Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

"I know you will," he tells him, pulling him into a hug. Mason looks at Kevin. it's clear he's afraid. That's enough to make him afraid.

"Had to find out," he teases. When Callie comes out dressed and ready to go, Nicholas tells her they're going to have to take a cab to his place. Once inside, he casually puts his hand on her thigh and watches her reaction. Callie looks down but doesn't say anything. Nicholas removes his hand and gives Kaden a look.
He hugs Mason close and growls softly for him "Let's talk about this later... We need to talk to Mari..." He kisses his head and waits for him to relax enough to let go.

Kaden shifts a little closer to her and leans against her slight, waiting to see what she'd do.
"Yeah," he tells him when he pulls away. "We can't let her sleep forever. Kevin, will you go get Karen please?" He nods and carried the book with him. Mason smiles and shakes his head. "He's not going to let that book out of his sight now. You know that right?"

Callie looks over at Kaden and smiles as he moves closer to her. She doesn't tell him to back off. Quickly she glances over at Nicholas who turns and looks out of the window. Her eyes face forward again. 'He's sitting so close. I know there are three of us in the backseat, but he's really close. Nicholas is okay with it though.' She glances back over at Kaden and offers him a shy smile.
Jareth smirks "Yeah... But that's ok... He knows more about this guy then I do... And I have plenty of books... Now..." He steps back "How do you want to handle Mari..."

Kaden smiles at her "You should smile more often... It lights up your eyes..." He rests his hand on her leg, then looks out the window.
"Carefully. She's gonna be mad when we wake her up." Karen comes back with Kevin. "Is it time to wake up mom?"

Callie feels like she's about to come out of her seat. 'Please. Let us get there fast. His on my thigh.' She swallows hard. Her face is flushed. It's clear the effect he's having on her.
Jareth looks at him "Yeah... I was gonna keep her 'Paralyzed' for a bit while we talk... Make her listen..." He looks to Karen "Yeah... You ready sweetheart?"

He starts to slowly run his fingers over her thigh, in small circles, glancing at her from the corner of his eye.
“Yeah,” she tells him. “I’m ready.” Mason tilts his head. ‘Make her listen. If this doesn’t go well, I’m getting Karen out of the room fast.’

Her eyes slowly look down at his hand. A deep blush spreads across her face. As she looks up, she can see the cab driver looking in his rearview mirror. He was smiling. Her blush only got worse as she realized he was watching them.
Jareth glances at him before picking Karen up "Let's go see your mom..." He smiles at her and heads to the back room where they kept Mari, he sets her down once they are inside. "Alright Mari... Time to wake up..." He slowly releases his hold on, but still keeps her laying still in the bed for now.

Kaden keeps it up for a few more minutes before removing his hand, placing it back in his own lap, he watches out the window again.
Mason wondered why he pucked her up. Did hr plan on keeping her in the room no matter what happened? He followed him in the room. Mari slowly began to stir. "Wh....No Jareth! Let me go! Let me....GO," she cried with her last word as she realized Karen was in the room.

She is relieved when he moves, but it shocks her how quickly she begins to miss his touch. 'He's married,' she tells herself.'
"How did you meet," she asks still looking forward.
Jareth looks at her "Mari relax... Please... They just want to talk with you... Karen even spent the night in here... Sleeping with you" he moves to stand with Mason, holding his hand "Your daughter is givin you another chance... Don't throw it away..."

Kaden waits a minute, then looks back at her smiling "Well... It was when my friends fiancé crashed his car... He had taken the keys when drunk..." He smiles slightly and chuckles "I was with someone else at the time..." He looks to Nicholas "There's another thing... Our lifestyle... Is a bit... Odd... To most people... I hope you can handle it..." He glances to Nich.

A slow tingle starts in Aliya belly, if she looked, the tattoo would be opening.
"I don't..deserve a..second chance! Let me go! Now, or I' damn head off! I..can't..move! What have you..done to me..demon?!" Mason gives him a look and shakes his head. 'Do we really want Karen hearing this?'

"Oh? Odd? You're two men that are married. That's not odd to me."

Aliya was standing behind the nurses desk when she felt the slight tingle. She rubbed at her side not thinking about the tattoo as she stared at the chart before her.
He glances at Mason, then looks to Karen "Sweety... This is up to you... You know what's affecting her..." He looks to Mari "We know she's just scared..." He looks to Mason "And she needs to know we are all here to help..." He gives his hand a squeeze 'She's a big girl... Let her decide...'

Kaden laughs softly "Yes... There is that... But let's wait until we get home and you meet our... Friends..."

The tingle slowly moves lower and her need starts to build slowly.
“It’s the darkness. It’s what is making her say those things.” Mason gives his daughter a smile. “Yeah baby. She’s gone so long without anyone helping her. Now she doesn’t have to do that. Does she?” Karen shakes her head no. “Okay.”
“I’m..right..HERE! Don’t talk about me like I’m not even in the fucking room! Let me go demon, or when I am free, I’ll slit your lover’s throat after I feed off him.”

“O-Okay,” Callie tells him. “I can wait. How much further?”
“No far,” Nicholas tells her. “Maybe I should call to let them know we’re coming home and have a guest with us. What do you think Kaden?”

Aliya drops the chart to the desk as the feeling grows. Looking down, she put her hand over the tattoo. She rushes away and into the bathroom. After making sure she’s alone, she lifts her shirt and looks at her tattoo in the mirror. “It’s..blooming. He’s..coming.” He face breaks into a warm smile.
Jareth sighs "Mari enough... We are here to help... Relax..." He looks to Mason "Tell her... She can come back from this..."

Kaden smiles "Yeah... Give them a heads up..."

The need continues to grow slowly, her desire growing stronger.
"Mari. Please, just listen."
"NO! I can't do this! What part of this do you not understand?" She closes her eyes not able to look at them. "Just get out! Get out!"

"I'll call Jareth then." He dials the number and waits.

Aliya is walking down the hall as the need grows more. She leans against the wall running her clenched fist across her stomach. Slowly she heads towards her sex, making sure no one can see her. She's panting slightly. "Oh please get here soon. Please," she whispers.
Jareth looks at Karen, not sure what else he can do.

Kaden nods and again places his hand on her leg before watching out the window again.

He wouldn't be showing up anytime soon.
"Mari please," Mason pleads with her. "Mason, I'm no good. I'm a ruin everything I touch. Please, get her out of here. I'll just hurt her again."

Callie gasps at his touch this time, and she jumps. "I'm..sorry. Sorry."

Aliya tries to keep working, but the feelings welling up inside her are so strong.
"Mari it's not your fault... You have to believe that... And use your daughters love to move past the darkness... You can do this... You're not a weak person..." He reaches out and puts his hand on Karen's shoulder.

He looks at her "Oh... I didn't realize... I'm used to sitting next to him..." He smiles at her.

The Rose is half open now and the throb of need it almost too hard to ignore.
She closes her eyes tightly as she cries softly. "I'm not..what you think I am."
"Karen," Mason whispers. "You wanna give your mom a hug?" Karen slowly slips away from Jareth and closer to her. She climbs up next to her and rests against her. "No," Maris whispers. "Go. Get out of here."

"No," she says quickly. "It's okay. Really. I mean..I understand."

Aliya rushes into the bathroom to splash cold water on her face. She checks the tattoo. 'Only half opened? I can't..I won't be able to take this.' She splashes more water on her face before drying off and heading back out slowly.
Jareth moves behind Mason and hugs him gently, watching.

Kaden smiles again "Relax... I won't bite... Unless you want me too!" He laughs softly.

~Roof~ The soft call can be heard in her head.

Damon is waiting on the roof, his portal hidden.
"I love you mom," she tells her before leaning up to kiss her cheek. "It's okay. I forgive you." Mari cries harder. 'Do you think this is working?'
"No. Don't forgive me. I don't..deserve it."

"Oh," she blushed. "If I wanted you to," she asks softly, not sure what to think of him.

Aliya looks up at the soft call. 'Is he here? Are you here?' She's sweating as she moves from behind the desk and begins to stagger down the hall. She stops at a door marked "Roof Exit". Aliya pushes it open and heads up the stairs. When she reaches the top she looks around until she spots him. "Damon," she breaths as she head for him right away, not hesitation.
Damon can feel her coming closer and grins, he steps out so she'll see him once she exits the door. "Hey Angel girl... Miss me..." He pulls her into his arms and kisses her roughly, he slips his hand under her top to touch his mark, as he makes her grow closer, he backs them up. "Mmm... " he moans softly against her lips, he pushes her to the edge slowly, then pulls back to look at her and give one last burst of power to throw her off that edge. He smirks at her as he pulls her through the portal, he orgasm just hitting her hard. "That's it angel baby..." He keeps his hand there, keepin it going until they are through, then he pulls it and watches her try to focus again.
She finally feels whole as he touches her and pulls her close. “Damon,” she barely has time to whisper before he kisses her. Aliya gives in to his kiss, his touch. Her side warms quickly as he places his hand there. The feeling rising fast, and there’s no way she could stop it. She didn’t want to. “Yes,” softly she says against his lips. Her eyes connect with his, and she feels it. Her orgasm hits hard, and Aliya doesn’t even understand how she remains standing. Everything around her blurs. Her legs grow weak, and her sex wet. She cried out, closing her eyes for a moment. As the last of the waves ripple through her, her eyes begin to focus once more. She looks around, slowly smiling. “You brought me….here.” She barely caught herself. She almost said home.
He smiles at her and starts to kiss and nip at her neck "Of course I did... Unless you wanted me on that roof..." He quickly works her pants off and her shirt open "Now... Let's give my angel what she really wants..." He lifts her against a wall and rocks his cock against her dripping sex slowly, he nips at her bra covered breasts. "Tell me you wanna be fucked..." His fingers still touched the tattoo, keeping her need high without her noticing, he was slowly corrupting his own little angel. He continues to tease her, waiting for her to do as told, he stares at her, he could see the light glow of his power in her eyes.
Aliya is panting as he takes her pants off. He opens her shirt, exposing her still clad breasts to him, and her breathing increases. When he pins her against the wall, she struggles even more to catch her breath. His words were heated, just like his breath that cascaded over her. “I..I wanna be..fucked.” Her cheeks blushed at hearing those words coming from her own lips. Aliya wasn’t as open and straight forward as everyone else in the group was. She could feel her desires growing. The need to cum was becoming almost painful. She knew she would say anything he wanted to hear as long as it meant she would get his cock.
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