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Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

"I don't think so... This is our time... Now splitting up... Besides, I have all I need right here..." He hugs her around the waist and kisses her neck. "We've never been here before... I want to look around together..."
"Oh please Kaden. I'll be a very good girl. I wanna hear the guys whistle when I walk by alone. They won't do it if I'm with you. It won't be long. I promise. I'll make it up to you."
He smirks "Then how about I follow at a distance my love... Then if one gets too close... I can step in..." He hugs her "I'd love to see what men think of my pretty wife..." He smiles "I'd love to see how many men want what is totally mine..."
"Oh come on M'Lord. It's like you don't trust me. Okay. I'll be honest with you. I was going to pick up a little surprise for you, but I can't buy it if you're with me. Well I can, but it won't be a surprise. Plus it's in the really girly section," she raised her eyebrows. "I wanted to buy something to wear to make your mouth hang open and make you say, 'Oh baby. Come over here and let me make love to you.'"
"Alright, alright..." He smiles and kisses her "Of course I trust you... I just don't like me being away from you... How about I look int he surrounding stores and leave you to picking a naughty outfit on your own... Then maybe we'll go to the 'toy' store..." He smirks and hugs her close, sliding his hands over her hips to cup her ass, giving it a light squeeze before letting her go. "Let's get our drinks..."
She grins, her face warming as her ass rests in his hands. "Now you're talking M'Lord. Coffee! I could use the energy boost after all." She took his hand and walked with him into the coffee store. Giving them their order, she looked confused when the lady asked for a last name to put on the cups. "Oh? Well? It's....Uh....Just put Kaden on both of them." Melanie looked towards him realizing she couldn't remember what her own last name was. When they had their coffee in hand, she turns to him. "M'Lord? What is our last name? I....I can't remember."
He takes his drink, "I guess you still have some fuzzy spots... It's Vanderwal sweetheart... Now worries..." He pulls her close and kisses her "You'll remember everything eventually... Just don't be afraid to ask... Ok my love... Now let's get you to that store..." He takes a sip, then her hand and laces their fingers before leading her to the second level.
The store seemed different than she remembered it. She squeezed his hand, but she didn't want to tell him it all didn't seem right to her. 'It's a different mall than you normally go to. Remember that.' "It's so big. I'm sure to find something here." 'Vanderwal? My last name is Vanderwal? How could I forget my own last name? What did all those drugs I was on do to me? Maybe it was the impact of hitting my head before the fire started. Maybe I should get checked out just to make sure the drugs that could still be in my system won't hurt the baby. Maybe the doctor could tell me how long it will take for them to clear my system. Then I'll know it's safe to conceive a child.' She was lost in her own thoughts as they walked, her eyes showing how very distant she was.
"Melanie!" He pulls her closer as they walk, "You almost walked into the pillar... Where is your head at baby girl..." He leads them over to a bench and sits "Were you thinking about what I'm going to do to you in your new outfit..." He chuckles slightly and takes another drink, "Keep thinking like that and you'll get lost in a place like this..." He frowns slightly and pulls out the map he had grabbed "There should be a lingerie shop a few stores down... There's a game store next door, I can pop in there... Ok?" He cups her cheek and kisses her forehead, "Ready now?" He smiles.
"Yeah," grins looking over to him. "So lost in thought of what you're going to do to me. Thinking about what I want you to do to me. Funny thing is they both are the same." She takes a sip from her drink looking away from him. It wasn't too far from the truth. Thinking about what she wanted him to do to her was often on her mind. "Alright. You go your way, and I'll go my own way." She wonders into the lingerie shop, looking at some beautiful outfits. 'He'd rip this off of me. Good!' With a few purchases in hand, she made her way over to the register. The lady checking her out seemed about her own age. "May I ask you something?" The lady smiled and nodded. "He'll love you in this." Melanie laughed. "Thanks, but I was wondering if you know of any good OBGNs around here or close by?" Melanie talked with the woman, and she gave her the name and number of the doctor she used. "Thanks," she told her tucking the number away in her purse. "You wear those clothes and you're gonna end up needing that doctor real fast." Melanie smiled once more. "That's the plan."
"Alright, have fun and meet me next door..." He pulls her close and kisses her cheek, then watches her walk into the store, he could trust her, he hoped. He then walks to the computer and games shop next door, he had an idea of his own, he heads back to the video cameras and tripods.
When Melanie comes out of the store, she can see a candy store. Grinning, she thinks, 'why not? I can't get him one too.' With a smile on her face, she heads down the hall towards it thinking she won't be gone too long. 'Kaden won't mind.'
Kaden found a nice HD wifi video camera and a tripod, both with remotes to move them up, down, focus in and out and zoom. His baby girl liked being watched... Let her be watched. He paid for everything and walks out of the store, he sits on a bench outside both stores to watch for Mel, and waited.
Inside the candy store she was overwhelmed with all the choices. She hadn't seen that much candy in her entire life. She knew all her favorites, and it seemed they had them all. She bought a bag of candy, and took a seat at one of the small, round tables they had inside. She felt like a kid again. Giggling she watched all the cute kids coming in with their parents and couldn't help but think, 'that's gonna be me and Kaden someday.'
After about ten minutes he enters the lingerie shop and asks about his wife, they tell him she left and he says thanks before walking out. "Alright baby girl... Where are you..." He glances around for areas with children "She wants one so bad... She's drawn to them..." He saw a book store and a candy shope, "Go for the sweets..." He walks over and enters, he looks around, they had a lot of his old favourites "Wow..." Then he spots the tables and his wife. "Here you are... You scared me..." He moves to join her and sits. "Indulging your sweet tooth I see..." He chuckles soflty, setting his bag by the table on the floor.
"Oh I'm sorry. I completely lost track of time." She eyes a little girl walking by waving at them shyly. She wore a white an pink dress with her curly blond hair in pigtails. Pink ribbons curled down, and her blue eyes lit up as she giggled. "What if I'm not a good mother? What if I'm not ready for this? Maybe we should wait. Give it a year and see if we still want to have a child."
"Hey hey... Where is this coming from..." He moves to sit closer and pulls her to lean against him "You'll be a wonderful mother... Never doubt that..." He hugs her close and rubs her back "But it is up to you in the end my love... I will support whatever you deside..."
"I think....we should wait. Besides we don't know if I'll have anymore attacks, and I don't know how my medicine would affect a baby. I don't want to put my baby at risk. A month with no attacks is good. Let's see if I can make it to a year. Besides. I couldn't even remember my won last name. How am I suppose to take care of a baby?"
He hugs her closer and tips her chin up, kissing her softly, "If you truly want to wait... We will... I only want you happy..." He rubs her back slowly "The doctors told me there was a birth control mixed into your medicine to prevent you from that very thing... Once all the drugs are out of your system... Having a child will be no problem..." He relaxes slightly and watches the children around them, he smiles "I have a suprise for you..." He smirks, wanting to change the subject, "Care to take a guess..." He smiles at her.
She forces a smile glad he's changing the subject. Truthfully, her heart was broken. "I dare not take a guess M'Lord. You were in the gaming, computer, techy, geeky store. So I don't have a clue," she grinned.
He chuckles softly "Well... After your little... Display... In the car today..." He kisses her neck "If you like being watched..." He laces their fingers on one hand. "I bought a video camera... That I can set up in our room..." He spoke softly so as not to be heard by the playing children nearby, he nibbles at her neck softly "I can film us..." He whispers.
Melanie was excited by his words just as much as his touch. She turned, resting her nose against his. "And how would others....see me with this? Are you planning on putting it online? Because if you are, then we have much to discuss M'Lord."
"We could do that... Or it could be just for us..." He smiles and kisses her "If it went online... We'd wear masks... I couldn't have all those internet pigs hunting my baby girl..." He kisses her again, "But that's only if you want to... My lovely..."
"Well, you're the one who mentioned how I liked to be watched. If you're not going to put it online, then how will I be watched? Are you going to have a party and invite all your associates to our home, let them watch this video, and allow me the pleasure of serving M'Lord and his associates?" The idea actually did warm between her legs.
"Mmm... Watching is one thing... I don't intend to share my love... At least not yet..." He gives a little grin and nips her nose. "Come on... Let's go to that 'toy' store now... Let you pick out a few play things..." He helps her stand and picks up their bags "Maybe something for the ride home..." He glances at her as they leave the candy store "Or... Wear at the restaurant... A little hidden fun..." He laces their fingers as they walk, the 'toy' store was at the other end of the mall.
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