Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Nicholas loved Kaden's kiss, but he was glad to be starting breakfast as well. He had heard every word he spoke, but letting go was harder than he thought it would be. He wanted to be able to cry in front of him. He really did, but he had spent his whole life crying behind closed doors. Opening that door up wasn't going to be easy. She cracked the eggs open and added a little seasoning. A pinch of salt, a dash of pepper, and he beat the eggs in the bowl. The entire time he didn't speak to Kaden. Putting some butter in the pan, he poured the eggs in. "I'm going with you," he finally said. "Don't tell me I have to stay here. It's a losing battle. I'm coming with you."
Kaden mixed up the flour, eggs, sugar, milk and cinnamon, letting Nich think things over, he smiles as he finally speaks. "I was waiting for that..." He glances at him "I never intended to keep you away love... I just wanted you to be sure..." He starts to heat his own pan and adds butter "But I will say one thing... You can't be around when I train her... She can't see or hear you" he looks at him "I'm the one she needs to see and obey... You will come later... But I need to break her down alone..."
"Fair enough. Besides, last time you worked on someone, Aliya, I enjoyed the benefits of that later when you would take a break from her. I think I can handle that again." He grins as he looks over at him. "We do have a serious problem though. I can't be without you. Just the thought makes my heart ache. So I guess I'll be with you always then. Hope you're okay with that, and even if you're not, too bad. You really are stuck with me."
Kaden smiles at him "I just see it as you keeping your promise... I'll never be alone again... Besides... I'm sure you'll get better over time... I don't mind" He goes to the fridge and pulls out some bananas and raspberries, he cuts them up and adds them to the mix. "I'm still not sure how to tell Mason about Karen... And after last night... I don't want to keep anything from him anymore..." He glances at Nich before starting to make the pancakes.
“I can understand that, but baby as soon as you tell him, he’s going to think you’re lying. No man wants to believe his own child could do, or say, such things. So be prepared for him to not believe you and be angry. Personally I think you’re doing the right thing.”

Karen watches Melanie as she comes out of the bathroom. “You sick?”
“Yeah. Some mornings the babies make me sick. It’s okay. I’ll pass.”
“Do you love him?”
“Who baby?”
“My daddy.” Melanie smiles and sits down next to her. “Of course I do. I love your daddy very much.”
“And Kaden?” She gives Karen a curious look. “Of course I love Kaden. Why all these questions?”
“How can you love two men? You should only love one.”
“I have enough love for them, and Jareth, Kevin, even you and your mom.” She reached over to tweak Karen’s nose, and the child leaned back. “Don’t touch me.” Melanie narrowed her eyes. “I’m sorry. I won’t.”
“You should only love one man. If you had to pick, which one would you love?”
“I don’t have to pick, and I don’t like your questions anymore.” Melanie stood up, ready to leave the room.
“Yes you do. Sit down.” Melanie sat back down, not of her own free will. “Now. Answer the question.”
Kaden glances at Nich "He needs to know... Especially after the breakthrough he had last night... He can't just have that ripped away from him..." He flips the pancakes "I was a little afraid of leaving you here... With her..." He looks at him again "I'm still afraid of leaving them here..." He looks back to his work and makes a few mor pancakes in silence.
“Mason will take care of Mel and the kids. He loves them.” He stops what he’s doing and looks at Kaden. “Why are you so afraid of this little girl? What exactly did she say to you baby?”

“It’s not a hard question. Who do you pick? My dad or him?”
“Why do you want me to pick? I love them both.”
“You can’t have them both,” she growls at her. “Pick one, or lose them both.”
Kaden looks at the pan and pours another pancake into it "She... Want her parents together..." He watches it, flipping it "She has powers like Jareth... Shed tear us apart... And we wouldn't even know it..." He looks at him after taking the pancake off "You and me... Jareth and Kevin... Mason with... I'm not sure... She was talking about both Mel and Mari... And... And I'd lose my children..." He sets everything down and looks at Nicholas "She may even take Mason's child away... Leaving Mel and te kids all alone... I can't... I have to tell him..." He sighs and takes a deep breath, then looks back to the pancakes, he starts a new one, "She's a sweet little girl... But she has her own darkness..."
Nicholas can't believe what he's hearing. "Jareth has mentioned that demons have their own darkness. Maybe she doesn't have as much control over hers' as Jareth does. If that's the case, then she's....dangerous." Again he looks over at Kaden. "Where did she sleep last night? With Melanie?"

"I..I pick.."
"Remember my dad couldn't even fight Kaden off. He couldn't even bring you back home from the mall. He let Kaden beat him." Still with her and on her forehead she gives her the memory of the mall the day Mason found them. "He didn't," she says, starting to cry. "He couldn't save me."
"He didn't want you."
"Kaden. I pick Kaden."
Kaden looks at him quickly "She's alone with Melanie!" He drops the flipper and runs from the kitchen and back to the bedrooms "Mel? Melanie!?" He opens one door and sees Mel crying, he runs over to her "What did you do!?" He pulls Mel close and glares at Karen slightly, holding Mel closer. "Mel... Baby... What did she do..." He doesn't take his eyes off of her, softly rubbing Mel's back.
Nicholas follows behind him silently. He stops at the door and looks inside. Melanie wipes her eyes as she sees Kaden enter the room. “Nothing. M’Lord, I want Mason out of this house. Tell him to leave. He can take Jareth and Kevin with him. I want him out of here M’lord. Please.” Karen grins at him. “Good morning Kaden. Breakfast smells good, but is something burning in the kitchen?”
Kaden looks at Melanie when she speaks "No... Now Mason can't leave... He's your husband... You're having his baby..." He looks back to Karen and glares "You did this! She loves your father! How could you! Do you know how much this will hurt him..." His eyes suddenly go wide "He'll think... I did it..." He looks to Karen again "That was your plan... Well I won't let you hurt him like that!" He gets Mel up and quickly helps her from the room, seeing Nich "Watch her... And stay with me..." He quickly heads down the hall a few rooms "Mason... Baby are you awake?" He moves over to the bed and shakes him slightly. "I didn't want to tell you this way... But she's forced my hand..." He looks up as Nich and Mel enter the room "Close the door..."
Nicholas takes Melanie in his arms. “Come on sweetheart,” he whispers to her. Following Kaden, he stays as close to him as he can. Melanie doesn’t want to go. Mason groans as Kaden shakes him. Grinning he asks him, “what’s going on baby? Yeah, I’m awake.” He opens his eyes up to see Mel and Nich come in. “What’s wrong,” he asks, sitting up quickly. “Mel? Baby? What’s wrong? What are you talking about she’s forced your hand?”
“No. I don’t wanna be in here. Get out Mason! Take your men and get out of here! Leave! I never want to see you again!” Confusion and heartbreak shatter across his face. “What’s wrong,” he asks sliding from the bed still naked. “No! Don’t touch me,” she yells looking away from him. “Mel? What’s wrong?” He looks over at Kaden. “What’s going on?”
Kaden looks over as Mel speaks, then looks back to Mason and sees the hurt returning to his eyes, he gently pulls Mason to sit back down. "I wanted to tell you what she said before... But I knew you wouldn't believe me..." He looks back to Mel a moment "I didn't do this... I promised you last night... I never wanted to hurt you again..." He takes Mason's hands and holds them, then makes him look at him "Her mind has been altered... I don't know what was changed... But... It was Karen... She did this... You have to believe me baby... I wouldn't do this..." He holds his hands tighter "And the next ones on her list... Will be Jareth and Kevin..." He looks at him, watching and waiting.
“What? You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me. My daughter..she..she would never do this. She’s just a kid Kaden. You’re the adult with all the power and drugs to do this.”
“She didn’t alter my memories,” Melanie growls at them. “I remembered the day at the mall. You..You didn’ me. You let him take me! You could have stopped all of this then, but you let him take me! You bastard! You say you love me, but you let him take me! Just like you didn’t keep me safe in the beginning. Had you kept me safe, had you been the husband I needed, none of this would have happened. I hate you Mason! I want you out of my life, and I want your men gone too! Just get out. Get out!” Nicholas pulls her close. “Shhhh. It’s okay Melanie. Calm down. Think about the babies,” he whispers to her. He looks over to Kaden. “I’m going to take her out on the balcony and let her get some air.”
“Melanie he hit me over the head and knocked me out. I couldn’t save you.”
“We should have gotten out of there faster then. You should have never let him take me in the first place.”
“Okay,” Nicholas says. “That’s enough family time for now. We’ll be on the balcony.” He takes Melanie with him, leaving Kaden alone with Mason.
Kaden stares at him, pulling his hands back, he shakes his head "No... I didn't do this... Please..." He looks to Mel as she starts to scream "H-He tried Mel... I... I didn't let him take you back... Him not getting you... That was me... It's all my fault!" He looks between them quickly "Melanie you love him! You're having his baby... Please try and remember.." He was almost crying, but he held it in, he looks back to Mason as Nich takes her outside "Mason... This was Karen... I know you don't want to believe it... I didn't... And I heard it from her myself... She wants you and Mari back together... She'll rip Jareth and Kevin from you next... She has her own darkness..." He steps closer and reaches out to touch him "She'll take your baby too..." He looks down "She tired to make me forget you all the other day, give me a life alone with Nicholas... I said no... That I had children on the way... That I loved everyone... She got mad... Said she had powers like Jareth and could do it anyway... Just one touch..." He looks at Mason again "I thought she was sweet and helpful too... I didn't want to believe it... But look at Mel... She did that... She was the only one with Mel last night..."
Mason shakes his head. “Karen is just a kid Kaden. She wouldn’t do this. Mel is….remembering. Her memory is coming back to her, and she sees me for what I am. A terrible husband.” He moves from the bed and grabs some clothes. Mason doesn’t care if they’re his or not. “I have to get some air myself. I just…..” He spins around, buttoning up his shirt, looking at Kaden. “I can’t believe after last night you would do this. It’s not enough that you took my wife from me. No. Now she’s remembering, and she hates me. That can’t be enough. Now you want to make sure my daughter and I are at odds with each other too? Why Kaden? Can you not just allow yourself to be happy? I hope Nicholas is better at making you happy than I am. I clearly failed, but that doesn’t surprise me. I failed with Melanie. Why not you too,” he asked as he left the room. He was heading towards the front door, ready to just get out of the apartment. He was running again and taking his anger with him.
"Mason no... I wouldn't... Please..." Kaden tries to reason with him, he follows him out of the Erin and to the door "I wouldn't do this please! Mason I'll do anything... You're not a terrible husband... Would you listen to me!" He quickly goes up to him and turns him around, he kisses him roughly, a few tears falling as he pulls back. "Last night meant the world to me... I swore I wouldn't lie to you anymore... That I wouldn't hurt you anymore... You have to believe I didn't do this... Why would I... She's pregnant... I'd never risk the babies like that... I love you..." He grips his shirt, not letting him move, he was still crying slowly, but ignoring it "Karen may be a child... But she's also a demon... With powers... Who's been hurt... I understand she wants her parents back together... It's hat any kid wants... But the way she's doing it..." He shakes his head "Ask Jareth! Jareth can check Mel out... Proove I'm not lying... Please baby..."
Mason never felt so conflicted before. He could feel his anger rising, but his feelings for Kaden were wrapped around his anger, keeping it from going too far. He wanted to shove him back, but after his kiss, he wanted to grab him and kiss him. “Let go of me,” he said, calmly. “I just….you’re asking me to believe that my child….my baby….could do something like this. You want me to believe that she opened up Mel’s memories so that she could remember something like this? A sweet child..or someone..who’s done something like this to her before. I have to pick between someone who..had take her..and made her think I was a fucking memory..that she..made up..while she was in a coma..that she never was in. Can you see how hard this choice is? Can you see how I fucking would think it was you?” He pulled back from Kaden and ran this hand through his hair. “Fuck. She’s my..little..girl..and she..did this. How could she..why..she could have hurt Mel..and the babies. Damn it,” he says punching a hole in the wall. His knuckles begin to bleed. “What am I gonna do,” he asks as he leans his head against the wall.
Kaden does as told "I know... I know what I did... I knew you'd pick me... That's why I was the one to tell you... Why would I do it, only to tell you I didn't..." He quickly moves closer "Mason!" He carefully helps him remove his hand, he looks it over "Can you make a fist?" He leads him into the kitchen "So much for breakfast..." He looks over the food as he takes him to the sink to wash it. "I don't know what to do about her... Maybe Jareth would know... He... He abused his powers when he was young... With no one to guide him..." He looks at Mason "Did he tell you that?"
He doesn’t answer. Instead he tries to make a fist. The pain shoots through his hand. ‘Fuck.’ He lets Kaden lead him into the kitchen and winces as he runs the water over his hand. “Yeah,” he finally says. “Jareth told me. Maybe he can. I don’t know. I can’t help Melanie. I can’t help Mari. I can’t fucking help my own child. What the fuck good am I,” he asks pulling away from Kaden again. “I can’ talking to Jareth right now about this. Besides,” he grins, “I’d probably fuck that up too.” He could feel the need to run away building quickly. Mason wanted to sprint from the apartment. “Maybe I’ll go get some air. Take a walk.”
Kaden quickly takes his hand back, then pulls him closer "The only fuck up in your life... Is me... There is nothing wrong with you..." He hugs him "I started all of this... Yeah some good came out of it... But all the trouble I caused..." His hold is shaky, he's holding back his sobs "Let me help... I'll talk to Jareth for you... But please... Don't run away again..." He looks at him, his eyes wet "That only ends up hurting you more... And I don't want that..." He leans closer and kisses him again, softly.

Jareth slowly sits up, glancing down at Kevin, before looking to the door, something was wrong 'Baby... Are you ok? Your emotions are all over the place...'
“No. You’re not a fuck up. You’re..wonderful,” he whispers just before Kaden kisses him. Mason wants to stay, but he still wants to run. It’s his primal response, and he’s fighting it with all he has. He quickly pulls back from Kaden. “He’s awake. Jareth. I have to go. Just for a walk. I need..air. I can’t breathe in here. Let me go. Please. I…..” He closes his eyes tight, knowing that running isn’t the answer. ‘No. I’m not..alright. I think..I broke my hand. In’
Kaden smiles softly "Nich says the same thing... Doesn't mean I always believe it... Just like you don't..." He gently lifts his hand "Speaking of Nich... He needs to look at this... Please..." He looks at him "I know you want to run and hide... In a way I do to... But it's not the answer..."

'What?!...' Jareth quickly gets up and pulls on his pants, he leaves the room and follows his nose "What happened... Did you two fight again?" Jareth looks between the two of them before moving to take Mason's hand, looking it over gently.
Mason knows Kaden is right. All he does is nod in response to him. “Yeah. Maybe I will get Nich to take a look at it.” He turns as he hears Jareth. “No. We didn’t..get into a fight. I..hit the wall. I’ll get Nich to look at it..later. Right now he with..Mel. have..a problem, and I don’t know..what to do about it. I can’,” he begins as he leans against him and cries softly. "You want not run let me. Well please me."
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