Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Karen stands and makes her way over to a small window. Looking down she can see Kaden through the limbs. 'Yeah. I see your past, but I feel mine. I feel the hate. You hate me. Just go away. I'm not coming down. You'll get tired and leave.'

'Yeah. I'll let you know.' Mason heads for the door and as he grabs the doorknob he stops. 'Would me..find her? Nevermind. I know you're busy. You stay here.'

Melanie nods. "Yeah. That sounds like a good idea. I can smell it. I'm afraid something must be burning though. Did you leave the burner on? I hope there's not a pan on it."
Kaden looks around again "Karen... I know you're mad... And you can't see how this is helping you... But I promise you Sweety that it will... And we don't hate you... Please come out..."

Jareth looks up and sighs softly, he kisses Mel's cheek "Sorry Hun... Our man is being silly again..." He leaves the two of them and goes to find Mason "Really? Food isn't more important then finding a little girl... Your little girl..." He hugs him from behind and kisses his cheek "Of course I'd help you..."
'He's a stubborn one. Why doesn't he just leave? I'm not coming down. You're not trying to help me. You let him take away my powers. Just go! You've done enough!'

Mason turns after his kiss. "I just didn't want to take you away from anything you were doing. That's all. Thank you....for your help. I'm sure with that nose of yours' we can get to Kaden and find her quickly. You remember her scent right?"
Kaden moves to lean against a tree "I'm not going anywhere... And your dad is on his way... We aren't going to leave you alone again..."

Jareth looks at him and lightly flicks his nose "You don't need to thank me... And of course I remember her scent... Let's go find our baby..." He kisses him again and leads him out the door, heading out of the building.
'Stay. You'll never find me up here. I made sure of that when I built my little home. Dad is wasting his time. Like you. Why can't any of you just leave me alone? You've already taken my powers. Isn't that enough?'

Once outside of the building, Mason leans in close to him. "I want to ride you. On your back lover, while you run. We'll get their faster."
Jareth looks to him and smirks "I thought I was the mind reader..." He takes his hand and leads him down the street a bit, then down an ally between some smaller buildings. He pulls him into his back and holds his legs, he glances back at him and smirks. "We won't just be running... Hold on lover..." He waits for him to hold tighter before jumping up the fire ladder to the roof and running across them.
As he runs, Mason tightens his grip. "Kevin says this is like flying! He's right!" He doesn't look away. Instead he watches everything. "This is amazing!" They get to the woods too fast for Mason. Jareth will have to do this again later. "There's Kaden!"
Jareth smiles as they run, glad Mason enjoys it, the woods came up too soon for him as well, but they could do it again later. "Yeah I see him..." They jump down and he sets Mason down, he takes a sniff and smiles "Good job... You found her... How is she?"

Kaden looks up as they get closer and smiles "Hey..." He tilts his head and blinks "What are you talking about... I haven't seen her..." He starts to look around "Karen?"

Jareth chuckles softly "Ah... Our little girl is a smart one... Isn't that right Sweety..." He looks up.
Karen leans back inside after Jareth looks up. "Is it safe for her to be up there? What is that place she's in? Karen?! Come down sweetheart!" Karen walks around inside her treehouse. She shakes her head before returning back to the window. "Just go away! I'm not coming down!"
Jareth steps back to look up at her "Then you know I'll be coming up... We need to talk young lady... I've fixed Melanie's memory... We just want to help you... And once you have a better hold on your powers... I'll return them to you..." He looks to Mason "Tell her how you feel love..."
He nods to Jareth. "Baby please come down! I love you! I want to help you! You're my baby! I'm not angry!" She shakes her head. "Go! Away! Just leave me alone! I can take care of myself! I've done it for years! Go back to your life! I'll back to mine!"
Jareth looks at Mason, then back up to Karen, then Kaden steps up "But you're part of our lives now! How are we supposed to just walk away and leave you here... Knowing you're here all alone... Please sweetheart... Come home... We need to talk..." Jareth looks to Kaden and smiles, then looks back up to Karen "Sweetheart... We still care about you... Your father loves you..."
'They're not leaving. I have to do something.' Karen heads over to where she kept her glasses and bowls. Grabbing one of the bowls, she heads over to the window and throws it to the ground. As she hears it shatter, she yells, "Get the fuck out of here! Go home! I'm not coming down! I'm not part of your lives! I don't want to be! Now go away, or next time I'll aim for one of you!"
Jareth sighs as he hears the dish coming down and looks to Mason "I'll be right back..." He looks back up and jumps up into the high branches, he jumps into one of the windows and looks at her. "You're upset... I get that... You wanna hit something... Someone... Then hit me... I took your powers... So be mad at me..." He stands by her and holds his arms out.
He was right. She was upset, and she did want to hit something, someone. Her first instinct was to hit him. She even made a fist and stepped forward. "No. You took my powers. You're a bad man. I am not going to go back! I hate you! Now get out of my house! You can go down there and tell him YOU cost him his daughter!"
Jareth looks at her, then crosses his arms and sits on the floor. "I'm a bad man... For preventing you from hurting your family... For protecting you from a fate you don't want... You ant me gone so bad girl... Make me leave... Show me you can't protect yourself..." He watches her, she had relied on her powers for too long.

Kaden looks at Mason "Was Jareth able to help Mel at all?"
"Fine," she yells. "If you won't leave, then I will! I'll climb back down and go somewhere else. You can't follow me forever." She moves to grab the rope so she can throw it down and climb down.

"Yeah," he grins. "He was able to help her, and I'm glad. She was fine when I left. I'm sorry. I should have told you that right away. I know you worry about her."
"You think your father and Kaden will just let you get away... And what's to stop him from following you forever... He'll live a long time now.. He loves you... He won't give up on you..." He relaxes "Karen... Give us a chance... You need to learn about defending yourself... About when to use and not use your powers... I know it's hard... I went through the it myself... Only I made your block different... When it was on me... I would get shocked... But I don't want to hurt you..."

Kaden smiles "That's good... And it's ok... I know you had other things on your mind.." He frowns slightly "I hope she'll accept our help... I'm sorry it came to Jareth locking her powers... I.. I should have told you sooner..."
“Then give me my powers back! You want me to be able to defend myself. Then give me my powers back! I am not going back with any of you. I don’t trust you. I don’t like you, and I don’t want any help from any of you. I’m sorry this will hurt my dad, but I’ve lived my whole life without him, and he’s lived his without me. He’ll be fine. He’ll have you, Kevin, and Kaden. I’m use to living on my own. Give me my powers back, and you’ll never have to see me again. Do you hear me? Just leave me alone,” she yells before forgetting about the rope and grabbing the first thing she could. She hurled it towards Jareth, missing, and shattering it against the wall.

“It’s okay. I’m not angry that you didn’t tell me. You were trying to keep from hurting me. Right now she feels like a child who’s had her favorite toy taken from her. She’s acting out and running away.” Mason looks up. “Oh that sounds like it’s going well.”
‘What do we do if she won’t take our help? Drag her back unconscious?’
Jareth had dodged the object and was still just watching her "And what if it wasn't me that took your powers... What if it was someone you didn't know... Someone who wanted to use you... Hurt you..." He glares slightly "Yhis is for your protection! So you have a future! You say you're able to care for yourself so prove it!" Jareth growls 'That's up to you daddy...'
Karen shakes her head at him before turning to grab the rope. She tosses it down. "You don't get it. You hate me, and I hate you. I could never be anywhere near you. You want to prove I can do something I've already ben doing my whole life. I don't have to prove anything to you." Grabbing the rope she slides from the treehouse and begins to climb down it. Mason looks up. "She's coming down." He smiles. "Jareth got her to come down." Karen is able to climb down at lightening speed. When her feet hit the ground, she glares at Mason and Kaden. "Stay away from me. I never want to see any of you again." She looks back up to her treehouse. "I'll come back after he's gone. Don't follow me." She begins to back away from them, ready to run.
Jareth stares at her and waits until she's out of sight before he changes, he hear her hit bottom before jumping from the house to land before her. "Defend yourself..." He was a large wolf, growling with his fangs bared at her, he takes a step closer and growls louder "Defend yourself " he snaps his jaws. 'Trust me...'

Kaden startles as the wolf jumps from the tree "What the..." He grabs hold of Mason and backs up, he'd never seen Jareth change.
'Trust you? You're growling at my daughter. You better have a plan baby.'

She looks at him, backing up, her eyes filling with tears. "I. Can't. You powers....and now I can't," she cries. "Just go away," she yells before turning and running.
He growls again and leaps over her, landing in front of her again and steps closer "You're a demon girl... You have other powers... Defend yourself! You're alone in the woods and a demon is coming for you... Figtht me!" He steps closer 'You know I won't hurt her... She doesn't... She needs this...'

Kaden leans closer "Is that... Jareth?" He says softly.
She sinks to her knees crying. "I..can't. You powers..I don't..have..anymore. Please..go..away," she cried, covering her head.

"Yeah," Mason says looking over his shoulder at Kaden. "That's Jareth. That's my baby."
'She needs this? I trust you baby."
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