Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

“Please don’t say that,” she whines as he mentions Damon not caring about her. When he cuts her pants free from her body, she yelps. “Please Jareth. Don’t take him away from me. Damon,” she whimpers. “Damon.” Her voice is low as she closes her eyes, trying to hold on to him. As he beings to fill her, she opens her eyes and gasps. “My”
He thrusts in hard with the last few inches and growls again "He left you... You'll never see him again! He was using you!" He starts to thrust into her, but was careful to not let her cum again, watching his speed and her scent. "You belong with your family! Only your family!" He was debating if he should use his powers or not, make her believe he wasn't real, if it would work or not.
Aliya feels like she’s being thrust into wall as he fills her completely. “Jareth,” she moaned, leaning her head back against the wall. “Don’t say that! Don’t say he….left me!” As long as she didn’t say it, it somehow wasn’t true, or so she thought. “Shut up! Just shut up you….demon! Let me go! Stop!” She began to fight him harder, trying to get free despite how good what he was doing felt.
Jareth stares st her "I'm sorry Aliya..." He lets his eyes glow and waits for her to look at him, he starts to thrust slowly as she falls under his gaze. "That's it... Relax..." He watches her "Gather everything you remember of Damon... And lock it away... Forget him Aliya..." He thrusts a bit harder, still careful to not let her cum "He doesn't exsist... Say it Aliya... Believe it..." His eyes glow brighter as he slowly locks away all her memories of Damon. "You're just a normal sex addict..." He looses his hold on her slightly "Craving your Masters... As you always have..." He slowly let's his power fade as he locks the memories away and start to thrust harder and faster, wanting her to finally cum with her new line of thought.
“Sorry? Sorry for what Jareth? No,” she whines. “Don’t make me say he’s not real. Don’t..make me say..he’s not…..” She stares into his eyes. Her body relaxes against his. A warmth rushes over her. Her mind raced through all her memories of Damon, replaying them all. She smiled. In her mind, she saw them all going behind a door. “He..doesn’t..exist.” She becomes aware she’s being taken as his eyes return back to normal. Aliya begins to move with him, grabbing his arms. Her breathing ragged, she moans. “That’s it. Take me. Oh Jareth. I’m gonna cum. I can’t..I don’t want to..” She tenses around him as her body finally is allowed to release. “Thank you Jareth. My Masters..will be allowed cum for you. I have to please you though. You must..cum for me. Keep going. Come on Jareth. Cum for me.”
Jareth grins, but he wanted to frown, he hadn't wanted it to come to this, but it was for her own good and the good of their family. "Nnn... Good girl... You wanna feel me cum... Want me to fill you up..." He watches her and start to thrust even faster, moaning and groans louder. "Fuck... Nnn..." He thrusts deep a few minutes later and fills her, stiffening up and pressing her to the wall, he's panting. "Mmm... Thank you Aliya..." He kisses her softly before pulling away and out of her. He cups her cheek "Go clean up Sweety... Then check on your charges... Do your masters proud..."
He so warm as he fills her. Aliya's entire body melts into him. "Thank you..Sir. Oh thank much." She rests her hands on his shoulders as she smiles at him. "Yes Sir. I'll get cleaned up..and check on them. I'll make my Masters proud. I'll even..make you proud Jareth." She kisses his lips softly before quickly heading inside. Kevin pauses as he sees her disappear into one of the bedrooms. 'She looks happier love. You did well. You must have really..taken her..well.' He blushes.
Jareth kisses he back softy, then watches her go, he starts to clean himself up as he hears Kevin. 'Come here... We need to talk...' He moves and sits down on one of the chairs and sighs, he relaxes back and waits for Kevin to come out.
Jareth looks over at him "Yes I took her... But I also took something from her..." He looks away a moment "I hoped it wouldn't come to this... But I had to remove Damon from her memory... I locked it away deep in her mind..." He looks at Kevin again "And to explain her... Appetite... She believes she's a sex addict... Mostly hungry for her Masters..." He sighs "She wanted to run... Leave and find him... Beg him to take her back... I had no choice..."
Kevin looks around. He knew this was a tough choice for him. "I understand love. You did what you had to do. We couldn't have her running around searching for him. You did the right thing. I know you might beat yourself up over this, but like you said, you didn't have a choice." He reaches over and puts his hand on his thigh. "It's okay."
He reaches up and gently pulls him to sit in his lap, kissin his cheek "I didn't have another choice... But it's done and she's safe..." He looks at him "You're not mad are you... That I was with her..." He gently turns his head and rubs his cheek, he smiles at him "You know you and Mason have my heart..." He kisses him softly and slowly.
"Love I understand. I really do, and I know you love Mason and I. You did what you had to do." Kevin snuggles him, wishing he could make him feel better. "Please my love, don't beat yourself up over this."
He smiles and hugs him closer "I'll try... It may be easier once she relaxes and starts to act normally... She was acting like a little puppet when she went inside..." He rubs his back "How is Karen doing? Was she talking with Mason yet?" He relaxes "I don't want her drugging Callie again... I'm thinking of altering her memory slightly until Kaden and Nich get back... Make her think she's helping Aliya care for Mari maybe... Like a live in nurse... And she doesn't have to call anyone, she answers to Aliya or I..." He slowly runs his claws along Kevin's back lightly, watching the sky starting to lighten ever so slightly.
When I left them, Mason had taken her into the living room where he was holding Karen who was falling asleep again. Kevin is concerned. Jareth altered Aliya’s memories, and now he’s talking about doing it to Callie too? Was he starting to lose control over his powers. “Are you’s a good alter Callie’s memories too love? I mean understand why, but Aliya can keep her sleeping soundly. Unless, of course, there’s another reason you want to do it.”
Jarerh quickly looks at Kevin and growls softly, "I suggested it because prolonged drugging isn't good... And I didn't have a choice with Aliya... What other reason would you think I have..." He was a little hurt that Kevin would think that of him, he looks away.
"No," Kevin says taking his face in his hands. He makes him look at him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just worry with Aliya falling victim to her own urges that the same could happen to you, and my love I don't know what I would do if I lost you again. Please understand that I would never hurt you on purpose. I'm so sorry." He leaned close, resting his forehead against Jareth's.
Jareth sighs and holds him closer, relaxing "I understand... But I've had hundreds of years to get my over my darkness... I'd be more worried about you my love..." He cups his cheek "You may be human... But you were also an Angel... A pure being..." He kisses him "It's easiest to corrupt them... That's another reason I did what I did to Aliya... Because if Damon ever came back... He would try for you first... And if you think you can't stand losing me again..." He holds him closer and kisses him again.
"I'll be fine love. I've got you, and nothing can get to me with you here." Kevin kisses him, moving closer to him. "I understand why you did what you did to Aliya. I think it was for the best. She was....never going to get over him. Even with him gone, Damon still had control over her."

The doorbell rang, and Aliya opened the door. The guy told her the cost for the pizza, and she grabbed her purse by the door. "Here you go," she tell him, handing him the money. He gives her the pizzas, and she kicks the door closed. Heading towards the patio, she calls to them. "Kevin! Jareth! Pizzas are here."
Jareth smiles and relaxes with him a moment, "Thank you baby... For your confidence in me..." He relaxed with him until they were called for the pizzas. "Perfect timing... I'm so hungry..." He nuzzles into Kevin's neck, then helps him up and stands himself. "How many did you order... Cause I'm gonna eat two myself..." He smirks at him and heads inside. "Aliya... How is Mel? Is she still sleeping?" He heads to the food and takes a box for himself. "If so... Let her sleep, she needs it..."
"Yes. She's sleeping soundly. I've put some food aside for the others. So we can enjoy what's here on the table. Here you go. I poured you guys some tea. Have a seat here at the table. Don't make a mess." Kevin smiles. "Yes mom." Aliya gives him a look before smiling.
Jareth watches her as he sits and starts to eat "We may need to order a few more..." He blushes slightly "Just... Sealing such a demon... It took a lot from me..." He smiles "But it was worth it to give Mason his baby back..." He looks to Aliya "So... You seem to be coping well... With Nich being sick... Aren't you worried?" He wanted to see where her head was at, she was acting a little strange.
Aliya stops, holding back her emotions. "I am....beyond worried, but if I stop....then I think about it. If I think about it, it hurts. I love him," she says, sinking down into a chair. "Oh wow. Did I just say that? Yeah. I did," she grins. "I love him, and I want him to be alright. He will be alright, and we'll all be one big happy family. I have to believe that." She picks up her glass of tea and takes a drink. 'She's worried love. She really cares for him.'
Jareth smiles, almost finished one pizza, "Realizing you love someone is a strong thing... It can knock you off your feet... Or keep you standing tall..." He takes a drink "I'm sure Nicholas will be fine... He has some of the best doctors working for him... Kaden will be there... And will be here, sending our love and well wishes... You just do what you need to Aliya..." He smiles "We are here for you too..."
"I know, and I thank you guys for being so concerned. He's going to be fine an back here with us soon enough. That's my Master. He won't give up." She smiles as she relaxes back in the chair. "I love him, and the next time I see him, I'm going to tell him that I do."
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