Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Betty watches him leave before turning to see Aliya at the desk. “He’s going to make some phone calls and get something to eat. I told him we would keep an eye on his loved ones.” “Yeah. Sure. No problem. I’ve got to check in on a few patients, but then I’ll be glad to go sit with them. They should be fine for a few minutes.” Betty nods. “Agreed. Thanks Aliya.” “No problem,” she smiles before heading down the hall with an arm full of charts. Betty heads the opposite direction as two men in suits pass her.

The two men as for Dr. Nicholas Hayden’s room. The nurse behind the desk points to it while she’s on the phone. They turn and enter the room to find them both sleeping. Carefully one of them lifts Melanie from the bed. She sighs and snuggles into him. “Thank you..M’lord.” He doesn’t stop. His friend holds the door open for him, and they both leave. “Wait,” the nurse behind the desk calls out softly. “Where are you taking her?” “We’re friends. We were told to pick her up and take her home so she could get some proper rest.” “Oh. Okay then. So Kaden knows you’re taking her?” He smiles hearing the name. “Yes.” “Alright then. Take her. Poor thing is exhausted, and he wants her to get some rest.” “Of course,” he tells her before leaving with his friend. The two men load her in the back of the van and take her towards the hotel. “We’ve got her. She’s sleeping. The nurse asked if Kaden knew we were taking her. “ “That confirms it. She’s with Kaden. Now to find out if Kaden is the one that kidnapped her, and if her being pregnant is consensual.”

“Ah yes. A bath. This good.” Kevin lets the warm water start to relax his tired muscles. “Love I was thinking. I want to do something nice for Karen. She can’t have swing set, but we could get her something she could play with inside. How about a dollhouse? We can take her shopping for one. I think Mason would like that.”
Kaden finishes up his calls, then heads to the cafeteria to get some lunch, even grabbing a few things for Nich and Mel. About half an hour later, he returns and enters the room, seeing Mel's bed empty, his puts his stuff down and checks the bathroom, empty? He quickly walks out to the nurses station "Where's my friend... The pregnant lady... She was in with my husband..."

Jareth smiles and nods "Yeah... That sounds good... We'll get her... And you... Some clothes as well... We'll talk to him after our bath..." After a few more minutes, he starts to wash them both.
The nurse puts down the phone as Betty comes up behind her. “No. I haven’t seen Melanie.” “Perhaps she went to the cafeteria?” “Not likely. That’s where he was going. Right?” She looks up to see Aliya heading towards the desk. “Aliya, have you seen Melanie?” “No. I haven’t had a chance to look in on her. Why?” “She’s gone.” “Check the security camera footage.” She moves towards the desk as Betty pulls up the footage. “There’s Kaden leaving.” She watches as the two men in suits enter the room. “I remember them,” the nurse says. “They came out, and one of them was carrying the woman. I asked where they were going, and they said they were taking her home to get some proper rest. So I said something about Kaden knowing they were taking her. They said yes.” Betty looks up at him. “You didn’t know, did you? They took her, and you didn’t know. Kaden who would take her? Why would anyone want to take her? Is it possible these men are her family?”

“Yeah,” he laughs. “I still haven’t bought any clothes. I need to. I say we all make a day of it. The three of us with Karen. It’ll be fun. We can go shopping, take her to get something to eat, and find a park for her to play in. What do you think?” He groans, loving the feel of Jareth bathing him.
Kaden was shocked, they just let them take her, he didn't even hear Betty talking to him, he stares at the nurse who let them take her, then glares hard. "How could you let them just take her! Without checking ID's or something! Would you let someone just walk out with a baby! oh wait you did! THREE OF THEM!" He was beyond mad, someone was going to pay for this "Those were my children Dammit!" He bangs on the desk, then runs his fingers through his hair "Call the police!" Mason was going to kill him, he had to be the one to tell him, shit. He stomps away from the desk and in to Nich's room "Shit! Dammit!..." He paces at the end of Nich's bed, not looking forward to this call, he opens his phone.

Jareth smiles "That sounds perfect... All the shit that has been going on... We need a day to relax..." If only they knew.
Nicholas stirs softly as he hears Kaden. As he slowly opens his eyes, he sees him pacing and taking out his cell phone. “Baby,” he whispers. “What’s..wrong?”

“I’m sorry Betty,” the nurse tells her through teary eyes. “Don’t cry. Alright? Keep this footage up. We’ll be able to show the police when they get here. Aliya, I’m going to phone them right now. Contact the security team. Give them a description of the two men and Melanie. See if they saw anything in the parking lot. The type of car they were driving. Which direction they went in. Alright?” Aliya nods and heads away. Betty picks up the phone and dials. “Yes, I’d like to report a kidnapping at the hospital. Yes, children are involved. The woman is pregnant with triplets. The front desk. Thank you. I’ll be waiting.”

“Ah yes. A day to relax and be a family. That’s what we are after all. A family.”

“Put her on the bed. Gently. I don’t want her waking up until I’m ready.” Melanie snuggles into the man holding her again as he places her on the bed. “M’lord,” she whispers. The man looks up at the woman with a disgusted look on his face. “Tie her wrists and ankles together. Can’t her trying to get away and hurting herself now. M’lord huh? Well. We’ll find out who that is along with everything else I want to know.” The other man looks inside the other room and comes back to her. “What happened?” “She tried to escape. I had to break Atoshi’s doll. She’s not trying to get away, and she’ll heal. I only punched her in the face once.” The woman smiled as she watched the man tie Melanie as she instructed him to.
Kaden looks over to Nich quickly and pockets his phone "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to wake you..." He looks to Mel's bed and his anger gives, his children and their mother were missing, "She's gone..." He makes a fist and turns hard eyes to Nich, but they were also wet. "I went to get food... They promised to watch you... And someone... They took..." He shakes his head "They just let them walk out with her... Didn't check a fucking thing!" He takes a deep breath and moves to sit beside him, "Two men... Kidnapped Melanie... She's gone... I don't know where to look... And I have to tell Mason..." He was still angry, but around Nich, he let his tears fall.

Jareth nods "Yeah... One big family..." They finish up and dry off, Jareth Magicing up some clothes for Kevin, then they go to find Mason.

Atoshi looks to Kitten and glares slightly "She's gonna get her ass beat when I find her... I've called her 10 times" he sighs and sits down on his bed, "An hour... She was supposed to be gone an hour... The office even said she left..." He looks to she again "You don't think she'd run again do you? I thought she was over that?"
“Whoa,” Nicholas says, starting to sit up and embracing him. “It’ll be fine. We’ll find her. I promise. Now listen. I know it’s hard, but you’ve got to calm down and try to hold it together for just a little while longer. Can you do that for me?” He pulls him back and kisses his cheek. “We’ll find them. I promise. I need for you to go into the bathroom and splash some water on your face. Take some deep breaths. I’m going to get up and go see what they’re doing to find her. Alright?”

“Why buy clothes? You already get me some of the best,” he teases. Mason was in the kitchen with Karen. He had made her a grilled cheese sandwich. “Hi you two,” he grins. “Want something to eat?”

“No Master. My big sister wouldn’t run again. She would never leave us. Not….willingly,” she said.
Kaden holds him and takes a few deep breaths, then helps him lay back down "You'll do no such thing... I can do this..." Kaden laughs slightly and wipes his eyes "You... Just had BRAIN surgery... And you're still trying to take care of me..." He leans down and kisses him softy, then smiles "I'm upset she's gone... But I'm mad at who took her... And I can do mad just fine..." He grins at him, showing him the fire behind the tears. "Now you... Have to promise me... You'll stay in bed... And listen to Aliya and Betty... I'll check in... But I have to find her... I know I said I wouldn't leave you alone..." He cups his cheek and rubs softly "Please promise me... You won't try and help me... Not this time... At least not physically..." He looks at him, waiting, he also pulls out his phone, he still had a call to make.

Jareth smirks and gives his ass a smack as they leave the bedroom, he smiles at Mason and Karen "Hey yourself... You enjoy your nap? And that sounds wonderful..." He smiles, smelling the food.

Atoshi looks at her, then opens his phone again "Yeah... I need a GPS trace put on Anastasia Dewitt's phone... She's missing and it's not like her..." He listens a few moments "Good... Keep me posted..." He closes his phone and pulls Kitten closer, he kisses her cheek "We'll find her.."
“Alright. I promise. Baby, I will always take care of you. Nothing..short of brain surgery..would ever stop me,” he grinned. “I know you’re the people..who took her. Good. Keep that anger. Use that anger to help you find her, and when you do..let it go..on them. They deserve it. She’s going to be..alright.. So you do..what you have to do..and I won’t give you anything worry about.”

“Excellent! How many more do I need baby?” Karen smiles looking at Kevin and Jareth. “Two!” “Isn’t she something? That’s right! Two more. Now be a sweetheart, and find out what they want to drink for me.” She looks over at Kevin. “What do you want to drink?” He can’t help but smile at her. “Water is good.” “Okay, and what about you Mr. Jareth?”

“I know,” she tells him, snuggling into him. “I don’t doubt you’ll find her. We went through too much to get her to lose her.”

“Okay. Time to wake up Melanie. Wake up!” Melanie opened her eyes stunned and pulled on her wrists. “Don’t struggle. Don’t’ want you hurt now.” She noticed two women in the room and two men. The men wore suits and stood on either side of the bed. One woman had a bloody nose and was in a chair. The other stood next to her. “Now Melanie, I’m going to ask you some questions, and you better give me the right answers. See how bloody she already is? I can’t hit you, but her? Well that’s a different story. Now, who is Kaden?” Melanie shook her head. “No? Okay then.” She punches the woman in the chair in the stomach. “No,” Melanie shouts. “Then tell me. Who is Kaden?” “He’ lover. He’s the father of my children.” “How did you meet him?” Melanie knew she couldn’t tell her the truth, but this woman shouldn’t be hurt either. “No?” She grabbed the woman by the hair, and pulled back, tilting her face up. Drawing back with a fist, Melanie screamed at her, “He kidnapped me!” The woman turned smiling. “He kidnapped me from my husband, and I fell in love with him. We live together now. My husband..knows..everything, and he lives with us.” “Good girl. Who is M’lord?” Melanie closed her eyes for a moment. “That’s what..he taught call him. Kaden wanted call him..M’lord. I liked it. So I kept calling him that.” “You mean to tell me you fell in love with the man who kidnapped you from your husband, and now you two live with him? It all makes sense now. Everything he was saying that night at the bar makes sense, but who were the two men that came looking for him? There were two men looking for your husband. Who are they?” “You must mean Jareth and Kevin. They’re his lovers.” “What,” she yelled before laughing. “You live in one fucked up family Melanie. Wow. What do you think doll? Forget it. Your family is just as fucked up. He forced himself on you, making you his sexual DOLL, and you fell in love with him and his other sex toy who just happens to be a woman who tried to steal from him. Where do you girls find these men? Alright,” she said moving towards the door. “We’re going to drop you ladies off where you can be found. Boys, let me make a few phone calls, and then you can take them.” ‘Doll,’ Melanie thought. ‘I’ve heard that before. Jareth, if you can hear me, does the name sexual doll mean anything to you?’
Kaden smiles and kisses him "Oh... I'll most definitely be taking it out on them... They messed with the wrong family..." He then stands and moves to the end of the bed "Now... To let Mason know..." He sighs and dials his number.

Jareth smiles at her "Just Jareth is ok Sweety... And I'd like two sandwiches please... With a glass of milk..." He smiles at her "Would you like some help?"

Atoshi was helping his Kitten relax the only way he knew how, his hand was in her panties teasing her slowly, while kissing her softly.
Nicholas sighs. He wishes he could do this for Kaden and that he could help, but he told him he wouldn’t try to help him and that he would stay in bed. He intended to keep his word.

“No thank you Jareth. I can manage,” she told him pulling a chair up to the counter. She climbed up and opened the cabinet sitting two glasses down on it. Mason smiled watching her. “She’s such a big girl,” Kevin tells him. “I know. So grown up and able to help out in the kitchen.” The phone rings and Mason picks up. “Hello?”

She reaches for his wrist, holding him, while her lips meet his. He knows exactly how to make her feel better. Her hips begin to slowly move with him.

“Alright. Here’s what we’re dealing with. This woman was kidnapped.” She lays a photo of Melanie on the table. “This is her husband. This man here, Kaden, took Melanie, Mason. You with me so far,” she asked the men. They nodded. “Good. Melanie fell in love with Kaden, her kidnapper aka M’lord. Mason fell in love with this man, Jareth. Jareth is also in love with this man. His name is unknown. So now you’ve got Mason and his two lovers, and Melanie and her lover. Melanie is pregnant, as we all know. I’m looking into her records now to see who the father is. Is it Mason, or is it Kaden. We’ll know soon enough. Meanwhile, Kaden falls in love again. He married him. Doctor Nicholas Hayden. So now Kaden has a female lover, that he kidnapped, and a male husband. When this sordid little love….mess….is exposed, Kaden’s company will crash. Stockholder’s will sell their shares so fast heads will spin. Nobody is going to want to be a part of a company owned by a kidnapper. Now, as for the doll, Anna Dewitt. Rumor has it that she began to spend an awful lot of time with her boss. No harm there. Now she lives with him and his so called Kitten aka the cat burglar aka Kimmy. Kimmy was well known in certain shady circles as a famed burglar. She stopped suddenly only to emerge on his arm. Atoshi. So now he lives in his big house with these two women. Among other people living there are his body guard and his little toy and his doctor with an unknown female. Again, once this hits the media, Atoshi’s company will tank. Then there’s the effect all of this will have on the hospital. The owner, Nicholas Hayden is involved in all this. Three major business will be effected. This is the story of the century. It’s too good not to release it. I just need Melanie’s medical records and the names of the unknown male in Kaden’s group and the unknown female in Atoshi’s group. Get me those names. “As soon as I have that information, I’ll let the girls go. Go now.” The men quickly leave.
"Hey Mason... I have some bad news... Melanie was taken... From the hospital... I was gone maybe 30 minutes... Look, I've had the police called... But I knew I had to call you... I'm sorry..." His had was frosted at his side, he didn't know what else to do.

Jareth looks over as Mason answers the phone, and he can't help but over hear "Oh no..."

Atoshi was rubbing her pretty fast by now, when his phone rings, he doesn't stop, but pulls from the kiss to answer it, knowing kimmy won't notice much. "Yeah... Where... Ok, send a team in... I want her found and the ones who took her brought to me... Good... Keep me posted..." He hangs up and focuses back on kimmy. "That's it kitten... Good girl.."
Kevin looks up as Jareth speaks. “What,” he asks, just before the phone slips from Mason’s hand. He starts to sink down to the floor reaching for Jareth. “Not again. I can’ this..again. Not again.” Kevin moves close to him. “Mason? Jareth? What’s wrong?”

Kimmy was lost in her trance. Atoshi could have done anything he wanted, and all she would have focused on was the pleasure he was giving her and the need rising within her. She lifted her hips higher and higher as he kept going. She knew there was no need to ask permission if she could cum. That was something she and Anna learned a long time ago. Her panting breath and trembling body was a clear sign of what was about to happen, and without warning, it did. She lifted her head from the bed as her orgasm hit her, racing through her body, exploding pleasure throughout her. With a contented smile and a glow, she came to rest on the bed. She hadn’t gained enough of her senses back to speak, but her expression said everything.

“Yes. Thank you so much for this report. As for the doctor you had to smash over the head, she’ll be fine. You left her at her office. The main thing is that I got my hands on Melanie’s file.” The woman opens it, peering at the pages in shock. “Three babies.” The man laughs. “Two fathers.” He looks at her confused. “Two belong to one father, and one belongs to another. Her kidnapper….got her pregnant, but so did her husband. The bitch is carrying two men’s children.” She closes the file and tosses it to the desk. “Go find me a suitable dumpster where I can dump the girls without drawing too much attention. They’re both trash. That’s where they belong. We’ll tie them up and dump in one. They’ll be found and returned to their….lovers.” She reached for another file and sank down in the chair at the desk as she read it. “Kevin. The man’s name is Kevin, but this can’t be right. It says here he died years ago. That’s impossible. What is he?” The man shrugged. “Aliya. All you have on her is that she works at the hospital? There’s no record of her before that? These people are strange. We have to get rid of the girls soon. Go look for a suitable dumpster. Call me as soon as you find one. Go now. Both of you. I’ll be fine with the girls.”
Kaden heard the phone fall "Mason? Mason can you hear me!? Mason!"

Jareth quickly moves to Mason and pulls him into a hug, rubbing his back, he looks to Kevin "Melanie... Was kidnapped from the hospital..." He looks down at Mason and makes him look at him "Mason... Bab look at me... We'll find her... I promise..." He wipes at his eyes "You have me remember... I can help find her... Now come on... Relax..." He hands the phone to Kevin and opens his arm to Karen when she starts to cry "Shh... It's ok Sweety... Come here... Daddy's ok...."

Atoshi reaches under the pillow and pulls out a small vibrator, turning it on to low, he slowly pushes it I to her, that would keep her relaxed for a few hours. He stands from the bed and starts to clean himself up, he'd be having 'guests' soon, he looks back at kimmy again and smiles, lost in her own little world.

Atoshi's men surround the building, two covering each entrance, they were caught a little off guard when the two men came out, but managed to trank them. "Alright... Move it... Trank anyone in your way... Boss wants them brought home..." They slowly and silently comb the building, coming to the only occupied room, they burst in and aim their guns at the only one not tied up. The leader walks in last and moves to Anna, he whistles low and looks at the woman "Man... I wouldn't want to be you right now..." Then he noticed Melanie "And who might you be..." He looks to his men "Tie her up and put her in the van with the others... Atoshi wants to... Speak... With them..." He turns back to Melanie and gently removes her ropes "Are you ok miss..." He notices her 'condition' and gently helps her up as another man lifts Anna and heads out.
Kevin picks up the phone as Karen reaches them, hugging her dad. “Hello? Look can we….call you back….or something? He’s in….shock….or something. He keeps saying, ‘not again,’ over and over again. He can’t even stand up. Who is this?”

“Not again,” he says looking at Jareth. “Not again.” His mind was racing as the fear gripped him. He couldn’t breathe, and his chest ached. If Kaden didn’t have her, then he had no idea who did, and Mason was feeling those same emotions he did when Melanie went missing the first time. “Not again,” he said resting his head against Karen. “It’s okay daddy. Jareth will find her.” Karen tries to comfort him.

Kimmy groans before smiling at the feeling of the vibrator. Deeper and deeper she tumbles into her trance.

“Hey,” Melanie calls to her softly. “Doll?” Anna lifts her head and nods. The blood from her nose had stopped flowing. “I’m Melanie. We’re gonna be fine. She doesn’t want to keep us. All she wanted was information. She thinks she’ll be able to take them down, but we know better. So all we have to do is stay calm.” Anna looks at Melanie’s belly. “You’re pregnant.” Melanie smiles. “Why does she want you? Who is she after?” “Kaden. Who is she after with you?” “Atoshi. He’s not an enemy she wants.” “Neither is Kaden.” “Then I should feel sorry for her, but I don’t. She took me from my Master.” “She took me from M’lord.” “Well then, she’s going to have to deal with a lot.” “That’s her problem,” Melanie tells her, trying to hold back a laugh. “We’re gonna be fine Anna. Just sit tight. Okay?” Anna nods just before the doors burst open.

“What the hell,” the woman begins, ducking down as they beat the doors open. “Who the hell are you,” she asks the man as he enters. The other men take her though, and she watches as they enter the room with the girls. “I’m Melanie,” she tells him. “I’m carrying Kaden’s children. I’m fine. Please, make sure Anna is alright.” Anna looks at the man holding her. “I’m fine. Just get me home to my Master. Please.”
"Hello... He's in shock... Shit... It's Kaden... Tell him we're going to find her... I didn't want to upset him... But he deserved to know... I'm sorry... Keep me posted on how he's doing..." He hangs up and looks to Nicholas "I kind of wish he had gotten mad... I can deal with his anger..."

Jareth holds them close "It won't be like before baby... I promise..." He rubs his back and growls softly for him "Focus on Karen... She needs you too..." He glances at Kevin, their shopping trip canceled again.

Atoshi picks up his phone "You got her... Good what's your et... Who? Melanie.... Why does that name sound familiar... She's Kaden's girl? Ok, bring them in... I'll call Kaden myself... I'm sure he'll want a piece of this too... Good.. See you soon.."

Atoshi hangs up and goes to take a seat, calling up Kaden's number and hitting send "Hello... Hey Kaden... Woah woah slow down..."

Kaden looks at his phone "Atoshi... Atoshi!" He answers the phone "Atoshi! Melanie's been taken... I have no idea where to look and she's..."

Atoshi "I have her... No I didn't take her... They took my girl too... Yes I have them... I thought you might say that... Yes... My men are bringing her in... I think you might also want to see what she had on you... You've been busy my friend..."

Kaden's eyes go wide and he glares "You have her... You took her! How coul... They took your girl... I want the ones who took her... Your place... Or somewhere neutral... They have stuff on me? It's been a busy year... Yeah... Yeah I'll see you there... One hour... Thank you..." He hangs up and sighs, then looks at Nich "She's ok... She's with a friend of mine... They took his girl too..." He looks down "Apparently they were after information on us..." He stands and walks away from the bed, making another call "Hey Kevin... Give him the phone... Or put me on speaker..."
Nicholas smiles listening to the conversation. “Good baby. I’m glad she’s okay.”

Mason puts his arm around Karen. It’s an empty gesture. He knows she needs him, but his mind is gone. When Jareth begins to growl, he drops his head against him. “I can’ this..again. I can’t. Not again.” The phone rings and Kevin answers it.“Yeah. Sure,” Kevin says. He pressed the button, putting him on speaker phone. “Okay Kaden. Go ahead.” Mason’s eyes widen. ‘Kaden? More bad news.’

“You have no right! I was simply doing my job. The public has a right to know. Even if you get rid of me, the information is stored in several copies. You can’t get rid of it all. This won’t go away.” Anna could hear the woman still talking. She wished Atoshi was there. “Are we almost there?” The driver told her they were. She had let Melanie sit in the front seat. Melanie was still tired. It seemed every time she went to get some sleep, someone was always keeping her awake. She could have slept on the ride there, but she wanted to see Kaden.

"Go take care of her," Nicolas tells him. "I'll be fine here. I have Betty and Aliya. Go. Melanie and your babies need you."
Kaden takes a deep breath "She's been found... She ok... Can you hear me Mason... Mel is ok... She wasn't the only one taken... My friend Atoshi... His girl was taken too, he sent his men after her... And they found her with Mel..." He glances at Nich "I'm going to get her in an hour... Do you want to come with me... He also has the people who did it..."

Jareth smiles and holds them closer.

Atoshi moves back to the bed and turns the toy to max, he'd let her cum a few times, then turn it off "Hey... Kitten... You big sister is coming home... And there are some people for us to scratch..." He smiles at her she starts to come to.
Mason reaches for the phone, taking it from Kevin. “They’ve..found her? She’s okay?” He closes his eyes, letting his tears fall as Kaden talks. “Yes. I’ll be right there. I’m coming to the hospital. I’ll meet you there. We’ll go get her together, and Kaden….thanks.” He leans forward, hugging Jareth and letting go. Karen looks at Kevin. “Why is daddy still crying?” “He’s happy sweetheart. That’s why.”

The toy comes to life, and Kimmy writhes on the bed. Her orgasm is coming towards her fast. She grips the sheets, panting, nearly crying out, and as it takes her, she arches her back moaning. It was the first of many, and as the toy becomes still, she slowly begins to work her back from the fog. “She’s..coming..home? My big coming..home?” Kimmy smiles, relieved. “I knew you could do it Master. I knew it. I don’t need a shower. Can I dress and we go get her now?”
"Yes... She's fine, Atoshi's men have her, they are taking her to his place... I'll be waiting in Nich's room for you..." He smiles "You're welcome Mason... We're family now... We look after each other..." He hangs up and moves back to Nich, he carefully lays down with him, "I'm having guards posted at your door... I'm not taking any more chances... With anybody..."

Jareth holds him as he lets it hit him, he rubs his back and growls softly for him. "She's ok baby... Do you want any of us with you? Or should we stay here and keep everyone else safe..."

Atoshi smiles at her "Yes kitten... Get dressed, she'll be here soon... Along with someone else... My friends pet was also taken by the same people... And before you get any ideas... She pregnant... So behave... Meet me in the medical wing... I'm gonna have David look them over..." He leaves the room and goes to look for the doctor.
“Guards? Have you seen Betty?” He laughs, trying to comfort him. “But guards will be fine with me baby. You do what you need to. I understand, and I’m right here for you.” Nicholas reaches to Kaden, rubbing his arm.

“I have to the hospital,” he tells him. “Kevin…..” “I’ll watch Karen. She’ll be just fine. In fact, Mason is it alright if I take her shopping for some toys? She needs something to play with here.” Mason smiles. “She’d like that. Wouldn’t you Karen?” The little girl nods and hugs Kevin. “Thank you Kevin!” “You’re welcome sweetheart. We can still the clothes shopping trip together, but let me do this for her love. Take Mason to Kaden. I’ll be fine with her.” “Please baby. Come with me,” Masons asks Jareth, pulling him tight again.

“Yes Master,” she grins. Kimmy was excited for a moment, but as he told her she was pregnant, she knew that meant she was spoken for. She rushed to put on her clothes and hurried towards the medical wing.
Kaden sighs and snuggles closer for a few minutes and tries to relax. "Mason is on his way... Then we'll head to Atoshi's... I don't know what we'll do to those that took her... But I don't expect me to be nice..."

Jareth nods "Of course... You need me, I'm with you..." He looks to Kevin and reaches out, handing him his credit card "The pin is your birthday... Remember how to use it?" He smiles "Buy her what she wants..." He helps Mason up "Just let me see to the others before we leave... Talk to your daughter..." He kisses him softly, then head to take care of Carrie and Mari, casting a light spell over them to keep them asleep and protected.

Atoshi enters the room "Hey doc... You're gonna have some guests... Anna's been smacked around and a pregnant woman... She belongs to a friend... Make sure she's well taken care of..." He moves to take a seat and wait.
“Of course not baby. I expect you to be the man protecting someone he loves. Whatever you do, I won’t hold it against you. You have my word. I’ll still love you. Kaden you’re so protective of those you love, of those you call you family. It’s one of the things I love about you. So when Mason gets here, go take of those people anyway you like. I’ll be right here when you get back.”

“Yes love. I remember,” he grins. “It hasn’t been that long. Has it?” Kevin follows him, giving Mason time with Karen. Mason kneels back down. “You okay daddy,” she asks him. “Yeah baby. I’m okay. I was scared and sad.” “You said, ‘not again.’ Why daddy?” “I….lost Melanie once. I was afraid I had again.” “How did you lose her?” “I….wasn’t paying attention. Let’s just leave it at that. Okay?” She nods and hugs him. “I want you to be a good girl for Kevin.” “I will. I was scared daddy.” “There’s no need to be scared baby. I’m right here, and nothing is going to happen to you. I promise.”

“Anna has been smacked around? I take it you’re ready for the visitors then? Any ideas what you’re going to do them,” he asked as he moved around preparing what he thought he might need.
Kaden smiles softly "I love you too... But I can promise you I won't be killing anyone... And I'll do my best to make sure Mason doesn't kill anyone either... But until he gets here..." Kaden smiles and sighs softly, relaxing next to him.

Jareth finishes with the sleeping women and sighs, he faces Kevin and cups his cheek "Please... Be careful... And call me the moment anything happens..." He runs his fingers through his hair softly "I will hear you..." He tips his chin up and kisses him.

Atoshi shrugs "Not sure yet... Depends how bad Anna is... I also won't be alone... Kaden will be joining me..." He looks at David "I will be finding out one thing... What they know about us and where all that information is... I want it distroyed..."
Nicholas smiles, reaching to rub Kaden’s arm. “I won’t complain about you spending time with me. Stay as long as you can.”

Kevin melts into his kiss. “I will,” he tells him. “I promise. We’ll be fine though, but there is one thing. I won’t promise not to spoil her with toys.” He laughs before kissing him. “Ewww. Yuck,” she says coming up to Kevin. “Kissing is gross.” “You know, I’ll bet your father hopes you keep thinking like that for a long time. Come on squirt. Let’s go.” “Squirt?” “Yeah,” he says picking her up. “Everybody needs a nickname.” Mason comes up and kisses her forehead. “You be good for Kevin.” “I will daddy. Bring Melanie home. Okay?” “I will baby.” He looks over to Jareth. “You ready?”

“I see. Well I’ll get right on it. I haven’t seen Kaden in some time. It will be good to see him.” There’s a knock at the door, and a man shows Melanie inside. “Hey doc? Will you take a look at this woman? Make sure she’s doing alright?” “Of course. Come closer my dear. You are?” “Melanie. Melanie Weathers. I’m with Kaden. Two of these are his,” she tells him, rubbing her belly. “I see. Well then. Come closer and lie down. This is Atoshi,” he gestures to him. She smiles at him as she rests. “You’re Atoshi. I met your Doll. She’s lovely.” David smiled looking from her to Atoshi. “I can see why Kaden likes her. She’s kind and beautiful.” Melanie blushes. “Thank you. It’s nice to meet both of you.”
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