Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

"Tattoo? Ali wait!" He grabs her gently "And pulls her back "You took a shower... And I don't smell any ink..." He glances at Karen And what man..." He makes her look at him "What's going on Aliya..." He gives her a worried look.

"What!? No I'm coming with you... Just give me a minute!" He gets up an heads back to the bedroom to grab the rest of his clothes, their talk would have to wait. He soon comes out and moves to his side "Have I met this nurse?"
"I'm fine," she says pulling away from Jareth. "Really. I met a guy last night, and a tattoo. I went out after I found the note. I heard you guys all having fun, and Mel was sleeping. So I went for a walk. Met this guy in the park. We had a good night."
"Night," Kevin asks. "You were out all night? So you didn't take a walk this morning? Aliya what's going on? This isn't like you."
"I'm fine Kevin. Really. I just....need to go to work. It's my job after all." Karen shakes her head. "You sweetie need to learn to stop just looking in on people. Anything else you know about me and last night you keep to yourself. Alright?" Aliya gives her a nod before continuing to back away.

"No," Nicholas tells him. "Callie is a sweet girl. Comes from a family with money, but she wants to work at the hospital to help people. You'd never know she has money. Guess somebody figured it out." He rushes towards the door and opens it. Nicholas wastes no time getting to the chopper that's already ready. He hugs the man who married them last night and climbs inside. "Sorry for cutting the honeymoon short. I'll make it up to you." It's clear Nicholas is focused on getting there.
Jareth watches her "Aliya... Just... Be careful..." He moves next to Kevin and lets her go "We'll talk later ok...?"

Kaden runs to keep up with him, thanking the man again before getting in with Nicholas "Don't worry... Our whole life will be a honeymoon..." He laughs and kisses his cheek.
"Yeah. Sure," she tells him before heading out. She takes a deep breath and heads towards the hospital.

In the chopper, Nicholas gives Kaden a smile as they take off. He presses a button, and the sound of a phone dialing can be heard. "Yeah it's Hayden. I'm on my way. ETA....too long. What happened?"
"She was leaving last night. A man approached her in the parking lot, next to her own car Nicholas, and pulled a gun on her. He wanted all her money. She doesn't wear jewelry. She gave it to him, even the keys to the car, but he still whacked her in the head. She was out cold for a little while. There's no way to know how long. Didn't take any stiches, but because she was unconscious, the doctor didn't want to send her home alone."
"Understood. Tell CC....tell her I'm coming. Okay?"
"Will do."
"Did they catch the bastard?"
"Yeah. Her car too."
"Good. I'll be there soon as I can."
"Gotcha." Nicholas hung up, but he didn't speak. It was clear on his face he was worried and angry.
Jareth looks at Karen before sitting down again "She's not in trouble is she Sweety?" He glances at the others.

Kaden listens to the call, it was clear how much Nicholas cared for his staff, they were his family until they showed up. He reaches over and pats his leg, rubbing it gently to help him calm down "I'm sure she'll be fine... The police got the bastard, so you just focus on her ok..." He smiles at him "And let me know if I can help..." He leaves his hand on his thigh as a reminder that he's not alone anymore.
They’re all looking at Karen waiting for her answer. “I..don’t know. I can’t see what happened last night. She was at the park when she met..a man. They went to get ice cream,” she smiles. “Then she was gone. I don’t see her again until this morning. She was with that man before she walked home. She’s got a rose tattoo here,” she points on her own body to show them, “and she called him Damon.” Kevin drops his fork in his plate. “Rose tattoo? Damon? Are you sure kid?” Karen nods. “Yeah. I don’t know why I can’t see all of last night. I’m sorry. It’s never happened before.”

“Yeah,” was all Nicholas said. He flew as fast as the chopper would carry them. He presses the button calling them once more. “I’m a few minutes away.”
“Good. Aliya is here. She’s with her now.”
“Good. Tell her to meet me on the roof. She can give me the latest.”
“Will do.” Nicholas sits the chopper down and is out quickly. Aliya meets them both giving Kaden a nod. “She’s fine. Really Nicholas.”
“And they really caught the guy?”
“Yeah. I wish they hadn’t told you. You should have enjoyed your honeymoon a little more. Bad boy,” she teases, smacking his arm. “Sneaking off like that to get married last night. Congrads. I hope you’re both really happy. Kaden, you’re a lucky man. Come on boss. I’ll take you to her.” She leads them inside and down to a private room. Inside is a small, fraile looking woman in bed. She looks up at them as they come in with her green eyes. The bruise on her forehead can be seen coming from underneath the bandage covering her wound. He approaches her and smiles at her. “I know you want to go home, but there’s nobody at home. If you were to pass out, there’s nobody to call for help. Let us do our job. This is for your own good.” She smiles weakly and nods. Her eyes flash over to Kaden and back to him. “This is Kaden. My husband. Kaden this is Callie. She’s a bit shy and quiet, but she’s an excellent nurse.”
Jareth looks at Kevin quickly "Kev... What is it? You look pale..." He looks back at Karen "What do you mean by gone?"

After they land he smiles at Aliya, but feel like something is off about her, he gives her a hug before thy head inside. "Thanks... And this is important..." He follows them inside and watches from the door as Nich talks to her, at his introduction, he slowly steps closer. "Hi Callie... I'm sorry this happened to you..." He smiles at her "But at least now you get to spend some time with a really great guy..." He kisses his cheek softly "I'm sure you know he'll get you well again..." He smiles, then glances at Nich "She lives alone? I thought you said she has family?"
Kevin doesn’t answer. “Gone. I couldn’t see her. It was like she disappeared or something.” Kevin stands and heads down the hall into the study. He had noticed it every time he passed it. Sitting down at the computer her brings up a search engine and types in Damon Prince of Hell. Karen follows, and as the pictures come up, she enters the room. “That’s him! That’s the man I saw her with!” There’s a picture of the rose tattoo as well. “That’s the tattoo! The rose!” Kevin rubs his chin. “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. That’s him, and that’s the tattoo she has.”

“Callie does have family, if you want to call them that. Her father is a business man. Work has always been more important to him than anything. His wife is skilled at spending his money. Neither of them are home long enough to even spend any time with her. They’re always gone. When was the last time you saw them Callie?”

“A month or so ago. I was on the balcony watching them pack their suitcases into the car. They were going on vacation. My mom asked if they had everything. My dad said, ‘yeah. I’ve got everything important here.’ He looked at me when he said it.” She shrugs at Nicholas. “It’s okay. I’m use to it.” Nicholas looks over at Kaden. “Real prize of a family she has. Don’t you think?”
Jareth motions for Mason to stay there and goes to follow Kevin, he listens and watches them, then steps closer "Thanks Sweety... Go on back with your dad... You can have another pancake..." He smiles at her and waits until she leaves before looking at Kevin. "Ok... What does that mean... Who's Damon..."

Kaden looks back at her "They seem downright loving... Compared to mine..." He moves closer and points to the bed "Mind if I have a seat with you?" He smiles at her, she had it good as far as he was concerned and wanted to help her get better.
He waits until Karen leaves as he looks at the man on the screen. “Damon,” he says looking away from the screen, “Is the prince of hell. The devil Jareth. Aliya spent the night with the devil. It’s why Karen couldn’t see her. She can’t see into hell. The rose tattoo is his….calling card you could say. Aliya is a fallen angel who spent the night in hell with the devil. She could become a dark angel if she spends too much time there. She’s already lying to us.”

“Sure,” she whispers. “I’m going to go check on a few things. We’ll see if we can work something out for you. You are not going home alone. Got it? Where are they at now anyway?”
“I don’t know. They didn’t tell me.”
“Okay. Well like I said, you’re not going home alone. We’ll figure something out for you. You’re in good hands with my husband.” He smiles at Kaden and leans to kiss his cheek. “I’ll be right back,” he tells him before leaving.
Jareth looks at the screen for a few minutes "But... I've always heard he was trapped in hell... For killing an angel... Aliya wouldn't..." He looks at Kevin "What happenes if she becomes one..."

Kaden smiles and watches Nich go "We'll be fine..." He looks back to Callie and smiles again "Sounds like you had it good... From where I came from..." He shakes his head slightly "But that's in the past... And it can stay there..." He looks at her again "So, I'm Kaden... You're one of Nichy's nurses... Tell me about yourself..." He gently holds her hand.
“You don’t wanna know,” he tells him shaking his head. “Damon was trapped in hell for that very offense. I imagine it makes having an angel in his bed a big conquest for him, but I can’t understand why Aliya would go. He had to use some type of mind control to get her there, but the tattoo suggests something else. Damon can not put that on someone’s body without their consent. She had to tell him it was okay. Why would she do that? Aliya knows what happens to dark angels. Jareth, we’ll never see her again if she becomes one. He can take her back to hell with him if that happens. The effects of hell can be hard to shake. If she was there all night, and frankly I think we both know what she was doing there, then she’s feeling depressed from being away from there. It explains why she looked like she did and acted like she did. She’s like a drug addict going through withdrawl. Jareth do you know anything else about him?

“I..I,” her voice is quiet, almost shaky. “I finished school early. I’m smart, I guess. Computers. I’m a..hacker. I wanted to help people. My kick me out..of the house..when I told him what I wanted to do. He thought he did, but he..never notices if I’m there or not. My mom didn’t even care. She didn’t say anything. So I live at home, and I work here..with Dr. Hayden. Not much else to tell,” she shrugs. “What about you?” Her eyes don’t meet his. She looks down at the bed and as far up as his chest, but she won’t look at him now.
Jareth listens and runs his hand through his hair "Little... It was a long time ago... I guess... I can go check my books... But that will take a bit... Tell Mason I'll be back in a while... You can call me if you need me..." He snaps his fingers and disappears.

He soon arrives at a giant library "Alright old man... Let's hope you have something on him..." He starts for the section on dark magic, he had to hand it to his late master, collecting all the knowledge he could was certainly helping him now.

Kaden smiles sadly at her "That's rough... But hey... Being good with computers is a good thing... And helping out here..." He noticed she wasn't looking at him "Hey... You don't have to be afraid of me..." He gently tips her chin up and rubs her cheek "You seem like a very sweet girl... Cute too" he chuckles lightly at her blush.
Kevin gets up and heads back to the table. Karen had finished eating already, and Melanie was still devouring her pancakes. "That's really gross," Kevin tells her. "Yeah. I can't help it. How about for lunch we have some pizza and ice cream?"
"Please tell me you mean separately," Mason tells her. She looks at him stunned for a moment. "Now that you mention it, it might be good to....."
"No. Separate is good."
"We can go to the same ice cream place Aliya was at when she went through the funny door with the man."
"Funny door," Kevin asks her. "Yeah. It was....round, and it looked swirly." Kevin nods. 'Jareth they went through a portal last night. I don't know if that will help you or not.'

"Thanks," she tells him looking down at the bed again. The soft, light blush spread across her cheeks. "Nobody ever told me that before. Thanks." She glances up at the door and shakes her head. Callie wants to get up and go help. "I can't..stay here. I have to..go to work. Could you please..excuse me that I can..get dressed?"
Jareth continues to look through shelves and shelves of books 'Not sure yet... But thanks...'

Kaden looks at her "No... It's time for you to be the one getting the help... I know you want to help... But you'll do yourself good with some rest..." He smiles "Don't make me get the wife..." He chuckles.
Kevin smiles at Karen. “Thanks sweetie. That’s a big help.”
“What’s Jareth doing, “ Mason asks. “He’s looking through his books to see what he can find on the guy Aliya was with last night.” Mason smiles propping up on his elbows. “Really? The guy is in books? What’s so special about him?”
“Well,” Kevin shifts in his seat. “He’s…..” He looks over at Karen. “Karen, baby why don’t you go check on your mom,” Mason tells her. She slides from her seat and heads into the bedroom. “Thanks,” Kevin tells him. “Aliya was with a guy named Damon last night. He’s..the prince..of hell. The devil.”
“What? Are you serious?” Mason looks over to Mel after he asks his question. She looks stunned. “Yeah. I’m serious, and we’re sure. Karen said Aliya has a rose tattoo. That tattoo is a way for him to keep up with her. He couldn’t put it on her skin without her consent. She wants him to find again. Think about it Mason. Why would she want that?”
“Because she wants him.” Kevin nods.

“The wife,” she grins. “It’s okay Kaden. I’ll be fine. I have to help. It’s not just my job. It’s what I want to do.” Callie grabs at her gown, making sure she’s covered as she slides from the bed. “I’ll go in the bathroom to get changed,” she says as she looks for her clothes.
Jareth pulls several books from the shelves and heads to a table to start go through the them, he sighs and closes te first few books. He pulls a larger book from the bottom of the pile, this one was pretty old, he opens the cover and stares. "Oh my god..." He starts to flip through more pages before grabbing the book and returning to the apartment. "You won't believe this..." He's holding the book, then starts to clear the table to set it down, opening it the page with a drawing of Damon.

Kaden watches her and stands "No... You need your rest..." When she doesn't listen to him, he moves over to stand in front of her "Callie... You get back in that bed now... You need to rest... And you'll get it if I have to tie you down..." He uses his more commanding voice.
They all look up at Jareth startled as he comes in. The book opens, and Mason looks at the drawing. “Okay Jareth. What can you tell us about him?”

Nicholas steps into her room . He hears the tone in Kaden’s voice. He knows that tone. It actually excites him a little. His cock twitches in his pants. A soft blush spreads across his face, and he smiles just before stepping inside.

Callie freezes and looks at him. “Yes Sir. I’ll get back in bed. I’m sorry. I’ll rest.” She backs her way to the bed and climbs back inside covering up. Her eyes look away from Kaden over to Nicholas. “Callie, I’ll talk to you in just a minute. Kaden, can I see you in the hall for a minute?” He would wait until he was in the hall with him before slowly closing her door. “She’s the one. I saw you with her and her reaction to you. She’s the one. She lives alone. We could bring her home, and you could train her. She’s our house slave. What do you think?”
He looks to Kevin "Who is he..." He starts to flip through a the book, coming to a page with another picture, this of the devil, controlling a human surrounded by a dark aura. "I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner..." He looks to Mason "As bad as he is... He could be just what we're looking for..."

Kaden looks over to see Nicholas, at first he thought he had done something wrong, he glances at Callie before following him out. "I'm sorry is shoul..." He stares at Nicholas "Wait what... Her?" He glances through the window "She's cute baby... But... She has family..." He looks at him "I know she says they don't care... But what if..." He looks down and blushes slightly "Well... I see watching me... Got you excited..." He looks up at him.
“Just what we’re looking for? What are you talking about,” Mason asks. “If he’s bad, why do we want him around at all?”

Nicholas’ blush spreads further. “Yeah. It did. You’re gonna have to take care fo that later. Baby I’ve known her for years, and I’ve only seen her father once. That was when I had to contact him, and the man didn’t care that she was even alive. She was sick then baby, and I had to contact him so I could treat her. His exact words to me where, and I promise you I’ll never forget them, “Do whatever. Whatever happens, don’t send me any bills. She’s not my worry anymore. Come on. Do you really want her to go home alone to a house like that. Look at her,” he rests his hand on the glass of the window. “Can you honestly tell me you didn’t see how she reacted to you and that it did nothing for you? If you can, then I’ll drop it.”
He points to the picture "He's the prince of darkness... Here... He's controlling someone possessed... By darkness..."

Kaden smiles softly at his comment about taking care of him, then looks at the room and bites his lip slightly. "Well... She was quite responsive..." He looks to Nich again "Ok... But I still want to talk to the others... This effects them to..." He glances back at her "Is she... Pure?" He says softly in case they were over heard.
"Darkness. darkness, and Mari too? Jareth could he help me get rid of it?"

"I understand you wanting to talk to everyone. I agree. They should. As for her being pure," he says stepping closer to him, "I've never seen her with anyone, male or female. I don't know, but if I had to wager a guess, I'd say yes. Now. Do you want to contact the others before I offer to let her stay with us, or should offer her that, let the others meet her, and then tell them what we want to do?"
Jareth looks at him "I believe he could... But..." He looks back at the picture "He could also make it take you completely... And my powers... Are no match for his..."

Kaden watches her through the glass, she looked so small and lost, but someone with her looks should be out and having fun. "I think they should meet her first... I think Mel will love her..." He smiles slightly.
Kevin takes the book and closes it. "Then no. We're not doing this. If there's a chance he could something like that, then the answer is no. I'm sorry Jareth, but I'm putting my foot down on this one. We'll find another way."
"What if there isn't," Mason asks him. "We'll find another way Mason. This is too dangerous. We could lose you, and that's not gonna happen." He stands and takes Jareth's book off the table. "No."

Nicholas smiles looking in at her. "Yeah. Mel is gonna love her." He pushes the door open and heads inside. "Well, looks like you're cleared to go home, but I want you to stay with someone for a few days."
"You know I can't do that. I don't know....."
"You'll stay with us. There are other people staying there that won't mind at all. Get dressed so we can take you home. No arguments. Don't make me get Kaden to tell you. We'll be waiting just outside the door. Oh, before I go, did they order a pregnancy test on you," he asks her. "No," she shakes her head blushing. "Why do you ask that?"
"Just making sure. I didn't see one ordered, and you know if a woman isn't sure about her last period we order one. We don't want any tests we may run or meds we may give to interfere with a baby."
"I know. I'm not pregnant. Trust me," she rolls her eyes slightly. "There's no chance of that happening."
"Okay," he nods before taking Kaden outside. "Either she's not having sex now, or she's never had sex before. Had to do a little scouting," he winks.
Jareth looks at Kevin, then to Mason "Yeah... There is still a lot of books to go through... I'll find another way..." He moves to pull Mason close "I won't lose you... And I won't give up..."

Kaden listens from the door as Nicholas talks to Callie and smiles slightly, he would order her if he had to, but was glad he didn't have to yet. He grins slightly at Nich's line of questions and watches him as he walks out of the room, following him. "Bad boy..." He smirks.
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