Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Kaden looks to Nich and smiles, "Alright..." He walks over to Nich and gives him another kiss "I'll see you shortly..." He then heads out of the room to wait at the nurses desk, he looks at them and smiles "Are you all praying for Nich too?"
The nurses all talk with Kaden, letting him know how they feel about Nicholas.

Once the door closes, Nicholas looks up at Betty. “Take care of him Betty. I know he’ll be in there for me, taking care of me, but I need someone to look after him too. I won’t be able to. So please promise me you will.” She smiles at him. “Of course I will Nicholas. You lie back and get comfortable. This next medicine will help you relax more. We’re not putting you out. So the next time you see me, you’ll be done. Okay?”
“Okay, and Betty? Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” She pushes the drug in, and Nicholas relaxes.

Aliya and Melanie walk in and see Kaden right away. “M’lord,” Melanie says coming up to him. She’s still tired, and it shows. “How are you?”
“Where’s Master? Have they taken him in for surgery yet,” Aliya asks.
Kaden looks up as he hears Mel and smiles, walking to meet her, he hugs her, then pulls back to look at her. "Baby... You don't look well.. Have you not been sleeping?" He takes her to sit down "He's ok... They haven't taken him in yet... You should know I'll be going in with him..." He smiles and pulls Mel closer "Promise me you'll rest while we are in there... You can use Nich office... Please baby... For them..." He slowly runs his hand over her belly.
“M’lord,” she smiles at him. “I’m fine. Jareth helped me sleep last night. I’m just worried about you. Plus,” she says moving his hand. “They’re active,” she tells him just as one of the babies moves. “I think that’s your daughter. She can hear her daddy. She misses him. So does her mother, but I understand. You be here for Nicholas. Aliya is….helping me. She’s taking care of me. So you go take care of your husband.” She squeezes his hand a bit tigher. “Oh. Settle down little one. Daddy is right here.”

The nurse comes out, and Aliya moves closer to him. “How’s he doing?”
“He’s relaxing now Aliya. We’re about to take him. If you want to see him go right….Aliya,” she asks as Aliya pushes past her. She heads into his room where she leans down to kiss his forehead. “I..didn’t want to tell this, but I love you Master.” He looks up at her and smiles weakly. “”
“Don’t leave me.”

Betty moves over to Kaden and Melanie. “We’re about to take him. Come on Kaden. I’ll get you dressed to go in surgery with him. He’ll be fine Ms. Why don’t you and Aliya go into his office and rest while you wait?” Melanie nods. “Alright then. Take care of him M’lord, and yourself. Promise.”
Kaden rubs her belly softly, then kneels and kisses it "Hey in there... Sorry daddy's been away... But you be good for your mommy... And mommy's going to rest..." He looks up at her and smiles "Say you're fine all you want love... You look horrible... This stress isn't good for you... Please..." He moves up and kisses her softly. Kaden looks over as the nurse calls him and nods "Alright... You two behave and we'll be back before you know it... He'll be fine..." He goes with the nurse.
Betty leads him into a room where she hands him hospital scrubs. “Put these on, and I’ll show you where to wash your hands.”

Melanie stands and heads over towards the door. She can see Aliya with him. Another nurse pushes past her. “We have to take him now ma’am. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay..Aliya. I’ll be..right back. Go take care of Mel. Okay?” She nods. “Yes Master. I will.” He gives her a faint smile. “That’s my good girl.” Melanie moves closer to her an puts her arm around her. “Come on. We can wait in his office. Maybe get some rest.” Aliya looks over at her and smiles. “I’ve got a better idea.”
Kaden smiles and does as told, not wanting to take the chance to mess anything up, he follows Betty and washes his hand carefully. "Is that good enough?" He smiles at her, glad to be helping his lover like this "I don't want to mess anything up..."
“You’re fine,” she tells him, offering him a comforting smile. “Come with me through this door.” She pushes open a door for him. “They’ll bring Nicholas in through that door right there any second. As she finished talking, the doors opened, and other nurses were pushing him in. “Alright Kaden,” the doctor said. “You come and stand on this side of him. We’ll be over on the other side of the bed. The nurse will hand you some cards. Keep showing them to him, and keep him talking.”
“I think..I can..manage that,” Nicholas tells him, looking at Kaden. “I can you.”

Aliya lead Melanie into Nicholas’ office. She watches her crawl up on his bed and lie down. With a grin, she joins her. “I think I know how we can pass the time.”
Kaden follows her then looks over as they bring him in, he moves where he's told and smiles at him "Keep him talking... It's getting him to be quite, that's the trick..." He tried to make a small joke, he sits down by his head and smiles at him "We're taking that vacation as soon as your able... Or we can take you by boat to recover on the island... Away from the mess of the city..." He takes his hand and rubs it softly, waiting for his part to start.
"The like..the new..look." The doctor makes sure Nicholas won't feel anything. He begins working on him. "I'm can..come up..with some That..vacation..sounds..good." Once Nicholas is opened up, Nicholas grins at Kaden. Betty nods at Kaden, letting him know it’s time. “Just show him the cards, and Nicholas, you tell him what you see.”
“Yes..Ma’am. I think..I can do..that.”
Kaden smiles "Hair can grow back... I don't care about that..." He holds his hand with one and takes the cards with the other "Ok baby... What's this one?" He ignores the doctors and the room they are in, focusing on Nicholas and his task, keeping Nich talking.
“It looks like..a flower.” Betty smiled. He was getting it right. The doctor kept going. “A house. A bird. A mirror. A chair. A table.” He blushes. “A Remember?” Betty can’t keep the blush or grin from her face. Even the doctor shakes his head. “ lessons. You still I’ll hold that.”

Hours later the doctor tells Kaden he can stop going through the cards. “We’re all done here. Nicholas I’ll run some tests on the tumor, but I can safely say I got it all. Betty will help Kaden, and the nurses will get you back to your room. You can sleep now if you wish.” Betty takes the cards from Kaden. “Come with me. I’ll help you get these scrubs off and get you back to his room.”
Kaden blushes softly but smiles "I remember... And trust me... I'll have more lessons for you when you're better..." He smiles and keeps up with the cards and small talk, also keeping a gentle grip on his hand, rubbing it softly. When they were finished Kaden smiles brightly and leans down, kissing his cheek gently. "I'll see you soon... I love you..." He says softly, then looks at te Doctor "Thank you... For taking care of him..." He then follows Betty out to clean up and change
Betty tells him, “After you left his room, before he had his surgery, Nicholas asked me to take care fo you. Even facing surgery, he wanted to make sure you were taken care of. I think the love you two have is strong.” After he finishes taking off the scrubs and washing his hands, she begins to lead him back to Nicholas’ room.

The take Nicholas to his room. He smiles seeing Aliya and Melanie already waiting for him. “Hi you two,” he whispers. “I’m so….sleepy.” “Sleep Master,” Aliya tells him, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “We’ll be here when you wake up.” Melanie was sitting down, leaning against the wall. “Yes Nicholas. Sleep. We’ll be here for you. Kaden will be here soon.”

Betty opened the door and held it open for Kaden. “He’s already in here with visitors too.”
Kaden smiles at her as she helps him clean up "I know he's always trying to keep me safe... It's frustrating sometimes... But he means well... I know that... But I don't want him hurt on my account..." He looks at her before they leave to his room "If it ever came down to it... It would be him over me... But he's never to know that..." He then follows her to his room and smiles "Hey... Did you get some rest?" He asks Mel, then moves over to the bed and takes his hand, he leans down and kisses him softly. "You look tired love... Rest now... We aren't going anywhere..."
“ It’s been a long night,” he teases, referring to how he couldn’t sleep last night. Nicholas closes his eyes, a smile on his lips as he does. “Can I get you anything,” Melanie asks. “I’m sure you haven’t eaten M’lord. Let me go to the cafeteria. I can pick something up for all of us.” She stands and pulls her purse over her shoulder. “Aliya, do you want to go, or are you staying here with Kaden?” Aliya smiles. “I think I’ll keep Kaden company.”
Kaden watches him until he falls asleep, then turns to Mel "Are you sure you'll be ok alone? If Aliya is staying here... I... I could go with you..." He had left her alone enough, and Nicholas was in good hands.
“Sure,” she said smiling at him. “Take it easy on her,” Aliya teases. “While he was in surgery, we had our own fun.” She winks at Mel as she stands at the door. “Yes we did.” Opening the door, she holds out her hand for Kaden.
Kaden chuckles softly and gives Nich a soft kiss, then gives Aliya one "Thank you... For caring for her and him... I'll have to thank you later..." He smirks at her, then goes to join Mel, he takes her hand and pulls her closer. "Did you have fun baby... I know you and her have before..." He asks softly as they head to the cafeteria.
"Yes M'lord. I did." Melanie was hiding how tired she was. Eating was going to be a way to help stay awake in fact. She picked up what she wanted, and paid for what he picked up as well. She also grabbed something to take back to Aliya. As she sat down, she began to eat. "So how did everything go? What did you have to do?"
Kaden follows her, he could tell she still wasn't feeling 100% but he'd let it slide or now, he yanked her for the food. "It went very well... They got all of it and are going to test it, but they don't believe it's positive... He just needs to heal now..." He moves closer and kisses her cheek "How are you doing..?"
“That’s very good M’lord. I’m so happy. We’ll all take good care of Nicholas. He’ll be back to his old self in no time. I’m sure.” She gave him a smile as she kept eating. “Aliya is doing well. When I left, Mason and his daughter were still sleeping. She had a big day yesterday. Everything seems pretty calm. Now to just get Nicholas home and well. Is your food alright? Do you need something else? I can get if for you?”
Kaden looks at her and crosses his arms, he gives her a look "You avoided my question love... And I can already tell you're still tired... Dammit Melanie... You're going to make yourself sick... You're not thinking about them!" He gets up and points to her belly "You can't only think about you baby..." He kneels by her chair and takes her hands, holding them softly. "Now you answer me truthfully... How much have you slept..." He'd take her to lay down himself if he had to.
She looks up at him and sighs. “None M’lord. When we got back to Nicholas’ office, Aliya was….aroused. So I took care of her. Then she wanted to shower, and that led to more playing. We took another shower to clean up, and then Aliya wanted to talk. By the time she was ready to lie down and rest, Nicholas was out of surgery. I’m sorry. I tried, but she needed me. Please don’t be angry with me.” She leaned forward and kissed his cheek softly. “I’ll rest when I get home. I promise."
He sighs and stands up, he gathers their food and helps her up "No... You'll sleep now... This isn't good Sweety..." He leads her back to the room, stopping at the nurses station "Can I please have another bed in my husbands room... And can I have someone look over my friend... Make sure her as te babies are ok..." He smiles and leads Mel back into Nich's room "Aliya... You were supposed to take care of her..." He frowns slightly "She hasn't slept..." He was a little disappointed.
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