Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Jareth grabs his shirt and starts to clean Mason up, tossing his shirt to the floor, he moves up lay beside Mason and runs his claws through his hair. "I hope you enjoyed yourself lover... And that you remember some of it..." He smirks and leans closer, kissing him gently, he looks to Kevin as he pulls back and smiles "Night love..." He smiles and sends him a kiss as well.

"Good night baby... You can come see us tomorrow... Have Jareth bring you over... I love you..." He hangs up after she does and sighs, falling back into the chair behind him.
Kevin yawns, loving the kiss from Jareth. He was just as exhausted as Mason was. "So do I. I hope he remembers some of this. I hope he had fun too because he's going to be paying for tonight in the morning."

"I just miss him," Melanie tells her. Her emotions were running wild. "Maybe I should just go to bed." Aliya nodded. "Let me know if you need anything. I'm going to give Callie another dose to make sure she stays asleep."

The nurses bring him back in. Nicholas just smiles at Kaden. He doesn't want to speak because he's afraid his words will still come out wrong.
Jareth smiles "Yeah... At least I can help with that I little I think..." He relaxes against Mason's side and rests against his shoulder before closing his eyes. "Mmm... Night boys..."

Kaden looks up as he's brought back in, he stands out of the way as they set the bed back in place before moving closer. "Hey baby... Did he behave himself.." He glances at the nurses with a smirk, taking his hand to hold it, then looking back at him, he smiles. "I gues you don't want to talk just yet... That's ok..." He leans closer and kisses him softly "You can be the strong silent type..."
“Yeah. Dr. Hayden was a good patient for us. You call for us if you need anything,” the nurse tells Kaden as she hands Nicholas a pen and pad. “No sleeping for you. I know you’re going to hate that. You look so tired already.” He smiles faintly at her and nods his head. “Your husband is going to be here with you though.” The two nurses leave, and Nicholas looks up at Kaden. He writes to him “I’m sorry I’m forcing you to be here. Go home. I won’t be talkative tonight. Get some rest. Come back to me in the morning.”
Kaden looks at his message and smiles "Always thinking about me..." He leans down and kisses him softly "I'm not going anywhere while you're like this... Through sickness and health... Remember..." He runs his fingers through his hair "If I get tired... I'll just take a nap in your office and have a nurse watch you... But I'm not leaving..." He glances back at the door to see if it was closed and they were alone, then back to him "We can talk about Callie... What her story should be..."
Nicholas looks up at him and smiles. Everything he’s been holding back, why he wanted Kaden to leave, begins to trickle down his face. He whispers, “Stay….love….you.” He grips Kaden’s hand and kisses it, holding it to his lips, he begins to cry, no longer wanting to be alone when he shed his tears. He wanted Kaden to see this side of him.
Kaden watches him and bites his lap softly for a moment as he starts to cry, then gasps lightly at his words "I love you too... And I already said I'm not leaving..." He moves closer and kisses him again, deeper, then kisses his tears away, even licking a few, he pulls back and smiles. I know you must be scared... Even if only a little... And you don't want me to worry... But when it's just us... You don't have to show me that brave face..." He cups his cheek and rubs softly "And I'm so glad you're letting me in..." He rests against his forehead, then kisses him again, a few of his own tears falling, but they were happy ones.
Nicholas closes his eyes, loving the feel of Kaden against his forehead. It was hard to let him see him like this before, but now it felt right. “Scared,” he admitted. “I love….you….more….than I….have….ever….loved….anyone….ever.” He grabs Kaden’s shirt and keeps him close. “Don’t….cry. Kiss….me.” Without giving Kaden a chance to respond, he kisses his lips.
Kaden holds him back and kisses him, he could taste the salt from their tears, he licks his lips, then slowly lets their tongues play. "Mmm..." He doesn't want to, but he pulls back and smiles at him, licking the last of the tears from his lips. "As much as I'd love to take this further... And I know you would too..." He links their fingers "You don't need a reason to be tired or worn out..." He stays on the bed, leaning over him slightly "How about a board game or something..." He just wants to lay with him and cuddle, but he knew they'd fall asleep, and he couldn't have that.
"No," he shakes his head. "I Lie here....with me,....take a walk....go to....the,....take....a cold....shower....with me. here....with me." He narrows his eyes. " Get it....please?"
Kaden looks at him and smiles again "There is a garden here? That would be nice... Your phone? Did I remember to pack that..." He moves over to the small bag he brought with him and digs through it and pulls the cell out "Here we are..." He walks back and hands it to him "You ok? You look upset..."
He takes from him and smiles. “I’m….f-fine.” Nicholas works quickly to type in his message. Once he hits send, he looks back at Kaden. He was the most handsome man he’d ever seen. For a moment, his mind flashed back to the night of Mason’s car crash. He saw Kaden standing there as they were bringing Mason towards the ambulance. He wanted to stop, to tell talk to him right then, but the doctor inside of him wouldn’t let him, and now here Kaden was, beside him, as his husband. “Yes. We have….a garden….here. D-Do you like….fevers?” He closes his eyes tight, knowing he said the wrong word. “Flowers?”
Kaden watches him and sits in the chair again "Who doesn't love flowers... Hey... You're getting better at that... Can... You say my name..." He reaches out and takes his hand "I'd like to hear that..."
He looks at his hand holding his. The tears were about to fall again. "K-Kaden. M-My....husband. My life." Nicholas kisses his hand just as the doctor comes in. "Dr. Hayden. Kaden. Nicholas we need to talk."
"Wait. K-Kaden? Can him....alone? Please?"
Kaden smiles, you didn't know how much you'd miss something until you might lose it, he looks up as the doctor walls in, until he said they needed to talk. He then looks at Nicholas "Wait... Talk about what... No..." He looks to the doctor "Is this about his condition... If so I'm not leaving..." He looks back at Nicholas with a hurt look "Don't you push me away again..."
“It’s….alright….baby. I have….questions, and this….concerns….my father. Please. I need….to know….something….from the doctor. I promise….I will….tell you….about it.” He squeezes his hand.
Kaden looks at him "Fine... You just better keep that promise..." He kisses his forehead and heads for the door, he looks at them once more before going out into the hall and closing the door. He stands in the hall, then moves closer to the nurses station.
The doctor looks at Nicholas as the door closes. “Then you already know?”
“I had….an idea. Is it?” He nods. “A tumor. Just like your father. We can operate and remove it.” Nicholas nods. “Okay. We….wait.” The doctor is shocked. “Wait? Nicholas I advise we do this now. Your father waited, and look how it ended for him.” Nicholas shakes his head. “I have….to get Kaden….to go….to the island. I will not….worry him….with this. Do you think….I want him….in the waiting….room….worried? No. I will go home….before I let you….tell him.”
“No,” the doctor tells him. He sighs. “Alright. I’ll say we’re keeping you for a few tests and tell him he can go home. I’ll tell him I’ll even get you home myself.”
“No. Release me. I’ll….come back.”
“Nicholas that’s a dangerous game.”
“I won’t….have him….worried. I love him.”
“Alright.” The doctor opens the door and motions for Kaden to come back inside.
Kaden looks up as he hears the door open and moves closer as the doctor waves him over, he looks at him, then heads inside. "Alright... What was that about... That I couldn't hear it the first time..." He sits back down and crosses his arms, he was a little wary "What did the tests say..."
"That I'm....crazy," Nicholas smiles. "I took....a hard the head. I have....a concussion..just like..he thought. No sleep tonight, but you' me. I can go home..tomorrow." The doctor nodded, not wanting to add to Nicholas' lie. "I'll release the morning Nicholas. No traveling though," he added, remembering Nicholas mention how he had to get Kaden to the island. "Sorry Kaden. You'll have to take that trip on your own until he is cleared to travel."
Kaden holds his hand and sighs "I guess the trip will have to wait then... If you think I'm gonna leave you like this..." He holds up his hand with his ring "That's what this means..." He taps the ring and smiles, "We'll think of something..." He knew how Nich would get if he left, he'd find another place to start working on Callie if he had to. He smiles "At least you're coming home tomorrow..."
The doctor gave Nicholas a look, wondering what he was going to do. "No. You're..taking..that trip. You have to. I won't have you..sitting by me..all the time.'ll be..ready for me..when I get there," he grinned. "I won't..take no..for an answer. Besides..the doctor..may not..let me the morning. It depends." Betty opened the door and told Nicholas, "it's ready." "Thanks," he nodded. "Well Doc. I'm the garden here. You know..where to find me. Come on baby," he reaches for Kaden. "Help me..up."
Kaden looks at him "We'll talk about the trip later then..." He knew something was up, after the way he reacted that morning about being away from him, now he's telling him to go alone. He looks to the nurse "What's ready..." He starts to help Nicholas up "Should you be walking yet..." He holds him up and smiles softly "So, what's ready... What have you done this time..."
"My what was..hit. My just fine, and I..don't know..what you're talking about. Do you..Betty?" "Not a clue," she muses. "Come on. I show you..the gardens." He tells Kaden how to get to the gardens. When they reach double glass patio doors leading outside, the soft glow of the candles can already be seen. Surrounded by the flowers and light is a small table set up with boxes of board games. "Well that," Nicholas says. "After you..husband."
He rolls his eyes at the two of them and helps Nich to the garden entrance, then pauses and looks at him "Know nothing my ass..." He smiles and kisses his cheek "Thank you love..." He helps him to the table and they sit down, he looks through the games. "Well... Let's see what we got here..."

Jareth stirs slightly and rolls over, he sits up on the side of the bed, he looks back at the two and smiles. He stood up and stretched, then got dressed, he had to go over those spells, he wouldn't have anything go wrong.
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