Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

“Kevin,” Mason laughs softly. “Well. We didn’t hear him fall or anything. So I guess he’s alright. Maybe Mel or Aliya is in there with him. You wanna go check it out with me?”

Kevin had sat down and was holding his face in his hands. “Kevin? You okay,” Mel asks, trying not to laugh. “I’m..fine. Yeah. Just,” he moves his hands and looks at her. His face is blood red. “What happened to you? You were talking to me, and the next thing I knew you could speak or even stand up.”
“Don’t ask,” he says, his blush deepening.

Aliya takes long deep breaths as she looks over at him. Her answer was one she couldn’t deny. “Yes. I wanna..see you..again. Please Damon.”
Jareth smiles and nods "Yeah..." He gets up from the bed and stretches "Nnnn... Ahh..." He smiles again "I haven't slept that good in a long time..." He turns to look at him and smiles "Oh... I don't think you noticed last night... But someone else seemed to enjoy your 'in charge' side..." He smirks as he moves to find clothes.

Damon grins at her "Good... Then I'll need a way to find you..." He reaches out and places his hand on her lower belly almost at her hip, his hand starts to glow again, a different colour. "There..." He removes his hand to show a tattoo on her skin, "This will let me find you anywhere... You'll also know when I'm coming..." He places a finger on the mark and her body starts to heat up and tense for another orgasm, the flower slowly blooming. "It will do this..." Once fully bloomed, an orgasm rips through her.

Kaden slowly opens his eyes and takes a deep breath "Mmm..." He looks beside him to find the bed empty, he smiles and moves to get dressed, it smelt like breakfast was almost ready.
“Really,” Mason asked, pulling his clothes on. “I didn’t notice. My attention was elsewhere,” he teases as he playfully smacks Jareth’s ass before opening the door. “After you baby. Coffee sure does smell good.”

Kevin looks up hearing the door open. “Not a word about this to either of them,” he pleads with Mel. She grins at him. “Jareth. Mason. I’m so glad you two joined us. Poor Kevin here nearly fell in the floor from whatever you two were doing.”
“Melanie!” She laughed as she patted his shoulder. “Sorry Kev. You always hurt the ones you love, and I do so love you. You guys want some coffee?”

Aliya gasps at the tattoo. “I have a….tattoo. There’s a rose tattoo on my skin. Damon you gave me a tattoo! This is your way of keeping up with me?” She stills as his finger touches her skin. “I’ll know..when you’re..coming,” she says, her voice softer. She writhes on the bed, her orgasm crashing over her. “You didn’t That will happen every time? I just hope no one else is around,” she blushes. “So now you take me home,” she asked, keeping the hint of sadness from her tone.

Nicholas looks up hearing Kaden moving around. He smiles. “It’s about time. Breakfast is just about ready.” He had cooked a lot as he wasn’t sure what Kaden would want. He poured him a cup of coffee and waited for him to enter the kitchen.
Jareth smiles, then gives him a slight look "Careful love... It may come back at you..." He winks then heads out of the room, hearing Mel, he smiles and makes his way over to Kevin "Sorry Angel... Was tying to hold it back... But my concentration slipped..." He kisses him good morning "You're so cute when you blush..." He says softly, only for him.

Damon grins "It's a demon mark... My personal one intact... And no... The flower will start to bloom... You'll get excited..." He smirks "But only me touching it after its been activated... Will allow you to cum like that..." He watches her "It doesn't seem like you want to leave... But you know what staying here too long will do to you..." He helps her sit up and kisses her softly "That bright little soul of yours... will start to darken..." He kisses to her neck and nips lightly "Then you will be my dark angel..."

"Sorry... I was real... Wow..." He looks at all the food as he steps into the kitchen "Who's gonna eat all this?" He chuckles and moves over to him, he hugs him from behind "I'll have to start calling you my wife... The way you take care of me..." He kisses the back of his neck softly.
Kevin looks at Jareth and smiles. His blush deepens. Mason sees their exchange of glances and heads over to Mel. He pulls her closer and kisses her cheek. “So. Where is everybody? Shouldn’t Kaden and Nicholas be up?” She shrugs. “It’s just Kevin and me here. We don’t know where everybody else went to.” Mason gives Jareth a look. “Should we be worried about that? Can you reach out to them, or should we call them?”

“Yeah,” she sighs. “I know that’s what will happen if I stay here too long. It’s getting harder and harder to want to leave. I really should get back. “ She holds out her hand to him. “Take me home Damon. Please.”

“Wife. That’s alright. You are my husband after all.” He turns to face him. Cupping his cheeks, he kisses his lips softly. “What we don’t eat will be taken care of. Don’t worry about that. After that, when you’re ready, it’s a nice boat ride back to shore. That will give everybody time to cool off,” he laughs. “You wanna make that call, or should I call them?”
Jareth smiles at him and kisses him again "Morning love... Sleep well?" He moves to get his coffee when he hears Mel "They aren't here? Didn't they leave a note or something?" He checks the time and looks to Mason "I guess we can call them? Would you like me to start breakfast?" He gets his coffee and has a sip.

Damon chuckles slightly and smiles at her "Well then... Get dressed... And I'll take you back..." He didn't tell her that the tattoo would also hide his sent on her, he sits back to wait for her.

Kaden laughs softly "Hmm... My little wife... I may use that..." He kisses him back "Mmm... Well, this was your idea... You can tell them... I'm going to eat..." He smiles and turns, walking to the table to start filling a plate.
“Yeah. You start breakfast. I’ll call Nicholas.” Mason takes out his phone and dials. “Chicken,” Nicholas teases him just before his phone rings. “Something tells me they’re awake. Hello.”
“Nicholas. Where are you and Kaden?”
“Long story Mason. He and I will be home later today. We….uh….we got married last night.” Mason stares straight ahead but doesn’t speak. “Mason? You okay there? Hello? Hello! Mason!” Kevin can hear Nicholas calling. He moves to take the phone from him. “Yeah Nicholas. It’s Kevin. What’s going on?” Nicholas laughs. “I told him that Kaden and I got married last night.”
“Are you serious?! That’s great! Nicholas and Kaden got married last night,” Kevin tells the rest of them. Mason looks over to Mel for her reaction. She looks down at the loor trying to hide the bit of sadness she felt. Mason doesn’t speak as he moves to hold her. “I know he wanted us to stay married, but I don’t know. I just had it in the back of my mind he and I would marry someday. I’m happy for him though. He loves Nicholas, and they’re good together. I’m fine. Really.”
“Is Aliya with you guys,” Kevin asks. “No. We left a note at the apartment. Nobody found it?”
“No. Aliya isn’t with you guys? She’s not here either. Any idea where she would go?”
“She’s probably at the hospital then. Don’t worry. I’m sure she’s fine. Tell everybody we will be coming home later today.”
“Yeah. Congrads Nicholas. I hope you two are happy. Since we’re telling this sort of thing, Jareth fully mated with me and Mason last night. So we’re married now as well!”
“What,” Mel shouted turning to look at Mason’s neck. “You guys! I can’t wait to find out what Aliya did last night now! Did she get married too,” she laughs.

Aliya dresses and takes his hand. “I don’t want to go back, but I can’t stay. I still have so much I want to do, but you will never be far from my thoughts Damon. I’m not even gone, and already I can’t wait to see you again.” She leans closer and kisses his cheek softly. “Take me home before I change my mind.”
Jareth was mixing pancakes and looks over at the news "That's wonderful..." He glances at Mel and frowns slightly, then continues to work on them.

Kaden looks up as Nicholas starts to call for Mason and stands, moving to him "Hey... Can I talk to Mel?" He smiles at him.

Damon pulls her closer "Will where we left from do... By the ice cream shop..." He smirks "Close your eyes..." Once she does, he opens a gateway and walks them through, they are soon standing in the ally by the shop.
“That really is great Kevin. I’[m happy for the three of you. Jareth mated with his two lovers last night too,” he tells Kaden. “Hey Kevin. Kaden wants to talk to Mel.” Kevin nods looking over at Mel. “Kaden wants to talk to you,” he tells her, passing her the phone. “Alright,” she says looking at Mason before grabbing the phone. “Hello.”

Aliya doesn’t answer him. She simply closes her eyes when he tells her to. The sweet smells from the ice cream shop fill her nose, and she opens her eyes. She looks over to him. “Thanks. I guess I should head back home now. I’ll..see you..around I guess.” She slips her hand from his and turns to head home.
Kaden smiles "Hey Sweety... Now I know where your mind is going after Mason's reaction..." He takes Nich's hand, rubbing it softly "This doesn't change a thing between us... You know that right... I still love you and our family... You're still M'lady... Ok baby girl?" He looks to Nich "This just make it easier to have Nichy as a step daddy... And you won't have to change anything..." He smiles again "We'll be home later today... And I want to see you first thing ok... How are our little ones today?" He kisses Nich's hand and steps closer to lean against him slightly.

Damon grins and lets her go "Relax... I wouldn't leave you too long... Go have an ice cream on me... You'll feel better after... It's the lingering effects from hell..." He pulls her back and kisses her hard, then slips the money into her hand and vanishes.
“I know M’lord. Really I do, and I’m happy for you Nicholas. I am. You two enjoy your time together. It’s your honeymoon after all,” she grins. “I’ll see you when you get home. As for our little ones, they’re active today. Moving around quite a bit. They’re not giving mommy any relief.” Mason looks down at her belly and rubs gently. “You three behave in there. Take it easy on your mother,” he whispers to them after he leans down and kisses her three times. “I’m fine. I have Mason, Jareth, and Kevin here. You take your time coming home. I’ve already got plenty of men around here.”

“Yeah,” she says. Aliya meets his kiss and returns it. After he steps away and is gone, she looks down at the money in her hand. “Ice cream? I think I’d rather have some coffee. Ice cream….is our thing,” she smiles. “I’ll wait for your return for that.” She turns and heads back in the direction of the apartment.
Jareth keeps his ears open a he starts to cook the pancakes, he had made banana raspberry ones, he glances over as Mel starts talking and smiles. He sees Mason talking to his son and smiles wider, he couldn't wait to watch him holding him, he goes back to cooking.

Kaden smiles "Alright... I love you baby girl... I'll see you later... Thanks" he hangs up and turns to Nicholas "That thought completely slipped my mind..." He hugs him and starts to kiss at his neck "This is our honeymoon..." He nips softly then kisses.
Mason looks towards the hall as he hears someone coming. Karen comes into the kitchen rubbing her eyes. "Morning baby," he tells her. "How's your mom?"
"She's still sleeping." He nods to her. "Jareth will let her wake up soon, and we can all talk. Alright?"
"Okay daddy."
"You hungry?" She nods. "Well Jareth is working on that. Want me to pour you some orange juice?" She nods again, and Mason smiles. "Okay baby. I'll do that." Melanie moves over to Karen. "Would you like to shopping for some clothes with me today? Mine are all getting too tight, and we could pick out some things for you too. My treat." Karen smiles at her. "After we talk to mom?"
"Sure baby. After you and your daddy talk to your mom. Mason, you wanna come too?" He laughs. "Shopping with my girls? Yeah. That way Kevin can have some alone time with Jareth. I'm sure Jareth can come up with something for them to do."

"Of course it is. So you better eat up husband. I'm sure you've got something you would like to do and will need your strength." Nicholas takes deep breath at his touch. "Then again, maybe you want to work up more of an appetite first." He kisses his lips softly, quickly before smiling against him. "Right here? In the kitchen?"

Aliya slowly opens the door and enters. They're all in the kitchen. She can hear them. "They don't even miss me," she whispers. "It's like I haven't been gone at all." For a moment, she thinks about turning around and going back and trying to get Damon to come back, but she softly closes the door instead. She wants to shower and change before heading to the hospital. She heads towards the bathroom slowly, quietly, so they don't hear.
Jareth continues to cook when he hears a soft sound and smells Ali "Ali? That you..." He flips another pancake before looking towards the door "You can't hide from my nose Sweety... Where were you? We woke up to an empty house... We were about to call you..." He smiles and starts another.

Kaden smirks and kisses him again "There's that cute blush... And what's wrong with that... We did it in a club full of people..." He moves his hand over his chest "But if you can't do it in an empty kitchen... Say no now baby..." He slips a hand into his pants "If you truly don't want to... We can move..." He runs his fingers over him softly.
Mason looks towards the door when Jareth calls to her. “Aliya is here?” Before he can call to her, she calls back. “Yeah. I went out for a walk this morning. I’m sorry I didn’t leave a note or something. I’m gonna take a shower and head to the hospital,” she tells them before picking up her pace and heading into the bathroom. She closed the door and leaned against it taking a deep breath.

“Oh baby,” he whispers. “I can do it anywhere as long as you’re there.” He groans at his touch, looking into his eyes. “I can be with you on this counter, the table, or even the floor. No is the last word I want to say to you baby.” He reaches up to hold his face. The pleasure he feels showing on his face.
Jareth looks at Mason "Did that seem... Odd to you?" He finishes up his last pancake and turns the stove off, he then plates them up and sets them on the table. He smiles at Karen "Eat up Sweety... Then we'll talk with your mom... All this rest she's gotten should have helped her calmed down..." He goes to get the butter and syrup.

Kaden grins and "You should be careful what you say... Because I might hold you to that..." He moves closer to kiss him as he starts to stroke him slowly, gripping him firmly, he twists their tongues together. "Mmm... But I hope you know... I can't wait to show you all my fun toys..." He strokes a bit faster and watches him "That's it Doc... Just enjoy it..."
"Yeah. It did. Aliya wouldn't just leave without telling someone or leaving a note. We'll talk to her later." Karen smiles and begins to eat after he sets the plate in front of her. "Well she's got your appetite Mason," Kevin teases. Melanie loads on the butter and syrup and reaches for some cheese as well. Mason and Kevin give her a strange look. "What," she asks them. "Cheese? On pancakes?"
"Yeah. Sounds like it would be good."
"You are certainly pregnant," Kevin tells her.

Nicholas kisses Kaden's neck, panting. Finally, as he has kissed his way to his ear, his cock hard, he whispers to him, "I want show me..all your All..of them. Even the used..on Melanie. The ones..that are..needles."
Jareth moves to sit with Karen and smiles at her "They good?" He gets his own before looking at Mel "Well... That's one I haven't heard before..." He starts to eat.

Kaden stops a moment and looks at him "Everything... I don't think I could do all that to you... Some... No most... Not all..." He smiles at him and starts to stroke him again, he blushes slightly thinking of a few things he'd like to do.
Karen smiles and nods as she keeps eating. "You should try it Jareth. Pretty good," Mel tells him. Kevin and Mason stare at her as she eats. "Really? You can eat that," Mason asks her. Kevin laughs and looks towards the bathroom where Aliya had gone.

Aliya stood under the water, letting it wash over her face. She looked down and ran her hand over the rose tattoo. It brought a smile to her face.

"Kaden," he tells him, reaching for his wrist to stop him. "No. I want you to show me all of it. Please."
He chuckles softly "I know my way around a kitchen... I'm glad you like them..." He tries to ignore Mel's plate, the smell was tickling his nose the wrong way, he looks to Kevin, feeling his worry. "What's up angel..."

Kaden stops and takes a step back "I... I can't... I don't want to change you..." He looks up at him "Please... You'll see with that girl... But... Not on you... I refuse..." He reaches up and runs his hands into his hair and pulls him into a deep kiss, he keeps him close "You're perfect..."
"I don't know," Kevin tells him. "Something just feels off with her. Aliya would have come in here and talked to us. She wouldn't have just left like that this morning either. Something is off, but I can't put my finger on it."

Aliya stood in front of the mirror drying off. Again she ran her fingers over the tattoo. It was real. Last night was real. Again she smiled. 'I can't let them see this. Even if they do, all I have to say is I got a tattoo last night. No big deal. Right?'

"Okay baby. Okay." Nicholas pulls him close and wraps his arms around him. "I'm sorry. I won't ask you again. I understand." He kisses the side of his face before resting his chin on his shoulder. "I'm sorry baby. I love you. Forgive me. I won't ask you to do it again."
Jareth starts eating "Well... She didn't smell any different... We'll talk to her once she's finished in the shower..." He smiles softly at him "Now eat you two... Before they get cold, I already put Ali's in the oven.."

Kaden holds him and kisses his neck "You saw what I could do will Mel... She lost a lot of herself... I won't do that to you..." He hugs him a bit tighter "I love you too, and there's nothing to forgive... You want to know all of me... And I love you more for that... But there are some things I will never do to you... Never could do..." He pulls back and kisses him "Thank you... For understanding that..." He rubs his cheek and smiles "But the other drugs I used... Those I'll try on you..." He smirks slightly, feeling better "I'll give you a hint of something I want to try..." He kisses him softly "You... Drugged up and horny... Tided up and at my mercy..." He blushes just slightly, feeling himself get excited.
"Okay," Kevin tells him before starting to eat, reluctantly. He was half way through with his pancakes when Aliya stepped into the kitchen dressed and ready to leave. "Yours' is in the oven," Mason tells her. "You know what? I'm not all that hungry. I think I'm just gonna head towards the hospital and try and get some work done today. I've got my cell if you guys need me." She avoided eye contact with any of them but kept a smile on her face. 'Just get out of here. They're gonna figure it out,' she thought.

"Okay," Nicholas tells him. "That's a start. Sit. Eat. I'm going to call the hospital and check in. Everything should be fine, but I want to make sure." He pulls free from Kaden's arms and heads into another room to make the call. Nicholas pauses and takes a slow, deep breath. As much as he wanted Kaden to show him everything, he understood his reasons for not doing so. He was disappointed, but he would not push the issue with Kaden. Kaden being happy was the most important thing, and it felt like it upset him when he mentioned it. Nicholas didn't want that. He loved him too much for that.
Jareth looks up as she comes closer "Ali... Is everything ok... You're acting strange... Is this because of Nich and Kaden..." He looks at her "You found the note first... Didn't you..." He stands to move closer "You know it doesn't change how he feels for you... Come have breakfast, you can sit next to Karen..." He turns to smile at the girl.

Kaden wasn't stupid, he knew that answer had hurt, even just a little, he nods at his reason for stepping out and goes to sit. He sighs softly and picks at his plate, he felt bad for denying him, but he wouldn't go back on his word, not on this. He starts to eat and thinks, they'd need to talk about a few things on the boat ride home.
"No. It's not because of them," she smiles. "I found the note, and I'm happy for them. Really." She looks down at Karen who is staring up at her. "Did it hurt?" Aliya looks at her curiously. "Did what hurt sweetie?" Karen points. "The tattoo. Did it hurt when you got it?" Aliya looks up shocked. The color drained from her face. "That man I saw you with was nice to you. What was his name again?"
"Never mind. It's not important. I..I gotta get to the hospital." She turns to leave, and Kevin gives Jareth a startled look.

"It's Dr. Hayden checking in. Yeah. I know her. Why?" He sinks down to the couch. "Is she alright? Yeah. I'll be there as fast as I can." Nicholas hangs up and heads back into the kitchen quickly. "I've got to get back. Now. You can take the boat, but I'm going to take the emergency chopper out of here. Mine was flown back last night. I have to get back. One of my nurses was robbed last night. She wasn't hurt badly. The doctor on staff last night admitted her just as a precautionary measure. You can take the boat if you want." Nicholas is making sure he has wallet as he sends a text message to the man who married them last night telling him to make sure he has the chopper ready and to file a flight plan for him as he talks.
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