Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Mason looks at her the closer they get. His anger rises, and he can feel that familiar gripping him. He squeezes Jareth’s hand tight. He knows it’s not a good idea to be there, but he can’t leave. He has to see what happens to her.

“Yes,” she tells him. “I can stop it. All I have to do, is click on a button, and the message….won’t go through. If I don’t, it will go through, and she’ll know something happened to me.”

“That’s not good,” Mason tells Jareth. “If that email goes through, it’s over for all of us.”
Kaden can see the affect this is all having on Mason, while they wait for the laptop he moves closer to him. "Mason... You don't have to be here... You can stay with Mel... I'd tell you what happened..." He takes his free hand a moment, blocking Atoshi's view, he rubs his hand. "I won't want you pushing yourself..." He kept his voice low "But if you do stay... Please tell me you'll let Jareth take you somewhere if you get bad..." He truely didn't want Mason to push the bounds on his darkness.

Jareth was listening to Kaden, but left and choices up to Mason, giving his hand a light squeeze now and then. He looks to her again, his eyes glowing once again "Good... Once you stop the email... You will hard delete everything you have on us from your computer and anywhere else you store it online... Then you will tell me where all your paper information is..."

Atoshi watches all this, content to stay out of the way, it seemed Kaden had things under control with his people. He looks up as one of his men walks in with the laptop, it's soon set up with a table in front of her.
“I’m..I’m fine,” Mason tells him. He’s starting to sweat now. “I’m fine, and if get bad..I’ll let Jareth take me somewhere. Alright? I just..I want to stay here. I want to be here with the woman who did this so I that I can see her punished. Okay? I’ll be alright.” Mason knew he wasn’t alright. He could feel the darkness starting to choke him, but he wouldn’t leave.

The woman stares at the computer in front of her. “I can’t do it.” “You have to,” Mason yells to her. “No. I can’t.” He makes his way over to her quickly. “Do it,” he hisses at her. “It’s too late. The email has already gone through. I told you to let me go before, but you insisted on keeping me here. Now the email is gone, and Alex has it. She will think something has happened to me, and she would right. I’m tied to a chair.” “Where does she live? Can we stop her from going public?” “I don’t know where she lives. She keeps her personal life as separated from work as she can. Her address is not known by anyone.” “Phone number?” “Yes. In my cell. I can call her so she will know I’m alright.” “You can, and you will. You will get her to agree to meet you somewhere, but it’s not you she’s going to be meeting.” He looks back at Jareth and Kaden. “Is that alright? I'll go talk to this cunt myself."
"Make that call... Set up a meeting..." Jareth leaves her with Atoshi and Kaden, then pulls Mason away, he turns to him, looking at him "You're lying to me... Baby did you forget I can feel you..." He cups his chin and looks into his eyes "Your eyes are dark... I'm taking away from here now..." He pulls him close and they vanish.

Atoshi stares at where they were, wide eyed "H-how did... Never mind..." He turns back to her "Here..." He handed her her cell phone, and sits by her to wait, looking at Kaden. "I think I'll go see this Alex myself... You can stay here and continue with her until your friends come back..." Kaden looks to where they were and nods slightly "Ok..."
“No, “ Mason begins in protest, but Jareth quickly takes him from there. “What did you do? I was fighting it. I wasn’t going to hurt her. Damnit Jareth! Take me back! I have to see this bitch punished for what she did to my wife, to my baby. Take me back. Please. I won’t….hurt her. I just want to see her suffer. I have to know….that she suffers.” He sinks down to his knees. “That fucking cunt needs to pay. She needs to suffer. I want her fucking blood on my hands,” he finally explodes, his eyes filling completely with the darkness. “She needs to die demon, and you know it. Don’t you want to rip her apart, to sink your fangs into her skin and feel her blood flowing from her body? Say you do. Say you want to feel her blood on your hands. I do!”

She takes the phone and begins to dial. After a few rings she tells her, “Hi Alex. It’s me. I’m fine. I was just late getting back to my laptop. A lot of work. Listen I need to meet with you. As soon as possible. The coffee shop on the corner of 5th is fine. I’ll be there. Half an hour is great. Thanks.” She ends the call and looks up at Atoshi, still under Jareth’s trance. “It’s done.”
Jareth holds him until he falls to his knees, he can feel Mason's control slipping and takes a step back, he looks down at him. "She needs to pay... Yes... But not with her life... And not by your hand..." He pulls him up and growls slightly "I'll find a way to banish you from him... For good... You will never own him..." He bares his fangs "But your right... I do want to sink my fangs into something... And taste it's blood..." He quickly leans forward and bites into his mark, holding him close.

Kaden looks at her "Good..." He looks to Atoshi "Let's see if I can wake her..." He stands before her "When I snap my fingers, you'll wake up..." He waits a moment, then snaps his fingers in front of her face, not knowing if it would break Jareth's hold or not.

Atoshi stands back "I better get ready for my meeting... I'll leave her with you for now... I hope your friends are ok..." He moves to leave the room.
He opens his eyes wide in shock, pain, and pleasure. The darkness inside him hating the pain, the pleasure keeping it at bay, but Mason is aroused. “Wh-What the fuck….are you doing?….going on,” he asks. He groans, reaching for Jareth, grabbing him. “Don’t stop,” Mason calls out, feeling the hold the darkness has on him wavering but not giving up. “Demon! Let me go!” He begins to try and push him away now. “No Jareth! Don’t stop! Don’t go! Fucking leave me alone you demon, or it will be your blood on my hands!”

She blinks, shaking her head. “What the hell happened? What are you doing in front of me? Where is,” she looks around, looking for Jareth. “Where did he go? What are you doing? What’s going on? Let me go!”
Jareth growls again and bites a bit harder, he pushes him against a nearby tree and starts to shred his clothes. "You won't hurt me... And you won't have him..." He tips his chin up and kisses him roughly, a hand going into his pants and starts to run his claws over his cock.

Kaden smirks "I didn't think that would work... But whatever... Your mine now... And I hope your friend has a good time with Atoshi..." He moves across the room and looks trough Atoshi's supplies "Hmm... I'll have to ask him for a few of these..." He returns with a glass vile, needle, small clamps and a vibrator. "Time to pay for what you did..." He starts to cut her clothes away.
Mason half cries out from the pleasure and half screams out from anger. The darkness if filling him with even more rage, but he’s losing himself to his lover. “Jareth,” he screams as his body slams into the tree. “I love you. I’d love to fucking rip your throat out demon! No! You know I’m here! Get away from me you vile beast!” His hands try to stop him from shredding his clothes, but Jareth is too fast, too strong. As his claws touch his cock, Mason slams his head back against the tree. “Savage beast! Is this how you get what you want? You take it? Just like a wild animal, and wild animals need to be put down.”

She eyes him. “What do you mean you hope my friend has a good time with Atoshi?” As he comes back, she eyes him still. “What do you mean pay for what I did?” He starts to remove her clothes, and she screams, trying to pull on her restraints to get away. “What the hell are you doing? Are you insane? Get away from me.”

Alex sits down at her computer with a cup of tea. “What the hell did you stumble across? You’ve got to be kidding me. Atoshi? Kaden? Kidnapping? The owner of the hospital involved? This is big. Really big.”
Jareth smirks "I'm not taking anything... Im giving... I'm giving my mate what he wants..." He starts to stroke him and kisses him again.

Kaden grins at her once she's exposed to him "Whatever I want..." He starts to fill the needle , then gets it ready, tapping the bubbles out, he holds her breast gently. He injects each breast and gets the clamps ready and attatches one to each nipple, the drug he used would boost her sensitivity. "You see... You messed with the wrong family..." He turns the toy on to medium and taps it on the clamps.

Atoshi was sitting a few table away, his black hoodie was up and he grins as he hears her, this was the girl. He gets up from his seat and makes his way over to her "Hello... Alex is it?"
“You’re mate….is not here. Only darkness, and darkness does not want YOU!” He struggles slightly before falling limp back against the tree. “No baby. I’m here. I can’t,” he closes his eyes tight. “I can’t fight him. I can’’t let me go. Please baby. Keep me….away! Get away! Get..AAAAHHHH.” His eyes open. They’re still clouded from the darkness, but Mason is starring at him. “ you baby. With all I have. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” He grits his teeth, trying to shove Jareth away from him. “BEAST!”

She watches him prepare the needle. Her eyes widen. “No. Please. I’m sorry. You can’ this. You don’t want to. Please, I won’t,” her voice gives way to a loud cry as she injects her. “What did you do to me? What did you…..” As the clamps are applied, she groans, squirming in the chair. “I’m sorry I messed..with the Please. Take them off. I won’t tell..anyone. I promise.” She leans her head back, feeling everything from the clamps and the toy.

“Alexandria actually,” she begins, “But my friends call me,” looking up she pauses. “Alex. Can I help you? Do I know you?"
Jareth growls low and kisses him again roughly, "I know you're there baby... Keep fighting... Tell me you want me... Say it..." He kisses to his neck and nips his mark lightly before biting it again, then undoing his pants with one hand.

Kaden smirks at her "I'm sorry missy... But I promised my friend you'd pay... And since I don't kill people... I'll just have to break you..." He continues to tease at her nipples, then sets the toy down and moves back across the room, picking up a small jar. "I almost forgot this..." He walks to her and grins "This should loosen that tongue a bit..." He opens the jar, it looks like plain oil, but it was anything but. He coats his hand and thrusts it between her thighs, coating her pussy inside and out, with it twice, he cleans his hand and closes the jar. This was a special oil Atoshi had been using for years, it boosted the sex drive in whatever it coated, soon she'd be begging him to touch her. He goes back to teasing her nipples.

He smiles kindly at her "No... I don't believe we've met... And it's not me you'll be helping... I was sent by Harmony... I was told to have you come with me..."
Squirming in her chair did nothing to help her get away, but yet she couldn’t stop. As he put the toy down, she breathed a sigh of relief. “Break me? What are you….talking about?” He returned, and she eyed the jar. “What’s in there. What are you….don’t,” she screamed at him as he forced his hand near her pussy. His fingers slipped inside, coating her with the substance. She gasped for air, feeling violated but unable to stop him. He moved, closing the jar, and instantly she could feel a warmth. She tried to tighten the muscles in her leg, but it only made what she felt worse. “What did me,” she asked as he started to tease her nipples again. The warmth was quickly worse, and she couldn’t sit still. The need was growing just as fast. She could feel her body preparing for what she now craved. “No,” she whined. “Take it off me. Wash it off me. Please. I can’t..I don’t have you. You can’t..touch me. Touch me..I want..I touché me.” How conflicted she was, was clear on her face.

“Harmony,” she rolled her eyes. “That woman is almost more trouble than she’s worth. If it wasn’t for the stories she uncovers, I would have fired her a long time ago. She’s such a….I’m sorry. This isn’t something you want to hear. Alright then. Since it seems I’m at her beckon call now, I’ll just pack my things, and you can take me to her.” She put everything away into her bag, and stood up to follow Atoshi. “Lead the way.”
Kaden grins at her as the oil starts to work, a fire building in her that only he could put out, he removes the clamps. "You're getting what you deserve... Say it..." He sets the toy to high and holds it to each nipple a few moments, they were quite hard by the looks of it. He watched as she squirmed and tried to please herself, only to be disappointed with each attempt, and the need only growing. "I can't hear you Harmony..." He'd let the oil do its job.

Atoshi listens to her and just smiles "She can be quite a pain... I agree... Alright..." He heads to the door "If you'll follow me..." He leads her about 2 blocks away and starts talking with her about nothing really, just wanting to distract from where they were going. He turns them down an ally way, when he has her exit blocked he stops and crosses his arms. "For a reporter... You're rather dumb..." He pulls back the hood and smirks "Do as you're told... And you won't be harmed..."
Mason screams out. The darkness fighting to remain but being pushed away, forced back in the depths of who he is by Jareth’s touch. The darkness can’t stand touch, love, being needed, loved. So the more Jareth touches him and lets him feel his love, the more it is being forced to let go of the hold it has on Mason. “! I want you! I want this! I want you to keep going!” He screams, the pain of the darkness fighting to remain clear. “I want my love, my baby, to keep going!”

She didn’t realize it at first, but Harmony wasn’t just squirming to try and get away. She was squirming to try and stimulate her clit. Her hips were grinding her body into the chair, trying to make contact somehow with her clit, even though it was impossible. The more she tried, the more aroused and frustrated she became. Her nipples were rock hard from his teasing, and still she wanted. She wanted him to touch her. The toy, the injections, had done their job. Now she wanted to feel his fingers, his mouth, touching them. “Getting..what I deserve? Is that..what you think? This is torture. This is a sick man..torturing me..for fun. You’ve got’re whore in the next room..and your husband. Why do this to me? To make me pay? No. You’re a sick man Kaden, who enjoys..seeing women like sexual situations. Admit it.”

Alex was looking periodically at her phone. She couldn’t stop working. Even when she wasn’t, when she was listening to Atoshi, she still was thinking about the various things she had to do. Meetings, things that needed to be approved, sales, advertising, it never stopped for her. It was her downfall as she finally looked at Atoshi and realized where she was. “Excuse me? Distracted yes, but dumb? And what the hell do you mean, ‘do as I’m told,’ ? Is this some kind of joke? It’s not funny.” She looked at him, still not able to shake the feeling that she had met him somewhere before. “Who are you?”
Jareth lifts Mason, careful not to scratch his back, and wraps his legs around his waist "Just relax for me baby... I love you..." He kisses him roughly again, mostly to try and silence his darkness as he starts to press against him.

Kaden smirks "A few months ago... I would have said yes to that... But I've changed a lot since then... This? I'm not doing it for me... And wouldn't even be doing it... If you hadn't messed with my family..." He could see the lust and desire burning in her eyes, the sweat starting to collect on her skin, the constant shifting of her hips. "Now... I'm going to ask you once more to say it..." He pulls te toy from her breasts and taps it briefly against her pussy, long enough for her to get a taste of it, then pulls it away, turning it off.

Atoshi grins "Aww... I'm hurt... You don't know me... One of the stars of you friends new story... Atoshi Urishima... Nice to meet you..." He gives a mock bow and chuckles slightly.
Mason groans into the kiss. His darkness was just barely holding on. ‘Come on baby. Fuck me. Let me feel you. I want to. I need to.’ The darkness slipped a bit more, and he kissed Jareth back with all the fever and passion he could.

Her body twitched, trembling with desire. She never took her eyes from him. The look on her face was one of a woman fighting with all she had. “Say it? Say what? That I deserve this? I…..” She stopped as he touched the toy to her pussy. Her head lowered as her belly tightened. It was just a tease really, and she wasn’t sure how much longer she could take it. Harmony was a fighter. “You can inject my tits..and tease me with a toy..after you put..oil..on me..inside me..and make me you want? You’ll have to try..harder than that..Kaden,” she told him, a cruel smile on her lips. “I..will you want.”

The realization dawned on her, and she gasped. Her hand covered her mouth for a moment. “You’re him. You’re Atoshi. That’s right. I remember now. I’ve seen your picture. You’re the one….with the cat burglar turned sex slave, Kitten, and the doll. I can’t believe this.” She lifted her phone and took his picture before pressing a button starting a voice recording. “This is Alex conducting a voice interview with Atoshi Urishima. Atoshi, is there anything you would like to say upfront about your Kitten and Doll? How did those relationship come about? I’d like to hear it from the source.”
"Nnn... Yes..." He looks at him and pushes in, tilting his head, he bites into his mark again. "Nnn!"

Kaden laughs "You think I haven't heard that before... They all said that..." He smirks and leans closer, he first licks, then suckles her nipple, his other hand teasing the toy against her pussy again. He continues to lick and suckle her nipples, even nipping them slightly now and then, also teasing the toy against all three.

Atoshi stares at her, then actually laughs "You can't be serious! Have you even looked around..." He steps closer and backs her right into the corner, he reaches out and grabs her phone, quickly turning the app, then phone, off. "You want to know about my girls... I'll show you..." He drops her phone in his pocket and grabs her, holding the cloth from his pocket over her face.
Jareth enters him, and Mason’s voice quivers. The darkness begins to fade even more. Jareth’s fangs sink into his mark, and the dark fades. He wraps his arms him embracing him. “Baby,” Mason whispers to me. “I love you.”

She felt like her clit would explode, but Harmony could not find the relief she wanted. Writhing in her chair, she closed her eyes tightly as he suckled her nipples. “You’re sick. You know that,” she asked. Her face glistened from the sweat, and her hair was matted to her forehead. “What would your husband say about this? Hmmm. Probably not much,” she smiled at him. “Brain surgery? Is he that….fucked up….in the head..that he needed..brain surgery?” She was trying to make him angry. An angry man makes mistakes. She knew that. One mistake was all she needed.

She looks around at his question, not caring where she was. An interview was an interview. The place it happens at made no difference to her. She shrugged as he backed her into the corner. “So what? Hey,” she called out as he took her phone. “That’s my property. Oh so now you’re a thief,” she asked as he dropped it in his pocket. “Just tell me about….hey!” Her voice became muffled as she struggled, still screaming into the cloth. Her actions forced her to take deep breaths, deep breaths which lead to darkness closing in on everything. She watched as everything was slowly swallowed into darkness, and then her body fell limp.
"Mmm..." He slowly removes his fangs and smiles, licking the wound closed "I love you too baby... Welcome back..." He hugs him tighter, then bucks his hips slightly "Time to keep my promise..." He holds his hip and starts to move faster, watching him. "Nnn... Moan for me baby... Let me hear you..."

Kaden grins, she was trying to make him mad, but he knew exactly how Nicholas felt and all about his surgery. He pulls back and away from her, even turning the toy off, he smiles at her and pulls up a chair. He knew that teasing her was torture, but it was also taking the edge off, 'Let's see how she handles the full force of her need...' He watches her a moment "Hmm... Nice try... But I know my husband quite well... You don't... You don't even know the half about us..." He sat back to watch her and wait.

Atoshi picks up the limp girl and carefully carries her to the car waiting at mouth of the ally, she'd be out for a while. "Head to the warehouse across town..."
Mason shivers as he licks at his bite mark. “Baby,” he mumbles. Jareth didn’t need to tell him to moan for him. He couldn’t stop them from coming. His cock was rock hard. “Touch I want to..cum for you.”

When he stops, she grins. She thinks he’s stopping. As he pulls up the chair, she eyes him curiously. The oil began to burn. Her thighs felt like they were on fire, and her clit seemed to throb with her heartbeat. She was wet, but she couldn’t cum. No matter how much she squirmed in the chair, she could not find relief. Her face was red, and she was sweating. She could feel the air in the room passes over her nipples, hardening them even more. Harmony threw her head back in frustration. “You know your well? Are you sure? I’ve done..some digging..into his past. Are you know everything? Care to test that? I tell you what I know..and you get of me. You might be surprised.” Of course she had nothing out of the ordinary on Nicholas. Aside from getting in trouble in college when he was caught taking part in a prank, he had never done anything serious.
Jareth reaches between them and grips Mason, stroking him slowly at first, ten matching his pace and rubbing his tip. "Nnn... You're getting tight..." He bucks his hips up and kisses him again, nipping his lip.

Kaden smirks and sits forward "My husband knows my past... And still loves me... I don't care what he's done... Not that I believe he's done anything... He's too kind hearted..." He grins and watches her "Hmm... You ok there... You look a little flushed..."
“Yes,” he pants. “So..close. Cum for me baby. I wanna..cum..with you.” Mason knew that as soon as he felt Jareth filling him, he would lose all control. His body was tight, so close, but he was holding back, waiting, wanting to feel him first. “Please baby,” he begged. “Fuck me until you cum. Harder baby.” Mason was gringing his hips towards Jareth, trying to take him deeper. “Come on baby. I need you.”

“I’m fine,” she hisses through gritted teeth. “I’m….fine.” She was far from fine, but she was still holding on. Harmony closed her eyes tightly, a single tear rolling down her face. In her mind, she begged him to touch her, trying to will him into doing it. She knew all she had to was open her mouth and say what he wanted her to. ‘Just do it,’ she thought. “I can’t,” she began, her lips trembling. Her legs were shaking even though she was still sitting. Harmony licked her bottom lip, tasting her own sweat. ‘I can’t remember..what he to say. I can’t..focus. I can’t….remember.’ She kept her eyes closed for a bit longer before opening them and looking at him. ‘What was it? What was it?’ Taking in a deep, shaky breath, she started to ask him. “W-What,” but she stopped. “What are you..going to me? Let me go. Please. Just..let me go.”
"Yes... Nnn..." He moans and growls, moving faster "Al-Almost... Ahh..." He thrusts up hard and moans softly, holding him closer as he fills him.

Kaden looks at her "Would you have let Mel go... If she had asked so nicely... No... And what about Anna... Look what you did to her..." He smirks at her "I'll never do as you want..." He could see she was close, the need was just too strong for her to fight for too much longer.

Atoshi carries her from the car and into the building, he enters a large room and lays her on the small bed. "Alright... Let's get this started..." He starts by stripping her, then tying her hands above her head and her legs spread wide, a bar keeping them open, then last, he blindfolds her. He steps across the room and picks up a large bottle, he opens it and walks back to her, he starts to coat her in its contents, a thick sweet smelling oil. Once covered and rubbed down, he cleans his hands and sits back to watch, it was a slightly less powerful version then he left with Kaden.
Mason’s entire body stiffens. Jareth’s warm release pushes him over the edge, and he cums. His cock twitches as he groans. As the last of his seed lands on his body, he smiles. “Hi baby. Thanks..for bringing me back,” he whispers to him.

“I was let her go. That’s the difference..between you and me. I was let her..go.” Her voice was weak, clearly showing she was on the verge of breaking down into sobs. Another tear rolled down her face. ‘He said he’ll never I want. He’s not going to let me go.’ “I’m sorry,” she whispers, dropping her head. “I can’t..take it..anymore. What do you want from me?”

Alex becomes aware that her entire body is warming. She slowly wakes, pulling on her wrists. “Wh-What is this,” she asks sounding half asleep still. “What’s going on?” She moans feeling her body tingling. “Atoshi? What did you do to me? I’m naked! What did you do to me?!”
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