Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Not expecting it, Jareth falls back, landing on his ass "What!? Mason!" He growls and stands up, hitting the door, "Mason... I will break this door!" He growls louder, then hears him call for Melanie "I won't let you!" He grabs the door and gives it a pull, breaking the lock, he opens the door and steps out, reaching out to grab his wrist. "You won't hurt anyone..." He pulls him back and glares into his darkening eyes "You wanna leave this room... Boy... You get by me!" He pulls him into the room and shoves him towards the bed as he blocks the door. 'Stay away... I need to bring him back... I'm ok...' He whispers to Kevin as he moves closer to Mason. "I know this isn't you baby..."
"The fuck it's not me," Mason tells him, the darkness clear in his voice as he leaps to his feet. "Go through you? My pleasure demon. Remember. I am Mason Weathers. That means the power of the Weather's line runs through my veins. Power that you have awakened. I'm not some silly woman who feeds off men when they cum. You can overpower her. Remember who has claimed, who had ruled you demon! Now out of my way," he yells as he grabs him.

Kevin looks up. 'Okay. I'll stay away and keep everyone away.' Melanie hears him call her and smiles at Kaden. "Let me go see what my husband wants."
"No Mel. Stay in here."
"Why," she asks him. "Something is going on with him and Jareth. Just please, stay here. He's not....himself right now, and Jareth doesn't want anyone getting hurt." She hears Mason yelling at Jareth to move. "What is he doing to him," she asks. "Out of my Kevin! Now!" She tries to push him out of the way. "Move!"
Jareth growls at him "We are mates... You don't own me... Or control me..." He forces him back to the bed "I love you Boy... And this is how I'll prove it..." He uses his claws and slashes at his clothes, cutting them open, he kisses him roughly and pushes him into the bed. "Nnn..." He follows him and starts to remove his clothes.

Kaden moves to help "Mel... Baby calm down... Kevin what's going on?" He gently, but firmly holds her back.
Mason grunts as he forces him to the bed. “What the….Stop it demon,” he yells as Jareth’s claws shred his clothes. “Demon! Get away from me! I’ll…..” Jareth’s lips kiss his before he can finish. Mason doesn’t return his kiss. He fights him. Breaking it, he wipes his lips with his forearm. “Demon slime! Don’t you ever do that again!” As he realizes he’s taking his clothes off, Mason laughs. “What? You think you’re gonna fuck me? Not on your life, and that’s exactly what it’ll cost you if you do!”

“The darkness is taking Mason. He’s..not right now. I’m sorry Mel. We can’t let you near him while he’s like this. People might get hurt if they go near him while he’s like this. Jareth is a demon. He can handle him. He’s going to bring him back. Don’t ask what he’s doing. Please,” he blushes.

“Daddy,” her voice asked softly as she made her way down the hall slowly. “Are there? What’s going on?”
Jareth growls again "I know you want me... I know Mason wants me..." He quickly pins his arms above his head and continues to push his clothes off him, his claws lightly running over his skin. Then he freezes, hearing Karen outside the door, he looks away, towards the door. 'Karen!?'

Kaden holds her "Mason... Is..." He holds Mel closer "Baby... Let Jareth handle this... He won't let Mason get hurt... Or hurt anyone..."
Mason takes his opportunity when Jareth looks away. He shoves him hard, feeling him grunt. "Get off me demon!" Karen looks at the door surprised. "Daddy! What's wrong?! I'm coming in," she yells as she begins to hurry towards the door.

"Let..Jareth handle it. Alright. I'm trusting him. He better not hurt Mason. If he does....Karen?"
Jareth grunts as Mason shoves him, then quickly turns back to him "Bad idea..." He growls and his eyes flash red 'Someone get the girl...' His voice came out deep and with a growl in Kevin's head. "My mate is in there... And I'm not letting You have him..." He flips Mason over and pins him, then finishes removing his pants. "You're gonna feel me Boy... And you're gonna wake up..." He removes his own pants before starting to get him ready.

Kaden holds Mel "They will be... Karen?!" He pushes Mel gently to Kevin and head for the back rooms "Karen? Baby you can't go in there..." He quickly runs up and pulls her away, picking her up and head of back to the kitchen. "He'd never forgive himself if he hurt you..." He holds her close and looks at her, "Jareth can take care of him..."
Mason cries out before laughing as he flips him over. "Feel you? Sounds like someone is horny. Don't you have another mate? Go to him, unless of course, you'd rather have me. Go ahead demon boy. Fuck me. I'll still be the same person!" Mason arches his back, nearly writhing around for Jareth. "Go ahead. Take it demon boy. Show me what you can do."

Karen looks at him afraid. "He's just like my mom now. The darkness has him. I lost my dad too." Melanie leads Kevin into the kitchen. She puts her hand on her head before looking to Kaden. She doesn't want to ask him what happens if she's right.
Jareth growls again and smacks his ass, rubbing it slightly before starting to press into him "I'm not fucking you... I'm loving my mate..." Pressing in more, then reaching under to run his claws over his cock slowly. "Reminding him I'm still here... That I love him..." He growls louder and presses in more, starting to thrust slightly. "Nnn... Letting him know I'll never stop fighting for him... Never stop loving him..." Growls louder and bares his fangs "Letting him know you'll never win, his body belongs to him!"

Kaden hugs her close, then sits her on the counter, he holds her shoulders gently and looks st her "Now you listen here... We're is that coming from..." He cups her cheek gently "Jareth loves your father... Very much... And he'll fight to keep him around... Trust him... As long as he's still around, you're parents will be fine... Ok?" He smiles at her "And we can't give up hope either..."
Mason laughs as he slaps his ass. He’s feeling no pain. As Jareth pushes in, the darkness will not allow him to feel any pleasure. “You’re wasting your time demon.” His voice drops lower. “He. Is. Mine.” The more Jareth speaks, his hold begins to fade. One thing he has said has weakened the darkness the most. Mason lifts his head shaking, feeling Jareth just long enough to say, “s-say it again, that you love me baby.”

“Okay,” she says blinking back her tears. “I won’t give up.” Melanie strokes her hair. “We won’t either. Your dad loves you, and he’s a strong man. He’s been through a lot. He can make it through this too.”
Jareth noticed the shift in his power and heard him speak, the real Mason, he smiles "I love you... And will always love you... I love Mason... My mate..." He growls again and lightly runs his claws down his back, gently picking up the pace of his thrusts. "Nnn... You are not evil... And if this is what it takes... Mmm to remind you..." He kisses and nips across his back.

Kaden dabs at her eyes with a cloth "That's right... None of us will give up on them... That's what a family does... And you're a part of this family..." He kisses her forhead and pulls her into a soft hug.
The darkness slips a bit further, and Mason takes a deep breath. “ you baby! Don’t..stop! I’ll never..stop..loving you! Get out..of me! You can’!” The darkness retreats from him, and Mason groans. “Jareth! My love! My baby! My mate! I love you! Thank you!” He lowers his head, ready to cum at any second. He hadn’t realized just how hard he was, but now that the darkness was at bay, he could feel everything.

“Family. Haven’t had that around before. Kinda..strange.”
“But in a good way kid, right,” Kevin asks. “Yeah. In a good way. Thank you Kaden and Melanie.”
“Anytime sweetheart.”
Jareth was panting and thrusts a bit faster "Nnn... I love you too... Mmm... Now be a good boy and cum for me..." He starts to stroke him quickly, his thumb rubbing over his tip, he could feel him getting tighter and moans. "T-That's it... Nnn... C-Cum for... Fuck!" He groans as Mason's orgasm hits and he squeezes him tight, forcing his own to hit, he bucks against him as they ride it out. "Nnn..." He holds him and rolls to the side, holding him close and panting heavily. "Mason..."

Kaden smiles at her "We'll get you your mother back... And your father may slip... But Jareth and Kevin are there to help him back up..." He glances at Kevin to confirm, but noticed him shaking slightly and his eyes a bit glazed over.
His release was strong, and Mason felt everything from Jareth. As he rolled them over, Mason grabbed Jareth's arms and held him tight against his chest. "Baby..thank you. I don't know..what happened. I was mad..and it felt great..but then I don't remember..much. Thank you." He brings his hands up to his lips and kisses them.

"Kevin," Melanie calls as she nears him. He hand reaches out and touches his shoulder, and Kevin doubles over. "Kevin? Are you alright?" He's panting as he nods. "Yeah. I'm fine. I just..need to go..and change my clothes." He looks up while still bend over blushing. "Why? What happened? Oh," she blushes. "Nevermind. Go ahead." She heads back to Kaden grinning.
He holds him close, almost curling around him "You got mad... Becasue of Kaden and Nich's announcement... Which I expected, and was trying to keep you calm... If you don't want this to happen love... Say so... Kaden doesn't want to push you away again..." He holds him a bit closer "But... I was surprised... About who 'you' wanted to go after... Baby... You wanted to attack Mel... The babies..." He looks to the door "Then Karen came to the door..." He can hear Kevin heading towards them 'Push hard enough... You can get in here...' He nuzzles into Mason's neck "Don't bottle things up love... Talk with me... I will help you... Always..."

Kaden smiles at him "Guess he couldn't hold it all back... How's Mason?" He was still hugging Karen and rubbing her back softly, helping her stay calm.
“No. I’m fine with him doing this I just..don’t want to be around..her..while he’s..doing..what he do. Alright? Besides, a house slave could be good. She would be the one cleaning up these sheets,” he grins. “I could never hurt Mel. She’s my wife, and I love her. She’s the mother of my child.” He can see keeping to himself isn’t the best way to be. “Alright baby. I’ll talk to you from here on out when something is bothering me. Alright, and if I don’t, you can spank me.”

“He’s fine,” Kevin says on his way out. ‘Oh you two owe me,’ he tells Jareth on this way to the room. He pushes the door open and enters. Once inside he stands upright and shows them. “Look at what you made me do. In front of Kaden, Mel, and Karen.”
Jareth smiles softly and nuzzles him again "Good..." He looks up when Kevin enters and blushes, hiding slightly behind Mason "I'm sorry... I tried... He was just... It was bad this time" He sits up and calls him closer "Come here baby... Besides clothes... Do you need anything more?" He smiles at him.

Kaden smiles and blushes softly, still holding Karen and looking at Mel "You hear that Sweety... Your dad's just fine now... You'll be able to see him soon..." He looks down at her "Would you like anything?"
Mason can't help but giggle at Kevin. "It's not funny," he tells him, not able to hide his own laughing. "Okay. Maybe a little. You two have got to warn me next time so I'm not standing in the same room as other people when this happens."
"Fair enough," Mason tells him. "We'll warn you."
"Good," he says stepping closer to Jareth. "Clothes would be good. Speaking of clothes, Mason why don't you fix yours' and go see your daughter. She's worried about you." He nods. "Not a bad idea. As much as I would love to stay here with you baby, she comes first." He slide from the bed and adjusted his clothes and kissed Jareth before kissing Kevin and heading towards the kitchen. "You wanna help me get changed," Kevin asks, blushing.

"No thank you. I'm fine. So Melanie, what are we gonna do tonight since it's gonna be me and you?"
"Well, I thought we could order some pizza, polish off the ice cream, and watch movies." Karen smiles at her, but her face lights up when she sees Mason. "That sounds....daddy!" She slides from the counter and runs up to him. "Hey baby," he says picking her up. "Thanks. Both of you. Really, and Kaden, I don't want to change my vote. I still say go for it. I just don't want to be around when you do what you're going to have to do. Okay?"
Jareth chuckles softly and watches them "It was a in the moment thing... But I'll try to warn you next time love..." He kisses Mason softly "As it should be... Give her a hug from me too..." He looks back to Kevin and smiles "Sure Baby... I'll even magic you in some new clothes..." He pulls him closer and kisses him softly "Would you like me to make it up to you now... Or later?"

Kaden smiles at him slightly "That won't be a problem... I'll be taking her to Nich's private Island... I know full well how you feel about this... And had no intention of making you watch..." He walks over to him and pats his shoulder "I'm sorry if I caused that little... Episode... It was not our intention..." He frowns slighlty, then looks at Karen "So... Pizza, Ice cream, and movies... You have a fun night planned..."
"Why can't I have both," Kevin asks as he starts to undress for Jareth. "Are you enjoying watching your little angel strip for you love?"

"Thank you, "Mason tells him. "It..was what caused it, but I don't blame you." He grins. "This talking out my feelings with people is weird, but I do feel better telling you that. Great. Now I get to tell my mate he was right." Melanie can't help but smile. "And you," he says putting Karen down and moving closer to her. "I love you with all my heart. Always." He gently kisses her lips. "I am so sorry I wasn't the husband you wanted."
"Mason don't," she whispers to him. "If I had been, who knows where we would be right now. You wouldn't have gone through what you did, and neither would I."
"But we wouldn't be where we are either. No Jareth. No Kevin. No Kaden. No Karen."
"Yeah," he says looking back at her. "I can't help but wonder though baby, and now, we'll never know."
"Sure you can," Karen tells them. "I can make you forget all of this." Mason looks to Kaden. "You can? Like Jareth?" She nods. "Yep. Just as easy as pizza, ice cream, and a movie. Wanna stay home with us," she asks Kaden.
Jareth looks at him and shivers "Mmm... Do you really have to ask..." He purrs softly and starts to remove his shirt, watching his little angel give him a strip tease.

Kaden watches him and Mel talk and moves to step away, knowing he was the cause of this pain, until Karen speaks, he looks at Mason, then at her. "What... You mean... Forget it all... Lose everyone we have worked so hard to hold on to..." He takes a step back and holds his hand, rubbing his finger over his ring and looking to Mel's stomach.
"No," Kevin tells him rushing up to him and stopping him from opening his shirt. Kevin's shirt still hung over his shoulder, but it was opened. "Let me. I want to." With each button he opens, his lips kiss his chest. "Please. Don't deny me this pleasure."

"Yes. I can make people forget. I can give new memories too. Make people believe whatever I want." Mason takes a step closer. "So you could make Kaden here think he met Nicholas some other way, they fell in love, and got married without any memories of me or Melanie?" She nods. "Yep."
Jareth put his hands up and smirks "Mmm... Ok baby.." He smiles and moans softly at each kiss, with his pants already off, it was easy to see how he was reacting to his treatment.

Kaden was genuinely getting scared, they had worked so hard to all be together, to be the family he had never had, and now Mason was thinking about changing everything, erasing everything. "No... My mind may forget... But my heart won't..." He was starting to take deeper breaths "This... Is my family... Please..." He looks at Melanie, he was starting to hyperventilate.
He slides his shirt off his shoulders. "I'll never stop loving you Jareth. Death didn't keep me from you. Nothing will." He kisses lips softly as his hands now work to remove his own pants. The sound of his belt opening and the zipper dropping was followed by the rustling of his pants as he pulled them down and stepped free of them. As he straightened, he stood with his shirt hanging from his shoulders and his boxers. Kevin slid the shirt off and tossed it aside. "Help me love," he whispered to him as he took Jareth's hands and placed them on his hips. Kevin nodded letting him know he wanted him to pull them down.

"M'lord," Melanie spoke as she moved closer. "Take it easy. Mason was just asking a question. He would never do that. Alright? Isn't that right Mason?" Mason took a step closer to him. "Yeah. That's right. Why would I take away everything that means anything to you? Do you think I'm kind of person?"
"Mason," Melanie says looking down to Karen. "Go in the next room and tell Nicholas to come here please, and stay in there until I tell you to come back." She nodded and headed into the next room calling for Nicholas. "Mason this isn't you. It's the darkness."
"No it's not Melanie. I'm perfectly fine. I just want to hear why, from his mouth, he thinks I would do this? Hmm? Is it because you did it to me? Oh I know you're sorry Kaden, and I know you wished you hadn't done it, but you did, and now you're married," he laughs, "to someone else. You took my wife, ruined my life, and then you left her for someone else. Now tell me why in the world you wouldn't want me to fix it so that none of us remember being hurt by a man who couldn't keep his dick in his pants, a man who couldn't settle for not having everything he wanted? He took you baby, like a thief stealing someTHING he wanted to possess. He didn't come to you, professing his love, hoping you would love him like I did. No. He stole you, and now he's with someone else. You want it all, don't you Kaden? My wife and your husband. What in the hell makes you think you should have it?"
"The same thing that makes you just as entitled," Nicholas tells him as he enters. "You want Melanie, but I don't see you turning down Jareth's cock. You're a hypocrite Mason. You're coming down on him for wanting two people when you're fucking almost every person in this house. Take a good long look at yourself before you come down on my husband." Mason blinked before turning away from them all. "I'm sorry Kaden. He's..right. I'm sorry. I guess all of this stirred up a lot of bad memories, things I wish I could keep buried."
Jareth growls low, then groans "I love you too Kev..." He returns the kiss just as softly, then watches him with a smile, he lifts his hands up to help him, but pauses in looks to the door a moment. He had felt Mason getting a bit upset, but then it went away, he looks back to Kevin and starts to slowly pull his boxers down.

Kaden was trying to calm his breathing, he heard Mel and Mason talking, deep down he knew Mason would never do it, but the fear he had of losing everything, was still something that gripped him strongly. He looks up when he hears Nicholas, then looks to Mason "I'm... I'm sorry too... You love Jareth, I know you would never..." He takes a deep breath "It just... Stirred up my own memories and fears..." He tries to smile slightly, "I don't think you're that kind of person... After what I've done you should be... But you're not..." He looks down "You and I have a lot to work out still... And I hope with time, we'll be able to..." He sends Nicholas a small smile.
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