Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Jareth smiles at them and opens the curtain to their bed, he kicks his shoes off and climbs into bed "Don't worry love... Mason's right... And yes... I have a plan..." He pats the bed for them to come up "You distract her... And I go for a walk..." He taps his head and smirks, then looks to the side as he hears her coming. "Here she comes..."

Kaden smiles and kisses him again "We can make our way there... Jareth will take care of her until we get there... 'Ali' will be quite satisfied tonight... And we will bring Aliya home..." He takes his hand and heads to the dance floor, glancing at their followers.
“Alright. Distract her. I think I can do that,” Mason says just before the curtain opens. He looks down noticing the chains hanging from her wrists. “What the hell is that for?” She grins climbing inside. “I’m bound to my Master. Just like you are bound to yours’ pet.”
“What about Nicholas,” Kevin asks. “What about him,” she hisses. “He married another. I don’t have time for that. He was always busy with Kaden. You two are always busy with him. Melanie is busy as well. I got tired of being alone. You know how that feels. Don’t you Mason?” He nods. “Yeah, but I’m working on my feelings. You can come back with us Aliya. We’ll take care of you.”
“There is NO Aliya! Only Ali!”
“Ali, dark angel to Damon,” Kevin says. She grabs him by the collar. “Don’t push it boy.”
“Ali,” Mason yells, angry at how she’s handling him. “Why don’t let two pets show you what we can do. Take off your fucking clothes bitch and get over here. My cock is ready for you. Take it out and ride it.” She grins. “My pleasure.”

Nicholas trusts Kaden, and truth be told he was enjoying spending time with him like this. On the dance floor, he wraps his arms around him. “You’re too good to me. What did I ever do to deserve you?”
Jareth just sits back and lets Mason take the lead with her, he had to get this right the first time, or she'd wake up too soon. 'Good... Keep it up love...' He glances at Mason, then Kevin 'Keep pushing her... If she's angry, she won't notice me slip in...' He takes a silent deep breath and lets it out, trying to relax, entering the mind of someone still awake was hard. He calms himself down and starts to recite a spell in his head, opening his mind, he looks to Aliya. 'Keep her busy as long as you can... Touch me to get my attention...'

Kaden cups his cheeks and smiles at him as they start to dance, "You saved my life... Brought me back for the dead... Showed you cared for me..." He glances around then whispered "If anyone should be the slave here... It's me..." He chuckles softly and kisses him again.
Mason gave Kevin a quick glance. They both understand. “Well. Come on bitch.” Ali reaches for his pants, opening them quickly. “You’re not even hard,” she tells him, a disgusted look on her face. “That’s your job bitch. Get me hard and then get me off. Unless you think you’re not woman enough to do that.”
“You….bastard,” she snarls before leaning down and taking him into her mouth. ‘Kevin, play with her pussy. Get her aroused. Get her wet.’ He nods and reaches to pull her clothes off. His fingers ghost over her slit. Ali moans on Mason’s cock. ‘Go baby. Get into her mind.’

Nicholas shakes his head after the kiss. “Don’t you see? You saved me. I was alone. I thought nobody could ever love me. I still saw the same skinny nerd in the mirror that everybody made fun of. You showed me what I really look like. You opened my eyes to who I really am. I would still be alone, but now I’m here with you, my husband, and I never have to be alone. Kaden you save me as much as I saved you, and I will always love you for that.” He kisses him roughly, pulling his body closer to his.
Jareth smirks and gets ready, he closes his eyes and relaxes, then his body slumps slightly. When he opens his eyes next, he's inside Ali's head, he looks around. "Alright Aliya... Let's find out what happened to you..."

Kaden returns his kiss and runs a hand up into his hair, he grips it and tilts his head back "Agreed my love... But you would have kept on living... I... Would not be here..." He nips and licks at his neck "And my way of thanking you... Is to turn you in to a heated mess... As often as possible..." He runs his nails down his chest, over his shirt, and cups him through his pants.
Mason and Kevin are working together to keep Ali busy. She is insatiable. "That's right bitch. You know your place." Mason give Kevin quick glances as she teases her pussy. 'I hope he hurries up. This just feels weird to me.'

Aliya's mind was cold and dark. There were only faint sounds that were mere echoes. She was deep inside, chained to the floor. Her mouth wasn't gagged, but Aliya had lost her voice. It had been stolen by Ali. Her surroundings were nothing like what they once were. No brightness, color, or even a sense of hope. It was bleak and haunting. It looked deserted and forgotten. Much like she felt.

Nicholas gasps as he cups him. "YYYYYYeeeesss Master." He rubs his nose against Kaden as he teases his lips with his. "You drug Master, and I'm addicted to you."
Jareth slowly walks around, he didn't want to alert Ali that he was there, he started to follow the soft sound in the distance. "This is not how I thought an Angels mind would look..." It was cold and dark and looked as though some of it was fading away. "Oh Sweety... Why didn't you come to us..." He rounds a few more halls before finding the source of the noise, Aliya was there, chained to the floor, he walks up slowly. "Aliya?"

Kaden smirks at him and starts to stroke him again slowly "Yeah... I'm your..." He blinks a moment and stops "Drug... Drugs... This place was drugged..." Kaden holds his chin and looks at him "Look at me baby... Open your eyes as wide as you can..." Was the club still drugging its guests.
She mouths his name, but no sound comes out. Her eyes are wet and swollen from her tears. She moves to pat her throat to let him know she can’t speak, but her wrists are chained so close to the floor, she can’t reach her own throat. Then she remembers how he can hear thoughts. Aliya hopes it will work since he is in her head. ‘Jareth. I’m so sorry. I can’t..move. I’m so alone. I just lie down..and sleep. I I’m be sick. I just..Jareth.’

Nicholas smiles at him. “What are you talking about baby?” He looks at Kaden and smiles. “Baby? Is something wrong? I am opening my eyes wide at you. Right?”
Jareth runs up to her and drops to his knees by her "Oh Sweety... We... We're so sorry... We focused on ourselves... And this..." He looks around "Never should have happened..." He softly cups her cheek "This... Is Damon's doing..." He tries to break the chains, but gets shocked "Nnn..." He looks at his hands "Shit..." He looks at her "Only you can break these... This is your mind Sweety... But know this..." He smiles at her "We are your family... And we are here with you now... We never meant to push you away... Can... You forgive us?"

Kaden shakes his head "No... Dammit... Your pupils are the only things wide open..." He looks around and glares "They're still drugging people..." He looks back to Nich "We have to find them... And you need out of here..." He takes his hand and leads him through the crowd to the VIP section.
“Jareth,” she says, surprised by the sound of her own voice. “I’m so..tired. So..sleepy.” She pulls on the chains, but they don’t break. They feel as though they’re about to, but she gives out before they break.

Ali rests her head on the bed next to Mason. Kevin stops what he’s doing and looks at him. “What’s wrong with her?” Ali moves to lie on the bed, her eyes half opened. “Ali,” Mason calls. “Aliya? What’s going on?”
“So..tired. Feel..sick.” She closes her eyes. “Jareth,” Mason says touching him. “Something is going on with Ali out there. She’s down on the bed, her eyes are closing, and she’s talking about being sleepy and sick.” Mason looks up to Kevin who is looking at him. Without a word both move to meet each other and kiss. “I..I want you Mason.”
“I want you Kevin. Now.”

“I’m..I’m fine baby. My head feels..great. I’m great. You’re great. I want you baby. Come on. Let’s..find..a bed. Let’s go the VIP..section. Come on baby.” Nicholas grins as he holds his hand taking him to the VIP section. “I love you baby.”
Jareth looks at her, then feels the touch and closes his eyes to listen, then opens them again "Aliya... I know you can do this... Just pull a little harder..." He can feel it now, the sligh pull the drugs are having on him "You can't want to stay here... What about Nicholas... He's here too... This other you is weak outside... The club is still drugging guests... Pull Aliya... Take back your life..." He cups her cheek again "Come home..."

Kaden looks back at Nicholas and groans slightly, he can feel the pull of the drug, arousing him, "I love you too baby..." He glances around for a free bed, then pulls him over to it, closing the curtains, he helps him strip slowly. "you won't be any good like this... So I might as well take care of you..." He smiles slightly "You've asked me to do this... Drug you... Tease you..." He has him lay on his back with his head up on a few pillows, he takes his belt and gently ties his hands over his head. "Now... Nicholas... Take a few deep breathes and and relax... Completely relax..." He slowly runs his finger tips over his chest as he starts to breathe.
“Nicholas,” she says, smiling at him. “I do..miss..Nicholas..and..Kaden, but,” she hesitates, “I want Damon too. I want Damon Jareth. I’m sorry. He didn’t have to..why do I have to be..this? I would have..been..with myself.” She lowers her head for a moment. When she looks up again, she grabs the chains and pulls as hard as she can breaking them. “This is MY BODY!” Mason and Kevin have removed each other’s shirts and are working their pants open when they feel Aliya moving around. “Shit. She’s moving.”
We something,” Kevin says.”
“She’ll be fine, “Mason tell him before kissing him.

Nicholas leans back, his hands bound. He nods and closes his eyes as takes deep breaths. Everything feels strange to him, but he likes it. “Yes..Master,” he mumbles.
Jareth watches her and sighs "I'm sure you did like him... And I'm sorry he did this... But you're an angel Aliya... That's all he wanted you for..." He jumps back a bit as she yells and breaks her chains, he moves back and pulls her into a hug. "You did it..." He tips her chin up to look at him "Tell me... Tell me you don't want Damon anymore... You have to fight his hold Aliya... All he wants is to own your light..." He rubs her cheek softly "But your family wants You back..."

Kaden shivers slightly as he continues, still fighting off the pull of the drugs, "Very good... In and out slowly... Relax and focus only on your breathing... In and out..." He watches Nicholas closely, he runs his fingers over his nipples to see if he'll still react. "Focus only on your breathing and my voice... Nothing else matters... Breathe and relax... That's it... In and out..." He starts to softly pinch and rub his nipples, smiling when he doesn't get a reaction, he was ready. He kept his voice low and calm, "Good... Keep it up... In... Out..." As Nicholas slips deeper into his trance, Kaden lubes up his other hand and starts to stroke him slowly, gently working him up. He strokes him from base to tip with firm slow strokes, with his mind distracted, it was only his body in control of feeling. 'This will either clear your head... Or leave you as a puddle until morning...' He thought with a soft chuckle, he smiles and shivers again, he was rather enjoying this, his cock was already hard again.
"I..I..I can't say it Jareth. I know I should. I know I have to, but..I can't. I still want..Damon. The way he made me feel..I was wonderful. I know it's wrong, but he," she closes her eyes tightly. "He only wanted me because I'm an angel? He" It was hard for her to hear that. She had thought he liked and wanted her. She opens her eyes once more, looking into his. "I don't.want Damon..anymore." Aliya starts to cry. "I don't want Damon..anymore. I don't..want Damon..anymore." With a deep breath, she tells him one more time. "I don't want Damon anymore." Her body jerks, and she opens her eyes and begins to sob. Mason and Kevin are basking in each other and don't even notice her. She runs her hand along where the tattoo was. 'Is it still here?' She didn't want to look.

In and out. He focused on how his breathing sound and felt passing through his parted lips. Nicholas could feel his chest rising and falling with each breath he took. In. Out. Kaden's voice was soothing. Though his body reacted to his touch, Nicholas did not even flinch. All he knew was his breathing and Kaden's voice.
Jareth holds her close in her head as she slowly lets Damon go, then slowly fades out to awaken in his own body. He opens his eyes and the first thing he noticed was that Mason and Kevin were fucking each other, their eyes hazy and glossed over "Boys... Can you hear me?" He wanted to help them, but Aliya came first right now, he turns to her and gently pulls her closer to him "I'm sorry Sweety... You should never have been alone..." He tips her head up and kisses her, soon licking at her lips to ask for entrance.

Kaden bites his lip a few times as Nicholas simply complies and does as told, easily slipping into a trance. 'Fuck... He's making it hard to go slow...' He moans in his head softly and continues his slow treatment, he even starts to rub his thumb over his tip as he starts to drip. "T-That's it... In and out... R-Relax..." He closes his eyes a moment, fighting to stay calm himself, it wouldn't be long before bed have to fuck him.
Aliya shakes in his arms. Jareth kisses her, and at first she looks up at him, unsure of what to do. Then she leans in and kisses him, wanting to feel something other than the pain. She knew he belonged to Mason and Kevin, but right now she needed something. Her hand ghosted over the tattoo once more, but still she did not look. Aliya began to think it wasn’t there. She had let go of Damon, and thus his tattoo should have faded. Should have, or perhaps that was just wishful thinking. “J-Jareth,” she whispered, before her lips kissed his neck.

Mason and Kevin didn’t even hear Jareth. They were too lost in each other, enjoying the pleasure they were giving each other.

In and out. In the back of his mind, Nicholas may have felt Kaden’s touch, but his mind was so focused on what he wanted him to do. His cock oozed pre as he began to pulse in Kaden’s hand. Still Nicholas focused, his eyes remained closed, and his body belonged to Kaden.
Jareth glances at Mason and Kevin again, they were fine and enjoying each other, so he'd let them be for now. He looks back at Aliya and pulls her back slightly "All you had to do was ask for us Aliya... Now... Tell me what you want... I'm all yours right now..." He smiles at her and leans down to lick and suckle at her breasts while he waits for her to decide, he was determined to make her enjoy herself.

Kaden was panting softly now, he could feel how close Nich was getting, but his body stayed still and calm. "Nnn... I'm sorry I ever said no..." He whispers softly before working his own clothes off, keeping his touch light as he moves to kneel between his thighs. He slowly lubes them up and gets him ready, "Nnn..." He moans softly as he started to enter him, it was a little strange that he wasn't reacting, be he knew that would change soon. Once inside him fully, he holds his cock again and continues to slowly stroke him, he starts to thrust into him, slowly, but in his lip. He looks down at him, his body was starting to twitch, he starts to pick up speed with both actions. He stares down at him, waiting, as he moves in him faster "That's it baby... Feel me... Let your body wind tight..." He knew once his body hit its limit, it'd snap and the built up pleasure would hit him. "I... I hope it's what you... You were expecting... Nnn..." He moans louder as he starts thrusting harder, so close but holding back.
“I want..Jareth,” she breathed, her hands reaching for his head. “No. You can’ this. You them. No,” she said, her voice becoming insisting as she began to pull him back. “I can’ this. Not anymore. You belong to them..Jareth..and they belong to you. I’m happy for you..and them, but I can’ this. I just can’t. I’m sorry. Thank you..for freeing me. I have to,” she started to reach for her clothes, but Aliya felt weak. “I want..Damon..Jareth. NO! I don’t..want him. I can’t want him. Please..Jareth. Help me..forget..him. Is it..still there,” she asked. “The rose?”

Nicholas leaned his head back as he took in a deep breath of air. His body was alive with feelings, sensations, all at once. He could feel Kaden’s cock inside him, his touch to his own member, and his skin tingled from head to toe. He groaned, his eyes hazed over. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before. The more he allowed himself to feel, the more intense everything became. He lifted his head from the pillow as he reached his limit, and Nicholas felt a sudden explosion inside that moved through his body. He released with such force. There was no holding him back. Unnatural sounds came from his mouth as he howled and moaned. His legs twitched first before his entire body spasmed. As the last of his cum left him, he relaxed into the pillow. The haze slowly left his eyes as he blinked “K-Kaden,” she softly called. “Master?” His words were breathless as he panted. He wanted to focus on Kaden, but his mind was still swirling from his experience.
Jareth growls softly before allowing her to pull him away "Mmm... Sweety... I'm mated to them... Yes... I belong to them... Yes..." He leans closer and kisses her again "But I also belong to our family... You... Mel... Kaden... Nicholas... Even Mari..." He looks down to where her hand covers the tattoo "It's still there... Faint... But there..." He looks at her again and smiles "You know how to make him leave... You have to toss him aside... And embrace us... Your family..." He had worked himself free from his pants as he spoke to her, he pulls her back into his lap and has her straddle him. "Now look at me and tell me you want him gone..." He slowly rocks her core against his cock, only slipping into her after she moans, he stares at her. "Say it Sweety... And accept me..." He could see that small spark in her eye, the Aliya he knew was there.

Kaden gasps and moans loudly as Nicholas suddenly tenses and squeezes him tight, unable to hold back anymore, he cums as well. "Nnn... F-Fuck baby..." He rocks his hips a few times when he's able to move again, then slowly falls against him, panting hard and holding him. "Nnn..." He moans softly, he was spent, his eyes half open he was tired.
Aliya felt him against her. She moaned softly. “Jareth..I…..” She knew she had to compeltly get rid of Damon from her mind to make him vanish from her body. It was almost impossible to do before, and even now, she was struggling, hurting because of the void he was leaving her with. “It hurts..Jareth. It hurts so bad. I miss him. I can’t..breathe..I feel..that way..again. Please. Help me. I..I..accept you,” she finally says, closing her eyes tight as tears roll down her face. “I accept you, and I..don’t..want..Damon..anymore.” The words felt as though they were ripping her body apart. She gasped for breath as her chest felt like she was being crushed. Aliya’s body sank down on Jareth, and she felt him more. “Jareth,” she moaned. “Make me..forget. Make me feel..good again.”

Nicholas wraps his arms around Kaden. “ strange. Is that..what it’s like? Did that to me?”
Jareth grins at her and holds her hips "That's it Aliya... You don't need him..." He starts her moving slowly, rocking and rolling her hips against him, keeping him in control of the movements. "Mmm... Do you remember your Master Aliya... Who you have yourself to..." He nuzzles at her neck and licks softly, then nips gently, slowly picking up pace, one hand moving to massage her breast gently. "Who do you really want Aliya..." He whispers softly, he needed her to focus on who her heart truely wanted, cried out for. He starts to thrust a bit harder, then looks at her again, the spark growing slowly, he pinches her nipple slightly and gives it a little tug. "Whose there in your heart..." He could feel her starting to twitch around him so he slowed down slightly, she had to answer first.

Kaden shivers slightly and holds him closer "Mmm... Yeah..." He shifts his head to look up at him "The drugs... In the air helped... Let my touch and voice slowly control you..." He could feel how much of his release was between them, and smiles "I've never seen you cum so much... And sound so... So happy..." He looks at his chest "I'm sorry... I made you wait... I just couldn't..." He shakes his head "Nevermind..." He looks up at him and smiles "This won't be your only taste of this my love... If you still want it..." He starts to slowly sit up, looking at the mess he had made.
Jareth feels….good, but she can’t shake Damon from her mind. He still has a slight hold on her, and she can’t let go of him. She tells herself over and over that she has to though. ‘Let him go. not good for you. He was using you. He only wanted you..because you’re an angel.’ Jareth’s cock fills her, and for a few moments Aliya lets go. She allows the pleasure to come in, rushing over her, and she nearly cums for him. He slows, and she is able to hang on a bit longer. ‘I like..feeling like this. Damon,’ her mind whispers. ‘Da….Nicholas. Nicholas. Oh sweet. Nicholas.’ She groans, wanting to cum, wanting to feel release and let go of Damon. “Nicholas,” she calls out. “Nicholas! My Nicholas! I want him..and..Kaden! Oh yes Jareth. I don’t want Damon. I want them. I Masters.”

“If I want it,” he grins. “All I want is you..and you told would change..who I am. I don’t want that, and I don’t..either. These drugs..make me feel..good. I’m just glad Mel..didn’t come. Last time she..and Aliya both..felt the..effects..pretty strong.” He runs his hands up and down his spine.
Jareth grins at her "Very good..." He kisses her slightly "I have permission from your Masters... To fuck you as long as I want..." He makes her look at him "Do you want me to fuck you for them Aliya... Until they arrive..." He holds her hips and stills her, knowing she was close.

Kaden shakes his head slightly "No... There was one of my drugs... That would change you... Not all..." He moves up and kisses him, nipping his lip lightly as he pulls away "But watching you... Like that... C-Completely... Mine..." He rests against him and shudders "It's never felt more... Right..." He looks at him, he was getting hard again just thinking about it, he bites his own lip, looking at him. "Tell me you enjoyed... I... I didn't think I would... But..." He shifts to rocks against him slowly "This is just thinking about it..." He looks down slightly, if he truely didn't enjoy it, it would never come up again, but if he did, he bites his lip to hold back his moan.
She wants to grind her hips into him, but his firm hand has her still. “Yes,” she moans. “Please Jareth. Fuck me. You make me feel so good. Fuck me like you do. Not like Nicholas. Not like Kaden. Like you.” Her hands reach for her own breasts, pushing them together, pinching her nipples. “Until they get here, can I pretend….I’m yours? Please.”

Nicholas moves his hands to Kaden’s face. “I didn’t like it..Kaden. Not one bit. I loved it. I was with you, and that’s….the most important thing. It’s the only thing that matters. So yes. I would love to do that again, and I will always be completely yours’.” He can feel how hard Kaden is already. “Do you hear me Master? I will always be completely,” he kisses one cheek, “totally,” another kiss to his other cheek, “Yours’.” He kisses his lips softly. “Always, no matter what you do now or have done in the past because I can not imagine my life without you."
Jareth looks at her and tips her chin up gently, he leans closer slowly and licks her lips before he kisses her softly, slowly wrapping his arms around her and holding her close. She wanted to be his for the moment, so he'd make her his. "Mmm..." He starts to move her again slowly, he stares at her.

Kaden is panting softly as he kisses him, kissing him back roughly when he reaches his lips "Nnn..." He nips at his lip lightly as he pulls away "Nnn... I don't know... Whether to cry... Or roll you over and fuck your brains out again..." He pulls him close and kisses him roughly again "Nnn... I might go with the latter... If we didn't have to go find the others..." He sits up and uses the pillow case to clean them up "Becasue right now... I wanna see my baby in control... As he fucks his little slave girl..." He pulls him up and kisses him once more.
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