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Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

“I have a sense of what’s right and wrong,” she tells him standing. “What if I told you that if I didn’t decide something with the information in my files, the ones in those emails, that it would automatically be forwarded to the main computer at my office? What then? Are you going to take me there to delete them? You really should let me have my computer back. Besides I have no proof of what Kaden did. Even if I go to the cops, what makes you think they’ll even do anything about it? They might ask Melanie and her husband some questions, which I’m sure they would lie. That’s it. What are you so worried about?” She folded her arms and stared at him. “Atoshi the only thing I have proof of is just how kinky these two families are. Nothing more, and I told you that’s not news. It’s gossip. I’ll kill the stories. Alright,” she says throwing her hands up. “Just give me my computer back.” In all honesty she didn’t really have anything solid about Kaden kidnapping Melanie. All she would be able to do was tell them her suspicions. Of course, Alex hadn’t looked at all the files Harmony had sent her either.
Atoshi glare slightly "Did you also forget I saw what Harmony had on us... I want to see what you were sent... And watch you delete it..." He moves to pick up her computer and hands it to her, holdin it a moment "I'll be watching you... Try anything funny..." He leaves it open, he didn't have to worry about her sending anything, the building was being protected by a signal jammer. He moves to stand behind her and places his hands on her shoulders, watching her.
She takes the computer from him, shaking her head. Alex thought he had some nerve, but at least he was letting her delete the information. He could have destroyed her laptop, but that would not have deleted the information from her email. At least now she could stop it from being sent to her computer at work. Bit by bit she deleted the information. As she looked at it, she smiled and shook her head slightly. “You people really are fucked up. I just want you to know that.” Her eyes narrowed as she came to a video file. Clicking on it, she watched, not sure of what she was seeing at first. Then she saw Kaden’s face as he injected a woman. The woman went limp, and he picked her up and carried her away from the car she was beside. Her eyes opened wide, and slowly she moved the pointer over towards forward. She was going to send it to her computer at work.
Atoshi grins and slowly tightens his hands on her shoulders, "Did you forget I was watching... Alex... That would be a very bad idea on your part... Delete it... And empty your trash... Or I could just do a system wipe... Your choice..." He smirks and leans down "Not to mention... I still have your friend... One call from me... And she'll be the next headline..."
“You wouldn’t,” she says turning to face him. “No. Sexually perverted you clearly are, but a murderer? I don’t think so Atoshi. Your friend is a kidnapper. This video proves it. He took that woman. Can you honestly tell me you’re okay with that? If you know about this, and you do nothing, that makes you just as guilty. Even if I delete this, they’ll still be a trace of it somewhere. So go ahead. Delete it. If Harmony’s guys could find it, then it’s out there. It can be found again. Did you think of that. I won’t delete it,” she tells him narrowing her eyes. “I’m going to take this information and go to the cops. So destroy my computer, do whatever you have to , but I am going to turn him in. I’m not your Kitten or your Doll.” She stands up, closing her computer. “In fact here. Keep it. The video is out there, and I’m going to find it. So catch,” she tells him, throwing her computer at him. As soon as it leaves her hands, she starts to run for the door.

Harmony slowly opens her eyes. Looking around she has no idea where she is. Quietly she slips from the bed she’s on and stands and heads for a wall. “Hello? Is anybody there? Can somebody help me?"
Kimmy had helped Anna relax after the doctor had taken care of her nose, they had played for a while before her pain killers wore off. "Here big sister... David left these for you..." She hand hers two small pills and some water, they were pain killers with a mild seditive, she helps her take them. "Rest now... I'll be back soon... Chores..." She stays with her until she's asleep, then goes to find the one responsible for hurting her sister.

She finds her as her Masters friend Kaden was leaving, calling to have her cleaned up before being locked away, she had time. He quickly runs to her room and opens her private safe, she pulls out a small crystal bottle. "Master ever found this..." She shivered, not wanting to think about how mad he'd be, she had gotten it years ago, before se became Kitten, a powerful potion. She takes a water bottle and opens it, she puts 3 drops into the bottle before closing everything back up and putting it away. "This should make that bitch talk..." She takes the bottle and goes to wait outside her room for her to wake up.

Once awake, Kimmy moves closer and looks into the small window, she smiles at she and starts on the door's locks, she couldn't do this with cameras on them. "Come with me!" She opens the door and takes her hand, leading her down the hall to another room, once inside she locks it from the inside, looking out the window in the door. "We can hide here... Until I can get you out..." She pretends keep watch out the window.
Harmony had all but given up hope someone was coming for her when the door finally opened. Much to her shock, it was Kimmy. Before she could even ask her what she was doing there, Kimmy held out her hand offering to get her out. Harmony was desperate to flee. Without thinking, without questioning her, she took her hand. She moved quickly, following her lead, until she pulled her into another room. Kimmy was looking out of the door as Harmony was catching her breath. “What..are you..doing? What’s going on? My mind..if fuzzy. I can’t..remember. What’s going..on? I remember I boss..I think. I don’t know,” she said running her hand through her hair. “I try..and focus.”
Kimmy turns and looks at her, she smiles softly "Just relax... I'll take care of you... This room doesn't have any cameras..." She covers the doors window and turns to face her, she pulls the water from her small bag and holds it out to her. "Sit down and have a drink... Try and calm down... It'll be a few minutes before we can move again..." After she takes her bottle, Kimmy pulls out another, smaller bottle for herself, opening it and taking a drink, then going to glance out the window again as if keeping watch. The drug in Harmony's water was a mild love potion, it gave the drinker all the feelings of falling in love. Excitement, shyness, hopefulness, along with a need to be with the person closest to them, it lasted for hours, but the soft feeling of love never fades. 'I'll work you up... And break your heart over and over... For hurting my sister...' Kimmy thought as she looked out the window.
Harmony made a face as she took the bottle from her. “I hate water.” Still she opened it. “But, I am thirsty.” Turning the bottle up she gulped from it, feeling the cold water rush down her throat. When she took the bottle away from her lips almost half of it was gone. Harmony closed her eyes trying to remember as the warmth from the potion began to fill her. She could see Alex’s face and remembered wanting to tell her something. Then it all slipped from her. “It had to be something about work. That’s the only reason I talk to Alex. She’s my boss.” Suddenly it occurred to her she had no idea who the woman in the room with her was. Kaden had made sure she wouldn’t remember. “Who the fuck are you? What am I doing here? Please, tell me,” she pleaded reaching for her and touching her arm. Sparks ignited inside her, and she quickly pulled her hand back. Harmony took two steps back away from Kimmy. “Just please….tell me who you are and what’s going on?”
Kimmy looks back at her again, slightly puzzled, she didn't know? She moves from the door and towards her slowly. "Well... I'm Kimmy... And this is my Master's home... Atoshi Urishima..." She smiles "You upset my Master... But don't worry... I'll help you get out... We just have to wait here a little while..." She steps closer and takes her arm softly, leads her back to the bed and sits them down, she looks at her. "You're save here... Just relax and try to calm down..." She lets her go and takes another drink from her own water, "I'm sure you'll remember..." True, a few memories would return, pieces, but nothing to hold on to, or at least that's how it should have gone. The potion that Kimmy had slipped her would slowly wipe other thoughts away as she fell for Kimmy, unknown if they'd return.
She let her lead her back over towards the bed, her mind working to grip some knowledge of what had happened. “Atoshi….Urishima? He’s man. I’ve get..something on him..for years. It would..make my career..if I did, but I..never could. He’s..squeaky clean. Wait. You said..your Master,” she asked, a memory coming back to her about something she had seen in her files. “Master? Cat..burglar? You’re..Kimmy?” She shook her head frustrated. As soon as a memory would come, it was lost again. Opening her bottle, she took another drink as well. She noticed how it felt when Kimmy touched her and pulled away slightly. “Don’t. Please. I..I don’t to..touch me.” It was a lie, and it was shining in her eyes it was a lie. She wanted her to touch her. She wanted so much more, but Harmony was afraid to admit it, to give in to what she was feeling. Kimmy was a woman. There’s no way she could ever feel anything for a woman and besides that she barely knew her. “Just..tell we’re get out of here. Please.”
Kimmy smiles softly and watches her, she could see right through her lie, the potion was mild yes, but it was powerful and there was no getting away from it. "Yes... I'm Kimmy... And you're Harmony... You upset my Master... And Hurt my big sister..." She shifts closer and runs her fingers down her arm slowly, feeling the goosebumps form and seeing her shiver lightly. "Master got what he wanted from you... And locked you up..." She continues to softly touch and caress her arms and leg, loving what it was doing to her, she almost purrs. "But now it's my turn... Becasue no one hurts my sister..." She could see the lust burning in her eyes, the shifting of her legs, she smirks, knowing any thoughts of her Master were slippin away to be replaced with thoughts of herself. "So... Shall I take care of you now Harmony..." He says softly and leans close, kissing we softly.
Harmony is mesmerized by her. It makes no sense to her. She’s never been attracted to a woman before, and she didn’t know much about Kimmy. “You Master,” she mumbled, unable to even picture him in her mind. “He got..what he wanted..from me,” she asked, narrowing her eyes. It was something that had happened, but she couldn’t remember it. “I can’t..remember it,” she told her. Kimmy’s touch was light and divine. Harmony closed her eyes. “I don’t..know you..Kimmy. Why..Why do you take care of me? You said..I hurt..your big sister. Why would you take care of me? You angry with want…..” Her words were silenced by the kiss. Suddenly all logic and reason began to melt away. Any concerns about how Kimmy should want to hurt her were gone. She reached up, her hand resting on Kimmy’s face as her back straightened. Her lips remained pressed to Kimmys’. The sensation was delicious. Her tongue licked at her lips, tasting her, wanting to gain entry into her mouth, but Harmony would wait. She didn’t want to rush things with Kimmy. The fear the woman would leave her was already so strong. Her other hand rested on Kimmy’s thigh. She wanted to move it further, to feel her, to touch her, but again her fear Kimmy would leave kept her hand still.
Kimmy smirks as she feels her melt, then drug taking full effect, she feels her lick her lips and slowly pulls back, there was a haze over her eyes. "That's a good girl..." She rubs her cheek and smiles "Now... Not talking... Kimmy's in charge..." She kisses her once more, this time allowing their tongue.S to twist together a few moments as a reward for her silence. "You'll be good for me right sweetly..." She smiles and cups her face, she knew the need to please would be strong, little Harmony would be easy to control.
“Yes..Kimmy,” she whispered. “I’ good.” Harmony was confused, but she couldn’t resist. There was something about Kimmy. It was the way she smelled, the touch of her hand, the feel of her lips against hers’. It was all too much for her. Her thoughts about how she was a woman and she had never been attracted to a woman before began to fade quickly. It didn’t matter anymore. All that mattered to her was pleasing the woman before her. Harmony could feel it happening, her body reacting to her, and it amazed her. How wet she was, how hard her nipples were, it was at the hands of this woman. She wanted her to touch her, but she held back still. Despite being so aroused, she was still afraid to let Kimmy know how she was feeling.
She smiles "Good girl... Now... Don't you fight me on anything... Behaving... Gets you rewards..." She leans closer and kisses her again, again twisting their tongues a moment, she pulls back "Understand... Good... Now, you look at me..." She shifts closer and slips her hand into her pants, into her panties "Ah... Look here..." He free hand points to her own eyes as her hand starts to rub and tease her wet pussy, circling her clit with a finger. "Aren't you a wet girl... Ah, no talking... Unless I ask you something... Very good..." She stops her hand as her hips start to move "I didn't say you could move... Good girl..." She rubs a bit faster as she stills, her free hand going to lightly hold her chin, keeping her looking at her. "That's a good girl... Should I let you cum... One word answer..." Kimmy smirks slightly, she was gonna train this little bitch, then break her heart, then start over.
Harmony melted into the kiss. Kimmy ended it all too soon for her. As Kimmy’s hand slipped inside her panties, she gasped, wanting to talk, but she remembered she was told to remain silent. Her eyes dart down, but as she looks up, she sees Kimmy pointing to her own eyes. She’s drawn to Kimmy’s eyes. Her voice seems to sink into fiber of her being as she speaks. Her finger works her clit, and Harmony almost replies. When Kimmy silences her, she swallows hard. The feeling is growing stronger, and she can’t fight it any longer. Harmony moves her hips, lifting up, but much to her dismay, Kimmy stills. Harmony learns she can’t move if she wants the pleasure to continue. ‘Behaving..gets you rewards.’ Kimmy asks her question, and there is no hesitation. “Yes,” she replies. ‘One word answer.’ Her eyes close as she groans, unable to be silent. Closer and closer she gets to cumming. Her legs tremble, but she doesn’t move. ‘Oh please let me cum. Kiss me. Don’t stop.’
Kimmy can feel her starting to shake, she was so close, then she closed her eyes, Kimmy stops her hand again, waiting for her to look at her "I said look at me... Misbehave again... And I'll stop completely..." At her nod, Kimmy starts again, but slowly, a mini punishment, she smiles at her "Very good... Are you almost there..." Kimmy could tell how close she was and she bhad been slowing her finger the closer she got, holding her where she wanted her. "Remember who makes you feel like this Harmony... When you're a good girl..." She stares at her and quickly runs her clit, shoving her over the edge.
When Kimmy stopped, Harmony opened her eyes quickly. She nodded as she reminded she was to look at her. It was difficult to keep her eyes open or even focus on Kimmy, but she would do it as long as she kept rubbing her clit. Kimmy’s pace was slow, a torture to her swollen, sensitive clit. Harmony was sweating, every pore in her body wanted to be touched. “Yes,” she answered when Kimmy asked if she was almost there. She was. Harmony was on the edge of her orgasm. She knew how strong it was going to be. She panted, wanting it, begging Kimmy in her mind to keep going. She nodded once more as Kimmy wanted her to remember how made her feel this good. ‘It’s you. It’s you, Kimmy, who makes me…..’ Harmony cried out as her orgasm hit. Her pussy quickly dripping her juices as her body was racked with tremors. She kept her eyes open and on Kimmy. Her face was so beautiful. She couldn’t resist. “You’re beautiful.”
Kimmy grins but doesn't comment back, she slowly pulls her hand away from her "Strip and lay on your back..." Kimmy picks up her bag again and watches her, "Now Sweety..." Once she starts to obey, she looks through her bag, she pulls out a ribbed vibrating dildo and sets it down, then pulls out some gel and anal beads. Kimmy looks back at her and smiles again "Very good... Now spread your legs and bend your knees up... No fighting me remember..." Once she does as told, Kimmy slowly works the vibrator into her, then turns it on to low to help distract her. When done that, she lubes up the beads and starts to work them into her, one ball at a time.
It was easy to strip for Kimmy. Harmony wanted to please her, and to see a smile on her beautiful face was reward enough. She moved, pulling her clothes, hating it when she had to break eye contact to pull her shirt over her head. Quickly she removes her clothes, letting them fall to the floor. Harmony moved, resting on her back, and looking up at Kimmy. Kimmy’s words were sweet to her ears. She nodded, spreading her legs and bending her knees. Her sex was exposed. She could feel the moisture there, proof of her recent orgasm. Kimmy moves closer. Harmony feels the vibrator, unforgiving and hard as she presses it inside her. Once it’s turned on, she sighs deeply before a moan escapes her lips. Kimmy moves again, and her eyes are glued to her. The first bead slips inside her with ease, drawing another moan from her. The second one feels a bit tighter. Harmony loves the exquisite feeling. Her muscles relaxing, allowing it passage. As she presses the third bead in, Harmony tenses, feeling like it won’t fit. Desperately she tries to relax so that it can. She wants the pleasure and to see Kimmy happy as well. “Thank you..Kimmy,” she whispers.
Kimmy smirks and again ignores her compliment, she continues to work the beads into her, slowly turning the toy up as she does. "Relax Harmony... Focus on how you feel..." She warched, wanting to get her hooked on this feeling, a feeling she's believe on she can give her, the toy way was now at medium. He could already tell that Harmony was falling for her, and she planned on feeding that feeling until it was strong, then she'd shatter it. 'This is what you get...' Kimmy just smiles and continues to slowly push her closer.
“Yes..Kimmy,” she whispered, wanting to touch her. Her face, her arms, her chest, anywhere really. Harmony longed for the contact. The next bead slipped inside her, and Harmony groaned. She closed her eyes, but only for a second. Opening them wasn’t so Kimmy wouldn’t stop. It was because she had to see her. Harmony had no idea why this feeling was coming over her, but she didn’t want to fight it. It was strong, unlike anything she had ever felt before. The toy was faster now. It felt stronger. She gasped, spreading her legs a bit wider for her. “No one..before,” she whispered to her, a smile on her lips. “Has made this.”
Kimmy smirks slightly 'And I'm sure no one after me will either...' She gently works the rest of the beads in and watches her. "Good... Just stay relaxed... Focus on how it feels..." She was treating this like one of her sessions with Anna, teaching her to focus on the pleasure she's giving. "Just relax Harmony..." She then starts to slowly pump the toy as she works it up to max, watching her, waiting for the right time, her other hand on the beads pull.
Harmony could only nod. Both her holes were stuffed, and she relished the feeling. Kimmy began to move the toy, working it into her. She lifted her head, gasping, nearly calling out to her. Her hands balled into fists as she was trying to hold on, not wanting to explode. She wanted the feeling to last. “Kimmy,” she called out softly. “I wanna..cum. Can I cum? Oh fuck you’re amazing. I can’t..hold it. I need to..cum. Please. Tell me..I can cum. Please. I..I…..” She thrust her head back as she groaned. Her clit was hard, and she was on the edge.
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