Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

"You think someone else would just leave because you ask them to..." He jumps closer and snaps at her again "Fight!" Her growls again.

"He makes a nice wolf... Very intimidating..." He smirks slightly, then continues to watch.
"I..can't..fight. I don't..know how." She's curled up into ball crying and trembling.

"Yeah," Mason grins. "He does." He grips his chest as he looks at her. It was hard to watch. 'She doesn't know how to fight. She's never had to. She could just control their mind. My baby.' He takes a step towards her but stops. 'I trust you Jareth.'
"I do trust him, but I can't help but want to stop this. That's my baby after all."
He continues to growl at her, the scent of her tears was burning his nose, when she finally admitted she couldn't, he gave an intrenal sigh. 'Show her she's not alone anymore, go to her...' He slowly stops growling and steps closer, he gives her a sniff, then a gently lick to her little hand.

It hurt Kaden to watch as well, she was just a little girl, lost and alone, trying to be brave, he holds Mason and whispers "I think he's showing her, she's not ready to be alone, she relied on only her powers to save her..."
"Yeah. I know," Mason tells him, forcing a smile. When Kaden tells him to go to her, he steps forward, heading towards her. He reaches her about the time Jareth licks her hand. She looks up and screams scooting back on the ground. "Don't touch me! No!" Looking at her dad she tells him, "You too! Just go away! I don't trust you! None of you!" Grabbing a handful of the dirt and leaves and throws him in Mason's direction. "Karen. It's alright. He would have never hurt you."
"You let him do this to me. I don't want you around. I hate you."
"Please. Don't say that."
"I hate you! Go away!" Mason looks down before looking over at Jareth. 'What do I do? I'm just as lost as she is. She hates me and doesn't trust any of us.' He turns quickly as he her moving to get to her feet. She bolts. "Damn it. Karen! Don't run away! You're defenseless!"
'Relax... I've got her... I did the same...' Jareth leaps up and runs after her, she was using her speed, that was good, but she wasn't fast enough to out run him. "You're just like your parents... Always running from their problems... Never wanting the help you truely need..." He moves a bit faster as he catches up to her, then leaps and catches her clothes in his teeth, he picks her up. 'Stop this!..' He gives her a light shake 'You know you can't protect yourself... Stop it!' He growls again as she still tries to struggle and shakes her lightly again 'Now...' He changes back and holds her close in his arms "I don't want to see you hurt... Neither does your dad... We are all worried... You can scream and yell and cry all you want... I'm not letting you go..." He sits and curls himself around her, holding her closer "You'll never be alone again... I told you that... Didn't I..." 'Don't mind any screams... I've got her...'
She’s paralyzed with fear as he takes her clothes in his teeth. At first, Karen doesn’t scream, but finally a loud screech comes from her. “Let me go! Why..won’t you..just let me go? I’ll just run away..when you’re not..looking. You can’t watch me..forever!” Karen yells and squirms until he shakes her again. “Fine. Take me back. I’ll just wait until nobody is looking and leave. I hate you Jareth! I don’t trust you!”

‘Okay baby. I’ve said it before. I trust you.’
“She’s really giving him a hard time. She’s trying to get her way, and it’s not working. Karen really isn’t any different from any other kid her age.”
Jareth just continued to hold her close, not taking anything she said to heart, she was scared, he could smell it. He looks down at her, he rubs her back slightly and tries to help her relax, she needed to cry and scream, to get it all out.

Kaden holds Mason's hand and smiles "She's stubborn and thick headed... Like her parents... I'm sure she'll be fine once she finally gets that she's not alone anymore..."
"Don't touch me," she screams as she feels him rubbing her back. "I hate you! I won't listen to you! Just wait! You have to sleep sometime, and that's when I'll run!"

"I know. It's just difficult to hear. She said she hated me, and she doesn't trust Jareth. She's been alone for so long. It's all she really knows. Being with a family is new concept for her, but behind all the anger and fear, she's just a kid."
"I can go a long time without sleep... You're going to hurt your father very much you know... You wanted to meet him... To be a part of his life..." He looks down at her "What if I was to do what you did... Change your memories... Make you believe you love your father..."

"It will work out somehow... Just trust him... Love her..." Kaden smiles "What you're doing right now... Being her father... Don't take what she's saying to heart..."
"Then you wouldn't be any better than me. I'm being punished for using my powers to change memories. If you do the same thing, then you're me. I'm not talking to you anymore!"

"I know. Don't take it personally. She angry and afraid. Still doesn't mean it doesn't hurt Kaden. It does. It hurts deeply, and all I can do is be here for her. I feel so helpless."
"The point is you wouldn't like it... Not that you'd know... But I'm not like that... Unless someone has a good reason to want it done..." He tips her chin up "Why are you fighting so hard to be alone again... I know that's not what you want..." He leans down and kisses her forehead.

Kaden sighs and pulls him into a hug "I never said it didn't hurt... She said it to me too... And even after what she did... It still hurt me..." He holds him and lets him take comfort in the hug.
She opens her mouth to yell at him, to tell him not to kiss her, but she remembers her words to him. Karen wasn't going to speak to him. Instead her eyes glare at him, almost burning him.

Mason rests his head against Kaden's. "Thank you baby. This, you holding me, talking to me, it helps. It really does. Thank you. I truly believe everything you're telling me. I just want to help her." He looks out into the woods. "They should be back soon. I didn't think they ran that far, but then again, they both were moving pretty fast."
Jareth sighs softly and stands up, he turns around and starts to head back to the others, not sure what else to say to her.

Kaden smiles "You're welcome... And you will help her... You just have to get past her wall... Give it time..." He looks out too "I'm sure they didn't go that far... Come, let's sit down..." He takes his hand and leads him back to the log he sat on before.
Karen is seething angry. Her blood begins to boil she's so enraged. The skin on her cheeks warms as her face flushes. 'I' She looks at him.

Mason sighs and follows him and sits down next to him. He doesn't know what to say, and he's worried about Karen.
"No..." Was all he said as he kept walking, short of knocking her out, he wasn't sure what else to do, after a few more minutes he glances at her. "How old are you... 8-9? You should be in school... I bet the human police are looking for you too..."

Kaden watches him, then leans against him lightly, holding his hand "If she doesn't come quietly... What will you do?"
She looked at him curiously, wondering what he said no for. Then she figured it out. 'You're reading my mind? Get out! Such an invasion of privacy. Looks like you need more lessons too. You're invading my privacy and abusing your powers in the process. How's that for giving you something to hear? You are no better than me.' Karen's blood continued to get hotter. She thought it was just because she was angry. Sweat formed on her forehead.

"If she doesn't come quietly, I'm going to....." He takes a deep breath and looks down. "I'm going to ask Jareth to knock her out."
"It's not so much me reading... As you're just shouting it out... You don't have a hold on your powers... You're weak and can't fight... And you want to be left alone..." He looks ahead "I might as well just kill you now... Quick and painless... Where as someone else would kill you slowly... They may even try to rape you... But you're fine to be on your own right..." He glances at her again "I bet you couldn't even fight off a human... You'd become some sick perverts play thing..." He wanted to scare her more, let her know what she was in store for.

Kaden looks at him "Really... Then how would you keep her at home... You can't keep her out forever..." He reaches up to rub his back "Nich and me have to take Callie to the island today... She woke up and saw us last night... And Jareth and Kevin too I think... Nich had to sedate her..." He looks at him "Will you be ok with us gone..."
"I bet..I could. You don't know! Put me..down..and fight a human. I'll bet..I could No powers. You can't use..your speed. Do it," she screamed, feeling her blood heat up even more. She felt sweat forming everywhere now. Her clothes were wet. Her hair began to mat to her forehead. "I it." Karen had no idea how her anger was heating her body up.

"Yeah. I'll be fine. Melanie, Jareth, and Kevin will be here. You two go do what you need to do. When we join you, everything will be fine. You two need some time anyway. You're newlyweds," he grins. "I'm sure you won't be with Callie the entire time. So enjoy your husband."
Jareth smirks and looks at her "Nice... Karen?" He reaches a hand up and feels her forehead "Sweety why are you so hot... Baby you need to calm down..." He holds her closer and start to run back to them.

Kaden blushes slightly "We are... And no, I won't be with her always... And he seems... To quite enjoy my more dominant side..." He blushes a bit deeper "So I'll defiantly be enjoying him..." He coughs slightly and leans closer kissing his cheek "You'll be fine too... And I can't wait to see that happy little girl again..." He smiles at him.
“Calm down? Are you insane? I’m being kidnapped after my powers have been stolen, and you want me to clam down? You are crazy! I’m mad, and I’ll keep feeling this way if I want to! You can’t tell me…..” Her eyes flutter, “how to….feel.” Karen began to pant in his arms. “I’m It’s so hot.” Her cheeks burned red.

“Yeah,” he smiled. “I can’t wait to see my happy little girl again. She’s still there. Right now she’s hidden underneath all this anger. I understand wanting to run away. You know that. I understand being angry too. So I can understand why she wants to be alone. It’s all she’s known. Family and people who care about her are so new to her. So I’m not angry. I’m just worried more than anything.” He looks up and sees Jareth running towards them. “They’re back. Good,” he says standing.
"Shit... You're over heating..." He sees them ahead, but takes a quick left, heading to te scent of water 'Follow me! She's sick!' He keeps running until he comes to a small street fed pond, cool from the mountain run off. "Hold on Sweety... Try and relax... Your body and anger are working against you..." He wades into the water and slowly sits down, her in his arms, he slowly pours the water over her heated body.

Kaden smiles and stands with him "Where is he..." His eyes widen at Jareth message "She's sick?!" He sees Mason frozen in fear "Come on... Mason... Relax... She'll be ok... Let's go see..." He takes his hand and they start to run.
"Calm....down! I can't.....calm down! Let me go! Put! I don't I'm fine. Where' Shouldn't She'll got me..all wet. It wasn' idea mom. Dad, the one..who got me..wet."

She's sick. Those two words made him fill with fear unlike anything he's known. Kaden speaks to him, and he's snapped back to reality. He takes his hand, and they run. 'Please baby let her be alright.' They come up to the water, and Mason stops at the edge of the water. "What's..wrong?"
Jareth looks at her "Shh... It's ok baby..." He looks up as Mason gets close "I don't know... But she's burning up... And asking for you... Come here..." He continues to bathe Karen in the cool water, touching her forehead now and then.

Kaden takes his phone "Go... Your baby needs you..." He smiles.
Mason wades down to her. "Hey baby. It's okay. Try to calm down.'
"I can't..daddy. I can't..calm..down. I lost them. I had them. I promise. I took..good care..of them, but I..lost them."
"Lost what baby," he asks, helping Jareth wet her forehead. "My power daddy. I lost it. It was all I had. Now it's gone. It's gone daddy," she begins to cry. "There was a dog..and I couldn't fight him. I had already..lost it." Mason looks up. "She's talking about you. "I don't like dogs daddy. I'm afraid of them. One bit me before. I got a scar."
"It's okay baby. You're angry. You're body temp is rising. You have to calm down so you can cool off. If you don't....." He looks back to Kaden. "Call Nicholas. Ask him what will happen if we can't get her to cool down, and ask him what we can do to cool her off."
"Just one more chance. Please. Just one more chance. I'll be good. I promise."
"Baby we don't want to keep your power from you. You just have to learn when it's alright to use them."
"Not my power daddy. Not one more chance."
"Then what," he asks. "With you daddy. One more chance..with you..and mom. Don't leave me away daddy. Please."
"I won't baby," he says reaching over and taking her from Jareth. "I promise baby. I won't leave you." He kisses her forehead and feels how hot she is. "She's burning up."
Jareth just lets Mason talk with her, helping to keep her cool "Try keeping her in the water, hold her... Forget calling him... I'm going to get him..." He kisses her forhead "Hang on Sweety..." He disappears, soon reappearing at the apartment "Nicholas! Doc we need you now..." He starts towards his scent.

Kaden was about to call, when Jareth disappears "Ok then..." He quickly sets the phones on a rock and moves to join Mason, he looks at Karen. "Hey Sweety... Let's get you to calm down..." He touches her "Wow... She is hot..." He looks at Mason, seeing what this is doing to him "Mason... Baby look at me... That's it..." He smiles softly "You need to relax and calm down for her... Smile and get her talking... Talk about taking her on trips... Anything... And relax..." He takes up the job of keeping her wet.
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