Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Kaden smiles at him and glances down at his hand where Mason put it, then looks to him "S-So am I..." He groans and thrusts a bit faster before kissing him roughly back, he feels Mason pulse as he himself thrusts deeper. "Nnn..!" He moans into the kiss as he cums, feeling Mason coat his chest and hand.

Jareth moans and slowly pulls his fangs from him, licking the wounds closed "Mmm..." He hugs him close and rests against his back, he kisses over his neck softly. "Mmm... That... Was wonderful..." He smiles and moves to kiss his cheek.
Mason felt such a connection with Kaden when he filled him. For a few minutes, there was no hate. He simply felt his love, warmth, and body. He smiled as he held on to him. “Yes. That’s it.” Mason moved his body with Kaden’s, milking him, not wanting him to pull from him. Not yet.

“That was..beyond..wonderful. I’ve never..felt that.” He smiled, wanting to talk to him more about what he had been afraid, but Kevin decided it could wait. “I could use..a shower..but I can’t move,” he laughed.
Kaden lays on him, resting his head against his shoulder "Mmm... That was..." He didn't have a word for it, the times he was with Mason were always so powerful, he leans closer and kisses his neck. "We should go clean up... But I don't want to leave yet..."

Jareth chuckles softly and kisses his back "If you can't move... Wouldn't a nice hot bath be better..." He slowly moves them to sit on the couch, Kevin still in his lap and Jareth still in him. "Mmm... And I'm gonna need to wash those pillows..." He glances towards the kitchen "I think our boy had a breakthrough... The feelings coming from him..." He sighs and holds Kevin closer "He was so happy..."
“Then don’t,” Mason whispers to him. “I mean..we should get cleaned up..but you don’t leave me. Come with me. Let me..give you a hot bath. I’ll sit..behind you..and wash your back. Just a litle while longer. Let lost in your..a little while..longer. Please.” His fingers trace along his back as he speaks to him.

“Yeah. I think so,” Kevin tells him looking towards the kitchen. “Even now, I still feel it. Something is going on with him, but it’s not..anger.So I say let them have this time. As for you, yeah, you’re gonna have to wash these pillows,” he laughs. “It’s your fault. You know I can’t resist you. I’ll help you clean them though.”
Kaden smiles and leans closer again, then kisses him softly "I'd like that... Just tell me when you want me to get up..." He shifts and pulls his hand from between them slowly "Mmm... That was interesting... Feeling you like that..." He brings his hand closer and starts to slowly lick it clean, he smiles softly.

Jareth smiles "I have no plans on breaking them up, Mason needs this... It's good for him..." He smirks "And apparently for us as well..." He glances at the couch and laughs softly again "Mmm... I can just toss them in the wash... They can clean while we do..." He smiles at him "Think you can ride piggy back..."
He was relieved. Kaden was going to be with him a while longer. ‘What would Mel think,’ he wondered. ‘She’d probably want to join.’ Kaden began to lick his hand, and Mason sighed. “Fuck. That’s so hot. Keep that up, and we’ll never move.” That’s when Mason remembered where they were. The dining room table. He grinned. “We’re gonna have to clean this table. They’ll never want to eat on again if we don’t.”

“Piggy back,” Kevin smirks. “I’ve riden bareback but never piggy back.”

Aliya’s moans could be heard faintly from outside the door. “Yes Master. I understand.”
“You will not cum tonight. No slave. You will spend the night tied to the bed like you are not. That is the rest of your punishment. Now. Who loves you?”
“You do Master.”
“That’s right, and who will never you leave you?”
“You Master.”
“Good girl. Now. One last question. Who loeves you Aliya?”
“You do Master.”
“Call me by my name Aliya.”
“You do….Nicholas.”
She crept slowly further up the hall, until she saw them. Two men wildly having sex. The sight made her freeze in her tracks. The one behind the other one leaned in and bit him. Callie shuddered before sneaking along the wall and through the room. As she entered the small hall leading into the kitchen, she paused to take a deep breath. The conversation made her hold her breath. ‘What is going on?’ Slowly she moved further in and saw them. Two more men having sex. She watched them until they reached their climax and stilled. Not wanting them to find her, she backed from the room. She accidentally bumped into a table in the room where Jareth and Kevin were, knocking over a vase. Stilling she thought, ‘They didn’t hear that.’
Kaden smirks and looks at him, sucking on a finger "Yes sir..." He pulls his hand away and lays it on his chest again, relaxing and waiting to be told they can move.

Jareth was relaxing with Kevin and laughs softly "I meant can you hold on to my back so I can carry you and toss this in the..." He heard the vase but didn't let it show "In the wash..." 'Callie's up... I don't want her to interrupt Kaden and Mason...' He holds Kevin a bit closer. 'Doc... Your girl is up... I don't want her bugging Mason and Kaden... They need their time together...'
He wraps his arms around. Mason was so caught up in the moment, in Kaden, he didn’t even hear the glass break.

Nicholas climbs from the bed. “You stay right there,” he grins, knowing she can’t move. “I’ll come for you when I’m ready for you.” He heads over to the dresser where he opens one of the top drawers. Aliya watching, curious by the small box he pulls from it. She can see the syringes and the bottles as he picks one of each up and fills the vial. Aliya wanted to ask what was going on, but she kept her mouth closed. He closes the box and puts it away before leaving the room and heading down the hall. In the living room, he spots Kevin and Jareth. “Where,” he mouths to both of them. Kevin’s eyes widen and he nods in the direction she’s in. “You’re naked,” he mouths back to him. Nicholas had forgotten. Looking down, he blushes as he looks back up at them. “Sorry.” He makes his way to the hall between the kitchen and living room. Spotting her he comes up behind without making a sound The needle punctures her neck, and he empties it. “Not yet you don’t. You still need to sleep a little bit longer before Kaden gets you out of here, but we’re gonna give him a little bit longer here.” He put the empty needle on the table and lifts her limp body. Carrying towards the bedroom she was in, he stops and nods to Jareth and Kevin. “I got her,” her tells them. “Remind me to never piss the good doctor off,” Kevin teases as he passes. “And yeah, I can hold on to you for a piggy back ride.”
Kaden smiles "Mmm..." He snuggles closer, content to wait until he's ready.

Jareth looks to him and nods, then looks at Kevin "Mmm... He can get quite protective... But that's a good thing..." He smiles and sets Kevin in the couch "Alright... Let's go..." He says softly and stands, he helps him on his back and picks up the pillows and heads to the nearest empty bedroom with bath "Wait here..." He takes the pillows to the laundry before returning. "Bath time..." He smiles and picks him up, heading into the bathroom.
“Say it. Again. For me Say you love me. I have to hear it Kaden. I can’t believe..that you could.have such feelings for me. After everything that has happened, how could you?”

Kevin grins. “Yeah. He’s very possessive and strong too. Did you see how easily he carried her? Nice muscles.” Kevin shakes his head. Holding on to Jareth, he enjoys the ride. “A nice bath. That does sound nice. You wash my back, and I’ll wash yours’?”
Kaden smiles "How about I ask you... How can two... Supposedly straight men... 1, be married, or mates to other men... And 2, be with each other..." He smiles and kisses him softly "I love you... Because people can change..."

Jareth smiles and looks at him "So... Were you checking him out..." He moves to start the bath water, he smiles st him "That sounds nice..."
“I don’t know why I….feel….the way I do for you. I really don’t. At first, I was trying to see what she saw in you, but somewhere along the way, it changed. I don’t know when or how, but it did.” He tightened his grip on him. ‘What if I let go of him, what if we move, and I hate him again baby? Then what? I don’t want to go back to feeling that.’

“Me,” Kevin blushes. “Checking him out? Would I do that? Don’t be ridiculous. I have you. Why would I…..” His blush darkens, and he knows Jareth knows. “Maybe. Okay yes. I was, but I couldn’t help it. He’s the one who came in there naked with his cock out in plain view, and his muscles tight, his bare sking shining.” Kevin wasn’t aware that he was getting hard as he talked about Nicholas. He glanced over, waiting for the bath to fill. “No man can compare to you though my love. Ever.”
"Shh... Relax... Stop thinking on the when and the why... That doesn't matter... You'll go crazy thinking about it..." He kisses him softly again, he rubs his cheek "You ready for that bath... I'm not going anywhere... I'll hold you close in the warm water if that's what you want..." He smiles "You're my only concern right now..."

Jareth looks at Kevin and smirks "He's quite a handsome man... There is no denying that..." He moves closer and slowly runs his fingers over his now hard member "Is there..." He grins "I know you love me baby..." He stops and looks to the door 'Don't think like that baby... Just continue to enjoy it... I've heard him... He's not leaving you... Relax...'
“Alright,” he tells him. Mason slowly loosens his grip on Kaden and begins to move. “We can indulge in that hot bath now. You lead the way.”

“Yeah,” Kevin gasps. “There is no denying he’s a handsome man, but he’s no you.” He places his hand over his and leans closer to him.
Kaden smiles and slowly gets up, pulling away from him with a soft moan "Mmm... Then let's go..." He helps him up and pulls him into a soft but deep kiss. "I meant it what I said... About wanting to make it up to you... Wanting you happy..." He looks at him, then starts to lead them to the back rooms, entering the one next to Nich's.

Jareth smiles and pulls him into another kiss, then pulls his hand away "Tubs full..." He smirks and moves to turn the water off, then pulls Kevin closer again "Ready..." He leads him into the warm water, holding him close.
“I know you did. I really do want me happy.” Mason was so overwhelmed and confused by what he was feeling, but he knew one thing for certain. He wasn’t hating Kaden right now. He followed him into the room. “Stay here. I’ll start the bath. Sit. Make yourself comfortable.”

Kevin carefully climbs into the warm water, feeling the steam “Aw yeah. This is….what I needed. You know, I admire his body, but truthfully, I don’t want him. He wouldn’t satisfy me. Only you can do that.” He hands Jareth the soap over his shoulder.
Kaden smiles at him and sits on the edge of the bed "We should do this more often... Just us... I think it would really help us..." He looks down at his hand, remembering the feel of Mason's cock as he came, "What does it feel like... When I cum in you..." He looks to the bathroom and moves to stand in the doorway "I felt you... What did I feel like..." He looks at Mason.

Jareth smirks and starts to soap his hands "Well... I've seen how you look after a session with Mason... I'm sure he can do a pretty good job too..." He smiles and starts to slowly wash him, taking his time and and rubbing his hands over his skin.
Mason is sitting on the side of the tub when Kaden asks his question. He smiles. It was difficult to think of the right words to describe it. “You’ve had sex with men, and you’re asking me what it felt like when you came inside me?” He turned to the doorway, and his smile widened. “Come here,” he said standing and holding out his hand to him. He takes him and starts to pull him close to him slowly. “When you start to make love me to, I feel you entering me, getting closer and closer to filling me until finally I feel your body against mine.” As he says the last word he finally pulls Kaden’s body flush with his. “It’s there, that contact, and my heart is racing as I feel such….pleasure that I feel like I’m going to explode. There’s pressure, but it’s so….sweet and welcomed, like nervous energy. Then you start to move, and everything I feel is intensified, amplified,” he says as he softly begins to kiss his neck. “It’s gentle and soft at first, but it’s there. I feel it. The more you move, the stronger the feelings begin to build.” He presses his lips to him harder, suckling as he kisses now. “I can feel my cock so hard, and my body screaming for release, but more than that, I know what you’re feeling. I know you’re feeling the same thing, and it’s because of me. Knowing that you want to cum because of me, makes everything I’m feeling.. bite down..on my feelings.” Mason’s kisses have trailed to his ear. He captures his lobe between his teeth and gently nips. “Just when I think I can’t take anymore, you surprise me. You feel me, and it’s so warm. Everything I’ve been feeling comes full circle, and I join you, cumming in sweet relief.” Mason kisses his lips, pushing his tongue deep in Kaden’s mouth. As he pulls back, he grins. “Then I have your cum as part of who I am, and the experience doesn’t leave me. That’s the best way I can explain it. It’s intoxicating and addictive, and tonight won’t be the last time I hope.”

“Well yeah I look that way when Mason and I are done, but I love Mason. I love you. I don’t love Nicholas. Love his hot body, yeah, but him? I don’t really even know him. That’s something that I love about us living together. I’ve got plenty of time to get to know him.”
Kaden stares at him as he starts to talk "Well it's neve been slow... Like with... You..." He takes his hand and lets himself be pulled closer, he looks at him, he listens and starts to pant as he's pulled close. He closes his eyes slowly as Mason starts to kiss at his neck "W-Welcomed..." He whispered softly, his hands coming to rest gently on Mason's hips, just help steady himself. He moans softly, feeling himself stiffen as Mason continues, a soft whine falling from his lips as the kisses become harder. He was shaking slightly now, another soft whine as he nips at his ear "Warm..." His hands were now slowly moving up his back, he was hard again, then he kissed him "Nnn..." He whimpers softly and returns the kiss, trying to pull him closer, but he pulls back, he whines again. He blinks a few times, trying to clear his head to hear him again "Q-Quite... Intoxicating.." He slides his hands up and cups his face "Last... Mmm... Definitely not..." He takes Mason's hand and moves it down between them to rest on his hard cock.

Jareth smiles "I'm sure we'll all grow quite close... But for now... I want us to be close..." He pulls him closer to start washing his front.
Mason smiled at him warmly as he felt his hard cock. He didn’t speak as he began to stroke him slowly. Instead he just allowed his lips to linger on his face. He kissed his cheek before his lips ghosted over Kaden’s. He didn’t want to kiss them. Not yet. His other hand came up to Kaden’s neck before moving up to his face. Mason trailed his thumb over Kaden’s lips as he starred at them. He was still so close to him. There was no urge to push him into the wall and fuck him hard. No. Mason felt a gentleness, a warmth, in being with him. He was relaxed, and those feelings of hating him had not come back. He continued to stroke him cock. His fingers glided back and forth over him, and his pace remained the same. He kissed his other check while his hand moved down his throat to his chest. His fingertips brushed against his skin and nipples before he slipped his hand back up to his other cheek and began to caress him with the back of his fingers.

“I like that plan to love. Plenty of time for them later. Right now, it’s you and I.”
"M-Mason... Mmm..." His eyes slowly close as Mason starts to stroke him, his hands back on his hips, he moans softly, just enjoying it. Mason already had him so worked up, he wanteto return the favour, but if he let go of his hips, he was sure he'd fall. "Nnn... Please baby...." He was panting again, heavier this time, he forces his eyes open to look at him, his eyes clouded with pleasure and love. "M-Make me... Make me cum baby... P-Please..." He stares at him, his body shaking, will power the only thing keeping him up at this point, he was so close.
It warmed Mason to hear him call him baby. The fact that he was asking him to make him cum had nothing to do with it. It was that one word, that pet name that he called him by. He had called Jareth baby before, but to hear it coming from Kaden’s lips, it was so different. He rests his face against him before kissing to his ear. “I will baby,” he whispers to him, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. It was a dance these two were engaged in, and Mason was leading. “Cum for me Kaden. Feel that release. Your body is begging for it. Your cock is filling with your cum, wanting to release it into my hand so I can taste you. Please baby, don’t deny me. Let me please you and have you, all of you.” His lips lingered over the top of Kaden’s ear as his fingers gripped him slightly firmer. “That’s it baby. Cum for me.”
Kaden gasps softly and runs a hand up his back to grips his hair, his knees were gonna give, he knew it. "Y-Yes... I'm... I'm gonna... Mmm" he moans and his hips buck slightly "Gonna cum.. For you... M-Mason... Nnn!" He grunts and bucks into his hand, cumming quickly, the grip on his hair and hip tightens to help keep him standing. "L-Legs..." He stutters out as they start to give. He was panting and resting his head on his shoulder.
Mason feels him cum. He slows his pace, and when Kaden mentions his legs, he moves to hold him, wrapping his arms around him. “I’ve got you baby. I won’t….let you fall. I promise.” He leans in closer, resting his nose against Kaden’s. “I’ll hold you until you think you can stand, or I’ll pick you up and put you in the bath. I’ll do whatever you want baby. Just tell me.”
Kaden smiles and holds him back "Mmm... Bath... I wanna hold you..." He kisses him softly and runs his fingers through his hair, then looks at him. "Mmm... Enjoying yourself... Baby?" He tries to stand again, but his legs were still weak.
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