sorry. I'm fine. Really. More scared than anything. I am so sorry I broke it." She was panting standing there.
"It's ok baby... Accidents happen..." He quickly draps his jacket over her and gets her things, moving her to another change room. "Finish up in here... I'll go tell the manager there was an accident... I'll be right back" he kisses her soflty and closes the door, waiting to hear the lock click before going to find a clerk "Excuse me... But my wife had an accident in the dressing room... She slipped and hit the mirror with the hangers in her hand... The mirror broke... She's ok, I'd just like to know how much I'll owe.." He smiles a bit "On top of what we're buying..." He chuckles a bit.
She locks the door behind as she looks into the mirror again. 'Great. Now I'm becoming a good liar. What is happening to me? Get a grip Melanie. Why can I remember so much of my life with Kaden, but when I try to remember past a certain point, it gets a fuzzy. What was I like school. Was Kaden always my first love? Have I ever been in love before? I want answers. Soon. Right now I'm going to focus on Kaden.' She grabs the schoolgirl outfit and slips it on. It hugs her body like it was made for her. Smiling, she unlocks the door and opens it slightly looking for Kaden. She spots him finishing up at the cash register. Smiling, she pulls the door open letting him see her dressed in her outfit.
He glances over at the change room and smiles "And that outfit as well... I'll be right back.." He walks from the counter and over to her, he looks her over. "Damn... Was it painted on..." He tips her chin up and kisses her "Give me the tag... You go change... Think about where you want to eat... I'll be waiting... I love you..." He takes the tag and goes back to finish paying.
Melanie is melting as he walks away. She can' t help but look at his ass. 'That's mine. All mine, and I fucking love it. I am going to make him cum so hard tonight. Oh yeah M'Lord. Count on it.' She closes the door and begins to change, peeling the outfit from her body. 'I could have just put my clothes on over it. No. There's no fun in that.' When she's dressed, she opens the door, the outfit draped over her arm, and makes her way over to him. Leaning in to his ear, her tongue traces the outside of his ear as she licks him. She whispers, "I love you too M'Lord."
Kaden pays and smiles, glancing back to her "So my lovely... Where are we eating tonight..." He takes the outfit and slips it into one of the bags. He had one item set in another bag off to the side, "Thank you and again we're sorry about the mirror..." He takes her had and the bags and they head out.
"I haven't given it any thought," she admits. "I guess it depends on what kind of place you want to go to and what you're in the mood for. Are we going to a fancy restaurant?"
He smiles "I think fancy would be nice... Shall we buy some nice clothes..." He leans in and whispers, "You'll need something to hide your toys..." He smirks and licks her neck, pulling her just a bit closer "Maybe a nice sleek dress..." He chuckles as they head to the clothing stores.
She smirks looking over at him. "You are a sneaky one M'Lord. Something to hide my toys? With an S? As in more than one? Really? Are you going to give me any hints, or do you want it all to be a surprise?"
"Surprises are always so much fun my love... But yes, more then one..." He looks around at the store displays "See anything you like..." He kisses her cheek "I know I see something..."
Her smile only widens. "Oh? Well are you at least going to tell me what it is you see that you like so much? Maybe you can have it."
"Well... I already have one thing I see..." He smiles and hugs her from behind "But... That dress over there..." He walks her over to one window, there was a beautiful Chinese style dress. "I'd like to see you in..." He smiles and holds her from behind. "What do you say..."
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