Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Kevin keeps his eyes to him as he feels the material slide down his legs. His hands cup his face. “My love. My sweet love.” He kisses him softly before pulling up to his feet. “Take a shower with me love.”

Mason nods and heads out of the kitchen. “Baby,” Melanie calls to him. “I’m going out on the balcony.”
“I’m coming with you.” She takes his hand and follows him. “I don’t know..if I can work through this with him.” She places her finger on his lips. “Then don’t. At least for right now, don’t.” She leans forward and kisses him. “Then what should I do,” he asks her softly after he breaks the kiss. She smiles against his lips. “Make love to me.” He walks her backwards to one of the lounge chairs on the balcony. “My pleasure,” he tells her as he nudges her on her back. She kisses him again, deeper this time, letting him feel her passion.

“Are you alright husband,” Nicholas asks, pulling him close. He kisses his head.

Karen is standing in the open door. She heads back into the room she was just in. “You know, Nicholas and Kaden are happy together. Jareth and Kevin have been lovers for years. Mason and Melanie are married. Maybe those are the couples that need to be.”
Jareth smiles and kisses him back "Mmm... I'd love to..." He takes his hand and leads them to the bathroom, then moves to start the shower.

Kaden watches them go, then allows Nicholas to pull him close, he relaxes some "Yeah... Just... My fear of being alone again... I know Mason isn't like that... Isn't like... How I used to be..." He sighs and hugs him "I'm Ok... Really..." He looks up at him and smiles "Have you heard from Aliya yet?"
Kevin pushes him back into the shower and grabs the soap. Pressing it to his chest, he rubs creating bubbles. Leaning in he kisses him as he works the soap into his skin. His hand trails the soap down his body, to his hips. Kevin whispers in his ear, "Have to get all of you clean before we go out tonight."

"Kaden you will never, ever be alone. I promise you that. Even if everything else goes away, and believe me when I say I'll do whatever I can to make sure that doesn't happen, but if it does, I will never leave you. Your days of being alone are over." He squeezes him tight. "No. I haven't heard from Aliya. I can't reach on her on her cell, and the nurses say she left. They said she seemed off when she did, but I'll talk to her later. You're my concern. You're my husband."
Jareth lets him lead him and kisses him back, he moans softly as Kevin starts to wash him "Mmm... Having fun little angel?" He slowly runs his claws over his arms and back as he washes him, waiting for the soap so he can return the favour. He tips his head up slightly "If I asked you... To wear a collar for me... Would you..."

Kaden leans closer and kisses him softly "Mmm... I may be your husband... But I'm not your only concern love..." He reaches up and rubs his cheek softly "Aliya... She loves you too... And she ended up with this... Devil... Becasue she felt left out... You can't turn your back on her, any more then I can on Mel..." He kisses him softly again "She needs to know she's loved here... With family..."
"Yes my love. I am enjoying myself. Why shouldn't I? I'm with you." Kevin stops his hand holding the soap as he looks into Jareth's eyes. "Yes. I would wear anything for you love. If it would please you, make you happy, let you know how much I love you, then yes." He sinks to his knees and starts to wash Jareth's feet. He glances up and him and smiles before returning his gaze to his task. Slowly he makes his way up his legs until he reaches his member. "Have to get you all clean," he says as she gently takes him in his hands and cleans him. There's a smile on his lips as he does.

"You're right. I know. That's why I married you. Because you're so cute..'re so smart..and cute, but that's why I do other things to you," he grins. "When everybody is ready, we can go. I'll go see what everybody is doing."
"I wouldn't," Karen calls out. He laughs looking at the door before back to Kaden. "And why not you nosey little girl?"
"Because Kevin is with Jareth and Mason is with Melanie."
"Okay. So I'll go tell them we're leaving."
"I wouldn't. I mean they are really with each other. Reeeeaaallllly with each other. Get it?"
"OH!" He blushes as he looks at Kaden. "I get it."
Jareth smiles "Mmm... Just the thought of you... My not so innocent little angel... In a collar... Nnn..." He moans softly as Kevin starts to clean him, looking down at him "It gets me excited... Mason too..." He smirks "I'm the dog... But you wear the collar..." He shudders slightly in his hands and reaches down to runs his fingers through his hair slowly.

Kaden smiles at him and kisses him after his slip up "You're too cute..." He blushes only slightly, understanding Karen right away, he looks to Nicholas again and smirks "You're so cute when you blush..." He takes his hands and puts them around his neck softly "Just wait here with me... I'm sure they'll be ready to go soon... Relax..." He kisses him once more.
He feels Jareth’s reactions to his touch. Kevin puts the soap down and begins to let the water wash away all of the soap. His hand keep stroking Jareth. Once all of the soap is gone, he leans forward and takes him in his mouth. He moves at an even pace, not taking all of him, but he works enough of his cock into his mouth that he feels his tip at the back of his throat. Kevin looks up at him, making sure Jareth can see his eyes.

Nicholas’ blush spreads as Kaden makes his comment. “Okay. I can wait here with you. I guess I’m just a little nervous. Aliya is out there with this devil now because she felt left out. I wanna make that right. She doesn’t need this….Damon for that. I wanna take care of her. I take care of those I care about. All of them.”
Jareth continues to moan softly then groans and reaches up to hold the curtain rod "F-Fuck... And I thought I was... Mmm... Making it up to you... Nnn..." He looks down a him as he starts to pant softly "God you feel good..." He looks him in the eyes and smiles, flashing a fang.

Kaden smiles "You can be so brave and forceful when it's needed..." He kisses him softly, licking his lips and twisting their tongues slowly "But a few touches from me... You're a happy little puddle..." He chuckles softy and starts to lead him to the living room "Wanna join us for some TV Karen Sweety?" He sits on the love seat and pulls Nicholas to sit on his lap, he runs his fingers through his hair, picking up the remote.
He pulls from him, resting against his thigh for a moment. "You are..making this..up to by being..with me love." A quick kiss to his thigh and he moves to take him again. Kevin pulls free of him and licks along the entire length of his shaft. "You're making this up to allowing me to taste feel have love." When Kevin puts his mouth around him this time, he pushes even further, gently, throat fucking his cock, groaning against him.

"You're the only man who can make me a puddle. You're the only one I want to." He takes his hand and follows him into the living room. Karen comes out and follows him. Settling in Kaden's lap he asks her, "So what do you like to watch on tv?"
"The wall street report. Those people are real demons," she giggles. "You're putting me on," he asks. She giggles more at him. "You're a handful. You know that kid?" Again she laughs at him.
Jareth groans again and runs his claws through his hair and looks down at him "I love it when you get like this... Nnn... That's it baby..." He moans louder as he starts to throat him "Nnn... J-Just a bit m-more..." He starts to slowly rock into his movements, trying to hold back a bit longer, he was enjoying this.

Kaden laughs softly and starts to flip through te channels "Fine... I'll be the kid and pick the cartoons..." He smiles and stops on a retro cartoon channel "Perfect..." He relaxes and holds Nich closer, kissing his head as he holds his hand.
Kevin can feel him getting close. This is what he wants. His hands run up his thighs to his heips where he holds him and begins to urge his movements forward more. Finally he moves his hands around to his ass where her grips him. Inching his further into his throat, Kevin can feel how tight he is around him. His tongue swirls along his cock as he groans.

“Yeah. This is perfect.” He relaxes against him. Karen looks back at them and smiles.
He tries to keep watching him, but his eyes end up falling shut the more Kevin works him, he whines softly as it becomes too much. "Nnn... G-Gonna... Gon... Oooooh..." He bucks his hips forward slightly and cums, filling his throat, his legs shake, but he's able to stay standing "Fuck... That was heaven..." He leans back against the wall and grins at his joke, panting softly to catch his breath.

Kaden looks at Nicholas, then Karen and smiles back, he then glances to where Mel and Mason went '.. Wonder how they're doing... I didn't want to upset him again...' He thinks before looking back to the tv, softly tickling his fingers along Nich's arm.
Kevin slowly stands, kissing along his body as he does. “Now who’s the puddle my love?”

Nicholas settles against him more, trying not to fall asleep he’s so comfortable.

Melanie looks up and over to him. He’s smiling softly at her. “That was amazing baby.” His smile widens as he kisses her nose softly. “I do love Jareth, make no mistake, but my love for you is unmatched Melanie. I have always loved you, and I always will. You are my wife, and the mother of my child.” They were lying naked on the same lounge chair with the city beneath them. “What if someone saw us?”
“Let ‘em. I don’t care anymore. I’m not afraid to show how I feel for you or to try new things. If I had been that way from the start, maybe he wouldn’t have taken you. I’m so sorry baby.”
“No. I’m sorry. I let myself fall in love, but I never stopped loving you Mason.” She snuggles closes to him. “We have to get dressed and go back inside.”
“Just a little bit longer.”
“Okay,” he whispers.
Jareth chuckles softly and looks down at him "Fair enough..." He pulls him close and kisses him softly again "Mmm... Do I get to wash you now?" He smiles softly.

Kaden watches him and smiles "I can wake you when they're ready..." He leans down and kisses his cheek lightly.
"You can do whatever you like to me. I'm yours'." Kevin leans down and picks up the soap. As he stands, he slips it into Jareth's hand with a smile on his face.

"O-Okay. I think I might..just take you up..on that offer."

Melanie's eyes open wide. "Here Mason. Feel this," she says grabbing his hand and placing it on her belly. "Oh," he says looking at her. "They're active. Say hi to daddy." He rests his head on her as he looks down towards her belly. "Hi babies. I love you so much."
He takes the soap and smiles, he watches him and starts to lather up his hands, then starts to run his hands over his chest slowly. "As I'm yours..." He lightly rubs over his nipples, then moves behind to rub his back and sides, he grips his ass lightly and leans down to kiss him softly again.

Kaden smiles again "Then take a nap... You must need it..." He even starts to hum softly, he wouldn't be falling asleep unless he needed it.
Kevin gasps as he grabs his ass. "Oh my love," he grins. "So aggressive."

Nicholas is soon sleeping soundly next to him. Karen turns and looks at him and then Kaden. "You really love him."
Jareth smirks "I know what my boys like..." He moves him to rinse off, then pulls him close again "Oops... Missed a spot.." He smirks and soaps his hand up, then reaches down to start on his cock, stroking it slowly, looking at him "Fast or slow..." He grins.

Kaden glances at Karen when she speaks and smiles "I do... Very much..." He runs his ringers slowly down his arm to help keep him asleep "He saved me... From doing something very stupid... Because I thought I was all alone..." He looks to where Melanie went and smiles softly "I love her very much too, and the children she is giving me... I know I went about this all wrong... But looking at what I have now..." He looks down to Nicholas again "I wouldn't change a thing..."
"S-slow love. I wan-want to enjoy you..this." Kevin closes his eyes half way as his hands rest on Jareth's shoulders. A look of pure elation is on his face.

"What if you could? What if you could make it so my daddy and Melanie didn't get hurt? You said you went about it all wrong. What if you had the chance to fix it? Would you?" She stared at him, her face giving away nothing.
Jareth nods and leans closer, resting against his forehead to watch him and help him stay standing, he strokes him slowly, brushing his thumb over his head now and then.

Kaden looks at her and thinks a moment "I... Don't really know..." He looks at Nicholas "We wouldn't have each other anymore..."
"Th-that'" Kevin's lips move, but when anything comes from him at all, it's jumbled. Softly he speaks to him. "" His face is flushed as he feels himself throbbing in his hands. "Eyes..look..cum..I." He grins faintly, knowing what he sounds like.

She slides off the couch and comes over to him. "Sure you would." She raises her hand to his face, her fingertips not quite touching his forehead. "You met him in town. You fell in love right away. It can be a real memory. Do you want it?"
Jareth grins and continues his slow pace "Stop what baby?" He flashes his fangs and runs his claws lightly over his cock, teasing him. "Nice and slow little angel... And look at me.."

Kaden stiffens slightly as she moves closer, leaning away from her hand "N-No... No... I wouldn't give up Mel and my children..."
"Yes," Kevin pants, feeling so close. "Almost," he tells him. "" His face is red as he starts to tighten. Kevin rests his forehead against Jareth's still, and his eyes lock with his as he groans. He cums for him, feeling such relief his knees begin to buckle.

"Then you're not really sorry. You're still thinking about yourself, and that makes you selfish. You're not sorry about what you did to my daddy, and you're not sorry about what you did to Melanie. You're still the same, selfish man who took her." She glances at Nicholas. "He loves you, even if you are selfish." She turns and returns to her seat and continues to watch cartoons.
Jareth growls softly and kisses him after his release, holding him up so he doesn't fall, he moves them under the water to wash off. "Mmm... All clean..." He chuckles slightly.

Kaden stares at her as she speaks, too shocked to respond, he unconsciously holds Nicholas a bit closer. He stays silent and watches the cartoons, glancing at the back rooms and the balcony now and then.
“Yeah,” he laughs. “All clean. Now let’s get dried off and dressed. I’m actually a little hungry.” He steps from the shower and hands Jareth a towel. He liked spending time with just Jareth, but Kevin was ready to be around the family again. Once he’s dry, he steps out into the room and finds some clothes to put on.

Mason and Melanie come inside and head towards the living room. She giggles as he puts his arms around her waist and kisses her cheek. “Hey baby. You guys doing okay in here?”
“Yes daddy,” she tells him. “We’re watching cartoons. Kaden put it on them for me.”’
“Thanks man. Thanks for looking out for her.” Melanie looks over at him and can tell something is off. “You okay M’lord,” she whispers to him as she leans down to kiss his cheek.
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