Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

"Good..." Kaden leans into his touch and smiles "I'm going to need all the help I can get... Raising our kids..." He smiles bright, wanting Nicholas ad the rest of them to raise the kids together. "One big family..." He leans down and kisses him.

Jareth stares at her 'I need Mason awake...' He glances at her, then back to Karen "Sweety... Can you tell me how old you are? And what does this voice say to you? Maybe I can make her go away..." 'Kev... Kevin? Can you hear me? I need you and Mason up... It's time to help Karen... The Phoenix is weak...'
"I can't wait.. for that day. All of us, together,.. happy, the babies here. It far away, but I'll happen." She tries to swallow. "My dry. Will you..get me..some water. Go to the desk..and ask Betty. Tell her..a pitcher. That way..she doesn't have to keep..coming in here. Please."

"Five," she says, still looking at her hands. Melanie looks up to Jareth quickly. "Sweetheart, you're..9 years old." Karen looks up her shocked. "What," she says getting up quickly and rushing over to the mirror. "9? But I....was just....5. I remember. No. This is wrong. No." She touches her face on the verge of tears. 'Jareth it's been that long since the Phoenix was weak enough for her to be in control. When this thing is back in control, we don't know how long we'll have to wait for it to be weak again. We gotta move now.'

Kevin lifts his head and begins to shake Mason. "Come on baby. Time to get up." Mason groans, and Kevin can smell the beer on his breath. "Oh you stink." 'He's hungover love. I've got to get some coffee in him to help him.' "Mason," he yells shaking him harder. "I'm..ok..Melanie." "Get up! It's Karen! We've got to help her! Your daughter! REmember her?" Mason's eyes open. "Yeah. I'm coming....Karen." "Let's get a cup of coffee first. Come on."
Kaden smiles "You know... That is what this is for..." He presses the nurse call button and leans down to kiss him softly "Besides... I'm comfy..."

Jareth looks at her and slowly moves closer "I know it's wrong... And I want to help fix it... That voice you hear... She took over your body... Was living your life..." He doesn't want to touch her and scare her, he crouches down to be closer to her. "I want to give you your life back... I want to help you... Will you let me?" He holds his had out to her.
Nicholas shifts, uncomfortable. Betty enters and asks him, “You need something Nicholas?” He forces a grin and looks down. “A pitcher..of water..please.” “Sure she tells him. I’m glad to see you using the call button and letting me get it. I’m sshocked you didn’t send your husband out of the room so you could sneak off to your office.” She laughs as she leaves, and Nicholas slowly looks up to Kaden.

She eyes his hand but makes no move towards him. “What does she say to you sweetheart?” “She tells me what to do.” “Is she talking to you now?” She shakes her head no. “That’s because she’s tired and sleeping. We can help you right now so that she can never take over again. Just trust my friend here. He’ll help. I promise, and I’ll stay with you the whole time.”

“Mason! Get up!” “I’m up. I’m up,” he says. Kevin wraps his arm around him and helps him into the kitchen. “Here. Drink this.” Mason makes a face. “I was just..out drinking..and want me..sober?” “For your daughter. She’s awake and needs you.” “Karen?” “Yes.” He lifts the cup and begins to drink. ‘I’m getting him sobered up love. I’m hurrying as fast as I can.’

“Get this. I did some digging around, and are you ready for this. The guy, Kaden, he kidnapped the girl, Melanie. Took her from her husband, kept her drugged up or something. Had her fucking convinced HE was her husband. The husband finds her, but by then, she’s in love with the guy who took her. So now she’s torn. Real love story shit here. Then, to make things better, she gets pregnant. I tracked her medical records down. The woman is knocked up by both of them. The husband is fucking two other men now too. Messed up as hell, and reports are that the guy who kidnapped her just got married to a rich doctor. He’s the one who owns the hospital. So now we’ve got one fucked up family, and there’s still more of them in there. I don’t know how they’re involved, but you can damn sure bet I’ll find out. I haven’t told you THE best part yet. The guy, the kidnapper, you’ll never guess who one of his friends is. A fucking Toshi. That’s right. Atoshi. The one who’s rumored to be into sex slaves and shit. I’m telling you this group is worth looking into. Snatch Anna and bring her in. We’ll turn up the heat and make his doll crack. No. The kitten won’t meow. Okay. We’re gonna find out everything.”
Kaden looks back at him and smirks "You think I didn't know what you were doing lover... I told you... I'm not leaving... We'll go to your office once your head feels better... And not before..." He leans closer and whispers "Behave... And I may give you a treat..."

Jareth looks at her "I promise I won't let her put you in that dark place again... That's where you go... Isn't it..." 'Bring him here... I can help' he looks at Mel "I'm going to get your daddy... You can stay here with Melanie... I'll be right back with him..." He slowly moves to the door and steps outside, closing it, he smiles at them "Sorry to ruin your buzz love... But your daughter needs you..." He takes his hand and cuts it slightly "Have a few drops, it'll clear your head... Then I have a few things to tell you.." He holds up his hand.
Nicholas blushes. "So you knew? The whole knew?"

Kevin looks up as Jareth comes over. "Hey baby," Mason mumbles. Kevin shakes his head. "I'm trying." "What's going on..with my daughter," he asks, sobering up.
"When you want me out of the way so I don't try and stop you from doing something stupid... I've started picking up on it..." He smirks "Now... Was that the only reason you wanted me gone... And stop lying to me..." He crosses his arms "I'd spank you if you weren't so sick..." He smirks.

Jareth looks at him "In that room right now is your real daughter... The Phoenix used too much energy before... It's sleeping... Now... She doesn't know any of us... Other then me being the big bad wolf... Now we know she's 9... The last she remembers... She was 5... So you have to be careful..." He smiles "I told her her Daddy loves her and has been looking a long time for her... I haven't told her about her mother yet.. Are you ready to go in?"
“I’ my work. I feel..useful.” He grins. “I won’ sick..always.” Nicholas looks down and then away from Kaden. “Sick. I hate that word. I’m not..sick.”

Mason starts to sit downin shock, but Kevin pulls him back up. “She doesn’t..know me?” “Your baby needs you Mason. Go to her,” Kevin tells him. He nods and heads towards the room. When he opens the door, he sees her sitting on the floor. Karen looks up at him. “Karen” Melanie whipsers. “This is your daddy.” She slowly looks at him “K-Karen,” Mason says softly. “It’s me.” He slips down to the floor but doesn’t move closwer to her. “I’ve..been looking..for you..for a long..time I’m so glad..I’ve found you.” She looks at Melanie who nods. Karen turns back to Mason. “D-Daddy?” He nods. “yeah baby.” She slowly moves closer to him, and when she’s in front of him, she wraps her arms around him and begins to cry. “Baby,” he says holding her tight.
Kaden smiles "You're very useful... It's just time you take care of you... Please baby... If not for you... Do it for me... I don't want you getting worse..." He lays down and cuddles close a moment, knowing the nurse will be back soon "You may not like it... But you are sick..."

Jareth stands in the doorway watching, holding Kevin close "That... Is a memory to hold on to..." He slowly slips back into the room, book in hand, he'd give them a few more minutes to calm down.
“Don’t you know? Everything I do is for you baby.” He smiles as Kaden climbs into bed with him and snuggles. As he tells him he is sick, something comes over Nicholas. He’s upset and angry at the same time. When Betty returns with the pitcher, he looks at her. “Get him..out of here.” She’s shocked. “Why? Nicholas what’s wrong?” “Get him..out of here. Now. Please. Just go Kaden. Get out. I won’t..go to sleep. Just go. Now.” Betty looks over at Kaden wondering what happened. It’s clear he’s upset. “Just go,” he whispers as he brings his hand up to his face to cover it as he cries. Betty smiles as she looks at Kaden. “Stay,” she mouths. She had never seen Nicholas cry before. “I can’ I don’t..want to be sick.”

Mason stands, holding her. “Daddy,” she whispers. “Yeah baby.” “I missed you my whole life. Please..don’t go.” “I won’t. I’ll stay right here, and I won’t let go.” Mason looks to Jareth and nods. ‘Do it baby. Do it now while I’m holding her.’
Kaden looks up at him as he starts to get up set and telling him to leave, he was about to get up when he looked at the nurse, telling him to stay. He quickly looks back as Nicholas starts to cry and moves to pull him into a hug, wrapping his arms around him and tucking his head close to his chest. "I know love... No one likes being sick... And I know right now you feel like you've failed someone..." He hugs him tighter a moment and kisses his head "But you haven't... And you won't..." He whispers softly, curling into their hug, he lets a few of his own tears fall again "You've saved me, been there for me... Let me return the favour... Please... Husband... Let me help save you..." He cries silently with him, knowing how scared he must be if he's crying in front of someone else. "I'm here... I promise... You won't be alone in this..." He lifts his head slightly and shares a watery kiss with him, not caring is the nurse sees them.

Jareth nods and opens the book, he says the spell to release the amulet softly and pulls the necklace from its place. "Alright... Karen... Sweetheart, to make the bad girl go away... I need a drop of blood from you and your daddy... Just a small prick on your finger..." He steps closer to them, "See, daddy will go first..." He gently pricks Mason's finger with a pin and let's a drop fall to the amulet, it glows softly, he looks to Karen "This is the only time... I will ever hurt you sweetheart... You have my word as a demon..." He holds his hand out for hers, hoping she'd listen this time.
Betty smiled, happy to see Nicholas had someone. She silently left the room and told the other nurses to leave them alone unless they called. She felt they neede privacy. “You..don’t,” he tells him after the kiss breaks. “” He leans back, away from Kaden, staring up at the ceiling. It was clear he was frustrated. “I am failing somone. You. You deserve..better..than this. You should be..on your the island..with Callie now. Not here..watching over me. I could be..looking over files..of patients..that need help. We both..have people..we help. Go Kaden. Go home..and pack her up. Get the island. I’ll be fine. I’m my office.” He throws the covers back from his body.

Mason winces as he pricks his finger. “See baby. It’s not so bad.” He leans his forehead against hers’. “Look into my eyes the whole time. Don’t watch him.” Mason takes her hand and extends it towards Jareth. ‘Do it baby. She’s watching me.’ “It’s okay baby. I’m right here.” She nods, frowning. “I love you Karen.” “I love you too..daddy. Daddy..I’m glad..I..found…..” She smiles looking at him. “I found you daddy.” Her voice has changed as she whispers to him. His eyes widen. ‘Now Jareth! The Phoenix is waking up!’ Karen turns her head to Jareth, her eyes blazing.
"You're not failing me in the least... Damn your stubborn.. Hey!" He moves to straddle him after he tosses the blankets "No... You're... Not..." He glares at him slightly "I've tried being nice lover... Now I'm going to be commanding... If that's the only way you'll listen to me..." He leans down and kisses him roughly, nipping his lip as he pulls away "You ever want any more of me... You'll do as you're told... Got it..." Sappy Kaden was gone, M'lord had come out.

"Shit..." He looks at her and holds her hand tight, he cuts her finger and let's the blood drip on the amulet, it glows a dark red. He steps back to start start chanting quickly, 'Don't let that amulet go!' He had placed it in Mason's hand before stepping back. Soon white beams of light shoot out of the amulet and wrap around Karen, they seem to squeeze through her. Then they start to retract, pulling the Phoenix out and into the amulet. "Q-Quickly... Put it on her..." The power he was using to seal this creature was great, his legs were getting weak, but he held on, chanting the last.
“What the…..” he starts to ask as Kaden climbs over him. He cuts him off as his lips press to his. “Come on..Kaden,” he says smiling. “I agree. We can’ this..right now. So just..get off me..and go..take care of them. I’ll be..fine.” He looks up at him and slowly realizes the transition. “You’re not..moving..are you? You would really..keep sex..from me? Kaden, I'm your..husband. I don't..I can't be sick. I can't..just this bed. I have to do..something. People..need me. They..depend on me, and I can' sick. I just can' Not like..he was. I can' sick.”

Mason takes the amulet as Jareth slips it into his hand. Karen screams, but it’s not a human scream, when Jareth cuts her. “Baby no,” Mason pleads. “Stay with me.” She growls at him. “Let. Me. Go!” Mason can feel her body getting hot again. ‘She’s heating up!’ Kevin rushes over to Jareth holding him up. ‘I got you baby. You do what you need to do.’ The light surrounds her, and Karen sqirms harder in Mason’s arms. He goes down to the floor with her, holding her down. “It’s almost over baby. Just hold on.”
"Stop it!" He shouts and puts his hands down but his head, letting himself be over him on all fours, glaring down at him "Yes you're my husband... And I want it to stay that way... So if keeping that from you keeps you alive so fucking be it!" He can feel his tears but ignores them "People need you!? People depend on you! Fuck them! I need you... I depend on you..." He was crying slightly now "You think I want you to be sick... For you to be laying in this bed..." He sits back on his legs and wipes his eyes "You should be at home... With me... And out family..." He glares slightly again "But you're not... And you never will be if you keep pushing yourself!" He gives him a hard look "Now if you love me half as much as you say you do... You'll stay in this bed and get better... Or... Or I'll leave..." He looks away "I won't stay and watch you work yourself to death... I won't..."

Jareth doesn't even look at Kevin or answer him, he just continues to chant until the the glow of power is finally trapped in the amulet. "It... It's done... S-She... S-She's safe... Nnn..." His eyes flutter closed and his body gives out 'Too... Much... Must... Sleep...' He says softly to them before blacking out.
Nicholas looks up at him in shock. He had heard every word that Kaden said. From the first time he saw him, he loved him, and to have Kaden threaten to leave him shattered his heart. He couldn’t breathe. His heart rate began to race. Panic, fear, and pain settled in. He couldn’t imagine living his life without Kaden. His eyes became wet as he looked at him. The door opened, and Betty rushed in with another nurse. “Get off him please. Nicholas? Are you alright. You’re monitor is going a little haywire out there. Nicholas?” He didn’t answer her. He couldn’t. As he blinked, he finally looked over at her. “Sir I know you’re his husband, but I’m going to have to ask you to step outside while I check him.” The other nurse came around to the other side of the bed ready to help Kaden down. “Sir? Please,” she asked. Betty was already checking his pulse.

Kevin catches him. “I got you.” “Is he alright, “Melanie asks. “Yeah. He’s just drained.” Mason moves back, looking at Karen. She was sleeping as well. “I think he’s not the only one drained. Poor baby,” he says leaning down to kiss her forehead. He moves from her and picks her up. “Melanie can I put her on your bed to rest?” “Yeah. Sure. Of course. Come on. I’ll help you get her settled in.”
Kaden slowly gets off him, he still hasn't answered "I'm not leaving... Until he answers me..." He stands by the bed and stares at him, still crying "What will it be..." He was worried he had pushed too far, but this was his life he was going to throw away, he had to try.
He looks at him, his face showing his pain. “I..can’t…..” He couldn’t even finish a sentence. His mind wandered back to their first meeting. That night would never leave him. He saw them getting married. “You’re..suppose..t-to love me..forever..but can’t…..” He closes his eyes. “I’ll..stay.” He kept his eyes closed. “Nicholas? Don’t go to sleep,” Betty tells him. “Not..sleeping.” “Alright,” she says. “Outside,” she says to Kaden.
Kaden let out a shuddering breath and moves back to the bed, ignoring the nurse "Thank you... Oh god thank you..." He whispers softly and kisses him "I didn't want to have to leave you... And I will love you forever..." He kisses his once more then backs away, letting them check him out, he shakes his head at the nurse "I'll stay out of the way... But I'm not leaving..." He looks at Nicholas and smiles softly, wiping his face, he stands in a far corner out of their way.
Betty shook her head. “Your husband is just as impossible as you, but at least he can make you listen.” Nicholas stared up at the ceiling. She continued to check his vitals. “Alright Nicholas. Everything seems fine. You just try to relax.” She sighs. “I know you’re accustomed to being up and helping everybody else. You’re just going to have to learn how to relax. Your father never knew how to relax. You’re just like him.” He quickly looks over at her. “Call us if you need anything. Either of you." Betty and the other nurse leave, closing the door behind them.
Kaden watches them go and nods, he then takes a chair and sits a few feet from the bed, watching him. After several long minutes he sighs and looks down at his hands "Would you have allowed me to go running around after Mason tried to kill me..." He wanted Nicholas to see this from his point of view "If had said I was fine after I'd just woken up... That I didn't want to be lying there and get better..." He kept looking down, not wanting Nich to see his tears, he wrung his hands together slowly.
Nicholas listens to him. He keeps staring at the ceiling thinking about when he found him in the white room with his hands bloody and when he found him on the bathroom floor. “I was there..for you. I told I felt. It was all..I could do. I’ll in bed.” Nicholas was angry and hurt, but he didn’t know how to express it. So he decided to just remain silent about it. “Coffee. It will help..keep me awake. Please, and there’s..some my desk drawer.”
Kaden holds back his flinch at his cold attitude and stands, he presses the call button and heads to the door, when the nurse arrives. "Can you umm... Sit with him for a few minutes... I'm gonna grab him.. Us.. Some coffee... And a deck of cards..." He gives a smile and slips out past her, he didn't want to cry in front of them both, he quickly darts down the hall to his office. He closes the door and slides down to the floor "What have I done..." He whispers and let's his tears fall.
Betty nods, and as the door closes, she makes her way over to Nicholas. “He loves you, you know.” “I know.” “Then what are you doing?” He shakes his head. “Don’t shake your head at me. I know you don’t like being here like this. I know you want to get up and do so much, but you need to take time for yourself.” “I know. I’m not getting up. I told him so.” “Nicholas don’t be angry with him. He loves you.” “I know.” She could feel his cold shoulder. “Nicholas, you’re hurting him.” He looks at her. “I’m hurting him? He threatened to leave me.” “And you’re mad because he made you do something you didn’t want to.” “No.” “Then what?” “I already..told you. He leave me. That heart.” “Oh,” Betty sighs. “So it has nothing to do with him getting you to stay here.” It wasn’t just that. Nicholas felt helpless. Betty sits and waits for Kaden to return.
Kaden sits on the floor for several minutes crying softly, he then stands and moves to dry his eyes, he takes a deep breath. "He's... Just scared... I have to be there for him..." He searches through the drawers and finds the cards, then heads back out to the nurses station. "Umm... Where can I get some... Coffee?" He smiles softly, trying to cheer himself up.
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