Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

"So you're telling me....that my little girl....might not remember me?" He hangs his head. "I don't know what to say. Do you want to be the one that puts it on her," he asks looking up. "I trust you if you do." He was pushing his hurt and worry down deeply. Mason has to glance around the room to keep from crying. "When ill you do it?"

"I'll pack. Do you want to watch me do it," she asks him, her anger showing.
Jareth sets the book down and moves closer, making him look at him "Love... That's not what I said... I said she may not know us... As in... She hasn't meet you yet..." He rubs his cheek "Try and think of this as a fresh start... But there is also the possibility that she was allowed to watch... And knows us..." He kisses him softly and pulls him close "I'm sorry baby... But if the Phoenix isn't contained... Karen... Will die..." He pulls back to look at him "Now... Get to know her all over... Or watch her die..." He knew that if Karen, the real Karen, didn't know him it would hurt, but losing her would hurt more.

"I do... You'll be backing mine and Nich's stuff too... The bags are in the closet..." He looks at her "And I'd rein in that temper... Nich meant what he said..."
He gives a glaring look. "Get to know the real question or watch her die? What the fuck kind of question is that? Do you really think there's fucking choice to be made? Why would you even word it that way. Have you lost all feeling for me, or do you just not give a damn about what you say?"
"Take it easy Mason," Nicholas says. "Jareth is just concerned."
"Stay the fuck out of this. Don't you have a husband and a slave, or are you going to ignore them both now?" NIcholas nods, knowing Mason is hurt, angry, and worried. "That's the most cruel thing you've ever said to me. Of course I'll get to know her. I just said I fucking trust you. What more do you want from me?" He stands up and crosses the room rubbing his chin. "Just do what you have to do."

"Fuck you. The only reason you're doing this now is because both of you actually has time for me. You let your husband or little Miss. knocked up by two men need you, and you would be done in two seconds. By the way, where she is Kaden? Do you even know where the woman carrying your children is?"
Jareth backs up and puts his hands up "I'm sorry... I... You're right, I shouldn't have put it that way... I'm sorry..." He looks at him "And no... I don't want to put it on her... Her daddy should be the one saving her..." He moves back to the book and picks it up "I'll be going over the spells... I'll be on the balcony..." He looks to Nicholas "Let Kevin know I'm back..." He doesn't look at Mason and heads out, he'd hurt him and in turn hurt himself, he sits outside and just holds his head as he bends over.

Kaden glares slightly "You use to join us... Come to us I you wanted anything... But not since you left that devil fuck you... It's like you don't care for anything but wanting his fucking cock back..." He gets up and walks over to her, he pushes her back against a wall and starts to pull her clothes off. "I'm gonna show you where you really belong..." He works his pants down too.
Nicholas nods to him and watches him leave. “He didn’t mean anything by it.”
“Fuck you,” Mason glares at him. “Husband. Slave. Get to it whipped husband.” Nicholas gives him a curious look. “Mason? Are you alright?”
“What do you think,” he asks standing. “My husband, my mate, just worded it to me like he would to a man that doesn’t give a shit about his daughter. You know my daughter right? The little girl I had with a woman that turned out to be a demon. Guess I’ve got a thing for demons,” he laughs. “So now I’ve got that demon knocked out here, along with my demon daughter who can boil her own blood. My husband just walked out of the fucking room, and I have no idea where my pregnant wife is. Maybe I should go ask your husband where she is since she’s carrying his child too! So tell me, doc, do you think I’m alright? Everything has gone to shit. Oh, and I forgot to mention, I think I broke my fucking hand.” He holds it to show him. “Geez Mason. Yeah. I think you may have done some damage there.” Mason shakes his head. “Yeah.” He looks out towards where Jareth went. “Tell him..I went to the ER to have this..looked at. He doesn’t want to see me, and I don’t want to see him right now. I’ll be back.” He heads for the door. “I really don’t think you should leave.”
“I don’t care what you think doc. I’m going to get this looked at, and then I’m going to drink my body weight in beer.”
“Mason, that’s really not a good idea.”
“Why not doc? Because things have been going so good I could fuck them up? How,” he laughs. “I would love to know how.” He opens the door and heads out. Nicholas moves outside with Jareth. “Give him some time. It’s a lot for a father to take in. Mason runs from his feelings. You know he loves you,” he says reaching over to massage his shoulder.

“What are you doing,” she asks, her hands trying to stop him. As his pants fall, she meets his gaze. “Kaden what are you doing? We can’t do this. We have to go. Remember? The island? My packing for three people?”
Jareth stares out over the city "But he's right... How could I word it like that... Like he doesn't care..." He looks down "I'll let him blow off some steam and find him after a few beers... He deserves it..." He waits a few minutes before looking at him "Where is mel... And Kevin for that matter..."

"What does it look like I'm doing... You can pack later... You're getting a little punishment from me..." He lifts her up the wall slightly and rocks against her "You could have killed him... If you had hit him right... For someone who claims to love him... You didn't seem to care much..." He stares at her "Now... Who am I Aliya..." He starts to press into her, he was angry and looking to put her in her place.
“I don’t want to be the one to tell you this, but you deserve to know. Kevin isn’t comfortable being around Karen. With her power being out of control, he didn’t want to stay here. So he left. Mel, being Mel, went after him. I’m sure they’re fine somewhere talking. She has a way with people. I’m more worried about you right now.” He sits down close to him. “Jareth you care. He knows that. You didn’t mean anything by what you said, and he knows that too. It’s just hidden right now because he’s angry and afraid. Your husband is still there, in love with you. Never doubt that.”

“Punishment! What the fuck?” She struggles even as he lifts her from the floor. Aliya stops when she feels him pressing against her. “What about him? Huh? He forgot about me? Is that love?” His glare was intense. “You. Are. Kaden. You’re Nicholas’ husband. You’re Mason and Melanie’s lover, and you’re starting to anno…..” She groaned, her eyes slowly closing at he entered her. “’re too much. I can’ You’ your..cock.”
Jareth sighs "Great... I pissed them both off..." He opens the book and starts to read it again "Thanks Doc... But I have some reading to do... Maybe you should check on your 'patients'... I'm sure you want to leave before nightfall..."

He reaches up with one hand and grips her hair "Did I say you could close you're eyes!" He glares at her again "Now I asked you a question... Who am I!" He thrusts his hips up and enters her in one hard thrust.
Nicholas didn’t want to push. Jareth had enough on his plate. “Alright. Look, I’ll be right inside if you want to talk. I’m good at that too, and I can do that with my clothes on.” He gets up an rubs his shoulder as he heads to the door.

She groans, and her legs twitch as he fills her. Aliya struggles to take a breath as he’s forced the air from her lungs. When she’s able to, she stammers, “You’re..Kaden..Mrs. Hayden..You’re..fucking me. Fuck. You’re..Master. Again,” she moans. “ hair..again. Please. Oh fucking please do it.”
Kaden gives her a wicked grin and tugs her hair again "While all of those are true... They aren't what I'm looking for..." He stares at her "And I won't be fucking you... Until you say who I am... Understand... Pet..." He knew him just sitting inside her would drive her mad, he leans down to lick at her nipples while he lets her answer. He kept a tight hold on her hips so she couldn't move herself to enjoy his cock, he suckles each lightly before pulling away.

"Thanks..." He says softly as he leaves, his heart hurt, but he was keeping a tight hold on his bonds, not wanting to let them know.
Aliya moans as he complies, pulling her hair. She loves the feeling and wants more from him. “I said it. I said..Master.” As much as wanted to, as much as she tried, with him holding her hips, she couldn’t grind her hips into him. “You’re Master! My Master! Please Master! Fuck me! I’ll say it a thousand times. You’re my Master!”

Nicholas had stepped inside and closed the door. He wanted to go check on them both, but he knew they were sleeping. Shaking his head, he turned and headed back out. He made is way over in front of Jareth and kneeled down in front of him. “I know you need to be alone to do some reading. I get that.” Nicholas grabs the book from him and sits it on the floor. “But I’m not going to leave you alone out here to hurt. You can read later. Right now, I wanna help you. You help everybody else. So now, it’s someone’s turn to help you. It’s my turn,” he says leaning up and grabbing behind his neck and taking him into a kiss.
"I told you... That's not what I want to hear..." He grins at her "And you won't get a single thrust from me until you say it..." He goes back to tongue teasing her nipples.

Jareth looks up as he hears the door open again and looks down at Nicholas as he kneels before him "Really... I'm fine Doc..." He took the book to fast for him to grab it "What arMmmm..." His eyes widen as he kisses him, he was shocked that Nicholas would kiss him, after a few moments, he lightly kisses back.
Aliya slams her head back against the wall in frustration. Her clit ached from his teasing. His mouth felt incredible on her nipple. She wanted more, and her mind was racing. Then it came to her. “M’lord,” she called out softly at first. “M’lord,” she cried out louder. Every time she would speak his name, it was a bit louder each time.

Nicholas didn’t know how Jareth would react. He wasn’t trying to tame him, or even take him. He was simply wanting to make him feel better. Once he feels Jareth kissing him back, he relaxes. He breaks the kiss, his lips kissing along his jaw. “That’s it. Just relax. Let me help you feel better Jareth. You deserve to feel good.” Nicholas runs his hands up Jareth’s thighs, not wanting to push too far just yet. He was still watching how Jareth reacted to him.
Kaden pulls from her breast and grins "Much better... Now... You've been quite a bad girl Aliya..." He starts with slow hard thrusts, keeping them quite controlled, he stares at her "I know he left you..." Thrusts a bit harder "But he had his reasons..." He glares again and slows it down to a maddening pace "That doesn't give you the right to do what you did..." He stares at her "If you want me to allow you to cum... I better hear an apology..." He smiles almost sweetly "Becasue no one knows sexual torture like it do... I can keep you on that thin ledge for hours... Is that what you want my pet..." He grips her hair slightly again to get her attention.

Jareth blinks a few times as the kiss breaks and looks at Nicholas, he reaches out and cups his cheeks again. He pulls him closer and kisses him again a bit harder, then rests his forhead on his, he smiles softly. "Thanks Doc... I know you're not really used to anyone else..." He helps him up onto his lap and holds him close "This is all I need... Something to hold on to..." He relaxes back into the chair, still holding him "I guess... I've just been piling everythin on top of myself... I wasn't even thinking when in I... Said that to Mason..." He had let his tight hold on the bonds go, letting them finally feel how he felt, he closes his eyes and lets a few tears fall. "I'm just afraid of him losing her... Becasue then I'll lose him..."
With each of his thrusts, Aliya groaned. He was spearing up and into her body, filling her. Her breasts moved with each of his well timed slams into her. The wall felt as though it would give behind her. Her toes curled as he mentioned keeping her the ledge. “No. Please,” she whimpered. “Don’ me. I can’t..I have to..cum. I want to.” His grip on her hair stopped her from her babbling. She looked into his eyes. He wanted her to apologize, but Aliya was still angry. “He..left me..he forgot about me. What happens..if he does it again? It could be..even longer. You don’t do people you care about. Does he about me? Do you care..about me..M’lord,” she asked, with a softness in her eyes. It was a softness that did not remain for long. “I won’t apologize,” she told him, her tone reflecting her anger.

Nicholas rests in his lap. Jareth’s grip was firm. He had felt a little rejected, but that was okay. He understood. If being there like this was what Jareth wanted, then he was more than happy to do it. “You can’t pile everything on yourself like this Jareth. You have two mates who love you and would do anything in the world for you. Let them help you with some of this. I know Kaden has hard times and wants to break down, wants someone to lean on, and I will always be there for him. Mason and Kevin feel the same way. Don’t keep them out. They can’t help you if you don’t let them.” He kisses his forehead softly before smiling at him. “Plus you got me. I won’t let you be alone either. We’re a family here. We take care of each other. If you ever want someone to lean on, talk to, or do whatever comes to your mind,” he blushes, “then I’m here for you. Alright?” He holds his face and makes him look at him. “You’re not going to lose either of them. Kevin, Mason, OR Karen. She’s a much a part of this family as anyone else, and we’re going to help her through this. You’ll see. Someday we’ll all look back on this as nothing more than a memory. Melanie, Mason, and Kaden will hold their babies. Mari will be able to be with her daughter, and Karen will be the sweet, little girl we know she is inside there. You and your mates won’t be able to keep your hands off each other. Well. We’re already to that part. If you just want to sit here and hold each other, that’s fine. I’m here for you.” Letting go of him, he pulls him close and holds him tight.
He looks at her and keeps his slow pace for now "Yes... He left you... But did you let him tell you why..." He suckles at her nipples again before pulling away to look at her "Karen... Almost died... He was on his way to free you... When Jareth came and took him..." He thrusts a bit harder "He won't leave you again... I won't leave you..." He thrusts a bit faster and suckles her nipples again "You may be my pet... But you're also my family..." He stares at her and speeds up, controlling his thrusts again, pushing her to the edge and holding her there "You're a kind and caring person, a nurse... Would you put you being a free a few minutes sooner... Over the life of a little girl... If not... Then apologize and I'll let you cum..."

Jareth smiles again "I see why Kaden loves you so much Doc..." He grins slightly "I'd like to thank you... If you'd like..." He starts to kiss along his neck softly, but he'll also feel a warm wet tongue licking over his cock slowly. "A little I've learned..." He keeps it up, knowing he'll tell him if he wants it to stop.
Aliya was being driven mad. Kaden knew how to bring right to the edge and pull back, denying her orgasm. Each times she got close, he seemed to know and would slow down. She began to cry from frustration. “No. I wouldn’t..want..a little die..before I..was freed. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’ll Master..too. I’m sorry,” she said over and over as her own lust began to cloud over her own mind. “I’m..sorry..M’lord. I’m..sorry..Master.” Aliya looked at him, her eyes glossy from her own desires. “Please.” Her hands that had held him tightly, fell limp beside her body as his thrusts moved her like a ragdoll along the wall.

“Fuck,” Nicholas groaned. “Now I see..why your you so much. You don’t..have to do this..but if you want to..I won’t..argue.” Nicholas’s hands rested on Jareth’s shoulders as his eyes closed slowly. “Show me..Jareth. Show me..what can do. Please.”
Kaden grins at her "That's a good pet..." He looks at her "Good pets get to cum... Say it Aliya..." He starts to build her up again, pushing a little faster, wanting that thought to be her only one as he makes her cum hard. "Again... Repeat it..." When she obeys, he starts to thrust hard and fast.

Jareth smirks "I enjoy pleasing my partners..." He kisses him softly and a 'hand' joins the 'tongue', stroking him firmly while the tongue twists around him quickly. "Open your eyes Doc... Look at me..." His actual hand were busy too, one was resting against his back to keep him up slightly and the other had worked his shirt open, and was now teasing his nipples. "No holding back Nicholas... I want you relaxed and enjoying this..." He used his full name to keep his attention.
She could see him smile. Her vision was blurred slightly, but she could see that. “Good pets..get to..cum,” she mumbled. Her head felt heavy. She felt every inch of Kaden as he took her. “Good..pets..get to..cum.” His pace increased, and she cried out. With wide eyes, she stared into his, almost leaning from the wall into his thrusts. Her body moved up the wall only to fall back down in time to meet his hips again. Pictures begin to fall from the wall as she screams out. “I’m..cumming!’lord!” Her eyes roll back in her head as she looks up to the ceiling.

Nicholas grins before he opens his eyes. The first thing he noticed was Jareth’s eyes. “He’s right. You do have..beautiful eyes.” Looking down at the sensation of his nipples being touched, Nicholas sighs. “You’re good. When did shirt? Fuck. Who cares?” He leans in quickly kissing Jareth’s lips. “Keep going Jareth.” His words were whispered against his lips as he broke the kiss.
Kaden grins at her "Nnn... You're welcome... Pet..." He moans and continues to thrust into her quickly, after a few minutes he thrusts deeper and cums, holding her to the wall. "Mmm..." He was panting and holding her close, resting against her shoulder.

Jareth kisses him back and smirks "I didn't intend on stopping... Nicholas..." The hand continues to stroke him and the tongue soon turns into a mouth, slowly taking him in fully.
Aliya leans against him, panting just as hard as he was. His warm cum filled her, and she knew as soon as he pulled from her, it would leak from used sex. “You are..good..M’lord.” She smiled, still taking quick breaths as sweat covered her face.

His whole body shuddered as he felt the mouth take him. Nicholas looks into Jareth’s eyes, his lips parted. A blush spreads across his face as he knows he won’t last much longer. “Is that..what your mouth..feels like? I’m gonna..cum..Jareth. I can’t..hold..back.” His face reddens completely as he leans his back for a moment. As he begins to cum, he quickly looks back into Jareth’s eyes, wanting him to see into his as he releases for him.
Kaden smirks and slowly pulls from her, letting her slide down the wall to stand on her own feet, but holds her up as her legs give out. "Good girl..." He waits a moment for his own legs to hold him before picking her up and carrying her to the bed. "You can finish cleaning later, then pack..." He lays them down "You do good... And I'll reward you again... Ok..." He kisses her and holds her closer.

Jareth smirks "I don't know... I'll have to show you some time... Let you compare..." Again he had worked his clothing open without him noticing, he didn't want him messing himself. "You're quite sexy when you cum Nicholas..." He stares back at him, watching the emotions in his eyes.
Aliya nods, slowly becoming aware she’s on the bed now. “Yes..M’lord. I’ll get cleaned up..and pack your things, as well as..Master’s..things.” Aliya was satisfied. It seemed the longer she went without sex, the more she began to want to leave. Her body was addicted to it. Maybe it was because of Damon. Perhaps his effects still lingered on her. She snuggles close to him with a smile on her face.

His blush grows brighter as Jareth tells him he’s sexy when he cums. “I thought I was suppose to be making you feel better. Instead look at me.” He looks down at his cock. “I need a shower now,” he smiles, “but it’s a good reason to need one. Jareth you are an amazing man. To Mason and Kevin, you are their mate, their demon, but all I see is a man, a sexy man. Now, if you will excuse me, I think I’ll go take that shower. Make no mistake though, I will treat you just as good someday. I’m here for you Jareth, if you ever need someone.” He caresses his face, smiles at him, and leans in to gently kiss his lips before moving to stand. “A very sexy man indeed,” he tells him as he heads inside.
Kaden slowly runs his fingers through her hair, kissing her forehead "Good girl..." He rubs her back softly as well as she starts to relax. He didn't know what Damon had done to her, but after a while it was like she was almost desperate for sex, to the point of anger. 'I'll fix you Aliya... I promise...' He swore to himself, he even had an idea already.

Jareth smiles "You helped me quite a bit... I'm feeling much better, as I'm assuming you are to..." He lets him get up, helping when needed. "Thank you Nicholas... I'll keep that in mind... Enjoy your shower..." He pulls the book closer again and starts reading again, smiling softly.
There were no thoughts of Damon on her mind. She felt all of Kaden’s love for her. Aliya was happy. She couldn’t stop smiling even as she began to drift to sleep.

Nicholas smiles as he sees Jareth pick up the book again. He knew Jareth would always worry and care for others. It was the kind of man he was. He opened the door and headed across the living room. He makes his way to the room Karen was in. ‘Still sleeping. Good. He checks on Mari as well. ‘Sleeping like her little girl. Good. You’ll both be fine soon enough.’ He then heads towards one of the empty bedrooms. Moving through it, he enters the bathroom and starts a shower. The water felt great, but then he stopped. The room was spinning, and his vision was blurred. ‘What the…..’ He grabbed his aching head. ‘Maybe I..should..get out..and sit..down.’ He reaches for the shower door and blinks hard before blacking out, stumbling back against the wall, and sliding down.
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