Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Jareth smiles and starts to dry off himself, soon joining Kevin in the bedroom "Here... These may fit better..." He snaps his fingers and a small pile of folded clothes appears on the bed "Until we go shopping..." He kisses his cheek and moves to the door, looking it over "I'll have to fix this later..."

Kaden looks up as Mel and Mason walk in, he forces a smile and nods, returning her kiss with one of his own. "Yeah... I'm fine... He just got comfortable... I let him rest..." He leans down and kisses his cheek "Nich... Babe wake up..." He shakes him gently.
"Why don't you just snap your fingers and fix it my talented lover," he teases, kissing his neck as he approaches. "I hear Mason in the next room with them. Come on."

She doesn't believe him, but she decides she won't push the issue right now. "Don't do that Eric," he mumbles. "No." His voice sounds strained, as if he's having a nightmare.
Jareth smirks "I don't like using magic for everything love... I'd get lazy..." He moves to follow him "Coming.."

Kaden gives her a smile, then looks at Nicholas "Nich... Baby wake up..." He shakes him a bit harder "Who's Eric?"
Kevin smiles and heads into the living room. Everyone was already in there. He looked down at Nicholas as he spoke. ‘He’s having a nightmare love.’

Nicholas groans as he moves. “No Eric,” he mumbles again. “Stop. Don’t! No!” He brings his hands up slightly like he’s trying to defend against someone.
Jareth looks to Kevin, then moves to kneel by Nicholas and Kaden "Hey... Doc, wake up..." He lightly pats his cheek and gently holds his arms down, he looks to Kaden "Do you know who Eric is?" Kaden was a little worried when he wouldn't wake up and shakes his head "No... He's never mentioned t before..."
"No," Nicholas yells just before his eyes open. "Wh-What? I," he asks looking around. "I'm here..with our family. That's right," he says as he leans back against Kaden. "Whew. I think..I need..a glass..of ice water," he says before he slide from his lap and heads towards the kitchen.
Jareth jumps back as Nicholas wakes up "Woah... You... Ok Doc?" He then watches him go.

Kaden gets up and goes to follow him "Nich... What was that..." He walks up to him and puts his hand on his shoulder "Are you ok?"
He’s already got his glass of water by the time Kaden comes into the kitchen. Lowering it from his lips, he takes a deep breath. “Yeah. I’m fine. Just a nightmare. A really, bad nightmare that I’ve had for years. It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it. Strange thing is, I don’t even know the guy in the dream. He’s got chained up, and he’s….threatening me.” Nicholas shakes his head. “I don’t wanna talk about it. It’s just a stupid dream.” He looks back towards he living room. His forehead is covered in sweat, and his body trembles slightly. “Are they….ready in there?”
Kaden moves to stand before him "This isn't just a bad nightmare..." He cups his cheek and rubs it softly, looking at him. "We don't have to tell them... But talk with me... You look terrified... No secrets remember..." He kisses him softly and looks at him.

Jareth looks at the rest of them "They're talking... Let's be ready to go when they're ready..." He looks to Mel and Karen "You two gonna have some fun while we're gone?" He smiles at Karen.
Nicholas flinches a little as Kaden touches him. “Yeah. No secrets.” It was going to be hard to tell him about the nightmare, but he wanted to. “I’m..chained up. He runs his..claws..over my chest. I can hear him..laughing. It sounds..I can’t even describe it. I feel..a blade..against my skin. It’s first..but then it gets hot. Really hot. It burn me. He laughs more. I don’t..look down. I don’t want to. I beg him..plead with stop..but he doesn’t. The pain..rips..through my body,” he says, trembling more now. “I can never..see his face. Just a fuzzy..outline of him. The pain..starts to fade..and I feel warm. Really warm. Like I’ve..wet myself. He says, ‘suck a wasted organ,’ before he holds up..his hands..and in his my..beating heart. Then I wake up.” Nicholas shakes his head. “I’ve had the dream for years. “I remember something about..he asks me..if I the start of the dream. I always tell Then the horror begins.” He’s staring straight ahead, not looking at Kaden as he talks. The glass slips from his hands, and when it crashes to the floor, he jumps. “I’m sorry. I’ll..clean it up, and then we can go. Would you tell them to give me a minute?”

Karen smiles. “Yes Jareth. We’re going to have a lot of fun tonight. I like Melanie.”
“Cute kid, “Kevin tells Mason. “Thanks. She really is a sweetheart.”
“Of course she is,” Melanie tells her wrapping her arms her. Karen looks up at Jareth and smiles.
Kaden holds his hand and listens, he can almost feel his pain, his fear "Nich..." He says softly, then jumps slightly as the glass hits the floor, he blinks at him, then pulls him into a tight hug "Your heart isn't wasted... It belongs to me now... And I'll keep it safe... I promise..." He pulls back and kisses him softly, he wipes away a tear and looks at him "Do you think... Hearing about Aliya's 'tattoo' triggered this one?" He ignores the glass and tries to help him calm down.

Jareth smiles back "Good... You don't have any idea where we might find Aliya do you?"
“I don’t..I don’t know. I’ve had this dream..since before I met her. So I don’t know how..Aliya could trigger it. I can smell him,” he says closing his eyes. “My chest..burns..right now.” His hand grips him. “I just get out of here. I know you’ll heart safe baby, and I’ll..take care of yours’ as well. I promise.” He kisses him quickly, softly. “I love Kaden. Thank you..for this, but I really..just need to get out..and start to have some fun. Being with you..will help take my mind off this dream.”

“Bound,” Karen says while looking at him. She tilts her head as she stares at him. “You know the place.”
Kaden nods and kisses him softly again "Ok... I'll let them know... I'll be back in a few minutes if you're now out yet..." He rubs his cheek "Take your time ok... And be careful on that glass..."

Jareth looks at Kevin "Bound... By herself?" He looks at Mason and Melanie "That doesn't sound good..." He glances over to Kaden as he enters the room "Nicholas alright?" Kaden nods "Yeah... Just a bad dream... He'll be out in a minute... We ready to go?" Jareth nods "Yeah... And Karen says she's at Bound..." Kaden stares, then looks to Karen "Bound... You're sure?"
After Kaden leaves, Nicholas holds his face and finally lets go. He knows he told Kaden no more secrets, but he can’t bear for him to see him like this. “It’s just a dream. Just a stupid dream. Get a hold of yourself.” He turns and gets the broom and starts to clean up the glass.

“Do you trust me Kaden,” she asks. “Would you open your mind up to me, or would you rather Jareth do it? I can show you her there.”
Kaden bites his lip to hold back his glare "No... I trust you Sweety..." He quickly turns back to the kitchen, waiting on Nicholas "I'm worried about him... That dream really scared him..." He said softly and glances at Jareth.

Jareth watched them and could tell there was something wrong, he glances at Karen before looking to Kaden "It was just a dream... Maybe I'll have a look later... If he wants me to..."
She smiles as he climbs up on the couch to be closer to him. “Close your eyes, and open your mind to me.” She reaches up and touches his temples lightly. “See..what I see.” She shows him an image of Aliya, but she’s not Aliya. She’s Ali, on a bed surrounded by men and women, moaning and writhing. It’s clearly Bound. “Fuck me boys. Take me. Come on girls. Lick my pussy. Make me feel good. I need it. I’m begging you,” she tells them. Karen moves her hands from him. “Now you see.”

Nicholas dumps the glass in the trash can and puts the broom away. He waits for a moment, taking a deep breath, before he enters the living room. “We all set,” he asks.
Kaden didn't notice her moving closer and gasps as she touches him "No! What..." His eyes open wide as he sees the scene, as if he were standing by the bed, he blinks a few times before pulling away "D-Don't do that!" He turns and glares at her slightly "I said I believed you..." He hears Nicholas and looks to him "I'm ready... Let's get going..." Without waiting for the others he heads for the door and waits in the hall, he leans against the wall and takes a few deep breaths.

Jareth watches, "You have power over the mind too?" He wondered if she had been taught the dos and don'ts of mind control, that was a quick way to fall to the darkness.
“I’m sorry,” she says on the verge of tears after Kaden leaves. “I thought he meant no he didn’t want me to you,” she tells Jareth. “He said he trusted me. So I showed him.” She wipes her face with the back of her hand. “Yes Sir. I can show people what I see. I just wanted him to see Ali.”
Nicholas follows Kaden. “Baby? You okay? What happened to you in there?” Melanie comes out and pushed Kaden. “What’s your problem? You made a kid cry. She was just showing you what she saw. You act like that sweet little girl in there could hurt you. Are you afraid of a kid Kaden? Grow up.” She shakes her head. “You don’t go around making kids cry.”
Kaden looks up as Nicholas comes out, he was about to tell him when Mel comes out and starts to push him and yell. "What the hell... She freaked me out... I'm sorry ok..." He turns and heads for the elevator, pressing the button, he really needed to get away.

Jareth looks at her "It's ok sweetheart... You caught him off guard and he was already upset..." He moves closer and gives her a hug, "I'm sure Kaden is sorry..."
Nicholas goes after him. “You better get your husband in line,” Melanie calls out to him. He ignores her, catching up to Kaden. “Hey. You’re not doing this alone. Okay? She caught you off guard. She didn’t have your permission.” He grabs him and pulls him close. “You get in that elevator, and I go to. Sorry. That’s the way it is.”

“Thank you Jareth. I was only trying to help. That’s where she is though.”
“So are we going to go get her,” Mason asks.
Kaden waits until Mel is back in the apartment before turning to Nicholas "I don't trust her... Not anymore..." He whispers softly and holds him, he looks down "She offered to... Help me fix things... With Mason..." He looks back up at him "But her solution... Was to change our memories... Split us up... Jareth with Kevin, you with me, Mason with Mel... And we wouldn't know each other... I'd... I'd lose my children..." He shakes his head "And she go mad when I said no... That's why I freaked out when she touched me... I felt her in my head..." He steps closer "I don't know what to do..."

Jareth looks to the door then back at Karen "It's ok Karen... I'm sure you just scared him... Entering a mind that's not ready... It shocks the person..." He looks to Mason "Yes... Which means I have to give this gift early..." He turns to Kevin and snaps his fingers, a blue and silver chainmail collar with a heart shaped lock appears in his hand with small keys. He smiles at Kevin "See what's on the lock..." On one side there was a small angel charm, on the other there was a small blue paw print over the lock hole.
“What,” Nicholas says narrowing his eyes at him. “ do that? It doesn’t make any sense.” He shook his head. “Oh I believe you baby. I really do. I’m just trying to figure out why she would make such an offer. What’s in it for her?” He reaches up to caress his face. “Do you think she was trying to force something on just you now, or do you think she truly only wanted to show Aliya? Speaking of which, what did you see? Is she safe?”

“You weren’t kidding,” Kevin smiles. “You really want me to wear a collar.” His grin grew. “Alright. I will gladly wear it.” He kneeled down in front of him and lowered his head. “By all means, collar me, and you will be my Master.” Mason smiles and rubs Karen’s back. “Do you understand any of this?”
“I’m a kid daddy. I’m not stupid. Of course I do. I’m a demon after all. I’ve seen this kind of stuff before.”
Kaden looks at him "I don't know... But she called me selfish for not taking her offer... That I was only thinking of myself... Not caring about Mason or Mel..." He shakes his head "But I was thinking of everyone! Mel loves Mason yes... But she also loves me... Mason loves Jareth... I love my children..." He looks back to the door "I'm... Afraid... That she'll try something... We have to try and find a way to let ourselves know... If something happens..." He looks back at him "Aliya... She's going by Ali... And she's at Bound... With Several people... In VIP..."

Jareth smiles and unlocks the collar, he glances to Mason as he puts it on Kevin, locking it up again "I have one picked out for you... But I wasn't sure if you'd want it..." He smirks slightly, pulling Kevin up to stand "It'll work perfect at Bound..."
“Okay baby. We’ll figure out something. Until then, you’re not to be alone with her. Alright? I won’t allow it. I’m always with you, and if I’m asleep on your lap, you wake me up,” he tells him. “We lock our bedroom tonight as well. Unless she a magician or locksmith, she’s not getting into that room. You will be safe. If I have to fly you out of here tonight, you will be safe. As for Aliya, or Ali, or whatever she’s going by, we’ll bring her home. This Damon won’t get to her. She’s my slave,” he says looking back towards the others. “Let’s go get her,” he tells him, taking him by the hand and leading him inside.

"Me? Wear a collar," he blushes. "Alright. I'll do it," he says moving to kneel as Kevin had. “Oh come on daddy. You know you want to wear it,” she tells him grinning. “You already wear something that locks you to Melanie. Your wedding rings. You two belong together. Always. Right,” she asks looking at his hand. “Daddy! Where is your wedding ring? You’re married to her. You need it.” She looks over to Jareth and sees it. “Hey! Why do you have it? Give it back to him. It’s not yours’.” Mason looks down at her with concern before looking to Jareth. “It’s alright Karen. I gave it to him.”
“Please. Give it back to my daddy. It's a symbol of his love from and for Melanie Please.”
Kaden nods and follows him "She's a good kid... I know she is... But I think she has a darkness of her own... One she doesn't want to fight..." He says softly before they walk in again, he puts on a smile and tries to relax.

Jareth smiles at Mason and snaps again, this time the collar was black and blue, with a black lock, it had a blue paw print on it. He was about to open it when Karen started talking, he looks to the ring on his hand, then back at Mason. "Umm... Well..." He looks to Mason, he'd leave this up to him.
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