Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Melanie doesn’t speak. She’s not angry. Her lack of response is because she knows it won’t do her any good. Kaden was not only a mission at this point, but he was right. She knew she needed the sleep. She caught a glimpse of the nurse when Kaden requested the bed. “Certainly Kaden. I can take care of that for you.” She picked up the phone letting them know she would be moving a bed into Nicholas’ room. She followed him inside the room, where Aliya looked up at them. “Back so soon?” Kaden speaks, and her smile vanishes. “I’m..sorry. I couldn’t help it. I needed someone. Look I know I have a problem. I can’t help it. Alright. Don’t be mad at her. It’s my fault. I’m sick. I’m sorry Melanie. I should have made you sleep instead of taking care of me.”
“It’s okay Aliya. Really. Don’t worry. I’ll get some sleep now.” A nurse opens the door as Betty pushes the bed inside. Melanie moves out of her way. “Alright mother to be. Climb up here and get some rest. I’m going to check for the heartbeats.”
Kaden sighs and gently sits on Nich's bed, he watches the two "You're not sick Aliya... And it's not your fault... He did this to you..." Not knowing what Jareth had done "I ever run into him... I'm gonna kill him..." Aliya was a sweet girl, she didn't deserve what Damon did.
Aliya looks at him strangely. "What do you mean..I'm not..sick? Of course I am. I'm a sex addict. I can't help myself. Who are you talking about M'lord?"

Melanie has snuggled up under the blanket on the bed half awake and half asleep already.
Kaden blinks at her "What do you mean who... How can you not remem..." He pauses and looks at her "Did Jareth help you at home? With one of your cravings..." Did Jareth do something to her memories? He then looks over at Betty "So... How is mommy and her little ones..."
"Of course he did," she smiles. "Jareth always helps me, but what are you going on about? Who are you talking about M'Lord?"

Betty looks up. "They're all doing fine," she whispers. "Mom is already sleeping. Poor girl. She's exhausted. She should sleep as long as Nicholas does, if not longer."
Kaden looks at her and shakes his head "No one... I make a mistake... Guess I'm still a little tired too.." He lied, he'd have to talk with Jareth later and find out what he did to Aliya. He looks to Betty and smiles "Thank you... And I know... I've been trying to get her to rest... But she wants to make sure everyone else is ok... And don't worry... I'll be making sure she gets plenty of rest..." He smiles.
"She's going to need it. Three babies? Her body is carrying on for four people then. She's a bit dehydrated. Water. If she doesn't, she'll end up here with an IV taking care of it for her. Make sure she knows that." Betty caresses Melanie's face for a moment before leaving them all alone. "Melanie..isn't doing enough..for herself, is she M'Lord? She's so worried about the rest of us. She's like Nicholas, isn't she?"
Kaden looks to Aliya and nods "Yeah... I just had to fall for stubborn people..." He smiles "But I love them... And they may not like it... But I'm going to take care of them..." He looks to Nich and leans closer, kissing him softly, then stands and moves to gently crawl in bed with Mel, laying behind her. "I'm going to be a busy guy the next few weeks..." He softly pulls Mel closer and lays a hand on her belly, he smiles softly "You three need to go easy on your mama..." He whispers softly.
She grins getting up. "I think I'll go call Jareth and let him know what's going on. Do you want me to tell him anything?"
Kaden looks up at her "I don't think so... I'll talk to him myself later... Just hurry back..." He shifts closer to Mel and tries to relax, watch over both her and Nicholas.

Jareth was laying on the couch with Kevin on top of him, they were watching a movie, he glances at Kevin as he rubs his back. "So... Do you think you'll ever be with Aliya? She was more then ready to jump you this morning..." He smirks slightly.
“No,” Kevin says grinning while blushing.”I only want you and Mason. Aliya can look, but I don’t want to share my body with her.”

Aliya takes out her cell phone and calls the apartment.

“Jareth. Phone. I gotta get up and answer it.” He shifts and stands rushing over to it. "Hello."
"Kevin. Hi. I just wanted to let you know that Nicholas is out of surgery. Everything went fine. He's sleeping."
"Aliya! Thanks for letting us know." They say goodbye to each other, and he hangs up the phone. "Nicholas is doing fine. He's sleeping right now. So everything is good."
Jareth slowly sits up as Kevin goes to get the phone, smiling at the news "That's good news... I'm glad things went ok..." He pulls Kevin into his lap when he came bald, kissing him softly "I don't know what I would have done... If it was one of you..." He cups his cheek and smiles softly "But we don't have to worry about that anymore..." He kisses him a bit harder "You two heal much better now... With my blood in you..." He holds him close.

After a few minutes, the events of the last few hours caught up and Kaden was sleeping, holding Mel gently.
Kevin loved the feel of him. His kisses were warm and soothing. He melted into them. “I know my love. Mason and I are not going anywhere without you. I love you. Kaden is lucky to have found what we have. It’s a rare and beautiful thing to love someone so fully, so completely.” He leans his forehead to his. “Say you love me. I want to hear the words. I love how they sound coming from you.”
Jareth smiles at him "I love you... Little Angel..." He pulls him closer and into another kiss, rubbin his back softly, he soon moves them under his shirt and softly kisses his neck. He was calm and relaxed, just enjoying his mate, he pulls back to smile at him "I love you so much... I would be lost without you two... And Mason's little girl... My family is growing..." He smirks slightly "Maybe you should be with Aliya... Have a child of your own..." He tips his chin up and rubs his cheek "You'll be a wonderful father... Look how you were with Karen..."
Kevin pulls back stunned. “Me and Aliya? Have a child together? Jareth, I’m happy with how my family is. I think of Karen as much a part of my family as I do you and Mason. My love I’m glad you think I would make a good father, really I am, but I don’t know that I could be a real father. Besides, I don’t know that Aliya and I could have a child together. We’re both fallen angels. I don’t know if conception with us is possible."
Jareth smiles at him softly and pulls him close again "It was only a suggestion... You'll be part father enough to Karen and Mason's son... When he gets here..." He kisses him again and lays them back down on the couch, Kevin on top. "So... How should we explain to Karen about us and her father..."
Kevin is happy to be so close to him. He snuggles up closer to him, resting his head next to him. "Then again, the thought of having a child that was my own is....appealing. I wonder if Aliya would be willing. Then again, I'd have to ask her Master first."
Jareth rubs his back softly and leans up to kiss him softly "I'm sure they wouldn't mind... And there is plenty of time for that..." He smiles "It'd be cute to see a mini you around... We'll just think of the coming children as practice... Get us all in the habit of babies..." He chuckles softly and smiles at him again. "I love you..."
Jareth smiles at him "Of course... Just tell me how you want it..." He shifts to lay flat on his back, moving Kevin to lay on his chest and between his legs, he kisses him softly and slowly "Tell me how to prove it... Little Angel..." He smiles and starts to softly lick at his neck, his mark.
Jareth doesn’t know it, but he’s already working towards proving it. “Keep..kissing me. Make me blush. Make me….hard. Make me cum. I want to feel you..taking me. I don’t care….if your soft and gentle or not. All I want is you, my love. Right here, on this couch. Let the rest of the world wait. Right now, it’s just you and me.”
Jareth grins and nips his mark a bit harder, "Naughty boy... On the couch..." He keeps licking his mark and works his hand into his pants, stroking him slowly, he pulls back to watch him. "Let's work you up nice and slow then... And I'll take you a bit harder..." He smirks and goes back to teasing his mark "Mmm... And remember... There are little ears around..." He rubs his tip slowly now.
"Trust me," he moans softly. "I remember." He bites his bottom lip, almost afraid to ask him for what he wants. Almost. "Harder my love," he tells him. " my bite mark. Draw....blood. sink your teeth in. Please. I again. It takes me over from head to toe. Please my love." Those may have been the last words Kevin spoke coherently to Jareth.
Jareth liked that Kevin was becoming more open with him about what he likes 'in bed', he growls softly "As you wish Angel..." He lick his mark, then bites him, allowing his fangs to just break the skin, he feels Kevin starting to tense up and shutter, he starts to quickly stroke him, feeling him getting harder and starting to twitch. 'That's it baby... Enjoy it...' He bites a bit harder and keeps it up.
Kevin gasps, his body tensing as the feeling rush through him. He barely squeaks out a sound. Jareth’s hand works him harder, faster, and as Jareth bites him harder, Kevin can feel how close he is. He knows he’s on the verge of letting go. The feelings grip him harder, racing along his spine, down his body, and finally he explodes. He closes his eyes and moves slightly with Jareth. “Yes my love,” he whispers, wanting to scream but remembering Karen is still there. “I love you so much. Thank you.”
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