Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Jareth pauses and holds Mason closer, he glances at Kaden "Of course I'll help you... What's wrong... Is it Mel? Are the babies ok?" He softy rubs his back and curls around him "Shhh... I'm here baby boy... Just tell me what's wrong..."

Kaden steps back and watches them, he takes a deep breath "It's not the babies... But it is Mel..." He looks at them "The problem is with Karen... She's... She's done to something to Mel... Changed her memories... She hates Mason... Wants him and his lovers gone... Understandably, Mason thought it was me... But after last night..." He blushes slightly "I convinced him it wasn't me... But we still need help... Karen... She needs help..."

Jareth looks back down at Mason "Baby... Of course I'll help... Were you afraid to tell me... Or just didn't want to believe she could do this..." He hugs him tighter "Love... Never be afraid to talk to me... I'm always here for you... No matter what..."
"She' daughter. I didn't believe..she could do this. I don't..understand. She loves me. She should see me happy. Unless..she doesn' me. I don't know. I'm so confused. Why would she do this? Mel remembers the mall. She remembers me finding her and wanting to leave with me, but she remembers Kaden..taking her away again. She blames me. For all of it. She said..if I had been..a better husband..then he wouldn't have taken her, and that I should have..gotten her away that day. Baby I'm so scared..of a lot of things..but talking to you..isn't one of them. Not anymore. What am I going to do? My daughter..had her own darkness, and I don't to help her."

Karen pushes the door open to the room Kevin was sleeping in. She smiles as she nears him. He opens his eyes slowly. "Hey there kid. You sleep well?" She nods smiling. "Yeah. I did. I slept really good Kevin. Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure kid. What's up?"
"What was it like when Jareth killed you? Did it hurt? Do you remember it? How it smelled, how his claws felt, how your own blood felt oozing from your body?" Kevin's eyes widen as he stares into her eyes. "Do you remember Kevin," she asked reaching towards him with a single finger.
Jareth smiles down at softly and cups his cheek "Karen's darkness is a bit different from yours... Her darkness comes from herself... She's..." He looks back at the hall "Kevin... He's scared..." He lets Mason go and heads down the hall quickly 'Stay away from her!' Jareth opens the door "Don't you touch him young lady..." He growls softly.

Kaden looks at Jareth, then his eyes widen "She's going after Kevin..." He looks to Mason and moves to hold him as Jareth runs off "Relax love... Jareth will help... Come sit down..." He leads him to the table.
“No. I should go with him. That’s in there. My daughter.” Mason wants to go, but he can’t. He sinks down into a chair at the table and leans against Kaden.

Karen turns around and smiles at Jareth. “Hi Jareth. He had something on his nose. See? Right there. A..a..boogie,” she giggles. “You got a boogie Kevin. I’ll go get you a tissue.” Climbing away from him she looks up at Jareth. “Is something wrong? Why are you growling at me? Did I do something bad?” She backs away from him. “I’m sorry. We were just talking. I asked him..some questions. I was curious. Please don’t be mad at me.” Her eyes show fear as her voice gets louder. “I’m sorry Jareth! Please don’t be mad at me! Please! I’m sorry!” Karen backs into a wall and slide down it. “I’m sorry!”

Mason lifts his head hearing her. “My daughter,” he says standing and heading towards the room. “Jareth! What the fuck are you doing to her? Get away from her!”
Kaden softly rubs his back "Relax... You know he wouldn't her her..."

Jareth watches her but doesn't move, he continues to growl softly "You scared him Karen... I'm reacting to that and you know it..." He crosses his arms and moves to lean against the wall as she starts to yell. He looks over as Mason enters "I've done nothing Mate... You think I'd hurt a child..." He gives him a slightly hurt glare. 'She's playing you lover...'
“Daddy he growled at me. All I did was talk to Kevin. I asked him about when he died. That’s it. That’s all.” Mason stares at her. He knows Jareth wouldn’t hurt her, but it was so hard to believe that the young eyes staring up at him were..playing him. ‘She’ baby. I made..her..and now look at her. She’s..bad.’ Mason began to feel like no one would want her around because of the things she had done. ‘I have to get her out of here. Mel, Kaden, Kevin, and now you won’t want her around.’ He held out his hands to her. “Come on baby. Come to me.” Karen smiled and slowly stood up.
Jareth stood up and watches her "We never said we didn't want her... We said she needs help..." He steps closer "I know she's your daughter and I understand wanting to protect her... I want to protect her too..." He looks at Karen "You've never been shown what you can and can't do with your gifts... You're letting the power of it control you... But cutting your father off from everyone he loves and cares about isn't the way to get him back..."
'I don't have to get him back,' she told him, just him. 'I already have him. It is you who is about to lose him. He belongs with my mother. Not you. So go off to your lover before I restore all of his memories about the night you ripped him to shreds.' Karen wraps her arms around her father's neck as she glares at Jareth. "Are we going somewhere daddy?" He stands, holding her. "Yeah baby. I think we nee to take a break and let everybody here catch their breath. You and I need to talk." 'Maybe I can help her with this.' Mason moved towards the door. 'You lose. Nobody will ever tell me what I can and can not do with my own powers. Stay away from us.'
Jareth holds back his growl this time, but as Mason speaks to him, he keeps the link open, allowing Mason to hear Karen speaking to him. He steps back to block the door.

Kaden had moved to follow them shortly after Mason ran off, he stood by the door and watches, it looked like he was going to lose his family again.
Mason stops and leans Karen back in his arms. "Why would you say those things?"
"What are you talking about daddy?"
"Don't play innocent with me. I heard what you said to Jareth." Karen's eyes flare at Jareth. "How could you do that? You hurt him too. You're just as bad. At least I never killed anybody."
"Stop that! Enough! Karen, you're letting it get you. Please baby don't let the darkness take you. I need you. I want you here with me, but you can't hurt other people."
"Why not? You still love people who hurt other people. You love Kaden, and he hurt you and Mel. You love Mel, and she left you. You love Jareth, and he loves someone else too. If I hurt people will you stop loving me though?"
"Baby, they didn't hurt me on purpose."
"But they did hurt you, and you still love them. If you don't love me anymore it's okay. I'm use to being on my own. Put me down daddy. It's okay. I can go away."
"No baby. You don't have to go away. It's okay. We can all work through this. I'll help you. I won't stop loving you because you hurt someone."
Jareth slowly moves closer and looks at her "I was like you once Sweety... I thought I could have everything I wanted becasue of my power... I didn't have parents to show me the right way... Then I met my sensai... My teacher.." He smirks slightly "He knocked some sense into me... Literally..." He rubs his head, then looks at Mason "Do you trust me to train her... To do what needs to be done... Do you trust me when I say I'll never hurt her..."
"No," Karen says, gripping him tighter. "Karen! I can't..breathe. Ease up. Please," Mason pleads, trying to pry her away slightly. "Not him! No! Please daddy no. Take me from here. I'll listen to you. Don't leave me alone with him."
"Why? Are you afraid of him? You have nothing to be afraid of. He won't hurt you. I trust him."
"Like Kevin did?"
"That's not fair Karen."
"But it's true. Please daddy. Don't leave me alone with him."
"It won't be forever. Maybe an hour a day. You can do that."
"No! Not with him!"
"Baby he won't hurt you. I promise. Why would he hurt you?" Karen looked away. She didn't want to tell him she feared he would because she had hurt him. Plus Karen didn't want any restrictions on her power. She had used them as she pleased and done well her entire life.
Jareth looks at her, seeing himself many years ago "Sounds just like me... You're scared... You want to keep using your powers... They are yours..." He sighs softly "But what's to stop you from going too far... Do you know the point of no return..." He looks at Mason "If you push the mind too far... It's breaks... And I don't mean they are stuck a certain way... You'd kill them..." He looks back to Karen "What if it was someone you carried about..." He steps closer "Sure... I could control anyone I wanted... I could make Kevin and Mason my mindless little slaves... But that's breaking the rules... Free will... Yes, it needs to be broken sometimes... Like with your mom... But not always... That kind of power is where a darkness comes from..." He stands before them now and reaches up, touching her forehead, his eyes glow softly with his powers. "I can see your darkness Karen... It's still small... But there..." He closes his eyes a moment and chants softly, Karen's eyes glow a moment before he opens his and steps back. "There... I'm sorry Sweety... But I put a block on you... One I'll remove when you're ready..." He looks to Mason 'If she tries to use her powers... She'll get sleepy... It's the best I can do for right now...' He truely didn't want to hurt her, she was just a lost little child, like he used to be.
“No,” Karen screams. “You can’t do that!” She begins to squirm to the point Mason can’t hold her. Karen slips from his grasp to the floor, landing on her feet. Her eyes glare at Jareth as she begins to try and control him. Building up the memory she wants to give, she reaches for him, ready to implant her desired memory into his mind when the lock he placed on her takes effect. She sways as her eyes become heavy. “Daddy,” she says as Mason reaches to catch her. She looks at him and begs him. “Help me daddy. Please.” It’s heartbreaking for him to look at her and see her this way, to hear her pleading with him. “ you baby. I’m sorry.”
“You don’t love me.”
“I do love you. With all my heart, I love you baby. Don’t say that.”
“You won’t help me.”
“I am,” he tells her as he holds her close. “Let me go,” she tells him, pushing him away. Karen runs from the room, past them all. “Karen,” he calls after her. Standing he looks at Jareth. “Thank you. I know you’re trying to help. She’s you so many years ago. Karen is you and me. Isn’t she?
Jareth watches her, it hurt to see her like this, but he knew it was for her own good, when she runs from the room, he pulls Mason close. "Yeah... And this is or the best... She'll be mad for a while... I know I was... But look at me now..." He tips his head up "You just let her know how much you care... I had a stranger, it was harder, but she has you... And the rest of us..." He kisses him softly but deeply "You go see to her... I'll check on Mel and see what I can do... And watch that hand... I'll send Nich to find you..." He lets him go and moves to leave the room 'You ok?..' He asks Kevin 'Just let me check Mel...'

Kaden steps aside as Karen runs from the room, then moves to follow her "Karen... Sweety... Can I talk to you..." He watches her.
“No,” she yells at Kaden, not looking back. Karen grabs the front doorknob, pulls it open, and runs.

“Yeah,” he says running his other hand through his hair. “She’s just like you and me.” Looking up at Jareth he adds, “and Mari.” The color drains from his face. “She’s just like me..and Mari. Shit,” he says heading out of the room. Heading towards the front door, he sees it open. “She ran, and she can’t use her powers. She’s defenseless out there.”

‘I’m fine,’ Kevin tells him. ‘Don’t worry about me. There are more important people to think about right now.’
Kaden was about to go after her when Mason came out "You get dressed... I'll go after her first... I have my cell..." He doesn't wait and runs out the door to the elevator and heads down, once in the lobby he asked if anyone saw her.

Jareth follows his nose again and steps out onto the balcony "Hey Doc... How's she doing?"
Nicholas looks up at Jareth and so does Mel. “Get away from me. Just take him and go. Take your other lover too.” She shakes her head. “He had a chance to help me, but he didn’t. We didn’t get out of there. If he had been half the man he is with you with me, none of this would have happened. He didn’t love me enough.” Melanie closes her eyes tight. “I want a divorce. I don’t want to be married to him anymore.” She takes off her ring and holds it out for Jareth. “Give it back to him. Just go. Get out of here.” She looks away as Nicholas continues to hold her. He looks down at her and back to Jareth shaking his head. His eyes are apologetic, and he doesn’t know what to say.

Mason heads back into the room to start to dress. “She’ll be okay,” Kevin tells him. “Yeah. I know. I’m just..worried.”
“You’re a good dad. Of course you are.”

“Yeah. A little girl just ran out of the front door and took a left.” Karen was heading back downtown. From there she would slip back into the darkness of the demon world. It was where she had lived. She was comfortable there.
Jareth looks at her and sighs, then looks to Nicholas as she looks away 'Hold her up...' Jareth moves up behind her and places a hand on her forehead "Ok... Let's do a little rewind..." He closes his eyes and watches her memories as he goes backwards, "There..." He says softly and neatly cuts out what Karen did, he lets her go and looks at her, not knowing if that was all that was needed. "Melanie... Sweety?" His other hand still holding her ring.

Kaden nods his thanks and takes off, he had to find her, he starts to notice the area around him, they were near the demon bar.
“What happened,” she asked, looking at Jareth confused. “What are you doing? What are we doing out here? Nicholas? Is everything alright?”
“Yeah baby. Everything is fine. You’re fine.” He gives Jareth a nod.

She kept on running as fast as her feet would carry her. Karen ran past the demon bar and towards the woods at the outskirts of town. Disappearing into them she felt more at home, comfortable, and at ease.
Jareth smiles and holds out her ring "Here Sweety... You dropped this... You don't want to lose that do you..." 'Mel's ok...'

Kaden runs up to the demon bar and was about to run inside, but stopped "No... She wouldn't go in here..." He stops and looks around, "Where would you... Go" he stares at the woods down the street "She wants to hide... What better place..." He starts for the tree line.
Mason is relieved when he hears that Mel is okay. She reaches out and takes her ring back. "Thanks. I would hate to lose this." She smiles at Jareth before putting it back on and admiring how it looks.

Karen spots a familiar tree. It's among the tallest ones in the woods. Quickly she grabs her rope and scurries up the tree. Once she's up there, she pulls the rope up into the treehouse she has and heads inside. It isn't much, but it's home. She built it to keep herself safe. High in the trees, nobody ever comes up there, and the thick limbs keep her well hidden. She sinks down on the floor and leans against one of the walls. 'I don't have my powers anymore. He hates me. My daddy hates me too. They all hate me."
Kaden enters the woods and walks around, "Karen... Karen Sweety! Where are you... Karen..." He calls out every few feet, looking in all directions. "Karen... Come out... I know what it's like to not have any family... You wish all the time to have them back... Someone to accept you..." He sighs and looks for a place to sit "Come on out... Let's talk! You went about it the wrong way... But I understand... So does your dad... He's gonna come looking too... He was just getting dressed... Please... It's not safe for you out here..." He pulls out his cell and texts Mason, telling him where he is.
She looks up when she hears his voice. Looking over she makes sure the rope was pulled up. 'Good. I did.' She listened to what he said. 'Just go away. Leave me alone. I was fine before I found any of you. I'll be fine again. Just go away.'

Mason grabs his phone. 'She's hiding in the woods,' he tells Jareth. 'I'm going to go look for her.'
Kaden looks around again "Karen! We only want to help you! Why else would I be out here looking for you... You alone and scared... I get that... You have the gift of sight, you should know about my past... Please come out!" He stands again, wanting to walk a bit further, but not too far that Mason couldn't find him.

'Go... Bring your baby home... Call if you need me...' He smiles at Melanie "Come on... Let's see if we can save breakfast... Huh Doc?"
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