Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

“Okay,” he mumbles, not even opening his eyes.

Kevin heads back into the kitchen after waking Melanie. “Mel will be in here in a few minutes. Do you need some help?” “No,” she says quickly, moving away from him. ‘Focus Aliya. You have a job to do you can’t,’ her eyes wander to his crotch again. ‘NO! Stop this. Think about Melanie and your Master and M’lord. That’s right. Think about them. Think about..their cocks..and how good..they feel..and how want them.’ Her face began to warm up.
Jareth was dressed and in the kitchen a few minutes later "Morning baby..." He kisses Kevin softly, then turns to Aliya with a smile "Good morning Aliya... Wow you've been..." He looks at her and takes a sniff and looks at her face "Hmm... Baby will you take over for her a moment... We'll be right back..." He takes her hand and leads her to an empty bedroom, not letting her disagree, he pulls her in and closes the door, pushing her against it lightly. "Cock or fingers... Don't deny it, just answer me..." He takes a deep breath and watches her.
“Yeah,” Kevin tells him. He doesn’t have to ask why. “Jareth,” she asks as he takes her hand. Aliya gasps as he pulls her in closer before closing the door. He presses her to it, and she stares into his eyes. When he asked his question, she knew he was aware of her current state of need. “Fingers,” she told him, finally letting her desire flow through her. “I have to hurry so I can get Mel to the hospital. Look into my eyes when you do it. I want to see into your eyes as you make me cum."
Jareth smirks and nods "Good girl..." He helps her slip her panties off and lifts her skirt, he stares at her and starts to tease her, then thrusts his fingers in her. "You want quick... I'll give you quick..." He thusts his fingers quickly and rubs her clit slowly, he smirks at her "You're quite wet already... Tell me who's cock you were thinking of... Was it my little angel... Huh Aliya... Were you eyeing my boy..."
Aliya moans as his finger slip inside her wet sex. Already she moves her hips to meet him. “Yes. I was..looking at your boy. I wanted..his cock inside me. I want you Jareth. Oh please help me.” Her eyes glance over to the bed. “Take me to the bed. I want hold me. Please.”
He watches her, then pulls his hand from her, he lifts her and carries her to the bed, he sits with her in his lap. "Is that what you want..." He spreads her legs and starts up again, staring at her, his other arm holding her around the waist in his lap.

Kaden slowly starts to wake, his eyes flutter open and he looks up, expecting to see Nicholas looking at him. "Nich..." He whispers, then notices he's sleeping "Baby?" He quickly sits up.
“Yes,” she moans against his lips. “Faster..deeper..more,” she pleads with him, spreading her own legs. “Thank you Jareth. You knew what I needed.” Her arm around him grips him tight. Aliya squirms on his lap. “Would you like..for help you feel good Jareth? I can ride your cock.”

“It’s alright,” Betty tells him in a hushed tone. “He was cleared to get some sleep, and he wanted to before the surgery. He was awake all night. He behaved. How do you feel?”
Jareth smirks at her and rubs faster and thrusts harder "I'm fine Aliya... Let's hair worry about you..." He holds her hips and keeps her from moving, he grins at her and gently adds a finger. "You're gonna cum for me angel girl... Let me hear a yes sir..." He curls his finger to hit her Gspot.

Kaden looks at her and visibly relaxes, he looks back at Nich and slowly lays back down, not wanting to wake him. "Physically... I'm fine... Mentally..." He looks at her "I'm scared... But I know he's in good hands..." He looks at his hands "What is it... I have to do... In the OR..." He spoke softly, not wanting to wake him.
"Yes Sir," she whines, wanting to lean into him. "I'm gonna..cum for you..Sir. Oh please Jareth," she begins to beg, her need growing. "Make me cum all over your fingers. I wanna suck my cum off your fingers. Please say I can."

"We're going to give you cards with pictures on them. Show them to him. Get him to tell you what he sees. We'll be close to the area that deals with speech. Other than that, just talk to him, keep him talking, and let him know he's not alone."
Jareth smirks and speeds his actions up, "Yes you can... Now cum little pet..." He stares at her and rubs and thrusts faster, harder.

Kaden listens and nods "I can do that... Have our friends arrived yet? And how long has he been asleep... How long do we have?" He relaxes and snuggles close to him again, trying to push his fears aside, he could do this, he had to.
Aliya gives in, feeling her body shatter around him. She cums, and writhes hard against him, wanting to move. “Thank you Jareth,” she screams. “Thank you!”

“Not long,” Betty sighs. “He hasn’t been sleeping long at all. The doctor is making sure everything is in place for his surgery. No one has arrived yet either. If you would like to go call them, I’ll stay with him.”
Jareth smiles and slowly pulls his hand away, he holds it up to her "You're welcome little pet... And don't be afraid to ask if your masters aren't around..."

Kaden smiles "Nah... They'll be here... I'd like to stay with him... Thank you though..." He looks at her "So... How was your card game... Did he beat you?" He smiles.
Aliya grabs his wrist and pulls his fingers to her mouth. She begins to suck her cum from him, cleaning his fingers. Her tongue licks him as she finishes. “Thank you Jareth. I’ll..remember that. I better go get dressed and get Melanie to the hospital.” She slides from him feeling much better. Sex was no longer on her mind.

“No,” she smiles. “Just between you and I, I cheat. He’s too much of an honest man to ever cheat though. He watched you sleep a lot last night, and he told me how he met you. Nicholas really loves you, you know.”
Jareth watches her go, then gets up to wash his hands before returning to the kitchen, he looks at Kevin and moves to sit. "Well... Kaden and Nich will have their hands full with her..." He moves to get a plate of food, "She was eyeing you... By the way... She may have jumped you if I hadn't come out..."

Kaden smiles and laughs softly "Yeah... I can't see him cheating..." He tilts his head "Oh... What all did he tell you..." He then looks back at Nich and smiles softly, leaning up to kiss his cheek "I know he does... And I love him too..."
“Yeah. They certainly are going to have their hands full.” He stops eating and looks up at Jareth. “She was….eyeing me?” He can’t stop the blush that spreads across his face.

“Melanie, are you ready?” “Yes. No. I mean yes. I’m as ready as I’ll ever be to go do something like this. M’lord is going to have to watch his husband have surgery. I know it won’t be easy on him.” “No, but they have each other and us. We’ll help them get through this.” “Who’s going to help us get through this?” Aliya moves inside the room and takes her hands. “We’ll help each other. That’s what this family is all about. Nobody is ever alone.”

“Well,” she smiles. “He told me there was a car crash that night. He was helping carry your friend to the ambulance from his car. Nicholas said he looked up and saw you standing there. Time stood still for him. There wasn’t anything or anyone else around. He could feel the stretcher in his hand, and it was the only thing that kept him from walking over to you. The whole way to the hospital, he had to remember to keep his focus. Once your friend was stable, he said he took a deep breath, and all he could see was you. It’s been that way ever since.”
Jareth looks at him as laughs "Oh baby your face..!" He smiles at him "Yes.. Yes she was..." He loved it when Kevin blushes "You look so cute..."

Kaden looks at her and blushes softly, then looks at Nicholas "He's never... Told me all that... Not like that..." He runs his fingers through his hair slowly so not to wake him. "He saved my life... When I thought I had no one... I tried... And he found me... And I asked him to stay the night..." He smiles and looks down a bit "That was our first night... But by morning... I thought he was going to leave... And I tried again..." He frowns and looks away "Apparernly I succeeded... Becasue the next I knew... He was bringing me back..."
Kevin blushes even more as Jareth laughs. “You think I look cute like this,” he asks. Kevin tries to cover his face but only for a moment. “I love to hear you laugh.”
“We’re leaving now,” Aliya tells them as Melanie opens the door. “Just wanted to let you guys knows.”

“I know. He told me his whole world stopped. Nicholas said if you had not made it, if he couldn’t have saved you, then his world would have never started turning again. He said there would have only blackness. You brought a light into his world, and he couldn’t imagine it being gone. He would have been in dark, but the moment you took a deep breath, the light you brought into his life was brighter than ever. Nicholas said his happiest moment with you was always the one happening to him right then because the next one was always better. Every passing second with you is filled with more love, more happiness than the one before. He really loves you. You’ve made mistakes, but all he sees is you. They made you who you are today, and he said he loves every part of you. That’s real love Kaden. Nicholas has been alone his entire life, afraid to try and love someone, but you? You he loved the second he laid eyes on you, and he’s been letting go more and more with you, letting you in to his private world that he never, ever lets anyone in. You’re the one for him, and honestly I thank you for coming along. You’ve made him complete, and today you’re going to be there for him. He wouldn’t want anyone else now that he has you. If you were not part of his life, he would do this alone.”
Jareth smiles at him "You do look cute..." He laughs softly again "Then I'll try and laugh more often for you..." He looks over to Mel and smiles "Ok... Be careful and keep us updated... And keep an eye on her Aliya... This stress isn't good for her... But it can't be helped..."

Kaden lays next to him and just lets his tears fall silently, he wasn't sure if they were happy or sad ones. "That's why we fought... I wanted him to let me in... Let me help... Let me b-be there..." He closes his eyes "But all he wanted was to protect me... And I could have lost him..." He takes a deep breath "That's why I said I'd leave... Because I didn't want to be hurt either... But when it came down to it... I couldn't... Even when he was telling me to... I just couldn't..." He reaches up and rubs his eyes "I'm sorry..."
“I will,” Aliya tells him. She looks over to Kevin and smiles. “See you guys later.” Kevin nods and blushes deeper. She laughs as she heads back to Melanie. The two leave, closing the door behind them.

“It’s alright,” she tells him. “Nicholas would rather spend his time taking care of everyone else. You’re the first person he’s ever let take care of him. He finds it hard to do that. Probably because he’s always had to do it for himself, but last night I watched him lay there and let you take care of him. Of course he was still taking care of you too. It’s why wanted you to sleep. It was his way of taking care of you. He’s a sneaky man,” she grins. “You’re good for him. You’re what he needs. After his surgery, while he’s in recovery, I’ll make sure you get something to eat. I’m sure you don’t want to leave him right now. So I’ll take care of you and anyone else that comes for him. It would be my pleasure. It’s the least I can do.” The doctor opens the door. "Go ahead and start prepping him." Betty nods. "Yes doctor. Alright Kaden. It's time to wake your husband." She moves to gather up what she needs.
Jareth watches Kevin and smirks "I think she still wants you..." He laughs as he blushed again.

Kaden smile at her and nods, he looks to the doctor, then back to Nicholas "Hey... Baby it's time to get up..." He shift up and cups his cheek, then kisses him softly "Time to wake up Doc..." He'd have to be in charge of him in that operating room, keep him focused "Come on lover... Open your eyes..." He smirks as he starts to stir.
“You know, so do I,” he laughs. “She’ll have to take a number.”

Nicholas slowly stirs, wrinkling his nose. “Okay,” he mumbles. “I’m awake. I’m,” he yawns, “ awake.” When he opnes his eyes, he smiles at Kaden. “Did you sleep well baby?”
He smiles an kisses him softly again "Yes... Now it's time to get you ready... Did you um... Happen to get dressed while I was asleep?" He blinks and glances down at him.
"Yeah. Betty helped me with a gown. She's a card shark," he says with a grin. "She cheats. She doesn't think I know, but I do," he whispers. "Alright Dr. Hayden. I have to give you an IV for your surgery."
"I know you do sweetheart," he says rolling over and offering her his arm. "Be gentle," he teases. She can't help but smile. "I'll try. You're not my first."
"Such a pity. I can imagine if I had been." She blushes. "Kaden, your husband is hopeless."
Kaden smiles at him and then moves aside, getting up to stretch and go to the bathroom, he comes back as they're getting his IV in. He laughs softy "I know... But I'm stuck with him..." He smiles and looks to the nurse "Ok... So what do I have to do to get ready..."
"Well, we're going to send you into another room. There you will be put into sterile clothes, and gloves. You'll see Nicholas in the OR. Alright? Now if you go to the desk, I'll be there in just a moment to take you."
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