Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

“Well, Monopoly is a classic… can’t….go wrong with.” He begins to set it up and pauses looking up at Kaden. “I, and I love me. Never..forget that. No matter..what happens. Promise me. I say it. Please.”
Kaden looks away from the rule book he had picked up, he had never really played monopoly before, he watches him. "I do love you... How could I forget you love me... It's a happy weight on my hand everyday..." He looks at his hand and twists his ring on his finger slightly, something was nagging at him, that part of him that didn't want to trust, but he pushes it aside.
The game went on. Nicholas was having able to stay awake. He looked over at Kaden and smiled as he watched him. His love for this man was so immense. "Don't..go. I can't..go home. Not yet." He swallowed down his tears. " father..had a..tumor. By the time..he found it," he shakes his head. "It was in..his head. Like mine is. I'm I take it..out. It's not..big. I caught it..before it got..big. I wanted you..wouldn't be..worried..but Kaden..I'm so..scared. Please..don't..leave me," he says losing his battle and sobbing.
Kaden looks up from his turn and listens to him, his face goes white "T-Tumor... You wanted to keep this from me..." As he starts to cry Kaden quickly moves over to him, kneeling before him and pulling him into a hug "Shhh... I'm not going anywhere... I'm... Im scared too... Thank you..." He starts to cry softly to "Thank you... F-For telling me... Letting me in..." He pulls him closer "That's what love is... You... You showed me that..." He pulls back and cups his cheeks, wiping at his tears "We'll get through this... Together... Ok... Promise me... Together... No more... No more hiding from me... Trying to protect me... We are family Nicholas..."
"I..promise. Family. Husband. Head..hurts..bad. Real..bad. Just sit..with" He points to a bench near the roses. Nicholas hated the look on Kaden's face and the sound in his voice. He really was scared, and this is what he wanted to avoid. "Don't Aliya. It fault. I should have..never..left her. If she had..not..done this..I don't know..when..I would have..found it. It could have..been..too late. Like my dad."
Kaden wipes his own eyes and rubs his cheek "I am your husband... And I love you... But I can take care of myself... Am I worried? Yes.. Am I scared... Yes... But I'm going to be there for you... Because I care..." He runs his fingers through his hair "If your head hurts that bad... We aren't staying out here... I want them taking care of you... Like you did for me... And you need to stay awake..." He helps him up and works him up on his back, carrying him piggy back style, he holds on and heads inside. "Nurse! Can I get some help here..."
Nicholas doesn't even try to argue with Kaden. He knows there isn't any point to it. Kaden will get what he wants. That's one thing he loves so much about him. He doesn't give up.

Betty sees Kaden, and as he calls for help, she rushes over. "Dr. Hayden are you behaving?"
"Yes. Head..hurts."
"Okay. Well let's get you back into bed, and I can give you something for the pain."
"No. I want to..feel. No drugs. They make me..numb."
"That's kind of the point Nicholas," she laughs.
"No. I feel." Betty sighs and looks at Kaden. "He's stubborn as ever. See if you can get him to agree to take something please."
Kaden follows Betty back to his room, then gently helps Nicholas back into bed, he smiles at him "I know he is.. But so am I... So you remember that threat I made at home... I can easily hold that off until you're well enough to travel as well..." He takes his seat next to the bed "Now... Are you going to let me care for you or not..." He takes his hand "I promise I'll be right here..."
"You're horrible," he tells Betty. She laughs. "What am I going to do....with the two of you?"
"So I can bring the meds?" He nods. "Good boy." "I enjoy..having this. How's Mel," he asked. "Did to her?"
Kaden chuckles softly and kisses his hand "Good... And get used to it..." He watches Betty go to get the medication "Mel's fine... Still a little mad at Aliya... But I'll have to tell her what we found because of that hit..." He takes a deep breath and holds his hand tighter "I might have lost you otherwise..." He kisses his hand again "I'll phone and talk to Aliya later... And Mel..."
"Good. Pregnant women..get..emotional. They want..the men..they love..and the be close.. a lot. I'm As for..Aliya, she'll be..fine. I think..she still misses..Damon."

Aliya slips the needle carefully into Callie's arm. "There you go," she whispers. "That'll keep you sleeping for a little while longer."
"You're good at that," Melanie whispers from the door. "Thanks. I like to help people. It's why I hate what I did to Nicholas."
"I'm not going to talk about that with you," Melanie tells her. Aliya gives her a smile. "But if you ever hurt Nicholas, or Kaden for that matter, again, I'll beat you to a bloody pulp. Do you hear me?"
"My Melanie. Do you have a thing for Nicholas too?" Melanie grins. "Don't be jealous because both of me like fucking me."
Kaden nods "Oh I'm quite sure she wants me there... Or wants to be here... I've noticed her being very clingy..." He smiles "But I'm not going anywhere... Until I know you'll be ok... And she'll understand that once I talk to her... Maybe I'll have Aliya bring her in to see us..." He leans closer and kisses him softly "I may love Melanie... Very much... And my children... But my place right now... Is right here... Just like if she was the sick one, I'd be with her..." He looks up as Betty comes back "That won't make him sleepy will it... He still has to stay awake right?" He sits.

Jareth was back on the patio, reading the book again, carefully making notes about the ritual he'd have to preform.
“No. It’s just for his head. I promise. This won’t make him sleepy at all.” He takes the pills from her and takes them. Flicking his tongue, he shows her there isn’t anything in his mouth. He’s teasing her on purpose as well. “You’re evil Nicholas. You know that?” She laughs. “Let me know if you need anything.”
“Can I..go to my office? I have..a ton of..paperwork.” Betty gives him a shocked look. “Are you serious? Talk some sense into your husband,” she teases Kaden.

Melanie walks past Karen’s room and looks in as she passes. She freezes heads back to the door frame. Her bed was empty. “Jareth,” she whispers. “Jareth. She’s..gone. Karen is gone. I don’t know where she is.”
Kaden looks at him and blinks "Woulsnt that put you to sleep... I know it would put me to sleep..."

Jareth looks up, he thought he heard his name, he gets up when he hears it again "Mel? Where are you?" He follows his nose to find her outside Karen's room, he looks inside "She's still in here... I can smell her..." He walks in and closes the door "Karen... Sweety where are you... I promise I'm not going to hurt you..."
Nicholas just stares at him a moment before smiling. "You're so.....cute. then keep me awake."

Karen is under the bed trembling. She shakes her head no remembering him covered in fur, growling at her.
Kaden looks at him, then blushes softly "Ok... I'm sure we can find something to do... Maybe a board game... But we won't go until your head is feeling better..." He sat up straighter and gave him a look "No more pushing it..."

Jareth sighs and slowly sits on the floor "I can hear you under there sweetheart... Please come out... Let's talk... I never meant to scare you... But I think I know what's wrong with you now... Why you got so hot... And sick... Why you get so angry... Please... I won't hurt you..." He smiles "Hey... Why don't you tell me your favourite animal..."
Nicholas gives him a surprised look. "Okay, but I've got.. to tell you.. that you have to..stop..looking at that. I'll never..get my mind..with that." He swallows hard feeling flushed.

Karen backs away from the sound of his voice, crawling backward, inching away. The fear is clear on her face. 'No powers. I can' I'm sorry. I'll be a good girl. Just go away. I'm sorry. Don't me," she thinks, lowering her head and covering it with her hands. "Is she alright," Mel mouths to him.
Kaden chuckles softly "Sorry love... I'll behave... If you do... So... How is it feeling now?"

Jaden sighs "I'm sorry Karen... I never meant to scare you... And I know you're a good girl... I promise I'll never growl at you again... You're sending your thoughts out baby girl... Just come out... Please.."
"Reach down..and find out," he teases with a grin. "You want to my head feels. Well. Reach down..and find out."

'Stupid thoughts! Stay in my head!' She keeps inching away with her head down not even aware when she backs out from under the bed on the other side. Melanie's eyes open wide, and she points down at her as she backs away. 'No powers. Can't do anything.'
Kaden blushes brigh red and puts his head down on the blankets to hide "No... You are so bad!" He calls out into the blanket, his voice muffled.

Jareth looks at Mel, then where she's pointing, he stands silently and walks over to her, he gently licks her up and holds her closer. "Now that is not true... You can do plenty without them... And you will get them back... I promise you that... Once you learn how to control them..." He holds her close and starts to purr softly, moving to sit on the bed with her.
"You're gonna have to..move your head..if you're gonna..put it that. You're close, but not..close enough," Nicholas continues to tease him. "Want help you," he asks running his fingers through his hair.

Karen squirms in his arms. "No. Let me go. Please," she pleads. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Help me," she begs Melanie. "Jareth," Melanie says, on the verge of telling him maybe he should let her go when she realizes it would just be undermining him in front of her. "I'll be good. I'm a good girl. Please. I'm sorry. I'm so....scared," she says, her body trembling as she settles down knowing he's not going to let her go. "I won't be bad."
'Jareth,' Melanie asks. 'Is it possible....the Phoenix is sleeping right now or something? This looks like a different little girl than we've seen so far.'
Kaden grips the sheets by his head and groans, he looks up shortly after his fingers start running through his hair. "Is this your plan to stay awake... Tease me all night..." He shivers slightly, but the nurse could walk back in any minute, she wasn't sure what to do.

Jareth looks at Melanie almost shocked, he hadn't thought about that, he looks down at the scars little girl in his arms. "Shhh... It's ok sweetheart... I'm not going to hurt you... I'm a friend of your daddy and mommy... Do you remember me? Or Melanie?" He points to Mel "Would you rather she hold you? She's also a friend..." He slowly starts to let her go, knowing he needed to earn her trust "She's going to be a mommy soon... So you'll have to e careful..." He smiles down at her, looking to Mel 'Open your arms for her...'
"Maybe," he whispers. "Kaden, I just take every chance..I let you know..I love you. I don't..want to waste..a single day..a single hour..a single minute. I love you."

Karen slowly slips from his lap back to the floor. Still shaking she looks over at Melanie. "N-No. I don't..know you. I don't have..a daddy..and a mommy. I'm..alone. I wanna go home. Please."
'How does she remember you growling at her? Did the Phoenix....leave her alone to deal with you? Jareth that's cruel. She's just a little girl. That thing left her alone to face you? No wonder she's scared.'
"It's okay baby. See. I'm a good person to babies. Because I'm gonna have my own babies, I'm good to other little boys and girls. I know a little bit about you. Your name is Karen, and your daddy is a really sweet man who loves you.' She looks up at Melanie slowly. Her eyes glance down at her tummy. "My babies. Wanna feel? They're moving?" Karen eyes her before shaking her head no. "It's okay. This is Jareth. Jareth wasn't trying to hurt you before. He would never hurt a little girl like you. See? Look at him now. No big bad wolf. Just Jareth. See?" Karen slowly turns to give him a quick glance.
Kaden sits up and looks at him "Don't you dare start talking like that... Like our time together is short... You're going to be fine..." He moves to sit on the bed and pulls him to sit up more and kisses him softly "I love you too... And just being with you is enough for me..."

Jareth watches her go and frowns, this was not the girl they had been with for the past few days. It seems when the Phoenix tried to attack yesterday, it used up too much power, it seemed to be resting now. Jareth smiles at her as she looks back at him "I know you must be scared Sweety... But I promise we aren't here to hurt you... Do you remember getting sick? Feeling really hot?" He slowly moves to sit on the floor, careful not to move any closer to her, showing her he wouldn't hurt her. "Well me and my friends, we saved you... And one of my best friends... Is your daddy... He's been looking for you... For a long time..." She needed to believe in her father, for her and for Mason.
“I’m sorry baby. I didn’t make it our short. What I that our valued. You’re not..getting rid..of me..that easy. I whole life..for you. I’m not leaving..anytime..soon.” He reaches up to touch his cheek as he smiles at him.

She listened to Jareth. What he was saying seemed so impossible. “Daddy,” she whispered. Karen looks at Melanie’s belly and begins to reach to touch her. She stops and stares at her hand. Bringing the other hadnd up, it’s clear she’s examinging herself. “What’s wrong sweety,” Melanie asks her. “I’m..older. Really..older.” Melanie gives Jareth a look. ‘When the Phoenix is in control, she must not be able to remember or do anyting on her own. Has she lost years of her life because of this thing?’
“Do you want to feel the babies moving? They’re active today. They can hear your voice you know.”
“I hear a head..sometimes.” “What does it say?” “I was sick? I got hot?” Melanie flashes Jareth another look. “Yes, but my friend here, Jareth, he took care of you.” “The big bad wolf.” Melanie grins. “Only when he has to be. He wasn’t attacking you. It may have looked like he was, but he wasn’t.” “He was attacking..her.” “Is that who you hear?” She slowly nods. “Is” Again she nods. ‘Jareth, can you do it now? The Phoenix is weak right now. She won’t hurt her.’ Melanie looks down as Karen touches her belly. “What’” “Your daddy?” She nods. “Oh sweety he’s a wonderful man. He loves you so much. I’m married to him.” She looks up at her. “So you’ mommy?” Melanie froze. She didn’t know how to answer that question.
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