Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Mason was overcome with sensations. Kevin’s warm mouth taking him and Jareth fucking him were almost too much on their own, and when Jareth released, he couldn’t hold back any longer. He filled Kevin’s mouth and gasped as Kevin pulled him tighter, taking him deeper as he swallowed every drop. Kevin was pushed over the edge by the sudden rush from both of them. He filled Mason’s mouth and felt him struggling to swallow all of him. Mason leaned over to the side of Kevin and collapsed, not wanting to fall on top of him. “That was….incredible! Kevin? What came over you?” Kevin grinned. “Why? Did you like it?”
“Yeah. I did. You Jareth?”

She groans as he touches her clit. Her clit is already swollen, and her orgasm is on the edge. She’s just waiting for the word from him. When he tells her to cum, she barely has time to reply, “Yes M’lord, “ to him before she cums. As her pleasure fills her, so does he. “Thank you M’lord,” she pants. “Thank you so much.” Her eyes began to clear, and she was aware of what had happened. She can feel her heart pounding in her chest, and Melanie smiles knowing things are going to be okay with them.

Nicholas smiles, looking down at the floor. He’s on the other side of the door, but hearing what was happening, he didn’t go inside. He headed back to the couch where he sat down with Karen in the floor watching tv. “He still loves you, you know.”
“I know.”
“He’ll always love her, but he loves you too.”
“I know.”
Jareth groans again and slowly pulls from Mason before slowly falling to the side of both of them "Nnn... You boys..." He was panting and his eyes were closed, but the large grin on his face was answer enough.

Kaden pulls from her and moans softly, soon laying down next to her "Mmm... You're... Very welcome baby girl..." He gently pulls her closer and kisses her neck "Mmm... Rest... Then we'll got find my hubby..." He smiles and holds her close.
Mason rolls over to his back looking from Kevin to Jareth. "A bunch of happy men in here," he laughs. "We'll give it a minute before we go see what Nicholas wanted to talk about."

“Yes M’lord. We’ a moment.” She couldn’t contain the smile on her face as she looked at him. “I wouldn’t feel the same with you being married now. I’m not worried anymore. You were wonderful.” She leans towards him, kissing his lips slowly, softly.

‘I could hear her. That’s what being in one of his trances is like. She was in one. He didn’t even drug her, and she was in one. She gets to feel it. Callie will feel it. Aliya felt it. Hell he’d probably let Mari feel it too. Mason too.’ He runs his fingers through his hair. ‘I told him I was fine with his choice, and I’m going to be. It’s not what he wants, and I want him happy. I can’t do this to him. He loves me just the way I am. What if it changes me, and he doesn’t love me? No. I can’t do that to him. I won’t.’
Jareth chuckles softly and nods "Yeah... Cause... I can't really move..." He opens his eyes slightly and looks to Kevin "That was a pleasant surprise love... I quite liked it too..." He lays there and tries to relax, his mind still playing a few moments over "Mmm... That will be happening again..." He smiles.

Kaden smiles at her, he kisses her cheek "I told you nothing would change..." He slowly runs his fingers along her arm slowly. "You know... He asked me... Nich asked me to... Do what I did to you... To him..." He looks at her "You trancing out just now... Reminded me..." He looks at his hand "But I told him I couldn't... Not everything... I don't want to change him..." He looks at her again.
Mason laughs. “We’re never gonna get out of this room if you keep thinking about it baby, and Kevin, I still can’t believe you. You turn into a stuttering mess with Jareth. With me, you were in control. Why?”
“Jareth reduces me to that. With you, I don’t know. I just wanted to feel certain things, and I made sure I did. You didn’t complain. I could never be that way with Jareth, but you can.”
“Yeah,” Mason begins sitting up and looking at Jareth. “I can take control sometimes. I’m glad he lets me. I think I’m gonna get dressed and head in there for some water. I’m thirsty now thanks to you two.”

She looks at him with a curious look. “Did it change me that much? M’lord, I changed because I fell in love with you. He’s already there. I’m still Melanie. I changed because you opened me up to new experiences, ones I wasn’t ever going to have with Mason. Well, at least not the old Mason. It wasn’t the drugs or the sessions. It was you. Always has been. Always will be."

"Karen, would you like some ice cream?"
"They'll be out soon. Don't you wanna stay here?" He smiles at her. "I didn't mean we were going out. I make a mean ice cream sundae."
"Really?" He nods. "Okay. Sure." He stands and takes her by the hand into the kitchen. "Just tell me what you want in there sweetheart."
"Bananas, chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, whip cream, and chocolate syrup."
"Almost perfect. You forgot the nuts." She grins. "Yeah." Nicholas begins scoop the ice cream for her singing to her. She puts the toppings on as he does.
Jareth laughs slightly "Tell my head that... Mmm... You boys were just too much..." He slowly sits up and watches Mason get up "We really need to go shopping... Clothes are running low..." He glances at Kevin "Maybe after Nich's talk?" Looking to Mason too.

Kaden glances at her "There were things I changed about you... Memories... I conditioned you to react to certain actions... You're trances for one..." He looks to the ceiling "Hmm... Maybe there is something I can do with him..." He smiles, slowly coming up with a plan.
"Yeah. Sure. That's fine with me. We can clothes shopping. Get Kevin in some tight jeans. Show off that cock of his." Mason licks his lips before resting against the door. "Come on angel boy. Get up and get dressed."
"You can take control with Jareth. Not me. Don't order me around. Got it?" Mason nods. "Fair enough. "What about you demon boy? You gonna get dressed?"

"Don't you dare," she tells him making him look at her. "You don't want to risk changing him. Do you?"
Jareth smirks and glances at Mason "Enough boy... I'm working on it..." He smirks "Besides... Lover... You aren't even dressed yet..." He stands slowly and grabs his pants, pulling them up.

Kaden blinks and looks at her "What... No, no... I would never risk that..." He smiles softly "But there are several ways... To induce a trance without drugs... And I know a good one..." He takes her hand "I'd give him the drugs to boost his sensitivity to touch... I already said I would..." He kisses her softly "I can do this... I won't hurt him..."
“Oh I can get dressed fast enough demon boy,” he teases. “Knock it off Mason,” Kevin grins. “Don’t’ get him started again.” Mason and Kevin both move to join Jareth in getting ready. They’re both done about the same time. “So, shall we go see what Nicholas is up to?” Mason opens the door and heads towards the living room. He hears Nicholas singing in the kitchen and heads that way. When he sees them, he stops and smiles. ‘She looks so happy.’ Karen looks up and sees him. “Daddy!”
“Oh hi. Anybody else want some ice cream?”
“It’s yummy daddy.” Mason moves closer to her. “I’ll bet it is.”
“Want a bite,” she asks offering him a spoonful. “Yeah.” He takes the ice cream. “Mmmm. Very good.” Karen laughs and looks at Kevin as he asks, “What about me? Don’t I get a bite too?” She offers him a spoonful. “Oh! You make the best sundaes ever.” Karen giggles and looks at Jareth. “Want a bite?”

“I’m sure you won’t. You love him. Anybody can tell that.” She moves to slide from the bed. “I’m hungry M’lord. I want….ice cream….with chips.” Melanie fixes her clothes and head for the door. “You coming?”
Jareth chuckles and finishes dressing as well, then follows them, he watches Mason and Kevin with Karen and smiles. "Sure Sweety..." He crouched down low to be closer to her, opening his mouth for her.

He smiles "You can't help who you love..." He moves to follow her, fixing his clothes "Isn't is supposed to be ice cream and pickles..." He laughs slightly.
"You've got fangs because you're a demon. I don't have fangs. I just have my gifts." She feeds him the bite of ice cream.

"No," she said taking his hand. "You certainly can't help who you love. It wasn't easy to admit to myself or Mason that I had fallen in love with you, but I did." She opens the door. "Pickles? Now there's a thought. I wonder if Nicholas has any." She leads him into the kitchen where she stops and giggles at Jareth being fed.
"Not all demons have fangs..." He smiles and takes a bite of the Sunday "Mmm... Pretty good..." He glances at Mel as they walk in "What... I can't enjoy ice cream..." He smiles at her and stands again.

Kaden walks up and smiles, he kisses Mel's cheek then moves to stand with Nicholas "Mmm... That's looks good... Can I have one..." He smiles and hugs him from behind.
Karen giggles at him. She likes Jareth. Mason leans down. "Another bite." She begins to feed him.

"You can have anything you want baby," he tells him with a grin as he raises his eyebrows. "Okay you two lovebirds, " Melanie says. "You had something you wanted to talk to us about," Kevin speaks up. "So what's going on?" Nicholas looks at Kaden. "Karen sweetheart, why don't you take your sundae into the living room and watch tv some more?" She slides from the counter and grabs her bowl. "Okay." Her footsteps keep going until she sits down. "Cute kid Mason." He smiles. "Thanks. So what is going on?" Nicholas stands next to Kaden and takes his hand. "We want a house slave. Someone we can train to take care of any of us sexually and take care of the house. She'll be for everyone, at your disposal, any way you need. We've already got a girl picked out. She has no real family, and she's a sweet girl."
"Shit Nicholas you're serious," Melanie says. "Yeah. She's sleeping in a room down the hall. Kaden is going to train her like he did....."
"With me, right? He''re going to train her like you did me? You're going to break her in? Are you sure Kaden? Can you do this? Do you want to?"
Jareth just smiles and stands behind Kevin and Mason, watching Mason with Karen, then looks to Nicholas as he starts to lay out his idea. "You're going to kidnap her..." He'd have to know more about her.

Kaden holds his hand and doesn't look at anyone just yet, then looks at Nich and smiles softly before looking to Mel. "I do want to do this... But not for the reasons I did it before... And I can do this..." He looks at Mason "But I won't... Unless everyone agrees... We are family... And will decide as a family..." He looks back to Mel "She was attacked the other day... So she's going to stay here until she can be on her own... Becasue her family... Doesn't care... Unless... We keep her here..." He looks at them all "But it's all or nothing... If there is one no... It doesn't happen... This isn't for me..."
"He's right. This is a house slave. We all want her, or she goes back home."
"What do you mean her family doesn't want her," Melanie asks. "I mean her family could care less that they have her as a daughter. They threw out for becoming a nurse, and she's still living at the house. They don't even notice. They don't even talk to her." Melanie shakes her head. "How can a parent have a child and treat them that way? I'm in. I know Kaden can do this. I trust him." Mason looks over at her. "Yeah. You know he can do this. You're living proof of that." There's anger in his voice. "You want to do this to somebody else because her parent don't care about her? What if someone had thought Karen's parents didn't care about her? What if there's more to it?"
"Mason I understand your concern. I've known Callie for a number of years. I've even met with her parents. This isn't a misunderstanding. This is a man who got his wife pregnant and couldn't abort the child or give her away. He's in the media. He's a well known, respected business man. Coleman computers. Ever heard of it?"
"Callie Coleman," Kevin says. "Son of've got Callie Coleman in this apartment. Don't you?" Nicholas nods. "No. He's not making this up. Rumors have been going around for years that the man and his wife are ice cold. Mason, this is for real." He nods. "Okay. Then I'm in, but we all take good care of her."
"Yeah. I agree with him," Kevin says. "We take good care of her, or we don't bring her into this. Wait a second though. What about Aliya? Shouldn't she get a vote in this?"

Ali sit up on the bed and stretches. "I think I want a shower and then out of these drab clothes. It's time to hit the town, and I want to have a little fun."
Kaden was worried when Mason started to talk, this wasn't going to be like Mel at all, he was going to say that when Nich took over. He gives his hand a gentle squeeze and looks to Mason "I know how you feel about this Mason... But I gave my word to never do what I did to Mel again... This is very different..." He glances at Kevin "Of course she has a say... Callie will be here for a little while at first until she heals... So Aliya can meet her after work..."

Jareth steps up behind Mason and softly holds his arms and growls very softly to help keep him relaxed, he knew how he felt. "If you're sure this will be a better life for her... Then I'm in as well..." He looks to Nicholas "Now about Aliya... What do you want to do about her new... Friend..."
“Damon, her new friend. What do we know about him?”
“It’s not good,” Kevin tells him. “He’s the prince of hell. The devil. The more he takes her there, the more she won’t desire to be here. He can convert her into a dark angel as well.”
“Well that’s just a barrel of good news, isn’t it? Then we have to get her away from him.”
“There’s more. He gives people a….tattoo. It allows him to keep up with them. He can find a person no matter where they go with it. He’s given one to her.”
“Is there any good news about this guy?” Kevin shakes his head. “Not that I know of.”
“Great. Well Aliya was at work. We can head out to get her, have a night out, and talk this out. What can we do about Karen though?” Mason laughs. “Are you kidding me? She’s been on her own so long, being here alone will be a walk in the park. Besides Mari is sleeping in the next room. Just give her a word she can use to awaken her if she needs to baby. She’ll be fine.”
“I can ask my neighbors to keep an ear out for the place too,” Nicholas tells them heading into the other room to make the call. Mason pulls away from Jareth. ‘Don’t. I don’t want to be relaxed right now. I want to be angry, and I think you know why,’ he tells him looking over at Kaden.
Kaden looks up "I... Don't think Mel should go with us... I don't want to risk something happening to her and the kids..." He looks to Mel "Please... I don't want you hurt again..."

Jareth looks at Mason and pulls him back into a hug 'You're right... But you can't do this, bottle your anger... You heard them, if you don't want this... Say so...' He tips his head up to look at him 'Keeping it hidden... Feeds the evil..." He kisses him softly 'I don't want to lose you again... Please...' He holds him closer.
Nicholas stop and comes back to Kaden. “Okay. Fair enough. Mel can stay here with the kid. We’ve already got her vote anyway. If Callie wakes up, you can tell her we’re out taking care of something. It’ll give you time to meet her and get to know her.” Melanie nodded. “Okay. I can do that. It’s okay Kaden. I understand. You go, and I’ll take really good care of Karen.”

‘I’m not….angry that he’s doing this again.’ Mason has to look away from Kaden. ‘I’m still angry because he did it. He did this to the woman I love. How would you feel….if he had done this to Kevin? Even though you have Kevin back in your life, you knew Kaden had kept him in a room, against his will, shooting him up with drugs so that he could make him forget you and fall in love with him. How would you feel? I’ll be fine.’ He pulls away from his hold and heads into another room. Kevin glances over at Jareth.
Kaden smiles and gives Mel a kiss "Thanks baby..."

Jareth looks at him, he narrows his eyes slightly, he looks to Kevin "Be right back..." He moves to follow Mason "I would be just as mad... I was just as mad... And I saved the one who did it to you..." He stands behind him and crosses his arms.
“It’s my pleasure M’lord.”

“So I’m not you. I’m not as good of a man as you are. Does that make you happy to hear that? I can’t forgive so easily. So just back off,” he says shoving Jareth into the wall. His eyes flare and burn with the darkness.
Jareth watches him, can feel the power starting to rise "That's not what I said... And baby you are that kind of man... But I won't back off... I'm not giving up..." He pushes from the wall and grabs him, turning them to pin Mason to the wall "Wake up baby..." He kisses him roughly, nipping his lips and running a hand through his hair.
"Are you insane? What? You gonna fuck me right here in the hall? Back off demon." He doesn't yell at him, but Mason does push him back slowly so he can stare into his eyes. "I. Am. Angry. So back off."
Jareth growls low at him "No... That was a kiss... But you're going to stay like this... Mad... Dangerous..." He glares slightly "I can handle my own... What if you were to snap at Karen..." He steps closer "You're angry..." He opens the door behind them "Use it... Boy..." He growls again and bares his fangs.
Mason glares at him before he shoves him as hard as he can. “Don’t. Call. Me. Boy!” He steps forward and grabs Jareth by the shirt. Turning around he shoves him through the open door. “I can be angry at the weak one. That’s right. The weak one. That one that could have stopped all this but didn’t. In fact, I’m gonna let that weak….thing….know just how angry I am. I wanna hurt it,” he hissed the words, “and I’m gonna do it. Yeah. I’m gonna tell it just how I feel, and then I’m gonna take something away from it just like it did to me!” He pulls the door closed and locks it. Mason takes a deep few deep breaths and smiles at the closed door. “Melanie! Can I talk to you in private?”
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