Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Kaden looks at him and just silently cries, his voice didn't want to work, the thought of hurting him again had hurt too much. He watches him leave but still doesn't say anything, he continues to stare at the door even after Mel goes to him. He felt dead inside, he didn't know what to say anymore, he didn't know how to fix this, he curls up again and looks away from Mel. Why did he ever open his heart again, if this was all he was going to get, his eyes are blank as he stares at the wall.
"You two need to fucking talk to each other. Why is it that it takes a woman to see what's going on and tell you two? You love him. You're worried about him. There's nothing wrong with that. He's stubborn. Just like you. He loves you. You threatened to leave. You broke his heart. You're both so scared of getting hurt that you're hurting each other. Just talk to each other, and tell each other how much you love one another. Both of you are forgetting that. Now come on M'Lord. Get up and let's go in the room and talk to Nicholas. He's your husband, and I know you two love each other." She stands up and holds out her hands to him. "Please. I'll be with you."
He continues to ignore her and not speak, he does shift to look at his hand, he touched his ring, spinning it slowly around his finger. What more was there to say, he'd told him he was scared, he'd told him he loved him, that he said what he had out of desperation. He stares at his ring as he plays with it, watching all the things he wanted to do with him, shatter, he was back in the white room.
"You know what? I'm done with this. If you won't get up and go talk to your husband, there's nothing I can do." She turns towards the door when Aliya steps into the doorway. "Nicholas," she says. "What now," Melanie asks. "He's....gone. He left the room. I don't know where he went." "He can't go far. It's a hospital. Besides, he doesn't have his car keys." Aliya smiles. "Yeah. You're right." They both look up as they hear the helicopter take off. "He wouldn't," Melanie asks. "He's not suppose to. He hasn't been released from here. He's not cleared to fly."
Kaden looks over slowly as the helicopter sound reaches his ears, he stands and pushes past them, still ignoring them. He goes down the hall to Nicholas' office and closes the door, locking it, he goes into his private room and over to the radio, he turns it on and turns into the chopper. "If you can't handle not being in charge and free to do what you want... Then why did you marry me... If you can't handle having someone care for you... Why did you marry me..." He takes a shuddering breath "I love you... So much..." His voice is cracking "But it's like you want freedom more then me..." He sobs softly "Now you're risking you're life... Again... Dammit!" He sobs another minute "Do you know why I didn't do it... Why is wasn't me in that water... Becasue I didn't want to leave you! I didn't want to hurt you again... What do you want from me... I-I don't know what to do anymore... I-I can't help you..." He lets the button go and cries softly on the table, waiting for an answer he fears he'll never get.
The radio crackles to life, and he hears Kaden’s voice. At first, he thought he was dreaming it. Then he realized he was talking to him. He fights his tears back as the lights of the city begin to fade behind him already. Snatching up the mic he presses the button. “I can handle not being in charge. I’m in charge..all the time. It was nice..not to be in control, to know..someone else could handle it, that they were strong enough to handle it..that they wanted to handle it. I can handle having someone care for me. It was know someone cared that much. What I can’t losing you! If you’re going to leave, you might as well let me die there..or wherever I end up going..because the second you walk out of the door..and out of my life..I’m dead already. It hurts to breathe..thinking about you not being there. I opened myself up too Kaden. Do you know why I’m flying..this damn chopper right now? Because I’m outrun the pain..that is ripping my heart apart..but I can’t. It’s right here..with me now, and it it’s killing me. The only person..I want to risk my life you Kaden. I don’t know just let someone..take care of me. Nobody ever has. I’m sorry I messed that up. I don’t know how to be married either..because I messed that up too. I love you..more than my own life. I’d do the world for you baby. I love you. You’re not..the only one..who doesn’t know what to do anymore.” He lets the mic rest against his leg.
He gasps as he hears his voice and stares at the radio, listening, then nothing. "You think you're the only one... Who's in pain at the thought of being alone... The thought of watching you work yourself to death... That work was more important then your life, then me... My heart shattered... After all the time you spent putting it back together..." He takes a breath "I want to be there with you always... But if that means watching you hurt yourself with out says if anything... That's not fair..." He wipes his eyes "Yes you opened up, but only a little... How was I to know about your father... What you went through... Without you telling me... I told you everything baby... But you still remain hidden..." He's quiet a moment "Come back... Please... I just want to hold my husband in my arms again... To k-kiss him again... Please..."
Nicholas lets the mic slid from his leg. Nodding he keeps flying without responding.

Betty uses her key to get inside the office. She’s not angry with Kaden. In fact, she understands. “I know you miss him, and I know you love him, but I can’t let you be in here, at least not with him. I’m sorry.” She gently takes Kaden by the arm and starts to lead him out of the office. She pauses at the door. “Nicholas is a very a proud man, in his own way of course. He took care of his parents when his father became ill. Tore him up to watch his father die. Then his mother died not too long after. Broken heart. I think that combined with how he viewed himself until you came along made him afraid to fall in love. There was something about you though. You tore down all those walls. He loves you. I’ve never seen him so taken with anyone before in my whole life. Just give him some time. If it’s meant to be, he’ll come back to you.” She pats his arm before leading him out into the hall again. Halfway to Nicholas’ room, she stops as she hears the chopper. “I knew he would come back for you, but I’m going to give him a piece of my mind.”

The elevators open, and Nicholas steps out, heading right for them. “Nicholas, Dr. Hayden, you should be in bed. You shouldn’t be flying. You haven’t been cleared yet. We have protocols here. He stops just as he gets to Kaden. Reaching down, he grabs the back of his neck and pulls him close to him to kiss him as he says, “Fuck the protocols.” His lips meet Kaden’s in a rough, passionate kiss as he pulls him close to him. “I’m sorry,” he whispers against his lips. “Never again. I will listen to you, and I will never hurt you. I promise.”

“Dr. Hayden. You need to be in bed.” “I agree, but I’m not going alone.” He smiles at Kaden before kissing him again. “Come with me husband. Come take care of me however you want to. Please.”
"... Baby... Are you there... Please..." He looks up as Betty comes in "I have every right to be here... I'm his husband..." He glares at her but is too weak right now to fight her off, he follows "You shouldn't be telling me this... That's for him to talk with me about..." He goes silent after she said he'd come back, wouldn't he have said, he looks up as he hears the chopper. "He... He came back..." He whispers in disbelief, then freezes as Nich walks out of the elevator, he was about to walk closer when his lips were taken. "Nnn... Mmmm..." Kaden holds him as his kiss turns his legs to jelly, he's too stunned to respond beyond kissing back lightly. He looks at him as they head to his room he blocked everyone else out, he didn't know what to say again. He smiles softly "I'm sorry too... I didn't mean it..." He looks down "About leaving..."
They get into the room, and he tells him, “I know you didn’t. It’s okay. Melanie, Aliya, I’m glad you came..but get out.” The two women smile. “Okay. I’m hungry anyway.” “Again.” “Don’t,” Melanie tells her with a smile. Nicholas pushes Kaden up against the door to close it after they leave. His lips kiss his cheek before roaming down to his neck. “I want you,” he whispers as his hands reach for his shirt and he rips it open. “I want to feel your body close to me.” His hands run up his chest. “All of you,” he says as he begins to move them down. Working the button on his pants open, he tells him, “I’m not asking. I’m not commanding. I’m begging lover..M’ Master..all of you..I’m begging all of you to be with me. I need you..I crave you..right now..My body..aches for you. Feel this,” he says taking his hand and pressing it to his chest. “Feel how make my heart beat?” He slowly lowers his hand to his pants. “Feel make me? You Kaden, are my everything. I have to have you.” He kisses him once more letting all his passion flow through to Kaden.
It was happening so fast, he didn't have time to catch up before he was pushed against the door and practically stripped. "Nnn..." He half listens to him, half enjoys his touch. He lightly bites his lip through the last kiss and pulls away slowly. "I want nothing more... Mmm... I truely don't..." He kisses him again, then cups his cheeks "But you have to promise... This won't hurt you... The truth.... Please..." He feels him through his pants and rubs him softly "I don't want to be the cause of your pain."
"Then don't deny me..if you don't want to cause me pain. Baby..the problem is my head. So unless you plan on..banging my head against the wall..we won't have a problem. Please baby. If you want me to beg..on my knees..I will. Just say..what you want do..and I'm yours'. I've always been yours', and I always will be yours'."
Kaden looks a him and smiles softly, then kisses him again, his hands explore, slowly pushing his clothes off. "Mmm... F-Fine..." His hand slips into his pants and grips him lightly "No need to beg my love... Not this time..." He starts to stroke him slowly and kiss among his neck, nipping gently. He was just so happy to have him back that he groans "Mmm... You may wanna sit... Lover..."
Nicholas shivers at his touch. He was so afraid he would never feel it again, and yet it was. Kaden's touch felt better than it ever had before. It melted his core, and his cock hardened. "Yes," he replied, moving towards the bed, and taking Kaden with him. Once he was at the bed, he sat down staring into his lover's eyes. "I thought I lost you."
Kaden follows him and looks at him, tears were falling again "I thought I failed you... Trying to save you..." He leans closer and kisses him softly but deeply "God baby I was so scared..." He moves to kiss along his neck and running his hands over his chest, then kissing down to his chest. "That I'd never be able to do this again... Hear you again..." He starts to kneel, gently pushing him to sit on the bed "Taste you again..." He gently holds him and starts to lick him slowly.
Nicholas arches his back, sighing, running his fingers through Kaden's hair. "I was afraid." He paused, swallowing a lump in his throat. "Of everything. Of losing you. Kaden," he moans, "The thought of never seeing you again, hearing your voice, feeling your breath on my skin, of being able to watch you sleep," he smiles as his own tears can't be held back any longer, "was too much. Something happened with you. I've been changed....forever, and I can't go back. I don't want to, and I can't go forward without you. I don't want to." He reaches down, holding his chin, gently making him look up at him. "I don't ask for much from you. Just'll stay..that you'll love me..and be patient with me..forgive me when I mess up..because you know I will..and that we'll always find our way..back to each other. Promise me."
Kaden pulls away from him and looks up when requested, still crying, he smiles "As long as when I ask you to be careful... You listen to me... Talk with me..." He moves up slightly to kiss him again "Becaaue not being able to see you... Touch you... That's why I couldn't do it... You gave me a reason to live again... Helped me get my children back..." He smiles "You know I'll make mistakes too... We talk to each other... I promise..." He kneels back down "Now... Let me care for my husband..." He smiles at him, then gets close again and takes him in slowly, looking up at him.
Nicholas sighs, feeling Kaden's warmth. "I promise," he whispers. He knew with Kaden was where he belonged. They would have to learn how to work together because being apart wasn't an option. "That's it," he whispers to him. "Slowly. That's it. Like that. You're so..warm baby. I missed you." His fingers run through his hair, not guiding him, but simply touching him. He looks into Kaden's eyes. The combination of his mouth and eyes made him twitch. His fingers slip down to his face as he watches him taste him. " you." He groans, leaning forward slightly. "Oh baby. You're gonna have no time." Another groan escapes his lips.

Outside the door Betty is coming closer. Melanie stops her. "I wouldn't." "I need to check on him." "No you don't. He's fine. Trust me." They hear Nicholas groan, and Aliya and Melanie smile at her. "See what I mean? He is fine." Betty blushes. "I see. Well. I hear. His husband is taking care of him. Good. Alright then," she says turning to leave." "Look at that," Aliya laughs. "She blushed."
Kaden smiles against him and more then agrees to the slow pace, for now, he keeps it up until Nicholas groans again. He closes his eyes and looks to his task, he massages his sac and starts to bob faster, sucking harder with each pull off. He glances up after a few minutes of that and just continues to speed up, he wanted Nich to feel the sudden burst of pleasure, that he felt just when he was around. His other hand softly rubs his thigh to also keep him calm.
Nicholas' breathing increases. He begins to sweat. His hands move from Kaden's head to the bed, and he leans back. Slowly he begins to lift his hips up into Kaden. Kaden's fingers touch his sac, and he drops his head back. The combination of his pace along with his soft touches sends his body through a spiral. Erotic and soft. His legs tense as he gets close. "Do you I'm gonna..cum." Every muscle he has tenses as tight as his legs are. Nicholas doesn't say a word as he releases. He groans and lifts his hips, holding them there until his climax subsides.
Kaden glances up at him as he speaks, then closes his eyes and concentrates as he cums, he bobs slowly and sucks harder, milking him. "Mmm..." He slowly pulls off him when he's done and licks him a few more times, he kisses his tip, then moves up to sit on the bed. He wipes at his mouth slightly and smirks softly "Well... That was quite enjoyable..." He sits sideways facing Nicholas and leans back on his other arm, he stares at him.
Nicholas glances over him, a sly smile on his lips. "Now I'm sleepy." He laughs before adding, "Just kidding. So my love, how ever can I return the pleasure?"
Kaden smiles "Well... What would you like to do... I did what I wanted..." He leans back a bit further "I'm all yours... See..." He lifts one hand and flashes him his ring.
"Yeah," he smiles. "You are all mine." Nicholas wanted so much from him. He wanted to feel him inside him, to taste him, to know that he was cumming for him, because of him. He moved from the bed and began to move Kaden's body, stretching his legs out. "Okay husband. I want to taste you. I want you to feel my mouth. I want to feel your cock twitch as you cum for me. Alright husband?"
Kaden smirks and moves where Nicholas wants him "Mmm... I like the sound off that..." He relaxes and watches him "Nice and slow... Right baby?" He moves to start removing his pants, he glances at the door as he lifts his hips and grins, there was a face or two at the window. He looks away before Nich noticed, not wanting him to see they were being watched.
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