Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

“Thank you,” Kevin says to the driver as they climb out. “Jareth will probably go get him soon after we get here. I’m sure he already knows how drunk Mason is. As they near the door to the hospital, Kevin stops and turns back towards the city. “He’s….agitated. I can feel it.” Shaking his head he tells him, “something is….wrong. I have to get Jareth. We have to go,” he says turning back to Kaden. Kevin enters the hospital and presses the button for the elevator. “It’s more of our connection. We can feel feelings too. Sometimes they’re good,” he blushes. “Other times, not so much.” The elevator opens, and he steps inside. ‘Baby we’re on our way up. I think something is wrong. Am I feeling that right from him?’

“Hey. It’s okay Jareth. Everybody makes mistakes. I’m sure Mason knows you love him.” He offers him a smile. “I’m sure it’s not always good. I wouldn’t want to know when someone was coming when I was in the bathroom,” he laughs, trying to lighten to mood.

“What do you mean where do I live?! We live in OUR house, Melanie. Give me..the fucking keys. I’ us..home.” She holds the keys in her fists. “I’m sorry baby. I forgot.” He shakes his head. “What the..fuck..are you doing here..anyway?” She looks around. “I was….meeting someone here.” “Who? Kaden?! Are you still fucking the man..who kidnapped you?!” “No baby,” she assured him. “I was….meeting..a friend. How about..we take..a little walk?” “Walk? Why? We live a long way..from here.” “I..I lost my keys. We’re waiting..on a..locksmith.” He narrowed his eyes. “I’ve keys.” “Oh. Well I..I..just wanted to enjoy the night air with you. Please. Just..take a walk..with me?” Mason grinned at her. “Okay baby. We can take..a walk..first, but when we get home..I wanna..make love to you.” “Okay.” The woman was holding back her tears. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and she wrapped one around his body, holding him up as they walked away from her car.
Kaden looks at him as they head up "That's not good... Then you two just go... I'd join you, but I have a stubborn husband to look after..." He smiles at him as the doors open, he walks up to the nurses station "Where's Nicholas?"

Jareth looks up "They're here..." He gets up and goes to the door "Kaden... Over here... Kevin... We gotta go... Or there will be trouble..." No sooner were Kaden and Kevin in the room, Jareth held Kevin's hand and they were gone, he were now a few feet behind Mason and the woman. He looks at Kevin 'When it's good... Get her clear...' He starts to move towards them "Mason... Where are you going..."
Kevin looks up at hearing Jareth’s voice. “Yeah. You feel it too, don’t you?” He rushes over to him and takes his hand. When they reappear, he sees Mason holding on to the woman. Mason looks up and back to see Jareth. “Jareth! Hey baby! Melanie look! Jareth is here!” She looks up to Jareth and gives him a forced, scared smile. “Sure baby. I remember him. Hi Jareth.” Kevin waits for the moment to be right. “Baby, why don’t you and Jareth talk for a while? I..I left something in my car. I..want to go get it.” Her eyes plead with Jareth. “Okay baby.” She helps him over to Jareth and starts to slip her arm from around him. “Before you go baby, give me a kiss.” She looks at Jareth as Mason asks. “ don’t know. Not in front of..Jareth.” Mason laughs. “We all fuck each other in our family. I know you want Jareth.” She gives a nervous giggle before Mason’s lips touch her neck. “Come on baby.” “Okay baby,” she says pulling away. “That’s..enough. Don’t want to far..right here. I’ll..I’ll be right back.” She turns and lets go of him seeing Kevin. He reaches for her and waves her over. When she reaches him, he takes hold of her. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” “No. I’m fine. He’s just..drunk, and he..thinks I’m Melanie.” “Do you have a car? Can you drive?” “Yes. Yes I do, and I can. Thank you,” she tells him before he lets her go, and she heads to her car. Mason leans his head against Jareth. “I’m so glad..Melanie..came back.”

Nicholas eyes Kaden as he enters. “Hello husband.”
Jareth watches "Hey baby... Looks like you've had a bit to drink tonight..." He pulls him closer as Kevin gets the lady back to her car, he looks down at him "I'm sorry... About before... I don't know why I said what I did... I know how much you love Karen..." He hugs him and looks at Kevin, "Are you ready to go home love... We'll get you into bed..." He rubs his back softly.

Kaden walks up to him "Hey..." He smiles softly and leans down to kiss him lightly "We need to stop scaring each other like this..." He takes Jareth's seat "What have they said?"
“Yeah,” he says, looking up at him and smiling. He can barely keep his eyes open. “Come on….Melanie,” he mumbles, resting his head against Jareth. Kevin joins him and rubs Mason’s back with one hand and puts his other on Jareth. “Take us home love.”

“Yeah. I promise I’ll try not to scare you again. The doctor is waiting on you to sign for them to run some tests. Since you’re my husband now, you have to give them the okay to do it. If I was single, they just could do it, but now it’s time for you to bash the door into green.” He smiles up at him.
Jareth smiles and holds them close "Yeah... Let's get home..." Once sure no one was looking, they disappear and reappear at home. "Alright Mason... Bed time lover..." Jareth picks him up as he starts to fall down, holding him close "How many did you have tonight..." He carries him down the hall to the room next to Karen, he sits him down and helps him undress to his boxers.

Kaden smiles at him "I hope not... I guess I should find the doctor then" he stands and looks at him "Well you aren't single anymore... You legally belong to me..." He was about to walk away when he said it "Bash the door... What? What are you talking about..." He looks at him.
Mason smiles at him and kisses his neck. "I don' many. I lost count after..I don't know." His tongue touches his skin as he kisses him. "You smell"

"The fire is calling shoes? Taxi core." Again he smiles at Kaden as the doctor comes in. "Well, now that you're here, I'll get the papers for you to sign so that we can run some tests to make sure Nicholas is doing fine."
Jareth chuckles softly and kisses his cheek "Well... I did say some awful things..." He growls softly as he licks him "Mm... I'd love to say the same love... But you smell like a bar... And you're head is gonna kill you in the morning..." He could tell what Mason wanted, but he wasn't sure if they should, they haven't talke yet, that he'd remember. He looks over to Kevin 'Should we... I know you know what he wants...'

Kaden just stares at him and jumps slightly as the doctor comes up behind him "Why is he talking like that... He was talking fine when I first came in..." He looks back at Nicholas "Baby... Can you say my name... Who am I to you..."
Kevin was blushing and there was no hiding his own arousal. He looked at Jareth and shrugged slightly, not sure of what to say. Then slowly he walked over to Mason and leaned in kissing his neck. “Oh baby,” he mumbled, leaning away from Jareth and towards Kevin. “I wanna taste..your cock baby.” Kevin gave Mason a nod before kissing his lips. ‘Yes. Oh yes Jareth. Let’s be with him.’

“Knife,” he smiles. “Yen mud house!” He looks over at the doctor, who is now narrowing his eyes. “Nicholas, Dr. Hayden, what day of the week is it?” “Fog. Ice Fog Damp. Wrong water door?” The doctor shakes his head as he shines a small light into Nicholas’ eyes. “Aphasia. It’s not uncommon with head injuries. The tests will reveal more. Nicholas, nod your head if you can understand me.” Nicholas nodded yes. “Good. When you speak, you’re not making any sense. Do the words make sense to you?” Again he nods yes. “It appears to be only mind. Now you said he was Knife.” He nods. “Kaden?” Again he nods. “Knife?” He nods again. “Did I say the same word to you twice?” He nods. “The centers of his brain that process words had been slightly damaged. He’s still able to process what he hears, and he’s able to speak.” He pulls a pen from his pocket and hands him his notepad. “Write your name for me Nicholas.” He has no trouble writing his name. “Even better. It appears to only be how he speaks that’s effected.” Two nurses come in ready to take him for his tests. “Kaden, I’ll get you the papers you need to sign, but I’m going to let the nurses go ahead and take him. Alright?” Nicholas holds up the pad so Kaden can see what he’s written.

I love you baby
Jareth looks at them and smirks "And I'm supposed to say no to this..." He shivers slightly as he lets their feeling wash over him "Mmm... Ok I give..." Jareth pulls Mason back to him and kisses him roughly, then gently pushes him to the bed and stands to start removing his clothes. He pulls Kevin closer and kisses him too, looking at him "You want him to suck you... Make him work for it..." He turns Kevin towards the bed to face Mason and stands behind him, he starts to remove his clothes. "How back do you want him lover..." He looks at Mason and starts to run his claws over Kevin's skin slowly.

Kaden stands there and listens to them "Is this... Fixable?" He looks to the nurses, then back as Nich and his note, and smiles "I love you too..." He moves closer and kisses him softly "Make sure he does as told... I know how stubborn he can be..." He smiles at Nich, keeping as happy a face as he could, he glances at the nurses "You just let me know if he misbehaves..." He gives him one more kiss before stepping back to allow them to take him out, he watches them go. "What... Do I have to sign..."
“Fuck. I want him..down my throat..gagging me. Come to me..Kevin. Straddle.. my head..and shove..your cock..down my..throat. Fuck my throat baby.” Mason was rock hard, and so was Kevin. He shuddered watching Jareth’s claws glide across Kevin’s skin. “Please. I want your claws. I want your cock. I want his cock in my throat. Oh please. I’m begging.” “Love he wants it so bad. I want to. Please. Say I can.” Mason wants to sit up, to touch Kevin and Jareth, but he can’t. So he reaches for them. “Come to me. Please.”

The doctor waits until the nurses leave with him. “These papers right here,” he tells him as he hands his clipboard and pen to him. “Mild cases are more easy to treat than severe. In some cases, the condition can clear up on it’s own. We can give him meds to ensure there is no infection in his blood. The injury he sustained to his brain is the root cause of this. The brain sits in fluid encased in your skull. With a concussion, it’s jarred, shaken. How much so determines the level of how severe the injury is. In Nicholas’ case, he took a hard blow to the head. That damaged the brain. I don’t quite understand though. To have the symptoms he’s having, his head should look a lot worse. It’s like he was healed somehow before he came. His injury doesn’t look like it should be as bad as it is, but clearly it’s worse than it appears. With some rest and medication, he should be just fine. We’ll keep him awake for the night. He won’t like us,” he smiles, “but he’ll live. I’m sorry we had to meet under these circumstances, but congratulations on marrying Nicholas. He’s a good man and talented doctor. I hope you’re very happy together. Do you have any other questions?”
Jareth shivers again an nips at Kevin's neck "You two are gonna be the death of me..." He kisses Kevin once more then let's him go "Give him what he wants... I'll join in a minute..." He wanted to watch them a few minutes, it helped work him up more.

Kaden stares at the door a few minutes longer, then takes the clipboard and signs it, glancing over it, he also listens to him. He looks up as he mentions that it was as if he had been healed, Jareth must have stopped his bleeding. "Is it alright if I stay with him tonight... I'll stay on a cot, or in his office..." He knew how he'd act if he was forced to go home "He doesn't like to be alone... Anymore.." He smiles "And thank you... I'm very happy with him... It's like we saved each other..."
Kevin moans. “Yes love.” He steps closer to Mason and begins to crawl up his body only stopping when his knees were beside his head. “You want it? Lift you head up and take it,” he tells him while holding his cock for him. Mason lifts his head and takes the tip and begins to suckle him. He looks up at Kevin’s face. It doesn’t take long before Kevin shifts his body so that he can move his hips, thrusting into Mason’s mouth. Mason rests his head back and lets Kevin fuck his mouth. His cock twitches as his throat is taken.

“Sure. No need for a cot though. We’ll get you a bed. We want you comfortable. The tests won’t take too long. Do you have anyone you need to call and let them know what’s going on?”

The woman had made it home. She was shaken. Sitting down at her computer she begins a search for missing persons, female, Melanie. “Melanie Weathers. You went missing..outside..a store. Husband, Mason, reported you..missing..months went called off..husband said you were..found. Curious. He were with..the man who..kidnapped you.” She chewed her bottom lip. “This is worth looking into. Who are you protecting Mason Weathers, and what’s the real story here?”
Jareth watches them and growls low again, "What a show..." He moves to get a tube of lube and crawls on the bed, only he moves between Mason's legs, he reaches out and runs his claws lightly over him. "Enjoying yourselves..." He then lives up a few fingers and starts to get him ready slowly, wanting to take his time.

Kaden smiles "Thank you... I just hope he gets better... Yeah... Our friends at home... Will they be bringing him back here?"
Mason couldn’t answer Jareth with his lips. They were wrapped around Kevin’s cock. “Oh yes love. He’s so….talented at this. That’s right baby. Take all my cock. I’m gonna fill your throat.” Mason groaned as he felt Jareth working him. His anticipation level grew. He knew what was about to happen, and he couldn’t keep his hips still.

“Yes. We’ll be bringing him right back to this room. I’ll leave you alone so you have some privacy.” The doctor left him alone, closing the door behind.

“Yeah hi. I know it’s late, but I need you to run a background check on Mason and Melanie Weathers. Focus on her disappearance. It happened a few months ago, but the search was called off. I want to know everything. Thanks.”
Jareth chuckles softly "Relax baby boy..." He starts to slowly pump his fingers in time to his moving hips, he was relaxing quickly. "That's it... You really want me in there... Don't you..." He adds another finger and spreads him a bit more, he was careful to keep it slow, still wanting to take his time. After a few more minutes of that, he pulls himself free and starts to press against him.

Kaden smile "Thank you..." One alone, Kaden calls the apartment.
As he feels him start to take him, Mason groans against Kevin’s shaft. Kevin knows what’s going on. He can feel it from Mason. He’s unable to keep his feelings to himself in the state. “Oh love you’re really making him feel….you feel it.” Mason kept his eyes open, looking up at Kevin. “Such a good boy taking all my cock. You look good looking at me like that. Keep those eyes open. I want to see into them as he takes you and I fill you up.”

Melanie rushes to pick up the phone. “Hello? M’lord? Is that you?”
Jareth adds a bit more lube and starts to slowly push into him, one hand holding his hip, the other lightly running his claws over his cock. He smirks and starts to thrust slowly, with how eger he was, he was pretty lose, perfect for him to slip inside fully. "Nnn... Nice and slow boys... I want this to last a little longer..." He wraps Mason's legs around his waist and reaches up to lightly rub Kevin's back, making sure his claws don't scratch him.

Kaden smiles "Hey baby... Yeah it's me... Nich is on his way for some tests... He's doing fine... He umm... Well he can't talk right now... Words don't come out right right now, but they said that should fix itself..." He sighs softly "I'll be staying here tonight... To help keep him awake and from annoying the doctors..." He chuckles softly "So... How is everything there? Are they still sleeping... Are you and Aliya getting along?"
Mason’s eyes fluttered as he felt Jareth fully inside him. His claws were almost enough to make him cum right then. Her lifted his hands and grabbed Kevin’s ass, squeezing and pulling him closer. “Oh! Somebody really wants it all,” Kevin smirks. “He’s an eager boy. Isn’t he love? Nice and slow. Yeah. Just like that. Hold it. Hold my cock in your throat.” Kevin groaned, leaning his head back. Mason met each of Jareth’s thrusts. It was as if he couldn’t get enough of him.

Melanie didn’t want to worry Kaden anymore than he already was. “Yes M’lord. Aliya and I are fine. Karen and Mari are still sleeping. Jareth and Kevin got Mason home not too long ago, and from the sounds of it….well….Mason is drunk, really drunk, but he’s also really horny, and they’re,” she laughs,” Well they’re having fun. So yeah, we’re all alright here. You just stay with Nich and take care of him. I miss you.”
Jareth moans "Nnn... He is so much fun like this... Aren't you baby boy..." He grips his lightly and strokes a few time before returning to using his claws, his hips thrusting slowly.

Kaden smiles "Yeah... They left pretty fast to get him... I'm glad they are ok and... Having fun..." He laughs softly "So... What about Callie... How's she doing... I know we were supposed to leave today..."
Mason groans louder. ‘Harder baby. Fuck me..harder.’ Kevin grins, having heard Mason’s pleas to Jareth. “Yeah. He’s a lot of fun like this. I’d say we should get him drunk more often, but that’s a bad idea.” Kevin’s mouth opens wide as he leans down on his hands, his hips still pumping Mason’s mouth. “I’m gonna cum Mason. Soon. I’m gonna fill your..throat.” He closed his eyes tight feeling his climax nearing. Mason’s cock twitched at Kevin’s words and Jareth’s claws. He was growing close as well. ‘So..close.’

Fear filled Melanie. If Nicholas was there, who would medicate Callie when she woke up to keep her calm? “Uh..she’s fine. Still sleeping in fact. The apartment is pretty quiet. I was thinking about sitting down and watching some television with some ice cream and pickles actually.”

Her phone rang. “Hello.”
“Melanie Weathers was reported missing by her husband. He spent months searching for her in several towns. He was convinced he would find her. Friends told the guy he was crazy, but he was sure he wasn’t. Turns out Melanie showed up in a mall a while back. She had a very public breakdown. Security cameras caught the whole thing. I’m emailing you a copy of the footage. It’s her though. Husband, Mason Weathers, called off the search. Said he had found her. Get this, said she was visiting friends. I’m sending you both their pictures along with some more interesting information I found out about Melanie Weathers. She’s pregnant now. Tell me. How does a woman end up pregnant when she’s been away from her husband visiting friends? She must be really close to one of her friends.”
“Or her kidnapper.”
“Why didn’t he hand the guy over?”
“That is a mystery. One I know you’ll solve. Are you sure he said the guy kidnapped her?”
“Yeah.” She pulled up the email and starred at their pictures. “Are you sure it’s him?”
“Yeah. I’m looking at him now.”
“Notice how much you look like Melanie?”
“Yeah. Creepy. Thanks. I’ll get back to you when I find something out.”
Jareth groans "I can feel it... God... Nnn.." He moans louder and holds his hips "Mmm... Hold on..." He starts to thrust into him harder and faster, his own orgasm creeping up on him.

"Mel... You ok? You sound funny... Listen, if she wakes up... Just have Aliya sedate her again... Jareth can seal Karen when they are done... And she should be fine... I can talk to Aliya... Get we to take care of Callie..."
Mason tenses and cums as he tastes Kevin’s release. Kevin leans his head back. “Oh love. He’s taking every drop. That’s a good..boy.” Mason grips his ass harder, holding him still as he swallows him. His cum paints his own body, and he feels Jareth taking him deep. Mason tighten around him, trying to milk Jareth’s cock.

“Yeah. I’m fine. I’ll tell Aliya to keep Callie out. I forgot I had a nurse here. She can handle her, and Jareth can seal Karen while Mason sleeps off his night of drinking. I’ll make sure Mari is fine. See? We’ve got everything covered here. You take care of your husband. I know you love him Kaden. He’s going to be alright. Okay? So just relax. Your babies are fine and waiting on both of you to come back home to us. I love you M’lord. Never forget that.” Even if he had married someone else, Melanie did love him.

She watched the footage of Melanie freaking out in the food court at the mall and pauses it as she sees Kaden. "Now you were not there tonight. So who are you, and what are you doing with her?" Picking up her phone she calls her friend again. "Okay, so I'm watching the footage of the mall freak out. Who's the man that helps her?"
"A big time CEO of his own company. Rich, desired by many women, and rumored to have two kids on the way with an unknown woman."
"Melanie's pregnant now. Right?"
"You've gotta be kidding me. This guy right here is her kidnapper, and she fucked him. What the hell did he do to her to make her fuck him and freak out in public? If he was just holding her he wouldn't take her in public, and she wouldn't freak out even if he did. She would run. This woman is having a break down, and she's not running from him. Alright I want all of the medical records for Melanie Weathers. I don't care if they're sealed. I want them opened and sent to me."
"You got it."
"Something is going on, and I'm going to find out what."
"F-Fuck! Nnnn!" He holds Mason tight and pounds into him hard a few times before cumming as well, he groans as Mason continues to grip him tightly. Panting, Jareth looks at the two of them and smirks "May... Maybe we should... Let him drink... Now and then..." He chuckles lightly and starts to slowly pull from him, gently unwrapping his legs from around his waist.

Kaden smiles "I never could M'lady... I love you very much... And if you need anything... You call, or ask Jareth... And please don't be mad at Aliya... I know it's there baby... I know you..." He sighs softly "I wish I could send you a kiss like Jareth can..."
Kevin moved to collapse next to Mason. "Yeah," he laughed. "I think..every now..and then..we should..let him get drunk." Mason was already falling asleep. He didn't care that he was naked.

Melanie swallowed back her tears. She missed him so, and she wished he was there right then with her so she could hold him. "Alright M'lord. I'll try to not be angry with her. You know I could never..refuse you." She thought for a moment about leaving and going to the hospital. "I'll call if I need anything. Call me if you need anything. I'll get to you. Good night M'lord." Melanie hung up the phone, and she felt so alone. 'Aliya can handle Callie. Jareth can handle Mari and Karen. Kevin can take care of Mason.' She headed for the door. "Aliya, I'm going out. I'm going to be with Kaden."
"You should stay here."
"It's getting late, you're pregnant, you need your rest, and Kaden already has a lot to worry about. Just stay here." She stopped, her hand on the doorknob. "Yeah. I guess you're right."
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