Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Jareth looks a her and smiles "I know Sweety... He played on your fears and weaknesses... Just like the darkness in Mari and Mason..." He pulls her close again and hugs her "You are family... And we protect each other..." He pulls back and rubs her cheek "You've missed a few things at home... Right Doc?" He smirks.

Kaden smiles and chuckles softly and rubs his neck "Well... If the body relaxes enough... And the mind is calm... You don't notice what's happening until your body can't take it and... Well..." He looks at his chest and reaches down to run his fingers over his cock slightly. "I didn't think you'd feel it as strong..."
Nicholas kisses the side of her face. “Yeah. You’ve missed a couple of things, but there will be time for that. Let me take you home slave.” He holds her tight before moving from her. After adjusting his clothes, he helps her from Jareth and wraps her up in a blanket. “Jareth, will you grab her clothes? I’m carrying my slave out of here.” Aliya smiles and nuzzles his chest.

Mason sees them moving and starts to get cleaned up and dressed. Kevin sits up looking at Kaden. “I did,” he grins. “I felt it really strong.” He joins Mason after he’s dressed. “You ready baby,” Mason asks Jareth, offering him his hand.
Jareth kisses her softly again, staying still so she can be lifted from his lap "Sure, I'll grab them, he looks to Mason and Kevin "Yeah, I just have to fix my clothes..." He straightens up and redressed, then took his hand to get up, picking Aliya's clothes up, he looks to Kevin "I've only see you get like that with me angel..." He smiles.

Kaden smiles and fixes himself before moving to follow Nicholas and Aliya, glancing back at Mason and Kevin. "I wonder if he meant it... Mason said... It wanted to ty what I do... With my stuff..." He looks to Aliya and smiles "Hey baby girl... You feeling better now?" He leans over and kisses her head "We missed you..." He grins and runs his fingers through her hair as they stop to wait on the others, he gently tips her head back to look at him "And don't think you're not going to be getting attention from me later pet... I'd take you here if you weren't ready to pass out..."
Aliya smiles at him. "Thank you....Master." Her eyes catch a glance something past her. For a moment, she thought she saw Damon. 'No. My eyes are playing tricks on me because I'm so tired.' Her smile faded though as she snuggled back into Nicholas' chest. 'No. Damon is not here. I would feel him. I would know.' She yawned. Nicholas looks down at her and smiles. "Yeah. She's about to pass out for sure. There will be plenty of time for you to have her baby. Plus she gets to find out about the house slave that she can play with. I may have to set up cameras and record those two together," he winks.

Mason puts his arm around Kevin and pulls him close. "We had fun tonight." Kevin grins. "Yeah. We did."
"I want to set aside some more time for just you and me. We both love Jareth. I'd like to spend some time with you, getting to know you, and enjoying you." Kevin swallows hard. "Alright."
"Good. Because I wanna fuck your ass." He reaches down and grips him, squeezing his ass.
Kaden smiles and starts for the door again "I'm sure she'll have loads of fun with her... Mel's been missing her too... I still have to work with Callie..." He watches Mason and Kevin as he hears them behind him, he smirks "Plus a session for any others who want to try..."

Jareth chuckles and moves up behind them, he leans down and kisses them both as they turn to look at him. "I heard what you were saying... I like that idea... I didn't get to see it this time... Not all of it..." He kisses their cheeks "But I love the idea of you getting to know each other... We will be together for a long time... And I want you happy..."
Aliya is afraid to look around. 'What if I see him again? No. He's not here.' She whispers to Nicholas, with her eyes closed, "Please get me home fast Master.

"Yeah," Mason smiles. "We do have a very long time to be together. Our whole lives. Will our lives be extended now," he asks.
Kaden looks at her as she whispers, looking to Nicholas "What did she say?"

Jareth smiles and nods "Yes... Your lives were tied to mine with the bond..." He watches them as they head outside "We will never be alone..."
"Good," Mason says. "Aliya isn't the only one afraid of that."

"I think," Nicholas begins to whisper to him, "that she's....afraid. She said to get her home fast. I don't know what she could be afraid of though."
Jareth leans closer and kisses Mason's cheek "I know love... I think we all have that fear..."

Kaden looks to Nich "Maybe of seeing him again..." He says softly, he reaches up to rub her back "Relaax Sweety... We'll be home soon..."

Several minutes later they were all arriving at home, Kaden opening the doors for Nich who was still holding Aliya.
Mel hears them coming in. She holds up one finger and blows. "Shhh." Karen had fallen asleep on the couch next to her. "She gave out about an hour ago. I see you found Aliya. Callie didn't wake up yet either. She must have been exhausted." Aliya heard the name Callie, but she didn't ask. "Good. Thank you," Nicholas tells her. "I'm going to put her in my bed, for tonight," he tells Kaden, hoping he'll understand. "I don't want her to be alone tonight."

Mason moves to pick up Karen. She stirs slightly. "Shhh. Go back to sleep baby."
"Daddy," she whispers. "Yeah baby. It's daddy." He disappears down the hall and into her room. Kevin sits down staring at Mel. "I got to feel what you felt from Kaden tonight. Wow," he blushes. "Kaden? You're gonna do that to the house slave too? I would love to watch."
Once in the house, Jareth follows Mason to help him put Karen to bed, he smiles at him "You've really take to the father roll... It looks good on you..." He says softly as he turns the bed down for him to lay Karen down.

Kaden had been a little wary about talking around Karen, but moves to take a seat when Mason takes her to bed. He looks to Kevin and smiles "Oh... Really? Well I won't be... Um.. Teaching her here, Nich has an island just off the coast..." He smiles "It's where we got married..."
"Thanks baby. You know, I like being a father. Karen has helped me see that it's going to be okay. I can do this, and I know I can be a good at this. Then again, I can do anything with you by my side." He pulls the covers up around her and kisses her forehead. "Goodnight baby."
"Goodnight daddy," she whispers before turning over and away from him. "My beautiful angel."

"An island? Nich? Something you wanna share with the rest of us?" Nicholas laughs. "Yeah. I have an island. My parents left it to me. We would like to eventually move all of us out there, but it seems like a good place to train Callie. I think Kaden is going to take her out there first. Baby do you want anybody to go with you?"
Jareth smiles at his words, he gently runs his hand over Karen's head "Night Sweetheart..." Jareth stays with him for a few minutes before taking his hand and leading him from the room so Karen can get to sleep.

Kaden looks up at his question "Well... At first no..." He looks down "I don't know how she'll react at first... I don't want anyone to see that... I'm used to it..." He looks back up and tilts his head "... When we told them... After Mason's reaction... I wanted everyone to stay away... But after the club tonight... I'll leave that up to them... But I'll need at least a week alone with her..." He looks to the rest of them "She's a sweet girl... Already quite Submissive... I don't think it will take much to... break her down..." He looks to the side as Jareth and Mason return.
“Break her down,” Kevin asks. “Why would anyone resist something like this? It felt amazing. Why wouldn’t they want to feel it?”
“Why don’t you ask Mel that Kev,” Mason asks. “She did, at first. Why was that Mel?” Melanie looks around the room before settling on Mason. “Because I knew in the back of my mind I was leaving you behind. Little by little I became convinces you weren’t real and that I made you up. So even when I did see you, I was confused. I was seeing someone that I thought could not be real right in front of me telling me that everything that I had believed was true. I resisted because I knew I had another life. Callie may be the same. She may remember her life now, and as bad as it is, she may want to hold on to it. Kaden will have to go in and make her not want to hold on to it and basically re-write part of her.”
“Wow. So he literally will change part of who she is?”
“That’s why you don’t want to do all of it on me,” Nicholas asks Kaden. “I get it. I really do, and I respect it. I love you baby. Even knowing you did that to Mel and are going to do it to Callie, I still love you.” Mason shifted. “Yeah. That’s true love. You mind raped her over and over again, and you…..” He stopped. “I need a beer. You got any Nich,” he asked already heading into the kitchen. “Yeah. Help yourself.” Nicholas looks to Kaden. “He’s still pretty angry with you. He’s forgiven you, but he is still really angry about this, isn’t he?”
“Do you blame him,” Kevin asks. “This was his wife he did this to. Not to mention how this has to remind him of his failure at being her husband. I’m surprised he trusts himself to be mated with you Jareth. Probably afraid he’s gonna fail with you too. I mean he’s already got me here with you too. He may feel like he’s already half way there.”
Jareth was about to get up and follow Mason when Kaden stood up "Let me... Please..." He starts after Mason slowly, waving Nich to sit back down and give them a minute, he enters the kitchen and stops a few feet away. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have talked about it with you around... And as for coming to the island... You don't need to..." He takes a seat at the table and picks up a bottle of water, opens it and takes a sip "I know you said you wanted to feel the real thing... But you were drugged at the time... And I won't take that request seriously..." He looks at him "Are you still Ok with this... With Callie?"

Jareth keeps and ear open towards the kitchen "They're just talking... You can relax Doc..." He smiles softly at him, then pulls Kevin closer, he looks to Aliya "So... Are you feeling better... Being back home?" He wanted to change the subject.
“Yeah,” he tells him as he takes a beer from the fridge and opens it. After taking a sip, he sits down opposite Kaden. “I may have been drugged, but I still remember how I felt. So yes, Kaden, I still want to feel it. As for seeing it, I….don’t know. I’ll have to work through that as it comes up.” He takes another sip eyeing him. “Jareth wants me to confront my feelings, to not hide and run away from them. So I'm going to do that. Kaden, I’m confused about my feelings for you. On one hand, I want to bash your face in. On the other hand,” he takes a deep breath, “I want you to bend me over this table and fuck me until we both cum right now.” He grins shaking his head. “I don’t know what to do when I’m around you, and everything I feel scares the shit out of me.” He takes another sip and sits the beer on the table eyeing the bottle now instead of Kaden.

Nicholas nods. “I know.” Kevin rests his hand on Jareth’s thigh. “Yeah. I am,” Aliya replies. “It’ll take some time, and this tattoo won’t go away. At least it’s not as dark as it was. It’ll fade in time as I forget about him.”
Kaden smiles a bit "If you want to to feel it... Then I'll help with that... And you don't have to watch anything..." He nods at his wanting to beat him "I understand that..." He looks at him and blushes at his next confession "U-Um... Oh... I didn't think... You still felt like that..." He says softly and looks at his water, he smiles slightly and glances at him again "Its funny... You say that..." He holds his water "When I'm around you... You say you want me to take control... But after everything I've done to you... I just want to please you..." He looks down "Make up for everything I've done..." He waits a minute, then looks up "So I know how you feel..." He didn't know if he should bring up what happened with Karen just yet, so he stayed quiet.

Jareth smiles at her "I'm sure it will... Without him keeping it up, the magic should fade..." He smirks "And I'm pretty sure you'll have lots to keep your mind off him... Because we don't plan on letting you alone for long to dwell on him..."
"After being drugged tonight, I to do that again....but at the same time....I want to see....M'lord....taking control again. It's weird. I can be with Jareth and take control sometimes, but other times....I want him dominating me. I feel....the same about you now. Both sides of you are....arousing....and attractive." He takes another sip unaware of the blush that has spread across his face.

"Thanks, but I....don't have to be dwell on him. Trust me. He's here with me my thoughts." She wipes a tear away.
Kaden smiles slightly when he notices his blush "We are switches... We can be the Dom with some but Submissive to others... It's a normal thing... I wasn't always like that..." He looks down again "I think comin clean to Mel and you... Was the first crack in my armour... Then what happened at my house and Nicholas... The shell I built up, after everything my mother put me through, finally shattered..." He looks at Mason again "When Mel came by that morning... When I heard her talking to Nicholas... I truely thought I had nothing left... No friends, no family... They would lock me up and forget about me..." He looks a his water, remembering the feel of the water in the tub, he shivers, the feeling of breathing it in. "So I tried to end it all..." He takes a drink "But Nicholas saved me... I didn't understand why at first... But I do now..." He looks at Mason "I now know the fear you felt when I took Melanie... The pain when you found she was with me... And the hate you hold for me..." He shakes his head "I felt it when your mother took him..." He sighs "I want things to work out between us... But I know some feeling will never really fade... And I'm ok with that because I know where it comes from..." He smiles at him then "So if you want me to show you some of my 'lessons'... I'm happy to do so..."

Jateth watches her and frowns, then smirks "That just mean at we'll have to keep you in a state that doesn't let you think... I'm sure one of your Masters can help plenty with that..." He looks to Kevin "Isn't that right love... Were you able to do much thinking tonight..."
Kaden as opening up, and the more he talked, the harder Mason got. Sitting at the table, he was able to hide it. "Yeah," he says looking away. "Some things will never fade, but at least now you understand. It would be the same thing for me to take Nicolas an brain wash him into loving me. Even if he remembered you and loved you, how would you feel?" Mason was asking him this, but in his mind, he saw himself resting back on the table, Kaden making love to him, and kissing him.

"Oh no," Kevin admits with a grin. "I didn't do any thinking tonight." He rubs Aliya's arm. "You'll be alright. We're here for you. You're not alone, and you never will be. There's the house slave that Kaden's going to train as well. She'll be for your use as well."
"House slave," Aliya asks looking at Jareth.
Kaden looks at him "Hurt... Angry... About how you felt..." He watches him a moment "Are you ok? You always seem to get like this around me..." He blinks a moments "Mason... Are you.." He blushes slightly.

Jareth looks at Aliya "Yeah... You should ask Nicholas about her..." He smiles at her, kissing Kevin's cheek "But Kev's right... We won't leave you alone... And will keep you very happy..."
"Am I what," Mason asks, making it a point to look at Kaden. He was trying to hide his arousal. "I'm fine, and I understand your feelings. That's how you should feel. That's how I felt." Mason lifts his beer and takes a sip. It was more for show than because he wanted it. He had to appear normal. 'What would he say if he knew?'

"That's really sweet, but you guys don't have to babysit me. I'll be fine if you wanna spend some time alone."
Kaden watches him, from years of dealing with sex, he knew the tells, he slips his foot from his boot "I thought you didn't want to hide things anymore..." Thankful it was a small table, he reaches his foot up and runs it up his leg to his crotch, then gently runs it over his hard member. "There are so many signs of arousal you learn to pick up on when dealing with it for so many years..." He continues to slowly run his foot over him "Tell me what you want Mason... I said I wanted to please you..." He rests his arm on the table and rests his head in his hand, watching him and smiling softly.

Jareth smirks "It's not babysitting... And we go after each other enough... What's adding one more... Right love..." He runs his hands slowly over Kevin's legs 'I know you can feel it... Mason's excitement... Let's use it...' He speaks with him and then kisses his neck softly.
“Of course I don’t want to hide things….anymore,” he gasps feeling Kaden’s foot. His eyes meet his. He had figured out. Kaden asked his question, and Mason felt every bit of self control drain from him. “I want you to lie me down on this table and make love to me while I feel your lips against mine.” He heard the words and couldn’t believe he was saying them.

“Oh yes,” Kevin anwers playfully. Turning he listens to him before he feels Jareth kiss his neck. ‘Yes love. I can feel him. I’m guessing the kitchen if off limits for now.’ Aliya watches Jareth as his lips touch Kevin’s neck. “Okay,” she says standing up. “I think I’m gonna go take a walk or something that doesn’t have me right here with you two. It’s okay though. Really. You two need your time together. I understand. Besides, I could really go for some ice cream right now.” She heads for the door, a smile on her face. “Have fun guys.” She stops and laughs. "Maybe I should dress first." Aliya had forgotten that Nicholas had wrapped her naked in the blanket she left on the couch when she stood up. Nicholas moves to block her as she heads towards her room. "Where do you think you're going? First, I don't recall telling you, you could go. Secondly, just because they are becoming engaged in one another, doesn't mean I am with them. Thirdly, I don't recall telling you, you could go."
"You said you don't recall telling me I could go twice."
"It's that important."
"Oh." He moves out of her way and gestures to her room. Aliya smiles. There was no need for more words.
Kaden smiles at him "Good boy... Now stop hiding and get on this table..." He puts his foot down and leans back in his chair, he starts to open his shirt slowly.

Jareth looks up as Aliya tries to leave, but smirks as Nicholas moves to catch her "Want any more company Doc?" He pulls Kevin into his lap and runs his hands up under his shirt slowly.
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