Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Kaden smiles at him "Would you mind if Betty came in... At least until the girls get here... For my peace of mind..." He kisses him softly "I wouldn't even be considering going to sleep... But I need to be alert in the OR for you..." He curls up next to him "I won't even leave to go to sleep..." He looks at him, waiting.

Jareth smiles at her and keeps up his efforts, he leans over and kisses her head "That's better... Now you do what you need to do... Rest..." He relaxes and keep up a steady growl. 'Love... Could you come here please...' He calls to Mason.
Nicholas reaches for the call button and presses it. He kisses Kaden's head. "Go to sleep baby. I'll get her to stay." Betty opens the door. "Hey there," he tells her. "Would you mind sitting with me? I want my husband to sleep, but he wants you in here for his own piece of mind." "Sure. I'll stay. I'll even play cards with you. Maybe you can finally beat me at poker."

Melanie breathes deeply, falling into a peaceful sleep. 'Yeah baby,' Mason tells him. "Gotta go," he tells Kevin. "Jareth wants me." He heads towards the bedroom and opens the door. "Yeah. What's....up," he asks seeing her sleeping. "Is she....alright," he whispers.
Kaden smiles at him "Thank you..." He curls closer and rests against him, he closes his eyes and listens to his heart beating, soon all the excitement of the day catches up and he's out.

Jareth chuckles softly as Mason walks in "She's fine... Just worn out... And stressed..." He looks at Mason "I know something happened... Kev was being very vague and Mel is obsessing over everyone else... Her way of avoiding something..." He gently shifts her to lay down more, so she wouldn't kink anything. "So you might as well tell me..." He spoke softly so as not to wake her "Did something happen with Nicholas?"
"He loves you a lot," she whispers to him. "Yeah, and I love him a lot. Now, would you bring the files on....." He pauses and smiles. "Nevermind. I made him a promise, and I'm going to keep it. Now. Let's see if I can beat you at poker."

Mason steps further inside the room and leans against the wall. "Alright. They found a tumor inside his head. He's having surgery tomorrow. He and Kaden got into a big fight. They both hurt each other. Kaden locked himself in the bathroom and filled the tub with water. They all thought he was gone. Nicholas broke the door in. When he found Kaden not in the water, he took off in the chopper. Anyhow, Kaden talked to him, got him to come back, and they made up." He looks down at Melanie sleeping. "It still scared her half to death. She loves Kaden. I know Kaden loves Nicholas, but that woman loves him more than I think even he knows. She loves him more than she does me. I'm okay with that. Well, as okay with it as I'm going to be. If she were to lose him, I don't know what she'd do. All of this stress can not be good for her. Now I know things have been tough with those two, but they need to get....Listen at me. I'm telling other people they need to get their shit together when I put her through hell too. Melanie has been the one person here who hasn't done something stupid or crazy. She's put up with everybody else's crazy shit, and carried three babies the whole time. We all need to stop doing this to her. Look at her. She's worn out."
Jareth pats the other side of the bed softly "Come here... Everyone has done something in this family... And that's what we all are now..." He wraps an arm around him when he sits down "All
We can do is learn from it... And our hearts make us do stupid things..." He kisses his cheek "Nicholas is a stubborn man, I believe more so then Kaden... And with the way he tries to 'keep Kaden safe' I think I can guess how the fight stared..." He looks over to Mel "Kaden seems to be learning though... If he didn't hurt himself..." He runs his fingers through her hair again "And don't kid yourself... Melanie loves you just as much... She has a huge heart... But you're right, things need to calm down, for her if no one else..." He looks back at Mason "How's your baby girl... Has she woken up yet?"
He snuggles up to him feeling tired himself. "She's still sleeping. I wonder what she's going to be like when she wakes up."

Kevin opens the fridge and pulls out a bottle of water. When he closes it, he nearly jumps out of his skin. He notices Karen sitting under one of the counters with the cabinet door opened. "Geez kid! You scared the....what are you doing up?" She stares at him. "Oh hey. I'm Kevin. You might not....remember me. It's okay. You can come out of there." She closes the door some as he gets close. "Okay. Maybe not. Are you hungry? Thirsty?" She keeps staring at him. 'Baby, I hate to bother you, but your daughter is awake and in the kitchen. She's hiding in the cabinets, but I saw her. She's not very talkative. What do I do? Baby? Love? Anybody?'
Hearing Kevin, Jareth looks down at Mason "Did you hear that... She's awake and in te kitchen... Hiding... I think she needs her daddy..." He leans down and kisses him "Bring her in here if you can... So I can check the seal... And just be patent with her..." He smiles at him "You can rest after... I'm not going anywhere for a bit still..." 'Mason's coming... He's a bit tired still... Ask her about her daddy... And the lady with the baby tummy... She's only 5 years mentally now...'
'okay.' Kevin kneels down. "Would you like your daddy? How about the lady with the baby tummy?" Karen stares at him. "you're not my daddy." "No. I'm not your daddy. I'm a friend of your daddy. A very good friend. Your daddy is on his way." He looks up as Mason enters and kneels next to him. "Hi baby." He holds out his arms to her, and she stares at him. "Okay. If you're not gonna come to me, can I come in there?" "You can't fit in here." "It would be cramped, but I could try. If you're not going to come to me, that's my only option." She slowly opens the door and crawls out to him. He takes her in his arms and hugs her tight. "Hi baby." "Hi daddy." Kevin wipes away a tear. 'This is beautiful love.'
Jareth watches Mason go and smiles, then hears Kevin a few minutes later 'I bet it is... She truely is a lost little girl now...' He reaches for his food and starts to eat 'I may need some more food soon... Wanna order a few pizzas?' He smirks, he was really hungry, he didn't think sealing her would take so much, her being so young. 'Is Aliya there? I'd like to see her...'
'Yeah. Aliya is in the front room. I'll send her to you.' Kevin slips from the two of them quietly and heads towards the room Aliya was in. When he gets there, he sees her sitting there on the couch, staring into nothing. "Aliya? Are you alright?" "Yeah," she tells him. "Just thinking." "About?" "Everything. Master, M'lord, Melanie, and....." "Damon." "Yeah," she smiles. "So much has happened. I messed up Kevin, and I know Master said I saved him, but I can't help but feel bad. I did something wrong. I hit him." "It's okay Aliya, and he's right. You did save him. Why don't you go see Jareth. He was asking about you." "I think I'll just go get some air. Tell Jareth I'll come see him when I get back." 'love she wants to go get some air. Something is telling me this is not a good idea. Should I let her go?'
Jareth looks at Mel and thinks about the others 'No... I need her here to help with the others and to check on Mel... I'm still to weak to move... What was she doing before she aske to go?' He had a feeling he knew what was happening.
"Would you mind taking a minute to show me how to make that tea the Mel likes so much?" Aliya nodded and smiled weakly before heading back towards the kitchen. 'She was sitting there, starring. She said that so much has happened. She talked about Nicholas, Kaden, and Melanie. I mentioned Damon, and then she said she needed some air.' Kevin stops and closes his eyes. 'Oh love. Is she missing him again?' Aliya takes a cup down and fills the kettle with water before placing it on the stove.
Jarerh sighs softly 'It's not really him she's missing... He did something to her and me and Nicholas believe she's now addicted to sex, and if she's not getting, she's not loved... And... It's forceful sex, reminding her where she really belongs... It's what Kaden and Nicholas have been doing...' He glances at Mel again 'But I'm not able to give her that right now... And Kaden and Nich aren't... Here...' He tilts his head back 'I ever meet this guy and I'll cut it off...' He shifts Mel again gently as he continues to eat 'Have... You been with her? I don't remember...'
'No,' he tells him, blushing wildly. 'I can't be....forceful love. I just can't. That's Mason that can be that way. That's you. It's not me. I can' this. I can't,' he stops as the kettle begins to whistle. He looks around the kitchen and doesn't see Aliya. 'Uh oh. Where did she go?' "Aliya," he calls out. She was out on the balcony looking out.
Jareth smiles 'That's fine love, I wasn't asking you to... But Mason is with his daughter... I'll have to get up... Did you order those pizzas?' He finishes eating, then slowly gets off the bed, he covers Mel up and does a few stretches "Nnn... I'm just a little stiff..." He checks on Mel once more before heading out to the living room, he hears the kettle. "Where is she?" He takes a few sniffs "Balcony... Perfect..." He walks up to Kevin "Keep an eye on Mel and get me if Callie wakes up... I'm fine... Just stiff.." He kisses him softly, then heads to towards Aliya.

He steps out on the balcony and closes the door behind him, he walks up behind her and smiles "You're missing your Master's... Aren't you... When were you with them last..." He could smell her pent up desire, and her slight sadness.
Kevin stills. ‘No. I’ll order them right now love. Sorry. I’ll keep an eye on everyone.’

Aliya doesn’t hear him open or close the balcony door. Only when she speaks does she know he’s there. She smiles as he says, “Masters.” I do miss them dearly. I’m worried about both of them as well. This is a lot of stress they’re both under. I’m not concerned with being with them right now. I just want to be there for them.” She lies, but Aliya doesn’t want to sound like the sex crazed woman she is. Even as she talks to him, she relives the last night she spent with Nicholas. How he had tied her to the bed and kept her close to edge of cumming before taking her. “How’s everyone,” she asks, shaking her head trying to rid her mind of the memories.
He steps up behind her and snakes his arms around her, pulling her into him, he sniffs at her neck and licks it slowly. "Did you forget what I am angel girl... What I can smell..." He growls low and nips at her shoulder, one arm holds hers against her sides, the other snakes into her pants. "Now... Your Master and I have talked... We know what that... Demon... Did to you..." He slips his hand into her panties, not surprised to find her already wet, he starts to tease her slowly. "So I'll ask you again... Pet... When were you last with your Masters..." He could smell how worked up she was getting, and hear her heart beating faster.
“Jareth,” she gasps at his touch. His fingers tease her, and Aliya closes her eyes. “No. We can’t. I mean I can’t. I haven’t..I know you talked to them, but I can’t. I’m fine. Really.” She pulled gently at his wrists, trying to get him to take his hand from her panties. “Oh please Jareth. I’m fine. It was…..” she began, “last night. Nicholas left me tied up from it. He took me. He took me so hard,” she groaned.
He continues to lightly tease her, not letting her pull away, he growls again a bit louder and nips at her neck again. "You're starting to drip Aliya... Are you remembering you Master's cock... Or thinking about mine..." He pulls her closer and grinds her against him, letting her feel him, he growls in her ear "Now... Are you gonna be a good little angel and take it... Or fight me..." He thrusts a few fingers into her, but still keeps it slow.
"No," she growls, feeling his fingers enter her. "You..are Master! Stop this," she tells him through gritted teeth. "Let go of me," she says, pulling harder on his wrist. "I..I....." Aliya is panting, her chest heaving. "Get your hand..out of my..panties Jareth! Right! Now!"
"Why... So you can go searching for your demon owner..." He moves back to her clit and rubs it quickly, but can smell just wen to stop, denying her. "I promised to keep you safe... Keep you home..." He pulls her back and turns her, he pins her against the wall, and resumes his teasing, still keeping her arms held. "Did your Master give you permission to go out... What did he say at the hospital Aliya..." He wanted the truth, and teasing and denying her would get his answers.
Jareth has her right where he wants her. He knows exactly how to keep her on edge, to keep her wanting her more. She wants to break free of his hold on some level, but on a greater level, a stronger level she wants to submit to him and to her own body’s desires. She remembers Nicholas’ words at the hospital and begins to repeat them back to Jareth. “Pick him out..something to wear. Take care of..Melanie. Her body..go could try and go into labor..and I know what to do. I trust you..Aliya. Can you do this for me? Take Melanie home. You two..get some rest, and as soon as the sun comes up..I want you both to eat breakfast..find something for me to wear..and then you both come back to us. That’s..what my Master wanted.” She looks at Jareth with her lips parted, panting. She still held his wrist, trying to pull him away gently. “I can go..for a walk. I can. I don't have sex." She wanted to believe what she was saying.
He holds her there and again rubs her quickly, only to stop in time to deny her "I know you want that to be true... We all do..." He goes back to rubbing slowly, "But he changed you... Made you this way..." Again he brings her close only to deny yet again. "Now don't lie to me again... Have you packed his clothes... Have you taken care of Mel... Do you know where she is..." Now he rubs her enough to keep her on edge, speeding up or slowing down to keep her there. "Will you break your Master's trust..." He stares at her.
“No,” she yelled at him. “I will not break my Master’s trust. His clothes..are packed and by the door. Melanie..carried a plate of food to you. I have to. I Master’s words.” Aliya begins to move with him. “I am..changed..aren’t I Jareth? I can’t stop..wanting it. Please. Let me I can find him. I have to him Jareth. Please. Let me go find Damon. He’ll come to me. I know he will. He’ll need. He’ll come to me. Let me go find him.”
Jareth growls at her "If we have any say in it... You'll never see him again! He doesn't give to shits about you! Did we have to change you to love you Aliya!" He starts to push her pants down, then gives up and cuts them, "You belong here with family!" He frees himself and finally releases her arms, only to put them on her hips, holding her tightly. "You'll never speak of him again... Is that clear..." He lifts her and steps forward to start pressing into her, "Your place is here... Say it..." He start to push in slowly, letting her feel every inch.
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