Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Kaden smiles and starts to stroke him slowly "Of course... Just watch..." He smirks and starts to slowly lick him, covering everywhere his hand doesn't touch, then lightly suckles his tip. "Mmm... You want something... Tell me, guide me..." He starts to slowly take him in, twisting his tongue around his shaft slowly, bobbing up and down while watching his face.

Jareth looks around the library, "I really need to get an index... Wait!" He stands in the middle and holds out his hands, he starts to chant softy, soon one large book starts to float to him. He had used a summon spell for any books containing boiling blood, he blinks as he holds the book. "Only one..." He glances around, waiting for any other books, but none came. He sits down to start reading, but when he opens the cover, he's in shock "Oh... Shit..."
Mason rests his back groaning. There was no anger left in him. Kaden seemed to be just the cure of satisfying his darkness. “I want something,” he grins. “Of course I want something. I want you I want to feel you….inside me. I want all of you.”

Nicholas picks her up from the bath and wraps her up in a blanket. “Come on sweetie. Let’s go put you on a bed. I think the temp is fine now, but I’ll check you anyway. You’re not due for another sedative for aa while. I’ll et you rest on my bed.” He stopped as he was walking down the hall. “On second thought, we’ll find another bed for you.” He entered into another room and put her on the bed. Kissing her forehead, he quickly made his way back to his room. As he enters the room, he starts apologizing. “I am so sorry.” Aliya glared at him. “I’ll untie you now.” She didn’t speak. He had forgotten about her and left her there all night and into the day. She stood next to him and grabbed the lamp on the bedside table. Smashing it into his head, she watched him drop. “How dare you leave me like that.” She dropped the rest of the lamp and headed over to get dressed. Aliya kept shaking her head. “You still forgot about me. This time you just left me tied up. Not anymore!” She dressed and left the bedroom with Nicholas unconscious on the floor.
Kaden smirks against him and slowly pulls off "Mmm... So you want all of me... I can do that... If I have time..." He starts to slowly tease him again, flicking his tongue over his tip before taking him in again, he pulls his hand away to star taking in more. "Nnn..." He takes him all, then swallows a few times before coming up for air, he breathes deep a few times before doing it again.

Jareth keeps looking through the book, more stunned with each page "This isn't possible... She isn't possible..." He spells up a note pad and starts to take notes.
Mason groans. “You’re driving me crazy. You know that? Fuck. Just do whatever you want to me as long as you keep touching me. I’m yours’. I’ll do whatever you want.” As Kaden continues he rests his head and lifts it periodically to look at him.

“Kevin! Wait! Slow down! I’m pregnant! Remember?” Kevin stops and turns around. “You should go back.”
“You too.”
“No. That girl could be dangerous to us. I lost Jareth once when I died. I won’t do it again.”
“You don’t know that will happen. Nicholas has her sedated right now anyway.”

Aliya slipped down the hall. She could hear Mason talking.’What the fuck? I was tied up, and these twoa re in here doing….whatever it is they’re doing?!’ She kept walking, inching down the hall and into the living room. Aliya made it a point to not look at them. She kept her eyes on the front door.
"Mmm..." He slowly pulls off again "Yes sir..." He grins and licks up shaft "Whatever you want sir..." He didn't give him a chance to protest the sir, he takes him in deep and swallows hard again before bobbing quickly.

Jareth continues to turn pages, then stops at the back "Wow..." He closes the book and takes his notes before heading back to the apartment.
Mason had rested his head back once more. Kaden's mouth was warm on his cock. He didn't know how long he would be able to hold off. Mason began to move his hips in rhythm with Kaden. "Do you to cum? Keep this up....and I will."

Aliya shivered hearing Mason's words. She reached for the doorknob, grasped it, and turned it. She pulled the door open and peered out into the hall.
Kaden just moans against him and keep it up, looking up at him now, his hands running over his legs slowly.

Jareth appears in the hall and blinks, he was facing the living room, he kept a hold on their link to not interrupt them. "Wow..." He says very softly, then noticed Aliya by the door "Aliya... Where are you going?" He says softly again, book held in one arm.
When Mason didn’t hear an answer from Kaden, he knew it was okay to let go. With his head still back, his panting breaths turned into loud moans. He gripped Kaden’s head, pushing him down on his cock as he lifted from the couch. He came hard, filling his mouth and shooting down his throat.

Aliya was stunned to see Jareth. “Out. I’m going out. Excuse me,” she whispered as she took a step closer to him, ready to step around him.
"Nnn!!" He relaxes as best he could to allow him to push him, he swallows everything he can and slowly pulls off. "Mmm... Wonderful... Just... Just give me a minute for the next one..." He was panting slightly to catch his breath and looks up at Mason.

Jareth shakes his head "No... We need everyone here... Karen's in trouble... Is Nich still with her?"
Mason laughed. “Alright. Take all..the time you need. I’m enjoying..the view.” He kept his head back on the couch as he stared up at the ceiling. His hands now rested on the couch, one on each side of his body.

“Nich is….in his bedroom. I’m guessing he put her in another bedroom because he didn’t have her when he came in to see me. I’m not going back inside. Not right now. I can’t. So just leave me alone. You guys take care of Karen.” Aliya wanted to move around him. She didn’t want to be there when they discovered Nich. “So please move out of my way.”
Jareth looks at her and growls slightly "Why are you lying to me..." He pushes the door closed a bit louder then he's sure she'd like. "Planning on running again Aliya..."

Kaden smirks slightly, a light blush on his face "I'm glad you..." He looks over at the door closing and blushes a bit more "Jareth... Aliya? Where's Nicholas?" He looks back to Mason.

Jareth lightly holds her arm with his free hand "I'm not sure... But she lied to me about where he is... You better go check..."

Kaden pales and gets up quickly "Nich?!" He slipped once, his leg asleep from kneeling, but made it to their room quickly "Nicho..." He gasps and moves to him "Nich... Baby can you hear me..." He noticed the small cut from the lamp and gently moves him "Baby.. Look at me..." He noticed his hand was shaking.
Aliya’s face shows her anger. ‘She’s mad baby. Look at her. She wanted to get out of here for a reason.’ He stands. “I’m gonna make sure everything is okay with Nich and Kaden. I know how easy it is to get side tracked around here.” He affixes his clothes and heads down the hall.

Nich groans, keeping his eyes closed.”What..hit me? A bus?”

As soon as Mason is gone, Aliya jerks free from Jareth. “I’m not one of your little toys. You don’t get to tell me what to do. You’re not my Master! If I wanna leave, then I can leave! Now outta my way.”
"Oh you're ok..." He holds him closer and tries to calm down "It was... Aliya, must have... With the lamp..." He couldn't get a whole thought out, seeing him on the floor like that had shaken him quite a bit, he was shaking slightly. "I should have... Heard it smash..." He pulls back to look at him and cups his cheek "But Mason was slipping... And I was... I'm sorry..."

Jareth growls at her a bit louder "I'm not... But you've said Kaden and Nicholas are... Yet you lied abou where he is... So until I hear you can leave... You're staying put..." He holds her again, a bit tighter.
“Hey,” he says finally opening his eyes. “I’m okay. She just….clocked me good. That’s all. You were helping….someone in our family. That’s a good thing. Now let me..sit..up.” He tried to sit up, but he rested back on the floor again, holding his head. “Bad idea going fast. Better take it slow.” Holding on to Kaden, he slowly sits up. “I liked that lamp too,” he says, trying to lighten the mood. “Hey, baby, I’m okay,” he tells him cupping his cheek. “No need to worry. I’m not going anywhere. Our slave will have to try harder than that to get rid of me. Besides, she had her reasons. I left her tied up all night and most of the day today. I forgot about her. She’s angry. Still, she’ll need to be punished for what she did. Help me stand up.”

“Let go of me! You’re hurting me! Let go of my arm you freak!” She tries to pull away against him.

Nicholas looks towards the door. “Sounds like we better get in there.”
"Be careful..." He helps him up slowly "And don't tell me not to worry... What would you have done if you saw me unconscious on the floor... Tell me you wouldn't react the same..." He looks at him "Or worse..." He gives him a slight look "You forgot her... That didn't do well..." He helps him stand and kisses his cheek.

"I'm not hurting you in the slightest... Relax... And I wouldn't go slinging out insults..." He looks at her "Who was it you were drooling all over..."
He reaches for him, cupping his cheek. “If I ever saw you like that? Baby I saw you not breathing on a bathroom floor. I know how you felt. Trust me.” He kisses him softly. “Now. Let’s go see what all the arguing is about. Lead the way baby.”

“You demon! Let me go! You’re not worthy enough to say his name!” Aliya growls at him, and her face reddens.
Kaden sighs and holds him a little longer "Fine... But you still need your head checked... It's bleeding..." He takes his hand and starts for the door, but freezes "How... Long have you been standing there..." His face was getting hot.

"Back to that again Aliya... What do you plan on doing... Running back to your prince of darkness... I'm more human than that demon will ever be..." He growls low.
“Long enough,” Mason grins. “He’s right Doc. You’re bleeding. You should get that checked out.”
“I’m a doctor. I think I know that I’m okay.”
“Your husband is stubborn Kaden. I say you tell him no sex until he is checked out. That’ll make him want to get checked out real fast. I know it would work with me.” He reaches up to touch Nicholas’ head. He winces. “Hurts doesn’t it? Yeah. That’s because you were hit hard there. Go get it checked out.” He looks over his shoulder as he hears Aliya getting louder. “What the…..Can’t leave those two alone for too long.” He turns and heads back down the hall and into the living room where he stands watching them.

“Doesn’t matter where I’m going! You’re not my keeper! I wasn’t going to see him! I can’t see him! I don’t even feel him anymore! He’s gone! Do you hear me?! Gone!”
“They hear you all through the building Aliya. Calm down.”
“Fuck off Mason! Let me go! Now! Mason, call your demon off!” He raises his eyebrows looking at her. “yeah. Right. Jareth? Don’t let her go. Let her Masters decide when you can let her go. Okay?”
Kaden smiles at Mason and turns to smirk at Nicholas "Told you so... And yeah, you're a doctor... They make the worst patients..." He kisses his cheek again "We'll check it out before we leave... Or he's right... No sex..." He leads him back to the front room and then let's him go, he glares at Aliya and moves closer. "I hope you enjoyed your little walk to the door... It's the last time in a while that you'll be able to stand... Pet..." He was pissed, but was holding it back to an angry glare "I hope you like the water... You'll be joining us on the island... You need some retraining..."

Jareth nods to Mason, then stands there to hold her as Kaden talks with her.
Nicholas groans at the thought of going to the hospital to be check out. “You two are not fair,” she grumbles as they head down the hall. Once they are in the living room, he lets Kaden handle Aliya.

“Fuck you! I am NOT going to any island with you! No way! I don’t need any retraining! I’m angry, and I’ve got a right to be! Now tell this demon to let me go!”
Kaden moves closer and grabs her other arm "A right to be angry... Yes, you had a right... Well now so do I! That was my husband you bashed over the head!" He pulls her away from Jareth and starts to force her back to the bedroom, he grabs both her arms behind her back so she can't hit him. "Your just lucky I don't hit women..." He say low as he pulls her into the bedroom.

Jareth watched and quickly let go as Kaden started to take her away, he looks to Mason and Nicholas "Well... That was... Interesting... But back to business... I know what's wrong with Karen..." He holds up the book. "And how to treat her..."
Aliya is stunned as Kaden takes hold of her. “At least I didn’t leave him tied up all night and most of the day!” Aliya kicks and tries to get free from his grasp as he takes her down the hall. “Let me go! This is crazy!” She cries out as he forces both her arms behind her back. “So what? What are you gonna do Kaden?” She called him Kaden on purpose instead of Master.

“Okay. That’s great. Let’s hear it,” Mason says. He notices Nicholas stumble slightly. “Sit down doc.”
“Yeah. I think I will,” he says sitting down on the couch. “Go on Jareth. Please. How do we treat her
Kaden glares at her a bit more "First off... You're going to clean up this mess... Then you're going to bathe and help pack..." He stands off to the side, watching her for now.

Jareth looks at them, then holds up the book "I have thousands of books... And there was only one... That had anything about boiling blood..." He looks at Mason and frowns slightly "Baby... I don't think we've ever really met Karen..." He moves to sit and opens the book "You see... It's very rare... That a special demon is born... With a power locked inside them... One that wants to take over..." He looks at Mason again "It must have happened when she was younger... When she found herself truely alone one time..." He turns a few pages and points "I believe Karen is one of those special demons... The carrier of a Phoenix..."
Nicholas listens as Jareth talks. Aliya had refused to answer or move. The more the looked at her, the more his anger rose. “And if I don’t,” she finally hissed, interrupting Jareth. “Don’t,” Nicholas yelled, making her jump. “Go ahead and defy him. I dare you to. I want you to. Do you know why? Because then I will spank your ass so hard you won’t be able to sit down for a week. Now. Move, do as your told, and shut the fuck up. NOW!” Aliya moved quickly. He looks over to Jareth. “Sorry. Now you were saying?” Mason stares at Nicholas. “Wow. Where did that come from?” He shrugged. “I don’t know. I just kept thinking about how defiant she’s being, and I got angry. To tell you the truth, it felt good to express it. Plus it got her moving didn’t it?” Mason laughs. “Yeah it did.” He looks over to Jareth. “So she’s this special demon, the carrier of a….Phoenix? What does that mean exactly? Is there anything we can do?”
Jareth smiles finally and nods "Yes... There is a way to suppress the Phoenix's power..." He opens to the end of the book, the last of the book was actually a display case. "Once bound to her... This amulet will lock away the Phoenix's power over her..." He pulls the book away as Mason goes to reach for it "Wait... It's not that easy... The one who places the necklace on her... Will be the only one able to remove it... When she's ready..." He closes the book "You also have to know... When the Phoenix is trapped... Karen will be free to control her body again... I don't know if she's been allowed to watch... Or kept hidden... It may be a very scared and confused little girl that comes out... Not knowing any of us..."

Kaden moves to sit on the bed, watching her.
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