Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Kaden smiles "It's not just for you... It's... Something I did when I was small... Then I just continued to use it... It's a habit I guess..." He moves closer and relaxes more "I guess I can stop..." He rests his head on his shoulder.

Jareth was just testing lightly, listening to Kevin sleep when he heard Mason, he smiles 'Are you happy love? Does being with him make you happy?' He asked softly.
"No. By all means, keep doing it then. Now that I know why you do it, I want you to." Mason grins while he rests his lips against Kaden's body. He hears Jareth's question and hesitates to answer. 'Yeah baby. It does. I'm happy with him.'
Kaden nods and starts to hum softly again, rubbing his back again slowly, he kisses his skin "Mmm... Night baby..." After a few more minutes, the humming stops and Kaden is asleep, breathing slowly against his neck.

Jareth smiles 'I'm happy for you then... Was he good to you? I felt a bit... I didn't wan to pry... Just stayed open enough in case you needed help...' He sends a soft kiss to him 'I did feel a little guilt a while ago... You ok?'
Mason sighs as he can tell Kaden is asleep. 'Yeah. I'm okay. I did feel guilty. I guess I still do. About falling for him that is. He was good to me baby. He was so good to me, and I him too. I think..he's falling..for me too. I know he loves Nicholas, and he knows I love you, but we are..falling in love..with..each other. I don't know how it happened, but it did.'
Jareth runs his fingers through Kevin's hair 'And I love Kevin... But I still love you... We are all very open with each other... We go where our hearts lead... So don't you feel guilty... You be happy and enjoy your new lover..."
‘Thank you Jareth for everything. You know, it seems we all saved each other in some way. You saved me that night I was going to kill him and her. It was your love that did it. I’m glad you wear my ring. I want to buy you one though.’ He remembered what Kaden had called Jareth and smiled. ‘I want to buy a ring for my husband.’
Jareth smiles 'I love you... Since that first time I saw you... There was something... It's been a long strange road... But I think this all happened for a reason... If Kaden hadn't done... What he did... I wouldn't have you, or Kevin... You wouldn't have Karen and another on the way... We all owe him something... And I'm glad your happy love...' He chuckles softly 'Hmm... Husband, yes... We still have to get married by your terms... Perhaps we shall plan it while Kaden is away?'
Mason had forgotten that Kaden was going away to train the new house slave. ‘Yeah. While Kaden is away. That’ll be perfect. He needs his sleep so he can be refreshed to do what he’s gotta do. I love you baby. That should be clear. I’m in the arms of another man, exhausted, but I’m still talking to you. I couldn’t go to sleep, I couldn’t end this day without telling you how much I love you. Good night baby.’ Mason closes his eyes with a smile.

The next morning Nicholas slipped from the bed where he had kept Aliya bound all night and headed for the kitchen. He started to make the coffee and waited on Kaden. Today he was going to tell him it was time for him to take Callie, and whomever else he needed, and head towards the island. It was time to start her training. He thought she might fight against it and not want it, but that’s what this training was for.
Jareth smiles 'I love you baby... And I know you love me too, there's no questioning that... Good night love... Enjoy it...' He sends a kiss to him before pulling Kevin closer and going to sleep.

Kaden wakes up the next morning slowly, he sees Mason sleeping and smiles, he reaches up and cups his cheek softly. 'Morning baby...' He looks so peaceful laying there as he sleeps, he leans closer and kisses him softly before slowly getting up to get dressed.
Nicholas hears movement, and hoping it's Kaden, he grabs another cup. He didn't want to start cooking just yet. It would wake the others, and he wanted some time to talk to Kaden alone.
Kaden looks back at the bed, he didn't want to just leave him to wake up alone, like last night didn't mean anything. "It meant a lot..." He says softly before moving back to the bed and crawls back over to him, he cups his cheek again and starts to kiss him softly. He smiles as he starts to respond and soon pulls back, he smiles at him "Morning baby... I didn't want to just leave... I smelt coffee..." He smiles and kisses him again "Last night... Was amazing... And meant so much... I didn't want you to wake up alone..." He kisses him once more "Go back to sleep... I'm gonna help with breakfast..." He rubs his cheek softly.
Mason grins but doesn’t open his eyes. “Alright baby. I’ll see you….when the food is done,” he smirks. “Last night was….unforgettable.”

Melanie stirs, smelling the coffee, and her stomach wrenches. She slides from bed and heads for the bathroom.
Kaden smirks back and stands up again "Yeah... We'll have to do it again... Soon..." He heads towards the door "Sleep well..." He heads into the hall, then towards the kitchen, he smiles as he rounds the corner "Hey Doc... Enjoy your night?" He glances at the table "I should really wash that..." He blushes softy an goes for the sink to get a cloth.
Nicholas glances over at the table and sees Kaden blush. “Do I even want to know?” He sits a cup of coffee on the counter and leans against the counter. “So baby, we need to talk. Nothing is wrong, but last night Callie woke up and got a little show. She saw some of us together, and she kind of freaked. I injected her with a sedative to put her to sleep last night. You’ve got to get her out of here. It’s time baby. It’s time for you to get her to the island and start her training. She’ll probably resist and want to come back home, but baby I know you can handle it. Take whatever and whomever you need with you.”
Kaden listens and finishes getting the cloth "Do I really have to tell you what happened..." He glances at him, then moves to start cleaning it. He pauses a moment and looks at him "She... Saw us... Some? Who all..." He blushes slightly and goes back to cleaning "Will your friends be on the island... What would they say..." He goes to clean the cloth, then finish up the table, he takes a seat after "Well... I can handle her on my own for the first bit... With how she is... I'd say a solid week..." He looks at him again "Should she remember her old life... I can make her forget it all... It would be more then Mel's..." He looks down at his hands "I'm sure you've heard of chemical induced comas before... There is also chemical induced amnesia..."
Nicholas sits down next to Kaden. “She saw you and Mason as well as Kevin and Jareth. It was a bit….much….for her to see. Like I said, I sedated her. She’s still resting, and I’ll give her another does while she’s still under to make sure she stays that way. Don’t worry about my staff on the island. I’ll let them know you’re bringing a patient for special treatment, and that if you need anything, you will let them know. Otherwise, their instructions will be to stay away from you and the main house. As for what she remembers, honestly Kaden I don’ t think she needs anything about her family. They haven’t done anything for her, and I think she’s better off not remembering them at all. As far as her training as a nurse goes, leave it, as well as her love for computers. She’s a smart woman, but her family has been the one thing in her life that I think she can do without. I want you to take her soon.”
Kaden looks at him and nods "Yeah... I'll take her later today..." He leans closer to Nicholas and kisses him, cupping his cheek "Mmm... I love you..." He smiles and sits back "I know you know... I just had to say it..." He blushes slightly and smiles "Last night... With Mason..." He closes his eyes and smiles "Was long overdue... He was finally open with me..." He opens his eyes and looks at Nich "He admitted to having feeling for me, even said he was falling for me..." He smiles "I told him I loved him... Not the same as with you... Or him with Jareth... Our own kind of love..." He reaches out and takes his hands "He was so sweet... Gentle... Even comforting... We worked some things out... Takes about others..." He kisses his hands then sits back again "It was wonderful..." He looks at him "You're not... Upset are you?" He knew it was a stupid question, that Nich would understand, but his old fears made him ask anyway.
“Of course I’m upset,” he tells him. “My husband was with another man, and they both admitted to each other that they have feelings for each other. Of course I’m upset.” He finishes, looking at him with a straight face that he can’t hold for more than a minute. A smile spreads across his lips. “I’m kidding. The only part of this that makes me upset is that it took so long for last night to happen. Honestly Kaden as long as you’re happy, that’s all I care about. If being with him, if loving him, makes you happy, then I’ll support you. You are my husband, and I know you love me. That’s almost all I need. Almost,” he says leaning closer to him and kissing him. “I think you know the rest of what I need.”
Kaden looks at him, waiting, then smiles with him "I do love you... And that night was long over due..." He kisses him again "I know what else you need my lover.. But will you be able to handle a week without me... I mean, you'll have your little angel slave... But I guess she'll be pretty worn out when we see each other again... To keep up with you..." He smiles and gets back up "So... What's for breakfast..." He smirks.
Nicholas stands, slowly pushes his chair and under the table, and heads over to the fridge. He begins to pull out various foods. "How about some pancakes, eggs, bacon, and toast?" Placing the items on the counter as he takes them out, he closes the fridge and moves over to Kaden, grabbing him and pulling him close as he kisses him roughly. "I'm fucking starving, but you know what for."
Kaden smiles and nods "Yeah that sounnnn..." He kisses him back quickly and moans softly, panting, he looks at Nicholas and grins "Do I now... Are you sure about that... What if I had no idea at all... Doc..." He stays still, looking at him, wondering what he'd do next.
"Then....I'd have to show you," he tells him, taking one of his hands. He brings his fingers up to his lips, kissing them before he begins to suckle them. His tongue licks them seductively as he tires to give him a picture of what he wants. "I'd have to show gentle..I could be..and what I'd like..for you to do to me. I'd have to tell badly..I want to taste feel you..because for be gone..from me..for a going to hell..husband..and I want as much..of I can possibly get..before you leave. So I will kiss you..hold you..taste you..feel you..take you..all of you..if I can..before you leave. Please tell understand..because I can't..say it..any other way. I can't take..the lead..with you..Kaden. Just her. With you..we're either equal..or you're in control. Right now..I'll take you..anyway..I can get you." He leans his head against his fighting back his tears. Nicholas still does not want to cry in front of him. He doesn't want him to see like this. "Maybe I should..cook breakfast. We can talk later..before you go. Alright?" He knows if he stays close to him, he won't be able to keep his tears from falling. Pulling away, he looks at the food on the counter. "Eggs. Scrambled okay?"
Kaden smiles softly and listens to him, he doesn't let him get far from him, pulling him back, holding him close. "I will spend every minute with you... Until I have to leave... On one condition..." He kisses him softly and cups his cheek, rubbing gently. "You stop hiding from me... I don't care if you hide from everyone else... If you have to drag me off somewhere quite... Or pull me off to the side..." He kisses him again "If you're hurting... Let me in... Let me help... You've seen me at my worst... So don't you dare think a few tears are going to scare me away..." He holds his face in his hand and kisses him deeply.
He kisses him back. "It's not you I'm afraid..the tears will scare away. I'm afraid..they'll scare me. I know it sounds..silly..but I've never..let anyone in. There's never been..anyone..that I wanted in. So I don't really know let someone in. I've always been me. Strong. Silent. Hard worker. I've always kept myself..when I was lonely..or cried. So it's hard..Kaden. Please understand. I'm so accustomed to being..the strong one..for everybody. I never had anybody..that would be strong..for me. Maybe I am afraid it will scare you away. What if you like that..and decide..I'm not the man you thought I was? I couldn't take losing you Kaden. I love you so much it hurts," he tells him before kissing him once more.
Kaden cups his cheek and pulls from the kiss softly "Of course I understand baby... I know that life... Lived it..." He hugs him closer "But you pulled me from that life... Saved me... And I only want to return the favour..." He smiles softly "So if you feel the need to cry... Know that I will never judge you... Never leave you..." Another kiss "Let's start breakfast so we can spend the day together..." He pulls away slowly to start work on the pancake batter "You start the eggs... And scrambled is just fine..."
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