Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Jareth holds him as close as he can and only breaks the kiss when Kevin wants to, he rests against his forehead and smiles at him "You enjoy that little angel..." He rubs his cheek softly and kisses him lightly "As for what I was going to ask you... Mason wants me to fuck Mari... Help her relax like it did before..."

Kaden looks at Nich and tilts his head "Whats so funny... I heard you laughing..." He holds Callie close, she had curled into his chest slightly.
"Alright," he says, still trying to catch his breath. "But not for Mari. For Karen. She deserves to have her mother." Mason nods. "Thank you baby," he tells him, rubbing his thigh.

"The cab driver," he says as the doors open. "I think he's never seen sexual freaks before," he tells as he steps inside. "I never got Jareth on the phone. Hope they guys are....decent."
Jareth smiles "This is all for Karen... She's a sweet little girl... Now... Enough about them..." He gives Kevin another kiss before moving down to Mason "I do believe you wanted me too lover... Well I want you... So.." He turns around and moves so he's at Mason's crotch, he smirks and starts to open his pants.

"There's a little girl there... They wouldn't be doing anything... At least in the open..." He smiles and steps in with him "You should call Aliya and let her know about the traffic... And that we got back alright..."
Mason smiles as he advances. Kevin rests, taking deep breaths. He makes no attempt to cover himself. "I did baby. I still do." Mason isn't about to try and take control this time. He doesn't want to. "Take me baby. Make Fuck me. I wanna feel you. I want your cum dripping out of my ass."

"Yeah. Guess you're right. Not a bad idea about calling Aliya too. She can try to avoid all this traffic when she comes home." He dials her cell and waits. "No answer." He stares at his phone for a minute before shrugging. "She could be busy though. She's at work after all." The elevator doors open, and Nicholas steps out. He opens the door and steps inside to see Karen watching tv. "Hey Kid. Where is everybody?" She eating a bowl of cereal with her eyes glued to the tv. "Melanie is sleeping, and the guy are having sex." Nicholas has to cover his mouth to keep from laughing. "Alright. Thank you. Well now. How's that for honesty Kaden? You could put her down one of the bedrooms."
Jareth looks up at him "Alright..." He grins and moves to get behind him, he removes his pants completely and lifts his ass up, he rubs it softly. "So... You wanna but fucked huh..." He smacks his ass lightly, then rubs it again and squeezes lightly "Say pretty please..." He grins and gets the lube, slowly lubing them up.

Kaden steps in and smiles at Karen, then blinks at what she says "Yeah..." He glances at Nicholas "Ok..." He heads towards the back rooms and smirks as he hears Jareth 'Someone's having fun...' He goes to an empty room and lays her on the bed, covering her up, he leaves the room and closed the door. He then goes to check on Mel, entering her room silently and moving to the bed, he gently crawls in beside her and watches her sleep.
Mason grin. “You want me to say what? Please pretty?” He knew exactly what he was doing.

Nicholas sinks down on the couch not too far from Karen. He tries to call Aliya again. ‘No answer still? What’s going on?’ Karen turns to him. “She’s in your office. Sleeping.” He puts his phone down. “Really? So she’s just taking a nap. Alright. Thanks kid. At least now I won’t worry so much.”
“She went through the swirly door with that man again. He brought her to your office.” Nicholas leans forward. “What did you say?”
“Damon, the man from the swirly door last night, took her again today. They were on the roof, and he took her through the door again. He brought her back after a long time. She was in his arms. He put her on your bed.” Nicholas stands up. “Thanks kid.” He heads towards the room where he thought Jareth was. Tapping on the door he says, “Jareth, I hate to interupt, but we might have a problem.”

Melanie stirs slightly as he crawls close. “Hi M’Lord,” she whispers, reaching for his face.
Jareth was about to get rougher like Mason wanted, but pauses and looks to the door "What bad timing..." He growls slightly and sits on the bed, he makes Mason lay down, "Hold on baby..." He looks back to the door "Come in Doc... What's the problem?"

Kaden smiles at her and leans into her touch "Hey baby girl..." He leans closer and kisses her softly, rubbing her cheek.
Nicholas opens the door, keeping his gaze down. "Karen says that Aliya went with the man through the swirly door again today. Damon." Kevin sits up. "She was with him again today?"
"Yeah. She said Aliya is sleeping in my office at work. Damon was carrying her. I don't know what he did to her, but at least we know where she's at. How bad is it for him to keep taking her there?"
"Not good," Kevin says. "Every time he takes her there, she becomes more addicted to it there. Like Mason with drinking, she can become addicted to how it feels there and to him."
"So what do we need to do? Is there anything we can do? I don't know if I should go get her or not. Kaden and I have something we want to talk to all of you about, and it's really important. Maybe I'll go check on her after we do that."

"I missed you. Congratulations one being married, even if it's me. I'm happy for you."
Jareth watches and listens, Kevin was better in charge of this one "What should we do Kev... You know more then I do..." He looks back at Nicholas "What could be more important?"

Kaden kisses her again "Thank you... And I missed you too..." He shifts closer "You know it doesn't change how I feel for you..." He smiles "Look at it this way... We just became more taboo..." He laughs softly "We are both cheating on our husbands..." He shifts again and puts his hand on her belly "Hey little ones... Have you been good for mommy..." He looks down at her belly with a soft smile.
Nicholas blushes. "You'll see."
"If she's sleeping, let her sleep. At least she's not with him. We need to tell Karen to tell us if she sees her with Damon again."

"Yeah. They've been good today. Not too active, but I imagine they're starting to run out of room in there." She glances back up to him. "Maybe I should do to you what you did to me. Take you home and drug you and tell you Nicholas is someone you made up while you were in a coma. Make you my husband. Make you forget him."
Jareth nods "Alright... We'll meet you in the living room in a few minutes... I can't leave someone hanging..." He grins and reaches behind him to lightly smack Mason's ass.

Kaden smiles and was about to lean down and kiss them when she spoke, a look a shock on his face "What..." He sits up and looks at her "But that wouldn't be the same at all... Mason... Mason was 'hurting' you... You weren't happy... That's why I..." He looks down at his hands "Nich... Is one of the best things..." He didn't know how he'd be if he lost Nicholas now, after finally finding someone who wanted him for him. He looks back at Mel, he loved her, very much so, and his children even more, he smiles at her and leans closer to kiss her. "And you don't have to do that... I love you... And I'm not going anywhere..." He kisses her.
Nicholas looks past Jareth to Mason, who looks over his shoulder and waves. "Oh," he exclaims, his face blushing wildly. "I..well then..I' then." He quickly closes the door and heads towards the living room. Kevin laughs. "He gets as flustered as I do."

Melanie looked at him, not wanting to speak all the thoughts she's having. 'So you're hurting me now. Does that mean Mason should leave and take me with him? I've lost two men to other men. Perhaps it's me. Maybe I should find a woman to fuck.' Nodding she smiles. "Okay. I know you still love me, and you're not going anyway. It was just..a joke really. A bad one at that. I'm sorry. Nicholas is really good for you. I can see that. He loves you so much." She kisses his lips. Melanie wanted him, but she was afraid things would feel different now that he was married. "I think I'm going to go get something cold to drink. Do you wanna come with me?"
Jareth chuckles as he leaves and turns back to them "Reminds me of you... Shortly after we got together... I swear your face was always red..." He looks to Mason and grins, showing a fang "Now... I do believe you were about to say something to me... Boy..." He shifts and lifts his ass again, rubbing it lightly where he smacked him.

Kaden watches her, then smiles "I was hoping for a bit more of a welcome home from you... But if you're really thirsty..." He leans over her slightly and kisses her again, he could tell she was upset, and he didn't like that, "Then tell me to stop..." His one hand holds him up as the other starts to work her dress up slowly.
Mason groans as he pulls him up. "Pretty please baby. Fuck me. Take my ass. I want you to." Kevin takes a slow deep breath as he closes his eyes. He open himself up, wanting to feel this.

She looks into eyes as she feels him pulling her dress up. Melanie was afraid this wouldn't feel the same. She swallowed hard, her emotions conflicting. "Stop," she whispered, "teasing me."
Jareth grins at Mason and gives his another light smack before lubing them up again, he teases him with a few fingers first. He then looks at Kevin and smirks "Here love... I want you to enjoy the show..." He tosses him the lube, he really enjoy watching him masturbate to them fucking, he runs his claws along Mason's back "You keep this ass up..." He smacks a bit harder, rubbing after, before starting to rock against him and slowly work himself in, teasing him.

Kaden looks at her, then smirks "But that's half the fun..." He moves to kiss at her neck and sucks softly, his hand finds her panties and pushes them aside, starting to tease her slowly. "You know it like you worked up..." He kisses her again, deeply, slowly twisting their tongues together.
Mason lowers his head, enjoying Jareth. Kevin catches the lube and grins. He puts some on his hand and reaches for his already hardening member. Gripping himself lightly, he starts to work his shaft. Mason lifts his head groaning as he feels Jareth as he starts to enter him. “That’s it baby. Slower. I want to feel every inch of your cock sinking into me. Pretty please.”

“Yes..M’Lord. I know you do.” His kiss is arousing her, but Melanie is still afraid of how it will feel for him to make loe to her. “Maybe..we should..wait..a little..while. You just got married. Don’t you..want to..spend..this time..with your husband?”
Jareth growls low and continues to enter him slowly "Such a good boy..." He leans down and licks the back of his neck, one hand trailing down his thigh and under to lightly grip him. "Mmm... And so hard for me..." He slowly circles his tip as he pushes in a little more. "Nnn.."

Kaden smiles "I spent time with him... And it's not going to be a you verses him..." He kisses her softly and slowly slips his fingers into her, pumping them slowly "I love you both..." He smirks "Now moan for me M'lady..." He rubs her clit with his thumb.
Mason holds his breath for a moment as Jareth takes him in his hand. “ I’m..hard..for you.” He looks over to Kevin who is also standing at attention. “Moan for him,” Kevin tells him. Mason grins at how he’s becoming involved. He moans, looking right at Kevin. Kevin closes his eyes. “Yeah. Just like that.” Mason cries out louder as he feels Jareth continue to push inside him. “So..fucking..big!”

“I..I know. I just..was two.” Melanie gasps as she melts against him. “Yes,” she whimpers to him. “Thank you..M’lord. That feels..don’t..stop.” Melanie decided that she wouldn’t know if things felt any different with Kaden until she actually followed through. “I want you M’lord,” she told him before holding his face and kissing him deeply.
Jareth grins and growls a bit louder "Nnn... All the better to please you with..." He starts to stroke his slowly as he starts to move in him. He starts to lick and nip gently at his mark, he moans against it, then looks to Kevin "Tell him again..."

Kaden smiles "Good girl..." He kisses her a bit harder, the moves to help her get up, putting her in a doggy style pose "Gotta think about them too..." He rubs his hand over her belly and kisses up her as he pushes her dress further up. He moves away a moment to free himself, then gets closer and rocks against her slowly.
Mason tries to focus on taking all of him. He keeps waiting to feel Jareth’s body against him. “Come on baby,” he tells him. “I want it all. Don’t stop.” Kevin grins at Jareth. “Moan for me,” he tells Mason. “I wanna hear you moaning as Jareth fills your tight ass. Come on Mason. Cry out. Let me hear how good he feels inside you.” Mason opens his mouth and groans. “That’s it. Oh love take him. Make him moan for me. I want to hear him.”

Melanie moves with ease with Kaden’s help. Once she’s in position, and her dress is up higher, she waits to feel Kaden. She’s excited. Her heart skips a beat, and she holds her breath waiting. His body touches her, and she exhales. “Yes M’lord,” she begins. “Make love to me.”
"Nnn... As you wish..." He nips at his mark harder and quickly, but gently, fills him completely, resting against his back and panting slightly "Mmm... So tight and hot..." He continues to lick and nibble at his mark, he glances at Kevin to watch him, then starts to move in him.

"Who am I Mel..." He starts to push into her, slowly, he also runs hands over her body slowly, soon reaching her breasts. He frees them, then starts to gently squeeze and massage them, rubbing her nipples softly. "Mmm... These have gotten bigger..." He smirks by against her neck.
Mason cries out, moving his hips to help Jareth. Kevin grins, stroking his cock faster. “That’s it. Moan for me. Fuck him harder Jareth. Please. I want to hear the sound of your bodies slapping together.” Mason looked at Kevin, panting, smiling. He liked this side of Kevin. Kevin was directing the show. “Please Jareth,” he pleads. “Fuck he asked.” Mason reaches for Kevin’s leg. His hand grips his firmly. “I could move from here, slide up under your body Mason and suck your cock while he fucks you. What do you think of that idea?” Mason just stares at him. His cock twitches at the very thought.

She lowers her head slightly. “M’lord,” she breathes. “You are..M’lord.” Her breasts freed felt wonderful, and so did his warm hands touching her. Melanie’s nipples were more sensitive now, and his touch felt even better. “Yes,” she panted. Her eyes began to cloud over slightly as she felt her grip on reality begin to waver like it had when they were first together. Her body clearly relaxed before she began to move against him. “M’lord. Your name is..M’lord.”
Jareth looks up as Kevin starts to speak and give direction, he moans softly as he watches him pump himself, then growls low in pleasure as he feels Mason tighten at his words. "Nnn... You like that idea boy... Or do you like our little angel watch us as he pleases himself..." He nips a little harder at Mason's mark to give him a small burst of pleasure, not enough to have him cumming just yet. He hears Kevin's question to Mason and grins "Well boy... He asked you a question..." He smacks his ass lightly and picks up the pace, soon the soft sound of slapping skin can be heard, he was holding his hips tight.

Kaden smirks and continues to gently pinch and rub her nipples, massaging her breasts slightly now and then. "Good girl... Just relax... And enjoy..." He shivers slightly as he feels her starting to slip into her trance, the control he still had over her was almost drugging. "Moan for me... Tell me you wanna cum..." He kisses over her back and starts to enter her slowly, teasing her, wanting to work her up slowly to a large finish. "Mmm..." He moans softly, she was still quite tight "Nnn... Just relax Melanie... Feel me..." He starts to slowly pick up the pace, fucking her a bit harder, still keepin in mind she was pregnant, knowing her mind was elsewhere right now.
Mason lets out a long, ragged moan as Jareth slaps his ass. “Yes,” he finally answers Kevin. Kevin grins, still stroking his own cock. “Good. Then you’ll suck my cock while I suck yours’ and lick Jareth’s balls as he fucks you. Be still love,” he tells Jareth before he begins to move into place. He lies on his back and begins to use his legs to push under Mason. Once he is where he wants to be, he wraps his arms around Mason’s waist and takes his cock without warning, quickly. Mason shudders, moaning, before he leans down and begins to suck Kevin. Kevin looks up, seeing Jareth’s sac. It makes his cock twitch. ‘Cum in his ass love. I want to watch.’

Melanie’s eyes are fully glossed over now. She smiles slightly. “I cum M’lord,” she tells him. “Please. Make me cum. Let me cum.” She moan softly as he begins to push inside her. “I feel you..M’lord. You good. Please..don’t stop. I love how you feel. So wanted. So loved. Perfect.” Again she moans for him, her back arching slightly as she pushes her breasts into his hands.
Jareth groans as Mason agrees and stills when Kevin tells him, only to moan out loud as Kevin takes Mason and he tightens around him before he starts to suck Kevin back "F-Fuck... You t-two..." He rests his was against Mason's back and groans again as he starts to move again, feeling their excitement flowong back through their bond. "Mmm... S-So close... Fuck... I'm gonna... Ahh!" Their combined sensations so suddenly had been too much for him to hold back, he cries out a he thrusts quickly and cums, thrusting into him hard and deep as he fills him.

The way Mel so easily slipped back into her role as his plaything had Kaden moaning softly and shaking as he was thrusting into her. He reaches under to start teasing her clit, or he'd be cumming before her, he nips lightly at the back of her neck. If Nich was to walk in right now, Kaden wouldn't even notice, he was so focused on his little Melanie doll. "Good girl... Now cum for me baby... Don't hold back..." He rubs her clit quickly and fucks her as hard as he can safely, he was so close "Nnn!!" He thrusts deep and stills as he fills her, his body shaking.
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