Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

“Make me,” she hisses, leaning forward with such force she pushes Mason and Karen back. Mari smirks at him. “Losing your grip on me Demon? Are you that weak?”

Kaden takes her hand, and she gasps softly, quietly. Her eyes are glued to his hand over hers’. She noticed how he had called her a good girl. Nicholas did the same thing. “W-Why did you,” she stops. “How much further?”

Ali’s head hangs limp as he fucks her like a ragdoll. She only lifts it up when he cums. His warm seed spills into her deeply before she feels him deposit the last of it on her body. She slumps down to the floor, panting. Ali couldn’t move right now even if she wanted to. There’s a huge smile on her face as she sighs.
Jareth glares a bit harder "You're not ready for this..." Suddenly her eyes roll back and she passes out. "Relax... It was just me..." He moves to check on the two "I'm sorry Sweety..." He rubs Karen's cheek and pulls her into a hug, looking at Mason 'Maybe next time...'

Kaden doesn't look at her "Why did I what?" He looks to her "Only a few more blocks... But it is rush hour..." He smiles and looks out the window again.

Damon grins at her and steps back to clean himself up "It's time for you head home little one... But I have some gifts for you..." He lifts her limp form and lays her on a nearby table, he cleans her up slightly, then picks up something. "Something for at home..." He slowly pushes the large vibrator into her, it was slightly smaller then himself, he then fixes her panties and pants. He picks her up and opens a portal, stepping through to appear in Nich's private office "This should do..." He lays her on his bad and runs his fingers over her mark slightly before kissing her and leaving.
‘Yeah. Maybe next time.’ Karen buries her face against her father’s chest. She wants to cry, but she doesn’t want him or Jareth to see it. Having been alone for so long, she’s grown accustomed to having to be strong.

“Nothing,” she mumbles. “It’s nothing.” Callie looked over at Nicholas who was also looking out the window. She glanced back over to Kaden before looking straight ahead. Her face was flushed as she swallowed hard.

Ali whimpered as he picked her up. She was so spent, she couldn’t speak to him. Moving was impossible. Again she moaned as the vibrator was pushed inside her. Her belly tightened. She knew this would drive her mad. Good. She liked the thought of being on the edge. The bed was comfortable beneath her, and as he stepped to the portal, she wanted to call out to him, to beg him not to go, but he was gone before she could. Ali closed her eyes and settled down to sleep. It was what she needed to regain her strength.
Jareth steps closer to them and kneels to be closer to Karen "Hey... Sweety..." He waits for her to look at him he smiles softly "You aren't alone anymore... And I can still smell those tears... You don't have to hide it anymore..." He runs his hand over her head "Being strong is for me and your dad... Time for you to be the kid..."

Kaden glances at Nicholas after a few minutes "So... What do Jareth say? And did you let Aliya know before we left?"
Karen nodded. She heard the words, but it was so hard to let go of how she had lived for so long. Mason can tell this is hard for her. "Baby why don't you go in the other room and watch some tv. Okay?" She doesn't speak or nod as she slips away from both of them and leaves. "Jareth this is hard on her. She wants this all to work out, but Mari is so angry. She's hurt too. She left that little girl because of me. I'm gonna do everything in my power to give her back to her. It's what she wants. Mari," he shakes his head and looks back at her. He can't help but smile. "Maybe you should fuck her just before we bring Karen in the room. That way she'd be calm and rational."

"I didn't get him. There was no answer. As for Aliya, she's fine. Quite the understanding, sweet angel we have with her," he grins. "Wouldn't you agree?" Callie looks over at him curiously. "Aliya lives with us too. Yes, I mean the one from the hospital. He told you our lives were odd." She slowly smiles and nods. "You haven't seen anything yet," he laughs, reaching over and gripping her thigh. She gasps and jumps closer to Kaden for a minute as her grip on his thigh increases. "I'm sorry," she tells him as soon as she realizes what she's doing. Her grip releases as she looks at him blushing.
Jareth watches her go "I know it's hard on her... But she also knows what this will entail... Better then us..." He looks at Mason "I want her to get to be a kid... She's half demon... She'll be a 'kid' for a long time... She should be enjoying it..." He looks back to Mari at his words and smirks "Or you should..." He glances at him.

"Woah... Relax..." He smiles and takes her hand again "Why so jumpy... You're like a little mouse..." He smiles at her "You need to relax... Can I try something a friend taught me..?"
"Me," Mason asks. "She already fucked me. She was still the same bitchy demon afterwards. With you, it was like her demon side was put to bed for a little while. It was amazing. If that's what it takes to get the darkness to settle down, then I hope you're ready, demon," he teases. "I may need a lot of time with you."

"Y-Yeah. Sure." Callie knew she was jumpy. She just didn't understand why she felt the way she did.
Jareth growls softly and leans closer, nipping his nose slightly before kissing him "Mmm... Behave..." He smiles and pulls him close "We'll figure this out..." He kisses him again "You don't have to be brave all the time you know, he glances back at the bed "I know this hurts you too..." He kisses him softly "But if you think it will help... I'll do it... After I talk with Kevin..."

He smiles "Ok..." He slowly puts his arm around her and pulls her closer, making her lean against him "Now... Close your eyes and focus on your breathing..." He then starts to slowly run his fingers up and down her arm gently and hums softly.
"Talk with Kevin," he asks pulling back from him. "What do you need to talk to him about?" Mason had heard his words about this being hard on him. In his own way, he was still running. He wasn't running from Jareth or Kaden though. He was running from his own feelings this time.

Callie slowly rests her head against him and closes her eyes. The next breath she took, she focused on. The way it came in through her nose, how she held it for a moment, and finally the release as it exited through her nose. She felt calm. Her arm tingled at his touch, and she smiled slightly.
Jareth smiles at him "Tell him what you want me to try... I'm not going to sleep with her with out talking to my other mate as well" he kisses him softly "Would you want me sleeping with people you didn't know about..." He rubs his cheek and leans closer to kiss him again, a bit longer this time.

Kaden looks to Nicholas and smirks "See... Nice and relaxed... Just focus on each breath... In and out..." He looks down at her and continues to run his fingers over her arm "How are you feeling now Sweety?" He keeps his voice soft as even.
"Keep this up, and you're gonna be sleeping with me right here, right now." He takes Jareth hand and rubs it along his cock through his pants. "See? You're already making me hard baby."

His words were soothing, and his touch gentle. "Good. I feel..good. Relaxed." Nicholas looks up to Kaden. 'He does have the magic touch,' he thought as he smiled at him. He was curious if this was all he was going to venture to try right now.
"Mmm... You think I can't smell it..." He squeezes him lightly through his pants "Come on..." He takes his hand and quickly leads him to another room 'Wanna join us little angel...' Once in a room he sits and pulls him into his lap, then kisses him, slowly running his hands up under his shirt. "Nnn... You excite so easily..." He glances at him with a hungry grin "Whatever will I do with you..." Then starts to nip his neck softly.

He smiles and would try more if they weren't in a cab, he looks at Nich and gives a slight head nod at the drive.
"I'm can..think of something. I get..excited..because of you baby." Mason's body stiffens as he nips at his neck. Kevin heard his mate, and slowly opened the door. Closing it softly behind him, he suddenly felt weak. "Yeah. I wanna join." He comes up behind Jareth and begins to massage his shoulders. Leaning down, he kisses his ear and down his neck.

Nicholas nods, understanding fully. "Think I can pay him off," he mouths, gesturing towards the driver, before grinning.
Jareth glances at him as he comes in and smiles against Mason's skin, then moans softly at Kevin's touch "Mmm..." He pulls Mason closer and leans into Kevin, he starts to lift Mason's shirt off and lightly runs his claws over his chest, then pinches a nipple.

Kaden smirks and chuckles softly, shaking his head slightly.
Mason twitches as he pinches his nipple. "I'm not the only excited one. Are you as hard as me baby?" Kevin could feel his own cock hardening.

Nicholas laughs before looking down at Callie. She looked so relaxed against Kaden. Callie took a deep breath in, smelling Kaden. "You smell..good," she whispered.
He looks at Mason "You can't feel me..." He holds his hips and slowly grinds him against him "Nnn..." He moan softly and turns his head back to kiss Kevin.

Kaden looks at her as she whispers, then back to Nicholas and grin, he was going to enjoy working with her if the others agreed.
Mason enjoys how he feels, but when Jareth turns to kiss Kevin, he stands from his lap. Stepping closer to Kevin, he kisses him and begins to work his shirt free. "Come on baby. Bare that body to me. I want to touch you. I want to taste you." Kevin begins to melt. Mason reaches down and works his pants free. Reaching in he smiles against his lips. "You're already ready for me. Jareth, I want to taste you too." Mason sinks to his knees and takes Kevin's cock out. He attacks him with a hunger, and Kevin groans.

Nicholas loves the sight of Kaden happy. "Come on traffic. I am beyond ready to be home."
Jareth pulls away as Mason moves in on Kevin and watches, feeling the two of them, he bites his lip and moans softly. He stands to remove his own clothes, then lays on the bed next to Kevin, turned to him slightly and one leg bent. "Mmm... You enjoying that little angel boy..." He leans down and kisses over his chest, stopping to tease his nipples with his tongue an fangs. He runs a hand through his hair and tips his head back, licking and nipping at his neck as Mason takes him deeper. His own cock was hard and ready, watching his boys enjoy themselves was a big turn on, he was glad they were getting along. He pulls back to look down at Mason "Tease him baby... I don't want him cumming just yet..." He turns back to Kevin and smirks "Can you speak... Or do you lose that with Mason too..." He kisses him softly before pulling back and cupping his cheek, making him look at him.

Kaden looks at Nicholas, then at the road "Driver... Do you know another way around? I'll tip you a 50..." He looks back to Callie and smiles, it seems she had fallen asleep, he kept up his soft rubbing to keep her that way.
"I can..I can," he stutters. "He's..good..but he's," he grins before tilting his head back and groaning. Mason loved seeing Kevin like this. He takes just the tip of his cock while his hands work his shaft. Remembering what Jareth had said, he watched the signs from Kevin's body. The way his muscles twitched, and how his cock jumped told him how much he was enjoying this. He pulls from his cock, but his hand continues to work him. "That's right angel boy. No cumming. Not yet," he teased. Kevin moaned once more. Mason's attentions combined with Jareth's were almost too much.

The driver nods and turns down another road to the left. The road is clear, and he's able to resume driving at a normal speed. "Not long now," Nicholas whispers to him.
Jareth lightly runs his fingers and claws over his chest and grins at him "Beg him... Look at me and beg him... It's up to him if you cum..." He glances at Mason "You decide if he's begged enough..." He watches Kevin now, he lightly pinches his nipples now and then, knowing it would throw off his thinking. He kisses his cheek softly and moves back to his neck, licking and sucking softly.

"Thanks..." He looks to Nicholas and blows him a kiss "I hope they are up for this... I'm starting to like her..." He smiles.
"Yes Sir," Kevin screams out as Jareth abuses his nipples. "P-Please Mason. Let me cum." Mason pulls away grinning up at him. "You gotta beg better than that angel boy." He resumes sucking his cock, pushing him deep in his throat. Kevin's eyes widen, and as he is about to speak, he feels Jareth's touch. "Mason, please....cum....let me....cum....please. Oh love," he pleads, looking into Jareth's eyes. "I can't beg..with you....doing that." Mason rubs his sac, wanting to slide a finger inside him so bad.

"Yeah. Me too," he whispers to him.
Jareth chuckles and continues "But it makes it so much better... Or do you want me to stop..." He purrs softly into his ear and nips at his neck again, his claws moving down to run over his belly as it tenses and twitches. "Nnn... God you smell so good..." He pulls back to look at Kevin again "Should I tell him your idea now love..." He smiles down at him.

Kaden relaxes with her for the rest of the ride.
Mason moans against Kevin's cock. 'Yeah baby. Tell him. He's almost a puddle now.'
"T-Tell me what idea," Kevin asks. "No please. Don' Don't ever stop." Kevin leans up slightly looking at Mason. His face is red. He turns to Jareth. "K-Kiss me while I..cum love. I want your lips..against mine..when I do."
Jareth grins at him and grips his hair again, pulling him into a rough and deep kiss, "Nnn..." 'After..' He continues to toy with his nipples and run his claws over his chest, moaning softly into his kiss.

Once the taxi reaches the building he looks to Nich "Pay him... And I'll carry her inside..." He opens the door and gets out, gently lifting her into his arms before heading towards the building entrance.
Mason agrees to wait. He had other things on his mind at the moment anyway. Kevin's cock swelled in his mouth. Mason knew he was close. He stared to throat fuck him faster. Kevin couldn't take it any longer. He came, filling Mason's mouth, his body trembling as he groaned into Jareth's kiss.

"Sure." Nicholas gave the driver what he was owed. The driver smiled at him. "Yeah. Like you've never seen a bunch of sexual freaks before." He laughs as he gets out of the cab and joins Kaden at the elevators.
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