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Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

"Just a little longer Harmony..." She grins and starts to pump it faster, harder, then just as she started to cum, she pulls the beads out, adding to her pleasure. "Very good Harmony... Let it go..." She kept the toy going for several minutes until she thought she had enough, then pulled it out an turns it off. She moves up and kisses her softly, looking her in the eyes, seeing the lust, love and wonder mixing in her eyes. "Such a good girl... Will you be my good girl Harmony..." She smirks at her.
Harmony was sure her pleasure couldn’t get any better, and then she felt the release of the bads. Her body was racked with spasms as Kimmy kept working the toy. When her climax finally subsided, she was panting. “Yes..I’ll be..your good..girl. I’ll make you..proud of me. Will me..if I do..a good job,” she asked, her eyes hazed and clouded.
Kimmy looks at her and smiles, she cups her cheek and rubs it softly "We'll see Sweety... You have to prove yourself to me..." She kisses her softly "You just behave and do as I tell you... Ok..." She misses her once more, a bit longer "You obey me... And I'll reward you..." Kimmy slips down her body and smirks, then starts do slowly lick and suckle at her pussy, it was still twitching slightly. She's have Harmony so wrapped up in her, it wouldn't matter when the drug wore off, she'd believe and do anything to make her happy.
Harmony nodded as Kimmy spoke. “I’ll do it. I’ll..prove you. I’ll make you happy. You’ll see.” She couldn’t stop the words from pouring from her mouth. Kimmy slid down her body, and Harmony’s lips trembled. As Kimmy’s mouth touched her sex, Harmony groaned, lifting her head slightly. “Thank you,” she cried out. “Oh thank you Kimmy..for this..pleasure. Please tell me..what I can please you. What do you..want..from me?” Her body jerked as she ran her fingers through Kimmy’s hair before grabbing the bed once more.
Kimmy grins against her and starts to tease faster, reaching for the beads again "You'll be have for me... And do as told... She starts to work the toy back into her, licking and sucking her clit to calm her down if she tensed up too much. She slowly brought Harmony to the edge again, then held her there with her finger and the beads. "You're going to do something for me Sweety... All the information you have on my Master and his friends... Will be destroyed..." She smiles at her "Agree... And I'll let you cum again..."
Harmony whimpered and writhed. Kimmy’s touch was magic. Her pussy ached, tensing and relaxing, growing so close with each touch of her tongue, with every bead the woman forced back inside her once more. She nodded frantically. Only after a few minutes did she reply. “Yes,” she whined. “I’ll..destroy it all. I’ll do it..for you.” Her hands reached for her own breasts, kneading them, pressing them together. “I’ll do..whatever you want. Just don’t stop..loving me.”
"That's a good girl..." She suckles her clit harder and quickly pulls the beads out as her peak hits, then slowly licks her until she's finished. She sits up and cleans herself up, she looks at her "You just behave..." She smiles at her "I want you to test now... Don't leave this room until I come for you... Ok Sweety..." She moves up and kisses her gently, twisting their tongues slowly and rubbing her cheek, she pulls back. "Now what are you going to do?" She stands up and sets the toys on the bed, leaving them for her to use if she wants to.
Harmony’s peak was higher this time. She couldn’t believe how hard she came for Kimmy. Every muscle in her body ached. When Kimmy came to her mouth, she kissed her back with passion. When Kimmy stands, she watches her, eyeing the toys. The truth was, she didn’t want them. All she cared about was the fact Kimmy was leaving the room. “I..I’m this for me. Please,” she began to plead, her face showing her holding back her emotions. “Don’t..stay..gone..for too long. Please. I can’t..explain it..but Don’t leave me.”
Kimmy smiles at her "Relax Sweety... I won't be gone long..." She kisses her again softly and moves to the door "Try to get some sleep Sweety..." She leaves the room. She locks the door and goes to find Anna, her plan was going well, she just hoped her Master wouldn't be angry with her.
Mason shook his head. The journey back had been a quick one, but now he found himself naked. He smiled at Jareth, trying to hide just how tired he was. The darkness had taken so much out of him, and of course being fucked by his mate like he had, had only further drained him. He pushed open the door leading to the room Mel was in. She was still sleeping. Spotting some scrubs folded in and open cabinet, he grabbed a pair and quickly dressed. He moved over to her and sank down in the chair beside her. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful. He smiled before moving to rest his forehead against the bed. She stirred as he did, opening her eyes. “Mason,” she whispered. He quickly lifted his head. “You’re suppose to be sleeping. I didn’t mean to wake you.” She smiled at his softly and ran her fingers through his hair. “I’m okay. I’ve slept enough.” “No you haven’t. You need more sleep. Jareth can take us back to the apartment.” “I’m fine.” “No. I’ll get Kaden. You just….in fact,” he began. ‘Baby can you find Kaden and take us back to the apartment. Melanie is awake, and she’s saying she doesn’t need more sleep. If she won’t listen to me, she’ll listen to M’lord.’
Jareth helps Mason back inside, letting him wear his shirt until they got something else, once in with Mel he leans against the door. Then moves closer once she wakes up, he cups her cheek softly "I can tell you haven't slept enough... I'll be right back..." He exits the room and was about to go looking for Kaden when he walks around the corner, he smiles "Was about to look for you... Is everything good?"

Kaden looks up from the floor, hearing Jareth speak "Oh... Yeah... I've done all I can... I'll leave the rest to Atoshi... How's Mason?" He walks back to the room with him, stepping inside, he smiles at the two "Hey... You should be sleeping..." He walks over and gives Mel a soft kiss, then kisses Mason's cheek "You ok? I gave her extra for you..." He smiles, then looks to Jareth "Can you take us home... Then I'll go back to the hospital..."

Jareth smiles and walks up to them "Sure... Hold on..." He takes them back, appearing in on of the bedrooms, Mel on the bed.
Melanie’s face lights up when she sees him. Mason can feel a gentle stir within at the sight of him. As he feels his lips on his cheek, the stir becomes stronger, but her only smiles at him. “Thanks for giving her something extra for me.” Melanie simply listens to them, glad they can be like this.

When the reappear, she looks around and realizes she’s on the bed. Starting to move, trying to get up, she attracts Mason’s attention. “No. You need more sleep.” “I’m fine baby. Really I am. I can’t sleep anyway.” He gives Kaden and Jareth a glance. ‘Is there anything we can do baby? She needs more sleep.’ “What do you say M’Lord? Has she had enough sleep?” Melanie sighs, not wanting to hear Kaden’s answer. She moves fast trying to get off the bed before he replies.
Kaden looks her over and moves to stop her from getting up "I'd say we could wear her out... But you look ready to pass out already... Your doing I suppose..." He smirks at jareth, then looks back to Mason "Get ready for bed and lay with her... She seems to sleep better when being held... Now you..." He looks to Mel again and smiles softly "Need a few more hours... At least one per child... Let me get you a glass of water..." He walks into the bathroom and fills a glass, then drops two small pulls into it, they dissolve instantly. "Here baby..." David had given them to him, they wouldn't harm the babies and would help her sleep.

Jareth helped Mason get into some more comfortable clothes and into bed with Mel, and keeping her in the bed as well. "Come on momma... They just want what's best for you... And you can help Mason relax... I'll check on everyone else... I'll even call Kevin to check on him and Karen..." He leans down and kisses her forehead before Kaden gives her a drink.
Mason blushes. Kaden was right. He was worn out. “Yeah. Melanie likes it when someone is in bed with her.” He leaves the room with Jareth and begins to pull his clothes off. The clothes Jareth picked for him were perfect. The soft material feel great against his skin. He could tell it wouldn’t take much to get him to sleep. Melanie looks at Kaden and sighs. She knows he’s not going to simply let her get up. “Alright, but I’m not even tired anymore. I won’t be able to get back to sleep.” She climbs back in bed, trying to get comfortable as he goes into the bathroom. When he returns, Mason joins her in bed. Taking the glass she sips the water. “Drink it,” Mason tells her. “You need it. You’ve been running yourself ragged, and you’ve got to start thinking about yourself and our children.” Turning the glass up, she downs the rest of the water. “Happy?” Mason grins. “Yes actually.” “Good. I’m glad you are.” It was clear in her voice she was annoyed. Mason gave Kaden a glance. “Are you alright Melanie?” “I’m fine. I just know I don’t need anymore sleep, but you two want to keep me….in bed.” He puts his arms around noticing how sleepy she was. “Pregnant women can get moody,” he whispered to Kaden.
Jareth steps back to let Mason and Kaden, soon going to call Kevin. Kaden sits on the side of the bed and holds her hand, smiling at her and looking at Mason. "Just try... For the kids if no one else... They are more important than any of us... Don't you think so..." He reaches up and runs his fingers through her hair slowly, watching her slowly fall asleep, despite her protests that she's not tired. He looks to Mason and smiles once she's asleep "David gave me some sedatives for her... They won't harm the babies at all... But it will help her sleep..."
"You....drugged her," Mason asks. "After everything that happened with you two, you drugged her? Do you think she'll be mad at you for that, or will she not know?" He pulls her closer, feeling like he needs to be protective of her and helpless at the same time. It makes him think about what she went through before he found her. He tries his best to block his thoughts and feelings from Jareth.

"Hey love. We're doing fine. She's having the time of her life. She talked me into a pink dollhouse. I couldn't say no. Right now she's having some ice cream. She's been an angel all day long. How are you?"
Kaden looks at him and frowns, then looks at Mel "It wasn't my idea... And I didn't want to... Believe me... But look at her... She's pushing herself to the edge... Not taking care of herself, of the babies... No matter what we did..." He steps back as Mason holds her close "I'm sorry, but David prescribed them for her... Just to help her get enough sleep... I didn't want to lie... But honestly... Would she have listened to us... Or taken them on her own... What would you have done..." Not wanting to upset Mason, Kaden turns and leaves the room.

Jareth smiles, he can just hear how happy Kevin is and could feel it coming through their bond as well. "Bet she had to twist your arm real hard..." He chuckles "We're good... Had a bit of trouble with Mason, but he's fine now... Him and Kaden are..." He heard Kaden leave the room "They were both looking after Mel... Kaden just walked out..."
Mason holds her close after he leaves and kisses her forehead. "My sweet baby. Is this....what you went through?" as he looks at he, he imagines this was what she looked like after he drugged her. Sleeping peacefully. He forces a smile before kissing her forehead again. "I'm so....sorry baby. I should have protected you. I should you. Then none of this would have happened." He knows he loves Jareth, but Mason begins to feel terrible because his actions brought pain to his wife. "I let you down."

"Yeah. She can be pushy," he tells him. "Sweet and pushy. I let her pick out some clothes too. I think next se wants to go to the zoo. Maybe you and Mason can meet us at the zoo later. I'm sure Kaden can keep an eye on Mel."
Kaden quickly walks past Jareth and goes out to the balcony, he stands at the rail and looks over, gripping it tightly.

Jareth watches him go, then glances back at the room, "Yeah... I'd love that... But Mason is beat... And I think something is going on... Let me call you back, love you..." He hangs up, then steps out side, he watches him for a few minutes, not needing to read his mind to know what he's thinking. "I wouldn't solve anything... But you already know that..."

Kaden glances back at him, then moves to sit down, "He's mad at me again... Thinks I just drugged her again... Not caring... Like I'd ever hurt those children!" He was angry, but mostly hurt, he pulls his legs up and rests his head on his knees, watching over the city.

Jareth sighs "Hea just been through a lot... You both have... And if I smelt any drugs in that water... I would have asked... But I didn't..."

Kaden looks at him "No drugs? But the pills?"

"All I smelt was herbal... All natural... Didn't you know that?" He watches Kaden shake his head before walking back inside.
“Oh. Yeah. Sure love. Bye.” Kevin hangs up staring at his phone for a moment. “Is everything okay Kevin,” Karen asks. “Yeah baby. I was just wondering what animals we’re gonna see first.” “Kevin?” “Yeah?” “You’re a bad liar.”

Mason looks down at her and kisses her forehead softly. Resting against her, he forgets to block his thoughts. ‘Maybe I should just take her away from here. I could ask Jareth to make her forget Kaden. NO! I can’t do that to her, to his children. That would make me a monster. No. She loves him….and so do I. I couldn’t….be away from him. I love them all. Jareth, Kevin, and Kaden. I love them as much as I do her. To keep her safe, I need to keep her here. No one else is ever gonna love her as much as we do. He..was only..trying to help her. I would never hurt her. Neither would he. I hurt his feelings. I’ll apologize. He’s someone else I let down. Damn it. Why do I always..hurt..and let down..the people I love?’
Kaden stays on the balcony thinking and trying to calm down.

Jareth was about to call Kevin back when he heard Mason, he starts for the bedroom, listening to him, then silently stops at the door and smiles. He waits a moment after he finishes before he walks in slowly and takes a seat on the bed, watching him. "Because you're human... And humans make mistakes... Everyone makes mistakes..." He looks at Mel and smiles again "She's finally getting the rest she needs... Look at the bags under her eyes..." He looks back to Mason "Juat so you know... There are no drugs in her system..."
Mason looks up as Jareth comes in. Quickly he looks back to Mel, making sure she doesn’t wake up. He feels a wave of relief wash over him as Jareth tells him there are no drugs in her system. “I panicked,” he tells him, moving his gaze from her to Jareth. “I love her. I wasn’t there for her before. I don’t wanna make that same mistake twice. Kaden he….loves her. I know. I have to learn to trust him. He needs something though. He’s stressed and worried because of her and Nicholas. He needs some kind of release. I just don’t know what. Sex is good, but he needs more than that.” He kisses her forehead softly once more. She looks so peaceful. He had to admit she did look tired. “Worn out. That’s what she is. She’s been so worried about everyone, taking care of them, that she’s worn herself out. She does need this sleep.”
Jareth smiles "He does love her... And you... And Nicholas... We are his family... Have we gotten together under normal circumstances... No... But we are trying to make it work..." He moves to sit closer to Mason and rubs his back "Kaden knows that you trusting him is still hard... And I'm sure he plans on telling her about the pills... He just needed her to sleep first this time... And you know she would have refused if he'd asked this time..." He gets on the bed to lay behind him a moment and cuddles with him, kissing his cheek. "He does need something... And we can't keep Callie asleep forever... Maybe we can get Nich to convince him to take her to the island early..." He gets up shortly "Karen was hoping we'd join them at the zoo... But I told them next time..."
When Jareth cuddles up behind him, Mason sighs, content, a huge smile on his face. He had the woman he loved in front of him and the man he loved behind him. It was almost perfect. Almost. “You’re right. We could try to get him to talk to Kaden. I think you should be the one to do it. You can get there and back a lot faster than me. Besides I should stay here with her. She does sleep better when someone is with her.” He rests his hand over her belly, and his smile widens as he feels one of the babies kick. “Shhhh. Relax little one. Daddy is here. Let mommy sleep.” Jareth moves from the bed, and Mason looks back at him. “You know, we’re going to need a bigger bed,” he teases. “I know Kaden was right with what he did. I’ll apologize to him once she’s slept. I don’t want to move from here and risk her waking up. When she wakes, I’ll get her to take a shower. Then I’ll talk to him. Just please let him know….no. I’ll do it myself later. Oh, and if you talk to Kevin again, tell them I’ve got something in mind we can all do another time since we can’t go to the zoo.”
Jareth smiles at him "I can try... But it's not guaranty... Would you leave me or Mel if we're sick like that..." He watches hem a moment longer "I'll let Kev know to tell her... I'll be back shortly..." He left from the bedroom so Kaden wouldn't see him leave, soon arriving in Nich's office, he exits and heads to his room, showing his ID before entering. "Hey... How you doing?"

Kaden sat on the balcony and relaxed, soon falling asleep in the lounge chair.
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